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The results obtained by LIBS analysis were verified by microwave-assisted digestion of inks and analysis by ICP OES. Lastly, a real situation test was conducted where a forged document was analyzed by the proposed methodology as an alternative to distinguish between two inks of the same color, originating from different pens. For this proof of concept study, seventeen samples were evaluated, but further studies related to heterogeneity between pulses and samples should be carried out.Vanadium cluster anions are highly reactive making the preparation of pure Vn- and the observation of their reactivity extremely challenging. Herein, well-resolved anionic Vn- clusters are prepared enabling an in-depth study on their reactions with O2 in the gas phase. While pure metal clusters of a magic number are not identified due to the strong V-O bonding, interestingly an unexpected oxide V11O15- was experimentally observed in surviving O2 etching reactions. First-principles theory calculations indicate that V11O15- possesses a body-centered pentagonal prism structure (D5h, ), with the V@V10 core fully protected by 15 oxygen bridges. Such an oxygen-protected metal cluster [V@V10O15]- exhibits typical superatom orbital features pertaining to the V@V10 core which shows effective metal-metal coordination bonding. Meanwhile, the high stability of [V@V10O15]- is reinforced by the V-O-V conjugation interactions which help to maintain the structural integrity, resulting in 3D inorganic aromaticity. This finding of such an oxygen-passivated superatom cluster sheds light on the bonding nature in ligand-protected metal clusters via wet synthesis.Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is an undifferentiated and highly aggressive type of thyroid cancer and is extremely resistant to standard therapies such as surgical resection and radioactive iodine therapy. Although targeted therapeutic agents including small molecule drugs and monoclonal antibodies are rapidly developed in recent years, no ATC targeted drugs are available to date; thereby, novel targeted therapies are needed to improve the outcomes of ATC patients. Aptamers are single-stranded DNA (or RNA) molecules that can selectively bind to cancer specific antigens, and aptamer-based targeted therapy has certain advantages over that based on antibodies due to its high binding affinity and low immunogenicity. Here, we identified that CD133, a cancer stem cell marker, was specifically expressed in ATC tumor tissues and cells, implying that CD133 is a potential drug target for ATC therapy. Additionally, we successfully obtained a CD133 targeted aptamer AP-1 by paired cell-based SELEX, which can precisely recognize CD133 antigen in vitro. Furthermore, the truncated AP-1-M aptamer from its precursor AP-1 has shown higher binding affinity for CD133, and specifically accumulated in anaplastic thyroid cancer FRO cell derived tumor in vivo. Capivasertib order Conjugation of truncated AP-1-M with doxorubicin could dramatically inhibit CD133 positive FRO cell proliferation, induce cell apoptosis in vitro, and also suppress tumor growth in FRO cell xenograft mice in vivo. Our results clearly demonstrated that the CD133 targeted aptamer AP-1-M conjugated with anticancer drugs has potential to become a promising therapeutic approach against ATC in the near future.The purpose of this work is to discuss the importance and possible application of some foundations of quantum mechanics in the health-disease process, considering for this, that the laws and foundations of atomic theory are the same that govern displacement in space and time in human beings. Based on the impossibility of determining the displacement of subatomic particles in a given space and time, as a consequence of not having measuring instruments for said microscales, we propose feasible that the same happens with the uncertainty generated by the times and movements of human beings in really large spaces, reason why the analysis of the temporo-spatial location of a moving subject, in a certain time and space is impossible, fact that we consider, could represent the behavior in Pandemics. The foundations of quantum mechanics that have been considered for this purpose are dynamic systems, the Schrödinger cat paradox, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the law of gases, times and movements, and the Maxwell-Boltzmann entropy. On the other hand, it is proposed to consider the adaptation of measurement ecis ecisión statistical procedures (decisión tree and set theory) and finally the implementation of a unitary probabilistic cube is proposed, which allows locating a subject immersed in the health process disease through three axes developed considering the definition of health stipulated by the WHO.

Heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction (HFmrEF) has been proposed as a distinct heart failure (HF) phenotype. Interatrial block (IAB) is a conduction delay between the atria and is associated with cardiovascular disease. Although there are several studies examining the effect of IAB in patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction and HF with preserved ejection fraction, a literature review did not reveal any study investigating the clinical importance of the presence of IAB in patients with HFmrEF. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate clinical characteristics of HFmrEF with and without IAB.

A total of 520 consecutive patients with HFmrEF in sinus rhythm who were examined at outpatient clinics were enrolled in the study (244 patients with IAB and 276 patients without IAB). Surface 12-lead standard electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded. Clinical characteristics, echocardiographic examination results, and laboratory values of the patients were recorded.

The mean age of the patients watients, as well as to guide follow-up and appropriate treatment.Endometriosis is a chronic condition causing menstrual pain, irregular bleeding and infertility among women. Although usually in the pelvis, it can manifest in atypical places. We describe a 39-year old woman with a previous endometriosis diagnosis who presented three times on the second menstrual day with dyspnea and chest pain. Imaging showed right-sided pneumothorax on all three occasions. Thoraco-scopy revealed endometriosis-like lesions. Histology was suggestive of endometriosis. After treatment with chemical pleurodesis and hormonal suppression she has remained symptom-free. Diagnosis should be obtained by concomitant thoraco- and laparoscopy with biopsies to verify the disease and give a basis for appropriate treatment.

The aim of this study is to encourage a discussion on patient safety and public responses to serious incidents in healthcare. Triggered by the first of its kind in Iceland, it addresses the question what characterizes attitudes towards criminal charges for a serious incident in healthcare.

In this comparative study we examined whether attitudes towards culpability of healthcare professionals differed between cohorts from a random national panel and registered Icelandic nurses. Both groups were asked whether a healthcare professional should face criminal charges if causing serious harm or death due to human error, accident, neglect or intent. Answers were given on a Likert scale.

When asked if a healthcare professional causing serious harm or death due to human error or by accident should face criminal charges, nurses were significantly more likely to somewhat or strongly disagree, while the panel was significantly more likely to somewhat or strongly agree. The difference was inversely proportional to edasures protecting patient safety as well as professional safety are ensured.

Research shows a high prevalence of mental disorders and psychotropic medication among older people, especially in nursing homes. Knowledge of this concerning issue among Icelandic nursing homes residents is limited, despite its importance for mental health policymaking. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses and psychotropic medication in Icelandic nursing homes, the relationship between these factors and how they have evolved from 2003 to 2018.

The research data comes from interRAI MDS 2.0 assessments for nursing home residents in Iceland, for the period 2003-2018. The study uses the last assessment of each year (N=47,526).

Approximately half of the residents were diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression; 49.4% in 2003 and 54.5% in 2018. The use of psychotropic drugs increased from 66.3% to 72.5%. Antidepressants were most commonly utilized, with an increase from 47.5% to 56.2%. The use of antipsychotics drugs has remained nearly unchanged, at arounc medication, other mental health interventions need to be developed.

Artificial neural networks have achieved unprecedented success in the medical domain. This success depends on the availability of massive and representative datasets. However, data collection is often prevented by privacy concerns, and people want to take control over their sensitive information during both the training and using processes.

To address security and privacy issues, we propose a privacy-preserving method for the analysis of distributed medical data. The proposed method, termed stochastic channel-based federated learning (SCBFL), enables participants to train a high-performance model cooperatively and in a distributed manner without sharing their inputs.

We designed, implemented, and evaluated a channel-based update algorithm for a central server in a distributed system. The update algorithm will select the channels with regard to the most active features in a training loop, and then upload them as learned information from local datasets. A pruning process, which serves as a model acceleratt could be achieved by tuning the pruning rate.

In this experiment, our model demonstrated better performance and a higher saturating speed than the federated averaging method, which reveals all of the parameters of local models to the server. The saturation rate of performance could be promoted by introducing a pruning process and further improvement could be achieved by tuning the pruning rate.After 12 months of viral circulation, the SARS-CoV-2 has infected millions of people around the world, leaving hundreds of thousands dead. With the lack of effective therapy and vaccination against COVID-19, focusing on the immediate repurposing of existing drugs gives hope of curbing the pandemic. Vitamin D is a possible candidate discussed in a high amount of publications. Randomized clinical trials show that vitamin D supplementation significantly reduces the risk of respiratory infections. There are also many evidences that hypovitaminosis D is an independent (and easily modifiable) risk factor for severe forms of COVID-19 and death. Vitamin D supplementation is a simple, safe and inexpensive measure, which is effective in correcting hypovitaminosis D found in 40-50% of the French population and in more than 80% of adults with COVID-19. In this position paper, we propose simple regimens (adapted to the pharmaceutical forms currently available in France) for vitamin D supplementation in adults with or without COVID-19.Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a constellation of neurodevelopmental disorders with high phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity, complicating the discovery of causative genes. Through a forward genetics approach selecting for defective vocalization in mice, we identified Kdm5a as a candidate ASD gene. To validate our discovery, we generated a Kdm5a knockout mouse model (Kdm5a-/-) and confirmed that inactivating Kdm5a disrupts vocalization. In addition, Kdm5a-/- mice displayed repetitive behaviors, sociability deficits, cognitive dysfunction, and abnormal dendritic morphogenesis. Loss of KDM5A also resulted in dysregulation of the hippocampal transcriptome. To determine if KDM5A mutations cause ASD in humans, we screened whole exome sequencing and microarray data from a clinical cohort. We identified pathogenic KDM5A variants in nine patients with ASD and lack of speech. Our findings illustrate the power and efficacy of forward genetics in identifying ASD genes and highlight the importance of KDM5A in normal brain development and function.

Autoři článku: Colonwinstead9308 (Lundberg Jensen)