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This approach provides an innovative method for the large-scale production and application of high-quality catalysts in water treatment. To enhance the photocatalytic activity of TiO2, a new preparation method has been proposed to synthesize the catalysts by introducing Cu-MOF as a precursor and performing a blackening process via a mixture with NaBH4 for TiO2 nanoparticles (CuO-TiO2(mb)). The results showed that the removal efficiency of xylene under ultraviolet and visible light over CuO-TiO2(mb) was 3.45 times higher than that of the catalysts prepared by impregnation of CuO on the surfaces of TiO2 (CuO-TiO2(d)) and 12.12 times higher than that of pure TiO2 nanoparticles. Analyses by the X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy indicated that the introduction of Cu-MOF as a precursor on the surface of the catalyst resulted in CuO-TiO2(mb) presenting a lower grain size compared with TiO2 nanoparticles and CuO-TiO2(d). The results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance spectrum and photoluminescence indicated that blackening process narrowed the bind gap width and shortened the band gap from 2.95 eV to 1.32 eV, introduced the coexistence of Ti4+, Ti3+, Cu2+ and Cu+ in CuO-TiO2(mb) decreased the recombination rate of e--h+, which greatly improved the light response of CuO-TiO2(mb) under ultraviolet and visible light, resulting in the benefit to the photocatalytic reaction. BACKGROUND Acute psychological stress activates the sympatho-adrenal medullary (SAM) system and hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. The relevance of this stress reactivity to long-term health and disease outcomes is of great importance. We examined prospective studies in apparently healthy adults to test the hypothesis that the magnitude of the response to acute psychological stress in healthy adults is related to future health and disease outcomes. METHODS We searched Medline Complete, PsycINFO, CINAHL Complete and Embase up to 15 Aug 2019. Included studies were peer-reviewed, English-language, prospective studies in apparently healthy adults. The exposure was acute psychological stress reactivity (SAM system or HPA axis) at baseline. The outcome was any health or disease outcome at follow-up after ≥1 year. RESULTS We identified 1719 papers through database searching and 1 additional paper through other sources. Forty-seven papers met our criteria including 32,866 participants (range 30-4100) with 1-23y indicate stress reactivity as a predictor for future health and disease outcomes. Dysregulation of stress reactivity may represent a mechanism by which psychological stress contributes to the development of future health and disease outcomes. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Inadvertent retained surgical gauzes are an infrequent medical error but can have devastating consequences in the patient health and in the surgeon professional reputation. This problem seems easily preventable implementing standardized protocols for counting but due to human errors it still persists in surgery. The omnipresence of gauzes, their small size, and their similar appearance with tissues when they are soaked in blood make this error eradication really complex. In order to reduce the risk of accidental retention of surgical sponges in laparoscopy operations, in this paper we present an image processing system that tracks the gauzes on the video captured by the endoscope. METHODS The proposed image processing application detects the presence of gauzes in the video images using texture analysis techniques. The process starts dividing the video frames into square blocks and each of these blocks is analyzed to determine whether it is similar to the gauze pattern. The video proceuse it processes the video transparently and unattended, without the need for additional manipulation of special equipment in the operating room. V.Interest in soil pollution by multiple heavy metals has been growing over the last decades. However, few experiments combining numerical analyses with solute transport in layered soil can be found in the literature. Here, the retention and fate of three coexisting metal ions, Cu, Cd, and Zn, in layered soils were investigated to evaluate soil co-contamination through batch and column experiments. Results showed high amounts of Cu adsorption and retention by soils, followed by Cd and Zn. The partial concentration of Zn in effluent was greater than the input from competition adsorption and the 'snow plow effect'. These findings indicate the high potential risk of Zn and Cd groundwater pollution when Cu, Cd, and Zn co-exist in the soil. Adsorption isotherms obtained from batch experiments were well described by Freundlich equation. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) obtained from column experiments were well described by standard convection-dispersion equation (CDE) for Br, and Tow-site (TSM) and One-site models (OSM) for metals except for Zn, using the Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear optimization algorithm. However, the parameters were poorly constrained by the available observational data due to high correlation between parameters, rather than insensitivity to model outputs. The Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) method did not only qualify the uncertainty of parameters for solute transport in layered medium, but estimate prediction uncertainty. Prediction bounds basically captured the observed Br, Zn and Cd BTCs, while systematically overestimated the effluent Cu concentration. Comparing with the optimization, GLUE method can improve prediction reliability of heavy metal transport in layered soils. The air traffic growth at Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG) has attracted much concern over the potential impacts on local air quality and human health; however, the emission contributions due to aircraft activities, impact on air quality and health effects remain unclear. Hedgehog inhibitor In this study, the ground operational data derived from the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) dataset are newly utilized to obtain the PVG-specific emission parameters of 10 distinct aircraft-engine combinations during the taxi-in and taxi-out phases of the landing and take-off (LTO) cycle. The resulting emission parameters, together with PVG-specific operational conditions, are applied to quantify the annual emissions in 2017 for main engines and auxiliary power units (APUs) at PVG, emission variations caused by mixing layer height, sensitivity of black carbon (BC) emissions to the estimation method and sensitivity of PM2.5 emissions to the fuel sulfur content (FSC). The results show noticeable discrepancies between the corrected fuel flows and NOx emission indices (EIs) and those certified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Autoři článku: Christoffersenwilkerson7515 (Whitaker Katz)