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Screening for latent tuberculosis infection is recommended for foreign-born persons in the United States. We used proxy data from electronic health records to determine that 17.5% of foreign-born outpatients attending the UC San Diego Health clinic (San Diego, CA, USA) underwent screening. Ending the global tuberculosis epidemic requires improved screening.The major toxins of Clostridioides difficile (TcdA, TcdB, CDT) are chromosomally encoded in nearly all known strains. Following up on previous findings, we identified 5 examples of a family of putative conjugative plasmids with tcdB and cdtAB in clinical C. difficile isolates from multilocus sequence typing clades C-I, 2, and 4.Rickettsia rickettsii infection is the only rickettsiosis included in the list of reportable diseases in Brazil, where typhus group rickettsioses, mainly murine typhus, have been underreported. We report a case of typhus group rickettsiosis with unique ecologic particularities in a patient from the Brazilian Amazon, where, to our knowledge, rickettsioses have not been reported.Rates of vancomycin-resistant enterococci bloodstream infections have remained relatively low in Canada. selleck compound We recently observed an increase of 113% in these infections rates, which coincided with emergence of Enterococcus faecium pstS-null sequence type 1478. The proportion of this sequence type increased from 2.7% to 38.7% for all tested isolates from 2013-2018.We studied 31 US healthcare facilities to characterize trends in mycobacterial testing. During 2009-2015, testing for acid-fast bacilli increased 3.2% annually, and prevalence of pathogenic nontuberculous mycobacteria increased 4.5% annually. These increases were highest for subpopulations at high risk of infection, including older women, Asians, and patients with concurrent conditions.We used latent class analysis to examine Zika virus-related information-accessing behavior of US residents during the 2016 international outbreak. We characterized 3 classes of information-accessing behavior patterns universalists, media seekers, and passive recipients. Understanding these patterns is crucial to planning risk communication during an emerging health threat.We compared sequence types (STs) of Mycoplasma pneumoniae isolates from Japan during 2002-2019. ST3 and ST14 dominated during 2002-2016, and ST7 and ST33 dominated during 2018-2019. These STs were associated with a decrease in macrolide-resistant strains after an epidemic of infection with M. pneumoniae during 2011-2012.Leuconostoc lactis is a glycopeptide-resistant, gram-positive, facultative anaerobic coccus isolated from dairy products, whereas Staphylococcus nepalensis is coagulase-negative coccus that has not been identified as human pathogen. We report an instructive case of L. lactis and S. nepalensis bacteremia in a 71-year-old man who experienced Boerhaave syndrome after a meal.In 2011, Bhutan's Royal Centre for Disease Control began Japanese encephalitis (JE) surveillance at 5 sentinel hospitals throughout Bhutan. During 2011-2018, a total of 20 JE cases were detected, indicating JE virus causes encephalitis in Bhutan. Maintaining JE surveillance will help improve understanding of JE epidemiology in this country.Q fever osteoarticular infection in children is an underestimated disease. We report 3 cases of Q fever osteomyelitis in children and review all cases reported in the literature through March 2018. A high index of suspicion is encouraged in cases of an unusual manifestation, prolonged course, relapsing symptoms, nonresolving or slowly resolving osteomyelitis, culture-negative osteomyelitis, or bone histopathology demonstrating granulomatous changes. Urban residence or lack of direct exposure to animals does not rule out infection. link2 Diagnosis usually requires use of newer diagnostic modalities. Optimal antimicrobial therapy has not been well established; some case-patients may improve spontaneously or during treatment with a β-lactam. link3 The etiology of treatment failure and relapse is not well understood, and tools for follow-up are lacking. Clinicians should be aware of these infections in children to guide optimal treatment, including choice of antimicrobial drugs, duration of therapy, and methods of monitoring response to treatment..During 2016-2018, we collected 3,193 ticks from rural areas in South Korea to investigate the prevalence of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV). We detected SFTSV in ticks at an infection rate (IR) of 11.1%. We noted increases in the human IR associated with the monthly SFTSV IR in ticks.The emergence and spread of carbapenemase-producing gram-negative bacteria is a major public health concern. We used data collected from microbiology laboratories as part of the PIRASOA program during 2014-2018 to study the epidemiology of carbapenemase-producing bacteria in Andalusia, Spain. Our findings highlight the importance of ongoing surveillance and epidemiologic studies for these bacteria.We report on a patient in Austria with scalp eschar and neck lymphadenopathy. Rickettsial etiology was excluded by culture, PCR, and serologic tests. Borrelia afzelii was identified from the eschar swab by PCR. Lyme borreliosis can mimic rickettsiosis; appropriate tests should be included in the diagnostic workup of patients with eschars.Active surveillance of invasive group A Streptococcus (iGAS) disease indicates that its incidence in the US general population is low, but limited studies show rates for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) are severalfold higher. Major disparities in rates of iGAS exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, but much less is understood about iGAS among AI/AN in the United States. Although complex host-pathogen interactions influence the rates of iGAS, including strain variation and virulence, the number and type of concurrent conditions, and socioeconomic status, the relative contribution of each remains unclear. We highlight the poor correlation between the substantial effect of iGAS among Indigenous persons in industrialized countries and the current understanding of factors that influence iGAS disease in these populations. Prospective, large-scale, population-based studies of iGAS are needed that include AI/AN as a necessary first step to understanding the effects of iGAS.We conducted a systematic literature review to obtain risk population-based fungal disease incidence or prevalence data from China. Data were categorized by risk factors and extrapolated by using most recent demographic figures. A total of 71,316,101 cases (5.0% of the population) were attributed to 12 risk factors and 17 fungal diseases. Excluding recurrent Candida vaginitis (4,057/100,000 women) and onychomycosis (2,600/100,000 persons), aspergillosis (317/100,000 persons) was the most common problem; prevalence exceeded that in most other countries. Cryptococcal meningitis, an opportunistic infection, occurs in immunocompetent persons almost twice as often as AIDS. The pattern of fungal infections also varies geographically; Talaromyces marneffei is distributed mainly in the Pearl River Basin, and the Yangtze River bears the greatest histoplasmosis burden. New host populations, new endemic patterns, and high fungal burdens in China, which caused a huge impact on public health, underscore the urgent need for building diagnostic and therapeutic capacity.To identify facilities at risk of receiving patients colonized or infected with multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs), we developed an interactive web-based interface for visualization of patient-sharing networks among healthcare facilities in Tennessee, USA. Using hospital discharge data and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' claims and Minimum Data Set, we constructed networks among hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. Networks included direct and indirect transfers, which accounted for less then 365 days in the community outside of facility admissions. Authorized users can visualize a facility of interest and tailor visualizations by year, network dataset, length of time in the community, and minimum number of transfers. The interface visualizes the facility of interest with its connected facilities that receive or send patients, the number of interfacility transfers, and facilities at risk of receiving transfers from the facility of interest. This tool will help other health departments enhance their MDRO outbreak responses.Orthohepevirus A genotype 7 is a novel zoonotic variant of hepatitis E virus. To clarify infection in the animal reservoir, we virologically monitored 11 dromedary dam-calf pairs. All calves became infected during the first 6 months of life and cleared the virus after an average of 2 months. Dams did not become infected.In October 2016, an adolescent boy sought care for acute genital ulceration in Cologne, Germany. We presumed a sexually transmitted infection, but initial diagnostic procedures yielded negative results. He was hospitalized because swab samples from the lesion grew toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae, leading to the diagnosis of possibly sexually transmitted cutaneous diphtheria.We evaluated the performance of X-bar chart, exponentially weighted moving average, and C3 cumulative sums aberration detection algorithms for acute diarrheal disease syndromic surveillance at naval sites in Peru during 2007-2011. The 3 algorithms' detection sensitivity was 100%, specificity was 97%-99%, and positive predictive value was 27%-46%.While studying aseptic meningitis in Salvador, Brazil, we diagnosed anicteric leptospirosis in 1.7% (5/295) of patients hospitalized for aseptic meningitis. Leptospirosis-associated meningitis patients had lower mean cerebrospinal fluid cell counts and protein than other-cause aseptic meningitis (p less then 0.05). Clinicians must consider leptospirosis-associated meningitis in appropriate clinical-epidemiologic contexts.After the 2017 Ebola virus (EBOV) outbreak in Likati, a district in northern Democratic Republic of the Congo, we sampled small mammals from the location where the primary case-patient presumably acquired the infection. None tested positive for EBOV RNA or antibodies against EBOV, highlighting the ongoing challenge in detecting animal reservoirs for EBOV.Currently enzootic avian influenza H5N1, H9N2, and H5N8 viruses were introduced into poultry in Egypt in 2006, 2011, and 2016, respectively. Infections with H5N1 and H9N2 were reported among poultry-exposed humans. We followed 2,402 persons from households raising backyard poultry from 5 villages in Egypt during August 2015-March 2019. We collected demographic, exposure, and health condition data and annual serum samples from each participant and obtained swab samples from participants reporting influenza-like illness symptoms. We performed serologic and molecular analyses and detected 4 cases of infection with H5N1 and 3 cases with H9N2. We detected very low seroprevalence of H5N1 antibodies and no H5N8 antibodies among the cohort; up to 11% had H9 antibodies. None of the exposure, health status, or demographic variables were related to being seropositive. Our findings indicate that avian influenza remains a public health risk in Eqypt, but infections may go undetected because of their mild or asymptomatic nature.

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