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Myelofibrosis is one of the classical Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms characterized by progressive marrow failure and chronic inflammation. Discovery of the JAK2 mutation paved the way for development of small molecular inhibitors and further facilitated the research in understanding of molecular biology of the disease. Development of novel medications and synergistic combinations with standard JAK inhibitor (JAKi) therapy may have the potential to improve depth and duration of disease control and symptomatic benefit, whereas advancements in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) have improved tolerability and donor availability, allowing for more patients to pursue this potentially curative therapy. The increase in options for medical therapy and changing risk profile of HCT is leading to increased complexity in counseling patients on choice of management strategy. In this case-based review, we summarize our approach to symptom-directed medical therapy, including the use of novel drugs and combination therapies currently under study in advanced clinical trials. We outline our recommendations for optimal timing of HCT, including risk-adapted selection for early HCT as opposed to delayed HCT after upfront JAKi therapy, as well as the use of pretransplant JAKi and alternative donor sources.Enthusiasm about interferons for the treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms has recently arisen. How does a nontargeted therapy selectively target the malignant clone? Many foundational questions about interferon treatment are unanswered, including who, when, and for how long do we treat. Using an individual case, this review touches on gaps in risk assessment in polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET) and the history of treatment with interferons. How is it that this proinflammatory cytokine effectively treats ET and PV, themselves proinflammatory states? We summarize existing mechanistic and clinical data, the molecular context as a modifier for treatment response, the establishment of treatment goals, and the challenges that lie ahead.Pregnancy and childbirth pose an important hemostatic challenge for women with von Willebrand disease (VWD) and can be associated with an increased risk of maternal and neonatal bleeding complications. VWD is a genetically and clinically heterogeneous bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency or an abnormality in the function of von Willebrand factor. Understanding inheritance pattern, hemostatic response to pregnancy, and response to treatment is essential for provision of individualized obstetric care and optimal outcome. A multidisciplinary approach to management with a close liaison between the obstetric team and the hemophilia treatment center is required for continuity of care from preconception counseling through to antenatal, peripartum, and postpartum care. Delivery plan must be coordinated by the multidisciplinary team and include decisions on place and mode of delivery, implementation of safe analgesia/anesthesia, and peripartum hemostasis. In this clinical case-based review, we aim to deliver evidence-based practical guidance for challenges encountered during pregnancy and management of childbirth and puerperium.There is clinical practice variation in the area of prevention and management of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in pregnancy. There are limited data and differing recommendations across major clinical practice guidelines, especially relating to the role of postpartum low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) for patients with mild inherited thrombophilia and those with pregnancy-related VTE risk factors. This chapter explores the issues of practice variation and related data for postpartum VTE prevention. Controversial topics of VTE management in pregnancy are also reviewed and include LMWH dosing and the role of anti-Xa level monitoring, as well as peripartum anticoagulation management around labor and delivery.Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have revolutionized the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) by improving survival of patients with CLL in conjunction with chemotherapy. However, the novel targeted agents such as Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors (BTKis) and venetoclax have now mostly replaced chemotherapy in frontline treatment of CLL. Several clinical trials have been conducted to examine the role of anti-CD20 mAbs in combination with BTK inhibitors and venetoclax. Addition of rituximab to ibrutinib does not improve progression-free survival (PFS) of treatment-naive patients with CLL, possibly related to ibrutinib's antagonistic effect on anti-CD20 antibodies. Alternatively, addition of a glycoengineered anti-CD20 mAb obinutuzumab to a more selective BTKi acalabrutinib may improve PFS but does not improve overall survival of patients with CLL in the frontline setting, pending long-term follow-up. Thus, we suggest that the addition of an anti-CD20 mAb to a BTKi is of most benefit to patients with autoimmune cytopenia or rapidly progressive disease. In contrast to BTKis, combination of fixed-duration venetoclax and anti-CD20 mAb can induce deep remission with high rates of undetectable minimal residual disease, correlating with improved survival of patients with CLL in both frontline and relapsed/refractory settings. In this review, we discuss clinical trials of BTKis and venetoclax that have investigated the role of anti-CD20 mAbs in frontline and relapsed settings of CLL treatment. We also provide an algorithm suggesting how anti-CD20 mAbs may be incorporated in the treatment of patients with CLL, including specific scenarios.The transfusion of red blood cells (RBCs) is a crucial treatment for sickle cell disease (SCD). While often beneficial, the frequent use of transfusions is associated with numerous complications. Transfusions should be offered with specific guidelines in mind. Here we present updates to the indications for transfusion of RBCs in SCD. We review recent publications and include expert perspectives from hematology and transfusion medicine. For some clinical indications, such as ischemic stroke, the role of transfusion has been well studied and can be applied almost universally. For many other clinical scenarios, the use of transfusion therapy has less conclusive data and therefore must be tailored to individual needs. We highlight the roles of RBC transfusions in preventing or mitigating neurological disease, in reducing perioperative complications, in managing acute chest syndrome, and in optimizing pregnancy outcomes in SCD. We further highlight various transfusion techniques and when each might be considered. Potential complications of transfusion are also briefly discussed.Innovations in immuno-oncology for lymphomas have outpaced therapeutic developments in any other cancer histology. In the 1990s, rituximab, a CD20 monoclonal antibody, drastically changed treatment paradigms for B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (B-NHLs). In parallel, the concept that T cells could be genetically reprogrammed and regulated to address tumor cell evasion was developed. Twenty years later, this concept has materialized-3 customized engineered CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CART) constructs have been embraced as third-line therapies and beyond for aggressive B-NHL. Responses with CARTs are durable in 30% to 40% of patients, with consistent results in older patients, primary refractory disease, high-grade B-cell lymphoma, and patients with concurrent secondary central nervous system disease, all features historically associated with poorer outcomes. Challenges associated with the administration of CARTs include cumbersome and time-consuming manufacturing processes, toxicities, and cost, not to mention a substantial risk of relapse. Fortunately, as our understanding of how to manipulate the immune system to achieve full antitumor potential has grown, so has the rapid development of off-the-shelf immunotherapies, with CD20/CD3 bispecific antibodies standing out above all others. These agents have shown promising activity in aggressive B-NHL and have the potential to circumvent some of the challenges encountered with customized engineered products. However, toxicities remain substantial, dosing schedules intensive, and experience limited with these agents. Novel customized and off-the-shelf therapeutics as well as rational combinations of these agents are underway. Ultimately, growing experience with both customized engineered and off-the-shelf immunotherapies will provide guidance on optimal methods of delivery and sequencing.The combination of frequently abnormal hemostatic markers and catastrophic bleeding as seen with variceal hemorrhage has contributed to the longstanding misperception that chronic liver disease (CLD) constitutes a bleeding diathesis. Laboratory studies of hemostasis in liver disease consistently challenge this with global coagulation assays incorporating activation of the protein C pathway demonstrating rebalanced hemostasis. It is now recognized that bleeding in CLD is predominantly secondary to portal hypertension (rather than a coagulopathy) and additionally that these patients are at increased risk of venous thrombosis, particularly in the portal venous system. This narrative review describes the current understanding of hemostasis in liver disease, as well as the periprocedural management of hemostasis and anticoagulation for management of venous thromboembolism in patients with CLD.Determining the cause of a low neutrophil count in a pediatric or adult patient is essential for the hematologist's clinical decision-making. Fundamental to this diagnostic process is establishing the presence or lack of a mature neutrophil storage pool, as absence places the patient at higher risk for infection and the need for supportive care measures. Many diagnostic tests, eg, a peripheral blood smear and bone marrow biopsy, remain important tools, but greater understanding of the diversity of neutropenic disorders has added new emphasis on evaluating for immune disorders and genetic testing. In this article, a structure is provided to assess patients based on the mechanism of neutropenia and to prioritize testing based on patient age and hypothesized pathophysiology. Common medical quandaries including fever management, need for growth factor support, risk of malignant transformation, and curative options in congenital neutropenia are reviewed to guide medical decision-making in neutropenic patients.COVID-19 is frequently associated with abnormalities on coagulation testing and a coagulopathy driven by inflammation, intravascular coagulation activation, and microvascular thrombosis. Elevated D-dimer is the most common finding and is a predictor of adverse outcomes including thrombosis, critical illness, and death. Although COVID-19-associated coagulopathy has some similarities to disseminated intravascular coagulation, the platelet count is usually preserved, coagulation times are usually normal or minimally prolonged, and thrombosis is more common than bleeding, at least in noncritically ill patients. Bleeding is uncommon but may be a significant problem in critically ill patients, including those who may develop a consumptive coagulopathy with frank disseminated intravascular coagulation and those on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Proteasome inhibitor Blood product support to correct coagulopathy is reserved for bleeding patients or those requiring invasive procedures. Current recommendations suggest that all hospitalized patients should receive at least a prophylactic dose of anticoagulation.

Autoři článku: Collierschmidt5343 (Lunde Engberg)