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The global reach of zoos has enormous potential to raise awareness of conservation issues such as the amphibian extinction crisis. One mechanism of achieving this is through targeted, time-limited campaigns. However, the longer-term impact of such campaigns on conservation outcomes is rarely evaluated. The goal of this study is to evaluate how zoos view "The Year of The Frog," a campaign launched by zoos in 2008, with the aim of raising awareness of the global amphibian crisis and generating funds to support amphibian conservation initiatives. A questionnaire-based survey of 43 zoos from fourteen countries was used to evaluate how zoo practitioners believed the campaign influenced amphibian conservation some 10 years after its launch. Survey results showed that the campaign not only contributed to the improvement of research into amphibian husbandry in zoos but also increased support of in situ conservation of amphibians. Zoos focused on exotic species, but developed countries led most of the actions of the campaign. The campaign has inspired and encouraged some zoos and other ex situ conservation organizations to embrace amphibian conservation. The next step is to increase collaboration with more organizations through, for example, AArk and IUCN SSC/ASG, particularly in countries that have high amphibian biodiversity.

Unlike the psychosocial assessment established for adults in the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD), a standardised psychosocial assessment for children and adolescents with TMD complaints has not yet been established.

To develop a new standardised instrument set to assess the psychosocial functioning in children and adolescents by adapting the psychosocial status and pain-related disability (Axis II) of the adult DC/TMD and by including new instruments.

A modified Delphi method was used to survey 23 international TMD experts and four international experts in pain-related psychological factors for consensus regarding assessment tools for psychosocial functioning and pain-related disability in children and adolescents. The TMD experts reviewed 29 Axis II statements at round 1, 13 at round 2 and 2 at round 3. Agreement was set at 80% for first-round consensus level and 70% for each of the second and third rounds. The psychological experts completed a complementary Delphi survey tchildren and adolescents. The adapted Axis II protocols will be validated in the target populations.

Through international expert consensus, this study adapted Axis II of the adult DC/TMD to assess psychosocial functioning and pain-related disability in children and adolescents. The adapted Axis II protocols will be validated in the target populations.

The aim of this study was to apply a two-stage deep model combining multi-scale feature maps and the recurrent attention model (RAM) to assist with the pathological diagnosis of breast cancer histological subtypes by the use of whole slide images (WSIs).

In this article, we propose an integrated framework combining multi-scale feature maps from Inception V3 and the recurrent attention model to classify the six histological subtypes of breast cancer. This model was trained with 194 WSIs, and on 63 validation WSIs the model achieved accuracies of 0.9030 for patch-level classification and 0.8889 for WSI-level classification. In the testing stage, a total of 65 WSIs were used to achieve an accuracy of 0.8462 without any form of datacuration. The t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding showed that features extracted by the feature network of the RAM from WSIs of the same category can cluster together after training, and the visualization of decision steps showed that the decision-making glimpses are focused on the middle tumour area of an example from test WSIs. Finally, the false classification patches indicated that the morphological similarities between tumour tissues of different subtypes or non-tumour tissues and tumour tissues in patches might contribute to misclassification.

This model can imitate the diagnostic process of pathologists, pay attention to a series of local features on the pathology image, and summarize related information, in order to accurately classify breast cancer into its histological subtypes, which is important for treatment and prognosis.

This model can imitate the diagnostic process of pathologists, pay attention to a series of local features on the pathology image, and summarize related information, in order to accurately classify breast cancer into its histological subtypes, which is important for treatment and prognosis.Amorphization is an efficient strategy to activate intrinsically inert catalysts. However, the low crystallinity of amorphous catalysts often causes high solubility and poor electrochemical stability in aqueous solution. Here, a different mechanism is developed to simultaneously stabilize and activate the water-soluble amorphous MoSx Oy via a charge-balancing strategy, which is induced by different electronegativity between the co-dopants Rh (2.28) and Sn (1.96). The electron-rich Sn prefers to stabilize the unstable apical O sites in MoSx Oy through charge transfer, which can prevent the H from attacking. Meanwhile, the Rh, as the charge regulator, shifts the main active sites on the basal plane from inert Sn to active apical Rh sites. Selleckchem Merestinib As a result, the amorphous RhSn-MoSx Oy exhibits drastic enhancement in electrochemical stability (η10 increases only by 12 mV) after 1000 cycles and a distinct activity (η10 26 mV and Tafel 30.8 mV dec-1 ) for the hydrogen evolution reaction in acidic solution. This work paves a route for turning impracticably water-soluble catalysts into treasure and inspires new ideas to design high-performance amorphous electrocatalysts.

Despite that hepatic fibrosis often affects the liver globally, spatial distribution can be heterogeneous. link2 This study aimed to investigate the effect of liver stiffness (LS) heterogeneity on concordance between MR elastography (MRE)-based fibrosis staging and biopsy staging in patients with NAFLD.

We retrospectively evaluated data from 155 NAFLD patients who underwent liver biopsy and 3 Tesla MRE and undertook a retrospective validation study of 169 NAFLD patients at three hepatology centers. Heterogeneity of stiffness was assessed by measuring the range between minimum and maximum MRE-based LS measurement (LSM). Variability of LSM was defined as the stiffness range divided by the maximum stiffness value. The cohort was divided into two groups (homogenous or heterogeneous), according to whether variability was below or above the average for the training cohort. Based on histopathology and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, optimum LSM thresholds were determined for MRE-based fibrosis staging of stage 4 (4.43, kPa; AUROC, 0.89) and stage ≥3 (3.93, kPa; AUROC, 0.89). In total, 53 had LSM above the threshold for stage 4. Within this group, 30 had a biopsy stage of <4. In 86.7% of these discordant cases, variability of LSM was classified as heterogeneous. In MRE-based LSM stage ≥3, 88.9% of discordant cases were classified as heterogeneous. link3 Results of the validation cohort were similar to those of the training cohort.

Discordance between biopsy- and MRE-based fibrosis staging is associated with heterogeneity in LSM, as depicted with MRE.

Discordance between biopsy- and MRE-based fibrosis staging is associated with heterogeneity in LSM, as depicted with MRE.

University entrance is often associated with changes in quality of life, individuals' cognitive and physical behavior. The present study aimed to evaluate health-related quality of life (HRQoL), sleep quality and sleepiness index in dentistry students at a university in Southeast Brazil, in different semesters of their course.

Samples were obtained from 55students from the dentistry course at the Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG). For collecting information, validated SF-36 questionnaires (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey), namely, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), were used as instruments in an educational environment. The relationship between the association of demographic factors and academic performance with SF-36, PSQI and ESS was assessed with an alpha of 0.05.

The worst HRQoL parameters reported by the participants were observed in the domains of body pain, vitality, general health perception, and limitations due to emotional and social aspects when associated with the investigated variables. Regarding the relative sleep quality index, differences in the PSQI domains were observed when related to demographic factors and academic performance. There was no significant difference in the sleepiness index of these students according to the mean values of the ESS domains.

The SF-36, PSQI and ESS questionnaires indicated that it is a reliable instrument for measuring the impact of quality of life on dentistry students. In addition, dentistry students of UNIFAL-MG had poor indicators of quality of life associated with health and an inadequate index of quality of sleep.

The SF-36, PSQI and ESS questionnaires indicated that it is a reliable instrument for measuring the impact of quality of life on dentistry students. In addition, dentistry students of UNIFAL-MG had poor indicators of quality of life associated with health and an inadequate index of quality of sleep.

Reflecting multicultural society, the diversity of the healthcare professional students' ethnicities and cultures is promoted around the world. However, most of the healthcare professional education in Japan had been targeted mainly at students who follow the Japanese language and culture. The aim of this study is to clarify what Japanese dental students have culturally experienced and how they developed intercultural competence during their school life with international dental students in Japan.

We conducted semi-structured interviews with 18 of the sixth-grade students in standard Japanese undergraduate dental programmes who shared required classes in Japan with non-Japanese-speaking international dental students in preclinical programmes. Based on the qualitative analysis of the interviews, we administered a questionnaire survey to 82 dental trainees (the seventh grade) in clinical training programmes who just graduated from various Japanese dental schools. Then, the answers of the questionnaire were ily contact with international students gave direct and indirect cross-cultural experiences and recognitions. In particular, the Japanese students were stimulated active perceptions. The findings of this study can be used for future discussion about the cross-cultural education and collaboration of healthcare professionals not only within Japan but also around the world.Restrictive interventions (RI), such as physical restraint, seclusion, and rapid tranquilization, can have negative psychological effects on service users; however, there has been little investigation regarding their effects on women. The aim of this paper was to explore women's experiences of RI within UK inpatient mental health services. Twenty women accessing inpatient mental health services participated in semi-structured interviews. Using thematic analysis (TA), three primary themes were reported from women's experiences (1) powerlessness, (2) dehumanization, and (3) relationships and communication. Clinical recommendations included ensuring gender-awareness and trauma-informed care training is mandatory for all mental health staff, for RI training to include awareness of gender differences, and for policies to be reviewed with regard to women being invasively searched and ensuring sanitary products are safely available for women within seclusion. Directions for future research include investigating the experiences of RI for women from minority ethnic groups and exploring important moderators and mediators in the relationship between RI and re-traumatization for women.

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