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Over half of the program completers obtained employment as dental faculty. A majority of (19/26, 73%) program completers who responded to the alumni survey indicated the skills and knowledge gained in the program were useful to their current employment.

The FP2P program evaluation results indicate a long-term faculty training program may be a useful methodology for recruiting and training current dentists to work in academic dentistry.

The FP2P program evaluation results indicate a long-term faculty training program may be a useful methodology for recruiting and training current dentists to work in academic dentistry.The Salt Overly Sensitive (SOS) pathway is a crucial ion homeostasis process in crop plants trafficking excess Na+ ions for elimination/sequestration. The SOS pathway genes SOS1 (Na+ /H+ antiporter), SOS2 (CIPK), and SOS3 (CBL) associated with ion homeostasis were isolated and characterized in the sugarcane clone Co 85019. The isolated genes had a coding region of 1086, 904, and 636 bp, respectively. A nucleotide blast analysis of the isolated SOS gene sequences showed strong similarity with previous genes found to be involved in the active functioning of the SOS pathway for ion homeostasis conferring salinity tolerance in sugarcane. The analysis of tissue specific gene expression of the identified SOS genes revealed a significant linear increase in the leaves under the first 96 h of salt stress (2.5- to 21.6-fold) in the tolerant genotype Co 85019, while the expression in the roots showed a linear increase up to 48 h and thereafter a gradual decline. The expression of SOS genes in the susceptible genotype (Co 97010) was significantly lower than in the tolerant genotype. Tissue ion content analysis also revealed a differential accumulation of Na+ and K+ ions in the contrasting sugarcane genotypes (Co 85019 and Co 97010) and this corroborates the varied expressions of SOS genes between the tolerant and susceptible varieties under salinity. Genome-wide analysis of identified SOS family genes showed the homologs in Saccharum complex members, Sorghum bicolor and Zea mays, and this verifies a close genetic similarity among these genera.Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS) is an autosomal dominant condition caused most often by a loss-of-function mutation in the Patched-1 (PTCH1) gene. It is characterized by the development of varied benign and malignant tumors, including numerous cutaneous basal cell carcinomas (BCCs). The PTCH1 gene is integral in hair follicle development and loss of function mutation may lead to BCCs with an infundibulocystic histopathology in BCNS patients. Few studies have described the histopathological features of BCCs in BCNS. The recognition of these histopathologic features by dermatologists, dermatopathologists, and others caring for children will allow earlier and more effective identification of BCNS. We performed a retrospective analysis of 25 BCCs in 11 patients aged 5 to 19 years with BCNS and evaluated the histopathologic features on hematoxylin-eosin-stained sections. Our study found that 80% of BCCs in BCNS patients occurred on the head and neck with 64% of the specimens demonstrating infundibulocystic differentiation. Infundibulocystic differentiation is a common finding in BCCs found in BCNS. The finding of cutaneous neoplasms consistent with BCC with infundibulocystic differentiation in children is common in pediatric patients with BCNS and can be considered to be an early marker of the disorder, prompting further clinical investigation.Sunset yellow (SY), an azo dye, is commonly used in the food industry. The scientific literature contains little information regarding the effects of SY on small intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). In this study, a small intestinal organoid model was used in in vitro toxicological studies of SY, and intestinal inflammatory responses in vivo to SY were investigated with the dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced intestinal inflammation model in C57BL/6 mice. The intestinal organoids were cultured with 2 μg/ml SY for two generations, the growth rates were analyzed, and the expressions of cell lineages were assayed. For inflammatory responses, mice were fed with a diet containing 40 mg/kg diet SY and treated with 2.5% DSS for 7 days. The results showed that SY inhibited the growth of the organoids by inhibiting the proliferation and disturbing the differentiation of IECs. Furthermore, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and oxidative stress levels were elevated in SY-treated organoids. In DSS-treated mice, the disease activity index and expression levels of interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α were enhanced in the SY group, concluding that SY exacerbated DSS-induced intestinal inflammation. Taken together, these findings revealed that SY could disturb the homeostasis of the small intestinal epithelium by generating high levels of ER stress and oxidative stress, with long-term continuous consumption of SY potentially increasing the risk of intestinal inflammation.

Hyperlipidemia is one of the metabolic disorders that poses a great threat to human health. This study is aimed at investigating the potential hypolipidemic properties of extract from peanut meal fermented with Bacillus natto and Monascus in mice fed with a high-fat diet. Herein, 60 male C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into six groups four control groups, comprised of a normal group, a model (M) group, a positive control group (atorvastatin 10 mg kg

), and a nonfermented peanut meal extract group (150 mg kg

), and two experimental groups, comprised of a fermented peanut meal extract low-dose group (50 mg kg

) and a fermented peanut meal extract high-dose group (FH, 150 mg kg


Body weight (P = 0.001) and levels of serum total cholesterol (P = 0.007), triacylglycerol (P = 0.040), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P < 0.001), and leptin (P < 0.001) were remarkably decreased in the FH group, whereas the serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were increased (P < 0.001) by 7perlipidemia effects and is a research basis for potential industrial development. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry.Alcohol use disorders are chronic and highly relapsing disorders, thus alcoholic patients have a high rate of recidivism for drug use even after long periods of abstinence. The literature points to the potential usefulness of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in the management of several substance use disorders probably due to its capacity to restore brain homeostasis of the glutamate system disrupted in addiction. However, there is little evidence in the case of alcohol. The aim of this study was to explore the potential anti-relapse efficacy of NAC using the alcohol deprivation effect (ADE) model in long-term experienced rats. Two experiments were performed in male Wistar rats to (a) test the efficacy of NAC to prevent relapse and (b) discriminate the best administration schedule (intermittent vs. continuous) for NAC. In the first experiment, animals were implanted with mini-osmotic pumps delivering 0 or 1 mg/hr NAC during 14 days. In a second experiment, rats received 0, 60, or 100 mg/kg once daily by subcutaneous injection. The efficacy to prevent ADE was evaluated in both experiments. NAC subcutaneously administered, either by continuous infusion or by intermittent injections regimen, is able to block the ADE. The best results were obtained after using 60 mg/kg NAC dose. Our findings support the hypothesis that NAC may represent a valuable therapy in the management of alcohol relapse.

Over 50% of medical students worldwide report experiencing mistreatment and abuse during their clinical education, yet only a small proportion of students report these concerns to administration. It is unknown how medical students make sense of their experiences of mistreatment and come to decide whether to formally report these experiences. Improved understanding of this phenomenon will facilitate changes at the administrative and institutional levels to better support students.

Using Constructivist Grounded Theory, we interviewed 19 current and former medical students from one institution about their experiences with mistreatment and reporting. Data were analysed in an iterative fashion, using focused and theoretical forms of coding.

The decision of whether to report mistreatment is only one phase in the process that students report experiencing when encountering mistreatment. This process can be understood as a journey consisting of five phases Situating, Experiencing and Appraising, Reacting, Decidiinstitution are highly influential when it comes to reporting mistreatment. Interventions designed to support students and decrease exposure to mistreatment may be best focused on increasing organisational trust between students and the medical school.

Image-guided spine surgery increasingly relies on diagnostic MRI for device navigation, as it allows to visualize the nerves and soft tissues during screw insertion in the pedicle region, which is not possible with preoperative CT or cone beam CT. However, registration of MRI to C-arm images remains difficult due to differences in visible tissue.

In this paper, we introduce a three-dimensional/two-dimensional (3D/2D) registration method of preoperative T2-weighted MRI of the lumbar spine to C-arm X-ray using synthetic CT images. The registration work is based on a pseudo-3D CycleGAN integrating a new cyclic loss function to ensure consistency in MRI and CT synthesis using differentiable histograms to match the multimodal distributions. The unified framework allows to improve bony tissue inference as opposed to regular 2D CycleGAN for image synthesis. A multiplanar digitally reconstructed radiograph (DRR) registration approach aligns the 3D and 2D images.

Experiments performed on a public dataset of 18 pathological spines yielded a mean dice coefficient of 0.84±0.015 on synthetic CTs. The DRR registration experiments, on the other hand, presented a target localization error of 2.1±0.2mm.

Intensity distributions and voxel-wise errors in Hounsfield units show encouraging results, illustrating the network's flexibility of producing qualitatively and quantitatively reasonable synthetic CT scans that can be used in a surgical 3D/2D registration framework. RAAS inhibitor These promising results demonstrate the potential of the synthesis tool prior to integration in an image-guidance system.

Intensity distributions and voxel-wise errors in Hounsfield units show encouraging results, illustrating the network's flexibility of producing qualitatively and quantitatively reasonable synthetic CT scans that can be used in a surgical 3D/2D registration framework. These promising results demonstrate the potential of the synthesis tool prior to integration in an image-guidance system.Severe bottlenecks significantly diminish the amount of genetic diversity and the speed at which it accumulates (i.e., evolutionary rate). They further compromise the efficiency of natural selection to eliminate deleterious variants, which may reach fixation in the surviving populations. Consequently, expanding and adapting to new environments may pose a significant challenge when strong bottlenecks result in genetic pauperization. Herein, we surveyed the patterns of nucleotide diversity, molecular adaptation and genetic load across 177 gene-loci in a circum-Mediterranean conifer (Pinus pinea L.) that represents one of the most extreme cases of genetic pauperization in widespread outbreeding taxa. We found very little genetic variation in both hypervariable nuclear microsatellites (SSRs) and gene-loci, which translated into genetic diversity estimates one order of magnitude lower than those previously reported for pines. Such values were consistent with a strong population decline that began some ~1 Ma. Comparisons with the related and parapatric maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.

Autoři článku: Clevelandhall3135 (Frisk Rindom)