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There was a reduction in time to complete TT20 km (-1%) with increases in TT20 km mean power output (3.9%), VO2peak (11.4%), 2nd WVT (8.3%), Wmax (3.8%), TTE (15.5%), right and left legs maximal strength (1.3% and 8.5%, respectively) and CSAVL (3.3% and 3.7%, respectively). There was no alteration in 1st WVT. Based on the results, we suggest that LI + BFR may be a promising training strategy to improve the performance of knee-injured cyclists with knee OA.Attempting suicide is an important risk factor that can lead to suicide death. The aim of the current study was to examine the prevalence of suicide attempts and to identify the gender-specific predictors of suicide among adolescents in Mongolia. We analyzed data from the 2019 Mongolian Global School-Based Health Survey (GSHS) conducted nationwide among 13-18-year-old students. Univariable and multivariable analyses were performed to assess the correlates of suicide attempts. Overall, 32.1% of the adolescents reported to have had suicide attempts. Multivariable analysis showed a significant association in the total sample of suicide attempts with lack of close friends, anxiety, injury and violence, smoking and alcohol drinking, and sexual intercourse. Male suicide attempters were less likely to have close friends and more likely to have injuries, been physically attacked, been bullied, smoke, drink alcohol, and have had sexual intercourse. Within the female subgroup, anxiety, injury and violence, smoking and alcohol drinking significantly increased the odds of reporting suicide attempts. Increase of the student's age by one year decreased the odds ratio of suicide attempts. Nearly one in three students had had a suicide attempt. Several factors, including mental distress, violence, and risky behaviors were found to be associated with suicide attempts. These can aid in designing intervention strategies for preventing suicidal behaviors among adolescents.The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many new problems and challenges for medical personnel, patients and their families. The present study aimed to learn the difficulties and expectations of patients hospitalized for COVID-19. A descriptive qualitative research approach was adopted, and the study was carried out using semi-structured telephone interviews with 20 patients according to Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) guidelines. Two main themes were extracted from the experiences related by patients hospitalized for COVID-19 difficulties resulting from their poor health condition and difficulties resulting from hospital conditions and safety protocols. The patients' expectations referred to professionalism and family members' support. From the patient's perspective, a sense of humor in the care provider is important, apart from professionalism and the effectiveness of treatment, because humor helps the patient endure difficult situations. The findings indicate that patients hospitalized for COVID-19 experienced both positive and negative emotions. Their negative experiences concerned organizational barriers and medical personnel shortages, especially of clinical nurses. Patients' expectations are realistic and appropriate to the situation they are in. Learning the difficulties and expectations of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 may help care providers cope with this disease more effectively and ensure better care for patients, including nursing and psychological services.Health equity is cross sectioned by the reproduction of social relations of gender, ethnicity and power. The purpose of this article is to assess how intersectional health equity determines societal health levels, in a local efficiency analysis within Brazil's Unified Health System (SUS), among Sao Paulo state municipalities. Fixed Panel Effects Model and Data Envelopment Analysis techniques were applied, according to resources, health production and intersectoral dimensions. The effect variables considered were expectation of life at birth and infant mortality rates, in 2000 and 2010, according to local health regions (HR) and regionalized healthcare networks (RRAS). Inequity was assessed both socioeconomically and culturally (income, education, ethnicity and gender). Both methods demonstrated that localities with higher inequities (income and education, gender and ethnicity oriented), associated or not to vulnerability (young and low-income families, in subnormal urban agglomerations), were the least efficient. Health production contributes too little to health levels, especially at the local level, which is highly correlated to the intersectoral dimension. Intersectional health equity, reinforced in its intertwining with ethnicity, gender and social position, is essential in order to achieve adequate societal health levels, beyond health access or sanitary and clinical efficacy.Background China is facing the challenges of the increasing burden of diabetes and obesity; the prevalence and numbers of diabetes patients with obesity or overweight are still unclear. Methods Nationally representative data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) were used to estimate the prevalence of diabetes patients with elevated BMI, the recommendation rate for antidiabetic medication, the blood glucose control rate, and the corresponding population size. Results The prevalence of diabetes patients with elevated BMI was 9.18% (95% CI 7.88, 10.68; representing 31.54 million) in China. More than half of people with diabetes had elevated BMI (overweight or obesity). Among the participants who were not taking antidiabetic medication, 26.15% (95% CI 18.00, 36.36; representing 3.79 million) were recommended for antidiabetic medication by the 2020 CDS guideline. There were 24.62% (95% CI 16.88, 34.45; representing 3.64 million) patients, representing 11.13 (95% CI 9.86, 12.41) million people, with diabetes combined with elevated BMI, taking antidiabetic medication, and still above the goal blood glucose. Conclusions Our results indicate that diabetes combined with elevated BMI has become a major public health problem in China in people over 45 years of age. Moreover, the prevalence and population size of women are higher than those of men, and the prevalence of people over 65 years old is slightly lower than that of elderly people aged 45-65. The recommended rate of antidiabetic medication and the control rate of blood glucose were high, and prevention and treatment strategies for diabetes combined with elevated BMI are needed.The ultra-Orthodox population in Israel was heavily impacted by COVID-19; it is important to understand the factors that contributed to this. There may be a friction between religious versus governmental guidelines that may reduce adherence to COVID mitigation guidelines, such as social distancing and masking. The purpose of this study is to explore this tension and the extent to which it existed in the surveyed sample. The study identified attitudes of ultra-Orthodox individuals concerning religious and public health measures to mitigate COVID-19 infection. A closed-ended questionnaire was completed by 405 ultra-Orthodox Jews. Most respondents believe that religious learning protects from harm (91%); 74% believe that periodically there are inconsistencies between religious guidelines and medical guidelines; 59% believe that preventive medicine may clash with "Divine protection". Some public health measures applied to contain the pandemic threaten religious lifestyle; this is a source of dissonance among ultra-religious populations, which may substantially decrease willingness to comply with public health measures.The aim of this study was to provide an explanatory prediction model for physical activity level in children, involving a number of influencing variables. In total, 1971 people participated in the study 657 primary school students and their respective fathers and mothers from 15 schools of Galicia (Spain). The International Questionnaire on Physical Education, Health and Lifestyle was administered. The findings revealed that school year, sex, physical perceived competence and sport practice with friends had a statistically significant relationship on physical activity index. By contrast, the association between the weekly participation of fathers or mothers in sports in the practice of children could not be confirmed. Sport practice with friends was the main predicting variable for physical activity level. Physical perceived competence showed great relevance as well. This knowledge could be of interest to help increase adherence to practice and preventing withdrawal, helping students to stay active and acquire healthy habits for the future.The purposes of this exploratory, qualitative research are to (a) examine the parental role in providing materials to facilitate learning and play for children with physical disabilities, and (b) identify the difficulties expressed by parents that affect the support provided to their children with physical disabilities. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 21 Saudi Arabian parents of children with physical disabilities to identify the parental role in providing play and learning materials as well as the challenges identified by parents in providing this support. Parents recommended that they initiate and maintain contact with other parents of children with physical disabilities and with associated organisations. Parents also recommended that teachers welcome parents to be involved in support of their children with physical disabilities, especially in the provision of play and learning materials. The authors conclude that disability awareness programs for peers and staff members may improve physical and psychological health for children with physical disabilities.The Play-Friendly Cities framework describes key municipal actions and indicators which support a community's playability and can positively influence children's health behaviors and quality of life. The purpose of this study was to conduct a content analysis of Nova Scotia physical activity (PA) and active transportation (AT) strategies by applying the playability criteria in the Play-Friendly Cities framework.

PA and AT strategies from communities across Nova Scotia were assessed using the Play-Friendly Cities framework. Strategy content was analyzed based on indicators across four themes participation of children in decision making, safe and active routes around the community, safe and accessible informal play environments, and evidence-informed design of formal play spaces.

Forty-two (28 PA,14 AT) strategies were reviewed and all included statements reflective of at least one indicator (8 ± 4; range 1-14). Content about safe and active routes around the community was most prevalent (41 plans, 812 mentiove a community's playability.Frailty, a physiological syndrome (FS) affecting primarily the older adults, manifests itself through significantly depleted bodily reserves, and appreciably higher (up to over threefold) individual exposure to fall risk. Concomitant medical conditions such as balance impairment, reduced visual acuity, limited mobility, and significantly diminished daily functional performance further exacerbate the patients' condition. Their resultant susceptibility to frequent hospitalisations makes their prognosis even worse. This narrative review aimed to provide an overview of published studies focused on rehabilitation management approaches aided by virtual reality (VR) technology in frail older adults. The authors had it also augmented with their own, evidence-based body of experience in rehabilitation. Making use of technologically advanced exercise machinery, specially adapted for rehabilitating frail older adults, combined with a structured exercise regimen, further aided by the application of select virtual reality (VR) technology solutions, clearly proved effective. Consequently, the patients were helped to move back from the frail to the pre-frail stage, as well as had their motor and cognitive functions appreciably enhanced. The application of modern technology in rehabilitating older adults over 65, affected by FS, when specifically aided by the select VR technology solutions, was also proven to complement successfully the conventional rehabilitation management. The overall versatility of the VR technology solutions, e.g., adaptation for home use allowing remote supervision, also makes this novel approach to rehabilitation far more appealing to the patients. They find it both very attractive and far more mentally engaging. Its considerable potential lies mostly in being appreciably more effective in bringing in desirable therapeutic outcomes.

Treatment of oral diseases can have a long-lasting impact on a child's life well beyond its childhood years. The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of treatment on the oral-health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children with severe caries and severe molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH).

A total of 210 children (mean age 9 years; 49% female) with severe caries (inner third of dentin) and severe MIH (post-eruptive breakdown, crown destruction) were included in the study. Both groups were matched according to age, gender, and social status. The German version of the Child Perception Questionnaire for 8-10-year-olds (CPQ-G8-10) was used before and after treatment to analyze the impact on OHRQoL.

Patients with severe MIH showed a significantly higher total CPQ score (17.8 (±10.6)) before treatment compared to the caries group (13.8 (±14.3)). The mean CPQ score in all subdomains decreased significantly after therapy in the MIH group. Children with severe carious lesions had similar results except in the domain "functional limitations", as treatment led to only minor changes (2.9 (±3.6) to 2.2 (±2.6)).

Despite a narrower treatment spectrum, patients with severe MIH experienced a greater overall improvement in OHRQoL compared to the caries group.

Despite a narrower treatment spectrum, patients with severe MIH experienced a greater overall improvement in OHRQoL compared to the caries group.Rehabilitation outcomes of difficult-to-wean tracheostomized patients have been reported in relatively small case studies and described for a limited time span. This study describes the characteristics and clinical outcomes of a large cohort of tracheostomized patients admitted to a specialized weaning unit over 10 years. We retrospectively analyzed data collected from January 2010 to December 2019 on difficult-to-wean tracheostomized patients who underwent comprehensive rehabilitation. Clinical characteristics collected at admission were the level of comorbidity (by the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale-CIRS) and the clinical severity (by the Simplified Acute Physiology Score-SAPS II). The proportions of patients weaned, decannulated, and able to walk; the change in autonomy level according to the Bristol Activities of Daily Living (BADL) Scale; and the setting of hospital discharge was assessed and compared in a consecutive 5-year time period (2010-2014 and 2015-2019) subgroup analysis. A total of 180 patients were included in the analysis. Patient anthropometry and preadmission clinical management in acute care hospitals were similar across years, but the categories of underlying diagnosis changed (p < 0.001) (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD-decreased), while the level of comorbidities increased (p = 0.003). The decannulation rate was 45.6%. CIRS and SAPS II at admission were both significant predictors of clinical outcomes. The proportion of patients whose gain in BADL score increased ≥ 2 points decreased over time. This study confirms the importance of rehabilitation in weaning units for the severely disabled subset of tracheostomized patients. Comorbidities and severity at admission are significantly associated with rehabilitation outcomes at discharge.Hand hygiene actions are essential to reduce healthcare-associated infections and the development of antimicrobial resistance. In this cross-sectional study at two tertiary hospitals, Freetown, Sierra Leone, we observed hand hygiene compliance (defined as using handwash with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) amongst healthcare workers between June and August 2021. Using the WHO Hand Hygiene tool, observations were made in relation to the type of opportunity, different wards and types of healthcare worker. Overall, 10,461 opportunities for hand hygiene were observed, of which 5086 (49%) resulted in hand hygiene actions. ABHR was used more often than handwash (26% versus 23%, p < 0.001). Overall, compliance was significantly better after being with a patient/doing a procedure than before (78% after body fluid exposure risk compared with 24% before touching a patient-p < 0.001); in Paediatric (61%) compared with Medical wards (46%)-p < 0.001; and amongst nurses (52%) compared with doctors (44%)-p < 0.001. Similar patterns of compliance were observed within each hospital. In summary, hand hygiene compliance was sub-optimal, especially before being with a patient or before clean/aseptic procedures. Improvement is needed through locally adapted training, hand hygiene reminders in wards and outpatient departments, uninterrupted provision of ABHR and innovative ways to change behaviour.Nursing graduates are required to have both excellent theoretical and practical skills that should be used during stressful emergency interventions. Since the received knowledge should be practiced to gain skills and trained to achieve competences, simulation exercises can be beneficial to even reduce the stress that each individual may face during emergency management of patients. A total of 146 first-year nursing students participated in the study, including 124 women and 22 men aged between 19 and 50 years, with a mean age of 32 years. The objective method estimated psychophysiological parameters (serum cortisol). Objective and subjective methods were used. The subjective method assessed stress experienced by students based on the standardized Stress Appraisal Questionnaire Version B for dispositional assessment. The study was conducted in the Monoprofile Medical Simulation Centre at the University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, Poland and was approved by the University Research Ethics Committee. Both participants under and over 25 years of age showed increased levels of stress after low and high-fidelity simulations, with statistically significantly higher stress levels found for the low fidelity method. Low-fidelity simulation methods generated a greater increase in cortisol levels, indicating a higher stress level than the high-fidelity methods. The analysis of the scores obtained in the Stress Appraisal Questionnaire (KOS-B) showed that higher cortisol levels after the low-fidelity simulation reduced the subjective perception of a threat, while higher cortisol levels before the high-fidelity simulation promoted higher intellectual activity among the students. Levels of stress in the education of nursing students using low and high-fidelity methods can limit the sense of threat and activate professional task performance. The use of low and high-fidelity simulation does not generate destructive stress levels.Migrant workers have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. To examine their access to health services and social protection during the pandemic, we conducted an exploratory scoping review on experiences of migrant workers in three countries with comparable immigration, health, and welfare policies Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. After screening 961 peer-reviewed and grey literature sources, five studies were included. Using immigration status as a lens, we found that despite more inclusive policies in response to the pandemic, temporary migrant workers, especially migrant farm workers and international students, remained excluded from health services and social protection. Findings demonstrate that exploitative employment practices, precarity, and racism contribute to the continued exclusion of temporary migrant workers. The interplay between these factors, with structural racism at its core, reflect the colonial histories of these countries and their largely neoliberal approaches to immigration. To address this inequity, proactive action that recognizes and targets these structural determinants at play is essential.Carbon emissions (CEs) are one of the most important factors causing global warming. The development of social economy and the acceleration of the urbanization process leads to increasing CEs, especially in China. Therefore, it has become an international community consensus to control the growth of CEs and mitigate global warming. Understanding the changing patterns and driving forces of CEs are important prerequisites for formulating policies that target the reduction of CEs in response to global warming. This study developed an improved logarithmic mean Divisia index (Spatial-LMDI) to explore the urban form and socio-economic driving forces of CEs in China. Comparing with previous studies, this study is unique in the way of applying spatial landscape index to LMDI decomposition analysis. The results show that population, per capita GDP, investment intensity and urban expansion are the top driving forces of CEs growth from 1995 to 2019. Investment efficiency, technology level, and aggregation are the most important factors in terms of restraining the growth of CEs. To achieve the goal of energy saving, CEs reduction and climate change mitigation, we proposed that strategies should be formulated as follows improving efficiency of energy investment, optimizing the spatial distribution of construction land aggregation, and rationalizing distribution of industries.With the aim of appraising the impact of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) amidst the COVID-19 pandemic on college students, an online survey was conducted in December 2020 on a total of 588 undergraduate students at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. The purpose of the study was to probe into the perceptions of college students regarding their learning process and its influence on their mental health with the abrupt transition from face-to-face classes to ERT in the Spring 2020 semester. A comprehensive analysis was performed using structural equation modeling and other statistical techniques to reveal crucial results associated with the factors that have an effect on the students' psychological distress, such as quality of courses, academic performance, and readiness for future work or studies. Findings suggest that the students' perceived quality of courses under ERT has a significant impact on their academic performance and readiness for future work or studies. Moreover, they indicate that these factors serve as a vital mediating role in provoking psychological distress among the students. The study also shows that gender, previous history of anxiety/distress, education being at risk due to financial issues caused by COVID-19, and year of study significantly affect the students' distress levels. In order to ensure and prioritize the well-being of college students during these turbulent times, new strategies are urgently needed to develop and enhance resilient ERT environments in higher education. The study concludes with limitations and suggestions for further research.This study determined to what degree anthropometrics and body composition are associated with force and power outputs of a single-stroke kayak test (SSKT). Body height (BH), sitting height, biacromial distance, arm span, stroke length, body mass index (BMI), percent of skeletal muscle mass (PSMM), skeletal muscle mass index (SMMI), percent body fat (PBF) and maximal and relative force (SSKTFmax and SSKTFrel) and power (SSKTPmax and SSKTPrel) of the SSKT were assessed in 21 male kayak competitors, including sprint specialists and long-distance specialists. Correlation analysis established the association (p < 0.05) between SSKTFmax and BM (r = 0.511), BMI (r = 0.495) and SMMI (r = 0.530). A significant correlation (p < 0.05) also occurred between SSKTPmax and BMI (r = 0.471) and SMMI (r = 0.489). Regression analysis determined a significant association of the anthropometrics-body composition model of kayakers with SSKTFmax (R2 = 0.790), SSKTFRel (R2 = 0.748), SSKTPmax (R2 = 0.676) and SSKTPrel (R2 = 0.625). A longer and wider upper body supported by higher amounts of skeletal muscle mass per square of body size provides higher force outcomes in a complex single-handed SSKT, while the PSMM provides higher outcomes in SSKTPmax.This study explores the relevance of economic factors (e.g., a household's economic capacity and the prevailing economic context) to understand the relationship between the partnership status and the health of Spanish adult women and men (age 30-59). To do so, it draws on cross-sectional data from the Spanish sample of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for the years 2005, 2010, and 2015 (i.e., before, during, and after the 2008-2012 economic recession). The results reveal dissimilar patterns of association between partnership status and both the health of, and the economic difficulties faced by Spanish women and men in each of the three years studied. Most notably, the partnership status of Spanish women has a greater impact on their likelihood of experiencing economic difficulties and poor health than does that of their male counterparts. Additionally, women are also more likely to experience economic difficulties during and after the economic recession. The disadvantageous situation of Spanish women in the public sphere is shown to have a negative impact on their ability to cope with the economic difficulties associated with the end of a union and a contextual recession.

This paper examines substance and behavioral addictions among American Indian and Alaska Natives (AIAN) to identify the structural and psychosocial risk and cultural protective factors that are associated with substance use and behavioral addictions.

Five databases were used to search for peer reviewed articles through December 2021 that examined substance and behavioral addictions among AIANs.

The literature search identified 69 articles. Numerous risk factors (i.e., life stressors, severe trauma, family history of alcohol use) and protective factors (i.e., ethnic identity, family support) influence multiple substance (i.e., commercial tobacco, alcohol, opioid, stimulants) and behavioral (e.g., gambling) addictions.

There is a dearth of research on behavioral addictions among AIANs. Unique risk factors in AIAN communities such as historical trauma and socioeconomic challenges have interfered with traditional cultural resilience factors and have increased the risk of behavioral addictions. Future research on resilience factors and effective prevention and treatment interventions could help AIANs avoid behavioral addictions.

There is a dearth of research on behavioral addictions among AIANs. Unique risk factors in AIAN communities such as historical trauma and socioeconomic challenges have interfered with traditional cultural resilience factors and have increased the risk of behavioral addictions. Future research on resilience factors and effective prevention and treatment interventions could help AIANs avoid behavioral addictions.Human milk is the best food for infants. Breastfeeding has been associated with a reduced risk of viral and bacterial infections. Breast milk contains the perfect amount of nutrients needed to promote infant growth, except for vitamin D. Vitamin D is crucial for calcium metabolism and bone health, and it also has extra-skeletal actions, involving innate and adaptive immunity. As exclusive breastfeeding is a risk factor for vitamin D deficiency, infants should be supplemented with vitamin D at least during the first year. The promotion of breastfeeding and vitamin D supplementation represents an important objective of public health.Naringin, one of the citrus flavonoids and known as a natural antioxidant, has limited bioavailability owing to its low stability and solubility. However, naringin esters formed via acylation have recently been reported to possess improved physical and chemical properties. The development of these compounds has a great potential in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, but low conversion and productivity are barriers to industrial applications. This study aimed to improve the conversion of naringin acetate, which is formed via the enzymatic reaction between naringin and an acyl donor. An optimal reaction condition was determined by evaluating the effect of various variables (enzyme type, enzyme concentration, acyl donor, molar ratio of reactants, reaction temperature, and solvent) on the synthesis of naringin acetate. The optimal condition was as follows 3 g/L of Lipozyme TL IM, molar ratio of 15 (naringinacyl donor), reaction temperature of 40 °C, and acetonitrile as the reaction solvent. Under this condition, the maximum conversion to naringin acetate from acetic anhydride and vinyl acetate was achieved at approximately 98.5% (8 h) and 97.5% (24 h), respectively. Compared to the previously reported values, a high conversion was achieved within a short time, confirming the commercial potential of the process.The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a series of biopsychosocial repercussions among nursing professionals. The impossibility of anticipating the events, the numerous deaths, the excessive workload, the lack of personal health and the necessary means of protection made it difficult to regulate the impact and the elaboration of grief to the point of becoming, on many occasions, a traumatic grief whose physical and psychological manifestations are becoming more and more evident. The main objective of this research was to develop a scale for a group of symptoms based on professional traumatic grief. The development consisted of two phases (I) instrument design through a literature review and focus groups of bereavement experts and healthcare professionals who experience the grief process in their work; and (II) validation of the content of the instrument. A total of 25 final items were established as suitable for inclusion in the instrument. It is expected that the experiences and results obtained through the development and validation of a scale of specific symptomatology of professional traumatic grief in health professionals will allow the assessment and detection of symptomatology in order to develop programs and strategies for early intervention and prevention.Respiratory infectious diseases (RID) are the major form of infectious diseases in China, and are highly susceptible to climatic conditions. Current research mainly focuses on the impact of weather on RID, but there is a lack of research on the effect of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on RID. Therefore, this paper uses the system generalized method of moments (SYS-GMM) and the data of 31 provinces in China from 2007 to 2018 to construct a dynamic panel model to empirically test the causality between ENSO and RID morbidity. Moreover, this paper considers the moderating effects of per capita disposable income and average years of education on this causality. The results show that ENSO can positively and significantly impact RID morbidity, which is 5.842% higher during El Niño years than normal years. In addition, per capita disposable income and average years of education can effectively weaken the relationship between ENSO and RID morbidity. Thus, this paper is of great significance for improving the RID early climate warning system in China and effectively controlling the spread of RID.

In July 2021, the vaccination campaign in Italy suffered a sudden setback, and the number of vaccine administrations decreased dramatically. On 20 July 2021, the obligation of the Green Digital Pass came into force in order to access work and leisure places, penalizing those who had not been vaccinated. The purpose of this work was to investigate the phenomenon of vaccination hesitancy and the underlying reasons, as well as any changes to the membership following the obligation of the Green Pass.

A total of 83 subjects (45.8% F; mean age 22.24 ± 4.308) participated in the survey during the post-vaccine observation phase at the Vaccinal Center of the University Hospital "San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d'Aragona" (Salerno, Italy). The questionnaire collected anamnestic information, as well as data on state anxiety (STAI-Y), perception of quality of life (SF-12), perception of COVID-19 risks, and vaccine hesitancy.

Among participants, 19.3% reported hesitation. The most common concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine concerned safety and efficacy (4.9%) and the obligation of the Green Pass (4.9%).

Findings suggest that delving into the phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy can help to enhance vaccination strategies in order to gain widespread acceptance, a key path to ensuring a quick way out of the current pandemic emergency.

Findings suggest that delving into the phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy can help to enhance vaccination strategies in order to gain widespread acceptance, a key path to ensuring a quick way out of the current pandemic emergency.When an individual commits suicide, family members frequently experience feeling of hurt, denial, shock and anger, resentment, shame, and guilt. These negative emotions experienced by family survivors make their life suffer and impede the grieving process. If left untreated, they become physically and psychologically vulnerable and the risk of suicidal ideation is high, so professional intervention is needed. This study aimed to explore the experiences of suicidally bereaved families in South Korea. This research was designed to a qualitative phenomenological study conducted by using Colaizzi's methods. Participants were seven individuals who had lost a family member to suicide in Changwon City, South Korea. The Data were collected through in-depth and individual interviews with participants from June to December 2018, and the interviews took place 1 to 15 months after their loss. A total of 25 meaning units, 12 themes, and 5 theme clusters emerged from the analysis. The 5 themes of south Korean bereaved families' experience were (1) an absurd breakup that came without notice, (2) a life trapped in pain, (3) family isolation by themselves, (4) uncontrolled mind in daily life, and (5) liberating from the bondage of pain. The findings of this study provide insight regarding how suicide loss affects bereaved families and could inform the development of evidence-based programs to prevention suicide thought experienced by bereaved families.Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a large threat to human health and is challenging to address. This study aims to determine if motor intervention is a possibility for promoting the life expectancy and quality of life of children with HIV. The group consisted of 22 participants 11 HIV-infected (51.73 months, SD 10.15) and 11 HIV-affected children (44.45 months, SD 10.76). A two-group (intervention and control group) pre-test-post-test research design was followed. The HIV-infected and affected children were randomly matched and grouped into an intervention and control group. The intervention group participated in a 12-week motor intervention of 60 min per session, twice per week. The effect of the program was analyzed with regard to motor skills, as established by the PDMS-2 and two strength capabilities. An ANCOVA adjusted for pre-test differences (p < 0.05) indicated statistically significant improvement (p < 0.05) with large practical significance (d > 0.8) in locomotor, fine motor and overall motor skills. The infected children also showed better improvement compared to the affected children. Motor intervention is recommended in the health care path of children affected and infected with HIV, although modifications for improvement of the program are suggested, based on the results attained.Higher education organizations have been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. During school closures, online teaching and learning has become a new routine that may lead to changes in lifestyles and adversely affect university students' health. Therefore, this study was to understand the potential impact of online learning on physical and mental health by investigating the differences in physical activity, psychological distress, and student life stress in Taiwanese university students between the in-class learning and online learning periods. A total of 181 students were recruited from a local university. All participants were requested to complete an online survey and self-report physical activity, psychological distress, and life stress in the in-class learning and online learning periods, respectively. The results indicated a significant reduction in physical activity of various intensities (p < 0.05). Specifically, male university students showed a greater decrease in vigorous physical activity compared to their female peers. Yet, there was no significant increase in psychological distress and life stress from the in-class learning period to the online learning period. In summary, physical activity drastically reduces during the online learning period in Taiwanese university students. Notably, male students may be at greater risk of insufficient participation in vigorous physical activity.The concept of continuing bonds as an alternative to detachment from the deceased person has gained traction in grief literature over the years. Those bereaved by suicide are likely to experience various grief reactions and may be at-risk for adverse grief and mental health outcomes. However, it remains unclear how those bereaved by suicide experience continuing bonds. To address this gap, we conducted a systematic review according to PRISMA guidelines. Searches of peer-reviewed literature in Medline, PsycINFO, Embase, Emcare, EBM Reviews, and Scopus identified 15 studies (2 quantitative and 13 qualitative) reporting on 12 samples, published between 2010 and 2021. The study quality of the quantitative studies was poor, but it was fair amongst the qualitative studies. People bereaved by suicide experienced continuing bonds across a variety of domains and reported mostly positive experiences. Factors that tended to have an impact on the expression of continuing bonds included time since bereavement, relationship to the deceased, social expectations, sex of the bereaved, and the ability of the bereaved to make meaning of the death. The review concludes that most participants reported positive experiences with continuing bonds. However, discrepancies between males and females and between those bereaved by suicide and those bereaved by other causes warrants further investigation. In addition, longitudinal community-based research involving representative samples is needed to understand the evolution and experience of continuing bonds over time in those bereaved by suicide and to inform future efforts in supporting them.

The global burden of chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a major concern in public health. Several CLBP epidemiological studies have been conducted in high-income-countries (HICs) with little known in low-and-middle-income-countries (LMICs) due to other competing priorities of communicable diseases. The extrapolation of results of studies from HICs for use in LMICs is difficult due to differences in social norms, healthcare systems, and legislations, yet there is urgent need to address this growing burden. It is against this backdrop that we conducted this review to map the current evidence on the distribution of CLBP in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

A comprehensive literature search was conducted from the following databases PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct databases, World Health Organizations library databases, EMBASE, EBSCOhost by searching the following databases within the platform; academic search complete, CINAHL with full text, health sources nursing/academic and MEDLINE. The title, abstract and th significant role. Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer disease were the most common comorbidities identified. CLBP disability was significantly associated with psychosocial factors. The management of CLBP in primary care follows the traditional biomedical paradigm and primarily involves pain medication and inconsistent with guidelines.

There are limited epidemiological data on CLBP in SSA, however, this study concluded that the prevalence and risk factors of CLBP in SSA are comparable to reports in HICs. Considering the projected increase in the burden of CLBP in LMICs extensive research effort is needed to close this knowledge gap.

There are limited epidemiological data on CLBP in SSA, however, this study concluded that the prevalence and risk factors of CLBP in SSA are comparable to reports in HICs. Considering the projected increase in the burden of CLBP in LMICs extensive research effort is needed to close this knowledge gap.This study assessed the sociodemographic predictors of exclusive and dual use of the most frequently used nicotine/tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and combustible tobacco among adolescents. Cross-sectional data was from the 2017-2020 Monitoring the Future nationally representative study of eighth, tenth, and twelfth-grade students. We coded past 30 day nicotine/tobacco use into four mutually exclusive categories no use, e-cigarette use only, combustible use (cigarette or cigar) only, and dual use (e-cigarette and combustible). We pooled the 2017-2020 data to examine the relationship between sex, race/ethnicity, parental education, and each product-use category using multinomial logistic regression, stratified by grade level. Among eighth (N = 11,189), tenth (N = 12,882), and twelfth graders (N = 11,385), exclusive e-cigarette use was the most prevalent pattern (6.4%, 13.2%, 13.8%, respectively), followed by dual use (2.7%, 4.5%, 8.9%), and exclusive combustible use (1.5%, 2.5%, 5.3%). eighth and tenth-grade adolescents whose highest parental education was a 4-year college degree or more had lower odds of exclusive combustible and dual use when compared to adolescents whose highest parental education was less than a high school degree. Research should continue to monitor the differential use of combustible tobacco products and e-cigarettes among adolescents from low socioeconomic status backgrounds or racial/ethnic minority households to inform ongoing and future interventions or policies.(1) Background Precarious patients are more difficult to care for due to low literacy rates and poor adherence to treatment and hospitalization. These difficulties have detrimental effects on general practitioners (GPs), deteriorating medical communication, advice, diagnoses, and drug prescriptions. To better understand how precariousness affects primary care, we tested whether, among GPs, exposure to high precariousness prevalence more severely impacts drug prescriptions to precarious and non-precarious populations compared to low precariousness prevalence. Materials and methods This pharmaco-epidemiological study, using linear regression analyses, compared the defined daily dose of 20 drugs prescribed by GPs to precarious and non-precarious patients in four French regions with low and high precariousness prevalence in 2015. (2) Findings Exposure to high precariousness prevalence significantly impacted the prescriptions of nine medications to precarious patients and two medications to non-precarious patients, and distributed into three interaction patterns. (3) Interpretation The selective over-prescription of drugs with easy intake modalities to precarious patients probably reflects GPs' attempts to compensate for poor patient compliance. In contrast, the under-prescription of drugs targeting fungal infections in precarious populations and diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in non-precarious populations was seemingly due to a breakdown of empathy and professional exhaustion, causing medical neglect.Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is stored in facilities located in urban areas and transported over public roads. A shift towards the broader use of LNG is economically and environmentally justified. However, it triggers an obvious need for an investigation of LNG risk through elaboration and validation of potential scenarios that the hazard might generate if it materialises. This background knowledge and past experiences were elaborated in the course of a literature review and field experiments towards designing the conventional event trees on LNG emergency release for three different units, such as a storage tank, a pipeline and in road or railway transportation. The research allowed us to answer the following question what are the key scenario lines LNG incidents might follow? Thus, it constitutes a valuable tool for designing, planning, organising, executing and evaluating trainings and exercises on LNG emergencies.Clinicians urgently need reliable and stable tools to predict the severity of COVID-19 infection for hospitalized patients to enhance the utilization of hospital resources and supplies. Published COVID-19 related guidelines are frequently being updated, which impacts its utilization as a stable go-to resource for informing clinical and operational decision-making processes. In addition, many COVID-19 patient-level severity prediction tools that were developed during the early stages of the pandemic failed to perform well in the hospital setting due to many challenges including data availability, model generalization, and clinical validation. This study describes the experience of a large tertiary hospital system network in the Middle East in developing a real-time severity prediction tool that can assist clinicians in matching patients with appropriate levels of needed care for better management of limited health care resources during COVID-19 surges. It also provides a new perspective for predicting patientscrimination obtained with the random forest classification model, achieving a macro- and micro-average area under receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) of 0.83 and 0.87, respectively. The prospective validation conducted by clinical experts (n=185 patients, April-May 2021) showed a promising overall prediction performance with a recall of 78.4-90.0% and a precision of 75.0-97.8% for different severity classes.Public rental housing (PRH) for low-income families has been shown in several studies to be associated with poor health status and obesity. However, the causes of this health disparity are controversial, and the associations and pathways between PRH and obesogenic behaviors remain unknown. Using cross-sectional survey data of 1977 adults living in Hong Kong (aged or over 18) together with multi-source GIS-based environmental data, we examined the associations between PRH and obesogenic behaviors and the extent to which those associations can be explained by neighborhood food and physical environment. The unhealthy food environment, which relates with infrequent fruit and vegetables consumption, was calculated based on the relative density of fast food restaurants and convenience stores to grocery stores. The physical activity environment, which relates to physical inactivity and prolonged sitting, was assessed in terms of density of sports facilities and street greenery, separately. Regressions and mediation analyses show that PRH was negatively associated with physical inactivity directly and also indirectly via higher sports facilities density; however, PRH was positively associated with unhealthy diet largely directly and positively associated with prolonged sitting indirectly via less street greenery. We advanced the international literature of PRH health impact assessment and its environmental health pathways by providing evidence from the least housing-affordable city in the world. The findings provide planning implications in formulating a healthier PRH community for these low-income PRH households and mitigating health disparities induced by housing type.To help teachers better evaluate the level of risky play for pre-schoolers, the present study aimed to develop a Teacher Rating Scale of Risky Play (TRSRP) for 3-6 years Chinese Pre-schoolers. The scale was administered to a pre-schooler sample consisting of 1376 children (Mage = 57.53 months, SD = 10.38; 54.30% boys; 44.80% only child) recruited from Anji play kindergartens in Hangzhou, China. The psychometric properties of the instrument were examined. The reliability of scale was reported by calculating internal consistency. The construct validity of the scale was investigated by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The final 7-item measure was structured into two subscales play with great heights and play with high speed. The results suggested that the TRSRP has acceptable internal consistency and construct validity and can be used as an effective tool to measure the level of risky play for 3-6 years pre-schoolers in China's Anji play kindergartens.The method of flow ratio k is often used for designing parallel push-pull ventilation. The k value is mostly selected empirically and is difficult to determine accurately, resulting in an imprecise design of the push-pull ventilation system. Therefore, parallel push-pull ventilation was taken as the research object in this paper. The push-pull ventilation studied consists of a square uniform supply hood and a square uniform exhaust hood, and the side length of pull hood and pull hood was same. A workbench was set between the push hood and pull hood, and the source of toluene pollutions was set in the center of the worktable surface. The optimal k values for different distances between push hood and pull hood were studied by numerical simulation using Ansys Fluent, which were obtained base on the distribution of wind speed and toluene concentration. The results showed that parallel push-pull ventilation is not suitable for applications when L/a ≥ 6. The changing patterns of k value with L/a is proposed in the range of 1.5 ≤ L/a ≤ 5 for the parallel square push-pull ventilation, which can be used to estimate k value relatively accurately under the condition that L/a is known, so as to guide the determination of the exhaust air volume of the parallel push-pull ventilation system.Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, guaranteeing thermal comfort and low CO2 levels in classrooms through efficient ventilation has become vitally important. This study presents three-dimensional simulations based on computational fluid dynamics of airflow inside an air-conditioned classroom located in Veracruz, Mexico. The analysis included various positions of an air extractor, Reynolds numbers up to 3.5 × 104, four different concentrations of pollutant sources, and three different times of the day. The simulations produced velocity, air temperature, and CO2 concentrations fields, and we calculated average air temperatures, average CO2 concentrations, and overall ventilation effectiveness. Our results revealed an optimal extractor position and Reynolds number conducive to thermal comfort and low CO2 levels due to an adequate ventilation configuration. At high pollutant concentrations, it is necessary to reduce the number of students in the classroom to achieve safe CO2 levels.

Autoři článku: Clineball3930 (Egeberg Aggerholm)