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The development of effective environmental management programs requires an appropriate assessment of the current state of the environment and contributes to anticipating future changes in the state of the environment. Obtaining such information is one of the main objectives of monitoring the environment, which is subject to anthropogenic stress, including radiological contamination. The distribution of radionuclides and their ability to migrate in ecological chains and concentration in individual parts requires special control in contaminated areas.

The purpose of the study was to analyze the content of radionuclides ( 137Cs and 90Sr) in soils near the settlements of the zone of radioactive contamination of the Volyn region and their spatial differentiation. Priority is given to agricultural lands, soils, crop products, which necessitates the organization of targeted monitoring of the agro industrial complex.

Radioactivity from 137Cs and 90Sr in the soil originating in the Volyn region was studied from n increase or decrease in groundwater and as a consequence - the migration of radionuclides. The most polluted were the soils of administrative districts of Manevychi and Liubeshiv.

Cereal grains and their products are among the basic components of the diet all over the world. Their consumption varies depending on the dietary habits in each country. Apart from ingredients valuable from a health point of view, these products can also be a source of contaminants. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) included these foodstuffs in the group of main contributors to the dietary exposure to nickel by different groups of the population.

The aim of the studies was to determine the nickel content in cereal grains and selected cereal products commercially available in Poland and to assess the exposure of consumers to nickel intake with these foodstuffs.

A total of 56 samples of cereal grain and cereal products from trade were tested. Selleck QX77 Nickel content was determined after microwave mineralization of the samples by atomic absorption spectrometry with a graphite furnace atomization (GFAAS). The estimated exposure for the different groups of the population was assessed and compared with the Tol intake with grains and grain-based products ranged from 1.1% to 13.4% of TDI and it does not pose a health risk for consumers.

Based on the obtained results, it was found that the nickel content in the tested samples of cereals and their products does not pose a health risk, even though the contamination of individual samples was significant.

Based on the obtained results, it was found that the nickel content in the tested samples of cereals and their products does not pose a health risk, even though the contamination of individual samples was significant.Chemical composition, organoleptic and physicochemical properties of natural groundwaters are varied and dependent on their geological environment. Determining the basic organoleptic properties - such as colour, taste, odour - as well as physical properties - such as electrical conductivity or redox potential - allow us to assess the stability of water chemical composition. Based on their origin, groundwaters can be divided into infiltration, as well as condensation, juvenile, metamorphic and relic groundwaters, which are currently of lesser value. Groundwaters sourced in Poland belong to various chemical types and play an important role in balneotherapy and the bottling industry. Of particular importance are thermal, bicarbonate, chloride or sulphate type waters. There is also a growing interest in humic waters found in the Wielkopolska region.

This study aimed to characterise how the follow-up of outpatients was done during the first months of COVID-19 pandemic by a multidisciplinary group of physicians involved in an asthma mHealth project. A cross-sectional study based on a web survey was conducted. The survey was sent to 123 physicians working at secondary care centres of Portugal and Spain, that participate in the INSPIRERS project. A total of 65 physicians completed the survey (53% response rate). They had a mean of 18 (11) years of clinical practice and 14% were residents. More than half were allergists (58%), 22% pulmonologists and 20% paediatricians. Most were working in Portugal (89%) and in public hospitals (88%). All were conducting consultations 71% presential (median [p 25 ,75] duration 30 [20, 30] min), 91% telephonic (15 [10, 20] min) and 20% video consultations (20[10, 28]min). The median duration of presential consultations was significantly higher than pre-COVID-19 (20 [20, 30]min; p = 0.021). From the physicians conducting videonologists and 20% paediatricians. Most were working in Portugal (89%) and in public hospitals (88%). All were conducting consultations 71% presential (median [p 25 ,75] duration 30 [20, 30] min), 91% telephonic (15 [10, 20] min) and 20% video consultations (20[10, 28]min). The median duration of presential consultations was significantly higher than pre-COVID-19 (20 [20, 30]min; p = 0.021). From the physicians conducting video consultations, 92% were allergists and only 54% considered that their institution provided adequate conditions. The physicians of the INSPIRERS group used telephonic consultations as the main alternative to presential ones and 1/5 used video consultations. These results suggest the need to rethink clinical follow-up services for outpatients in the near future increasing the use of telemedicine, especially video consultations.

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and other Health Information Technologies (HITs) pose significant challenges for clinicians, administrators and managers in the field of primary care. While there is an abundance of literature on the challenges of HIT systems in primary care, there are also practices where HITs are well-integrated and useful for care delivery. This study aims to (1) understand how exemplary primary care practices conceptualized data and HIT system use in their care delivery and (2) describe components that support and promote data and HIT system use in care delivery.

This paper is a sub-analysis of a larger qualitative data set on exemplary primary care in which data was collected using in-depth interviews, observations, field notes and primary source documents from week-long site visits at each organization. Using a combination of qualitative analysis methods including elements of thematic analysis, discourse analysis, and qualitative comparison analysis, we examined HIT-related data across six exemplary primary care organizations.

Autoři článku: Clementsclark6496 (Refsgaard Grace)