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In the control group, mother-infant dyads will do four skin-to-skin contacts per week and receive standard care. Acceptability and feasibility of the NeuroN-QI in addition to maternal stress and anxiety will be measured through questionnaires, while infants' neurodevelopment will be assessed with Assessment of Preterm Infant Behaviour and General Movement Assessment.

This pilot trial will address knowledge gaps and generate evidence in neonatal care by evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of a multi-component developmental care intervention.

This project is an innovative step towards optimizing the neurodevelopmental trajectory of infants in NICUs and consequently promoting their long-term health outcomes.


NCT04593095.Inorganic polyphosphates (polyP) are polymers composed of phosphate residues linked by energy-rich phosphoanhydride bonds. As polyP can bind calcium, the hypothesis of this study is that polyP enters chondrocytes and exerts its anabolic effect by calcium influx through calcium channels. PolyP treatment of cartilage tissue formed in 3D culture by bovine chondrocytes showed an increase in proteoglycan accumulation but only when calcium was also present at a concentration of 1.5 mM. This anabolic effect could be prevented by treatment with either ethylene glycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid or the calcium channel inhibitors gadolinium and nifedipine. Calcium and polyP cotreatment of chondrocytes in monolayer culture resulted in calcium oscillations that were polyP chain length specific and were inhibited by gadolinium and nifedipine. The calcium influx resulted in increased gene expression of sox9, collagen type II, and aggrecan which was prevented by treatment with either calphostin, an inhibitor of protein kinase C, and W7, an inhibitor of calmodulin; suggesting activation of the protein kinase C-calmodulin pathway. Tracing studies using 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, Mitotracker Red, and/or Fura-AM staining showed that polyP was detected in the nucleus, mitochondria, and intracellular vacuoles suggesting that polyP may also enter the cell. learn more PolyP colocalizes with calcium in mitochondria. This study demonstrates that polyP requires the influx of calcium to regulate chondrocyte matrix production, likely via activating calcium signaling. These findings identify the mechanism regulating the anabolic effect of polyP in chondrocytes which will help in its clinical translation into a therapeutic agent for cartilage repair.

Immunohistochemistry for preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma (PRAME) has been studied in melanocytic lesions but not nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSCs). This study evaluated PRAME expression in NMSCs and dermoepidermal junction (DEJ) melanocytes in the surrounding skin.

Ninety-nine NMSCs were studied 23 Merkel cell carcinomas (MCCs), 25 well to poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), 14 basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), five basosquamous carcinomas, four sebaceous carcinomas, ten atypical fibroxanthomas, 11 dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, and seven leiomyosarcomas. Staining quality was considered low or high intensity. Staining quantity was reported as negative 0%, 1% to 24%, 25% to 50%, and >50%. DEJ melanocyte PRAME expression was recorded.

Forty-eight percent of NMSCs showed PRAME expression, mostly low intensity in fewer than 25% of cells. High-intensity expression was noted in one poorly differentiated SCC, six BCCs, and seven MCCs. Only MCCs showed expression in greater than 25% of tumor cells. Focal DEJ melanocytes expressed high-intensity PRAME in 18% of cases, most commonly SCCs (11/23).

PRAME is negative or expressed with low intensity in a small percentage of NMSCs, with the exception of some MCC showing high-intensity and diffuse staining. Focal DEJ melanocytes showed high-intensity PRAME reactivity in the skin surrounding some NMSCs.

PRAME is negative or expressed with low intensity in a small percentage of NMSCs, with the exception of some MCC showing high-intensity and diffuse staining. Focal DEJ melanocytes showed high-intensity PRAME reactivity in the skin surrounding some NMSCs.The β-adrenergic-like octopamine receptor (OA2B2), which binds the biogenic amine octopamine, belongs to the class of G-protein coupled receptors and significantly regulates many physiological and behavioral processes in insects. In this study, the putative open reading frame sequence of the MsOA2B2 gene in Mythimna separata was cloned, the full-length complementary DNA was 1191 bp and it encoded a 396-amino acid protein (GenBank accession number MN822800). Orthologous sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree analysis, and protein sequence analysis all showed that the cloned receptor belongs to the OA2B2 protein family. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction of spatial and temporal expression analysis revealed that the MsOAB2 gene was expressed in all developmental stages of M. separata and was most abundant in egg stages and second and fourth instars compared with other developmental stages, while the expression level during the pupal stage was much lower than that at the other stages. Further analysis with sixth instar M. separata larvae showed that the MsOA2B2 gene was expressed 1.81 times higher in the head than in integument and gut tissues. Dietary ingestion of dsMsOA2B2 significantly reduced the messenger RNA level of MsOA2B2 and decreased mortality following amitraz treatment. This study provides both a pharmacological characterization and the gene expression patterns of OA2B2 in M. separata, facilitating further research for insecticides using MsOA2B2 as a target.

To assess the state of the literature in the United States quantifying the societal economic cost of poor oral health among older adults.

Proponents of a Medicare dental benefit have argued that addressing the growing need for dental care among the US older adult population will decrease costs from systemic disease and other economic costs due to oral disease. However, it is unclear what the current economic burden of poor oral health among older adults is in the United States.

We conducted a scoping review examining the cost of poor oral health among older adults and identified cost components that were included in relevant studies.

Other than oral cancer, no studies were found examining the economic costs of poor oral health among older adults (untreated tooth decay, gum disease, tooth loss and chronic disease/s). Only two studies examining the costs of oral cancer were found, but these studies did not assess the full economic cost of oral cancer from patient, insurer and societal perspectives.

Future work is needed to assess the full economic burden of poor oral health among older adults in the United States, and should leverage novel linkages between medical claims data, dental claims data and oral health outcomes data.

Future work is needed to assess the full economic burden of poor oral health among older adults in the United States, and should leverage novel linkages between medical claims data, dental claims data and oral health outcomes data.

To explore contextual factors associated with overall dental service use, and investigate whether these factors influenced choice of the type of service according to the healthcare financing alternatives (public services; out-of-pocket services; and private health insurance), by adults and older individuals, based on the most recent Andersen's behavioural model.

Cross-sectional study with individual data on 17,305 adults from 177 Brazilian municipalities in the National Oral Health Survey (SBBrasil 2010). Municipal-level information was obtained from health information systems and census data. Multilevel multinomial logistic regression was carried out for multivariable analysis.

In the previous year, 38.2% of the individuals visited the dentist; of which 21.4% used out-of-pocket spending, 11.6% used public services and 5.2% private dental insurance. Municipalities with population coverage of public primary dental care >80% had higher chances of using public services (OR=1.28, 95%CI1.00-1.64) than thoce use for those with reduced access and decrease private service use.Recombinant factor VIII Fc fusion protein (rFVIIIFc) has been indicated for adults and children with hemophilia A. The objective of this article was to build a population pharmacokinetic (PK) model using adult and pediatric data sets and explore relevant dosing scenarios across all ages. The activity-time profiles of rFVIIIFc from 3 clinical studies (all trials registered at https// NCT01027377, NCT01181128, and NCT01458106) were characterized, and covariates that determine variability of rFVIIIFc PK in children and adults were identified and implemented. Data sets were pooled to estimate population PK parameters. Simulations were conducted to generate activity-time profiles at steady state (SS). The proportion of subjects maintaining SS trough >1 and >3 IU/dL and time >10 IU/dL were estimated. The rFVIIIFc model was a two-compartment model that identified weight and von Willebrand factor as significant covariates. Model-predicted SS peaks and troughs of rFVIIIFc activity-time profiles confirmed the necessity of modifying dosing in pediatric subjects. The model also predicted that the average subject in the adult and adolescent group dosed with 40 IU/kg every 2 days maintained factor VIII activity >10 IU/dL for the entire duration. Children aged 10 IU/dL for nearly two-thirds and three-quarters of their time, respectively. In conclusion, these population PK analyses characterize activity-time profiles for rFVIIIFc among pediatric and adult subjects. The model was used for simulation of clinically relevant dosing scenarios, which can provide better protection and better clinical outcomes.NIR light-induced polymerization has attracted more and more attention in the photopolymerization field due to the possibility to use safer and more penetrating wavelengths, reducing the hazardousness. Here, a novel perspective for the free radical polymerization of acrylate-based monomers based on triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion (TTA-UC) is proposed, avoiding the introduction of heavy metals, usually required in the TTA processes. Thermal imaging experiments and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy are respectively used to record the temperature during NIR irradiation and measure the reactive function conversion. The competition between the TTA-UC and the NIR photothermal activation is investigated to compare the relative efficiency of both NIR processes. In view of the results obtained by the different methods, the photothermal effect seems to get the upper hand over the photoactivation of the system.Vitamin C (VC) is an essential nutrient for many animals. However, whether insects, including Bombyx mori, can synthesize VC remains unclear. In this article, the optimized HPLC method was used to determine the content of l-ascorbic acid (AsA) in silkworm eggs, larvae and pupae, and the activity of l-gulono-1,4-lactone oxidase (GULO), a key enzyme in VC synthesis. The RNA interference method was used to determine the effect of the BmGulo-like gene on embryonic development and GULO activity in the pupal fat body. The AsA content increased significantly during E144 h-E168 h in the late embryonic stage and P48 h-P144 h in the middle-late pupal stage, in which exogenous VC was not ingested. Furthermore, the body AsA content in larvae fed VC-free feed also increased with larval stage. The GULO enzymatic activity was present in eggs and the fat bodies of larvae and pupae, even when the larvae were reared with fresh mulberry leaves. Moreover, the activity was higher in the later embryonic stages (E144 h-E168 h) and the early pupal stage (before P24 h).

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