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Nine aromatic derivatives and two dichloroaliphatic amines were identified by GC-MS, and five short-chain carboxylic acids were detected by ion-exclusion HPLC. A reaction route for thiamphenicol mineralization by PEF process with continuous H2O2 and Fe2+ supply on site is proposed.Nowadays, the production of green transportation fuels is essential for a healthy life and environment. MDV3100 antagonist Effective and complete removal of organosulfur recalcitrant compounds from fuel oils is crucial to meet the stringent requirements of sulfur standards. However, the industry's solution (Hydrodesulfurization, HDS) is not effective in the removal of complex sulfur heterocyclic hydrocarbons. Thus, the development of more efficient and ecofriendly/sustainable desulfurization methods is critical, as either an alternative or a complement to HDS, foreseeing the production of ultra-low sulfur fuels (ULSF). Among the desulfurization techniques available, microbial desulfurization of organosulfur hydrocarbons (biodesulfurization, BDS) is attracting great attention. BDS is carried out at mild operation conditions, making it energetically cheaper and more ecofriendly, since it does not require hydrogen and produces far less greenhouse gases emission than HDS. In this context, the behavior of Gordonia alkanivorans straito produce high added-value carotenoids, namely astaxanthin, lutein and canthaxanthin. Hence, these results are promising when aiming to achieve a scale-up scenario. In fact, the inclusion of the production of high added-value products within a BDS process targeting ULSF may be a sustainable way to turn its scale-up economically viable.Disinfection using chlorine has paramount importance in the treatment of either drinking water or sewage since it can kill and inhibit all waterborne pathogens, but it may result in carcinogenic substances when interacting with organic matter. An eco-friendly sol-gel process with citrate was used to prepare the nano-cubic activated nickel-zinc ferrite magnetic nanostructures (Ni0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 and Ni0.6Zn0.2Ce0.2Fe2O4). The activated nanomagnetic samples were characterized using XRD, HR-TEM, HR-SEM, FTIR, and VSM techniques. The structural and magnetic results showed that the nano-cubes magnetic-structures exhibited higher crystalline degrees and an increase in the total magnetization, enabling spinel nano-ferrite to possess potentials for excellent industry various applications. Likewise, the VSM results reveal that Ce2O3 had a significant influence on the magnetic behavior such as the coercivity (Hc; 69.226-133.15) saturation and magnetization (Ms; 24.562-52.174). The results revealed that all Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) had an outstanding inhibitory effect on microbes tested. The manufactured particles showed a remarkable ability to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in real sewage samples. The results obtained endorsed that the manufactured magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are powerful nano-weapons with an excellent anticipated output for the deactivation of pathogenic microbes during sewage treatment, with, nickel-zinc-cerium ferrite being more effective in inhibiting microbial growth than nickel-zinc-cerium ferrite.Land resources in developing countries are facing intense degradation due to deforestation and subsequent loss of organic matter from continuous tillage that causes soil erosion and gulley formation. link2 The Ethiopian highlands are especially and severely affected. One of the land and water management practices to counteract this problem, fenced areas to prevent livestock access (called exclosures), has been in practice for the last few decades in the semi-arid highlands of Ethiopia but its effect on degraded landscapes has not been well researched -- especially in the sub-humid and humid highlands. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of exclosures on improving degraded landscapes in the sub-humid highlands. The research was carried out in the Ferenj Wuha watershed, in the northwestern sub-humid Ethiopian highlands, where land and water management practices were implemented starting in 2011. Vegetation was inventoried and aboveground biomass, carbon and nutrient stock determined for communal grazing l is increasing.Several methods have been developed to label compounds with 18F. However, in general these are laborious and require a multistep synthesis. A method based on the chelation of 18F-aluminum fluoride ([18F]AlF) by 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (NOTA) was developed recently. The present work was aimed to radiolabel hexavalent lactoside (NOTA-HL) by [18F]AlF method for PET imaging of asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR). Methods hexavalent lactoside was conjugated with the NOTA chelate and labeled with 18F in a one-pot method. The labeling procedure was investigated with different amounts of NOTA-HL and aluminum concentration. Radiochemical yield and radiochemical purity were determined by radio-TLC and radio-HPLC respectively. In vitro stability study of [18F]AlF-HL were carried out. PET/CT imaging of normal mice injected with [18F]AlF-NOTA-HL was performed. Results The Radiochemical yield of [18F]AlF-NOTA-HL was higher with more precursor and optimal Al+ concentration. The radiochemical purity of labeled product was >95% after purified by Sep-Pak cartridge to remove unbound [18F]AlF. The radiolabeling, including purification, was performed in 30 min [18F]AlF-NOTA-HL exhibited good in vitro stability. PET studies in normal mice revealed high specific accumulation of activity in the liver. Conclusion NOTA-HL could be labeled rapidly and efficiently with aqueous 18F using AlF method. [18F]AlF-NOTA-HL would provide another efficient approach for PET imaging of ASGPR.Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is a valuable culinary and medicinal plant. link3 The compound 6-gingerol is the main gingerol in ginger rhizomes and it possesses interesting pharmacological and physiological properties. Mutation breeding involved using low doses of gamma radiation (5-30 Gy) to increase the genetic variability in ginger rhizomes (M1 generation). Ginger plants selected from the next generation (M2) were characterized and subjected to quantitative analysis for 6-gingerol content using HPLC of ginger extracts. M2 offspring from a parent ginger rhizome irradiated with 20 Gy was found to have a high 6-gingerol content (38.4 ± 0.01 mg/g methanol extract in comparison to 22.1 ± 0.03 mg/g methanol extract in non-irradiated control samples). Radiation induced genetic variability was also probed and confirmed using RAPD-PCR analysis. This research demonstrates the potential for ginger improvement and to our knowledge is the first to report the use of gamma radiation in breeding ginger plants with enhanced 6-gingerol content.[11C]choline has a weak UV absorption chromophore, and it is challenging to detect less than 1 μg/mL choline using radio-HPLC-UV. In this study, we established an analytical procedure of [11C]choline using the radio-HPLC coupled with the corona-charged aerosol detector. As a result, we achieved more than 100 GBq/μmol (over 0.1 μg/mL of choline) of molar radioactivity at the end of synthesis, over 95% of radiochemical purity, and more than 0.1 μg/mL of 2-dimethyoaminoethanol as a chemical impurity.To develop PET tracers for imaging of heart disease, a new carbon-11 labeled potent and selective PDE5 inhibitor [11C]TPN171 ([11C]9) has been synthesized. The reference standard TPN171 (9) and its corresponding precursor desmethyl-TPN171 (11) were synthesized from methyl 3-oxovalerate and 2-hydroxybenzonitrile in 9 and 10 steps with 31% and 25% overall chemical yield, respectively. The radiotracer [11C]TPN171 was prepared from desmethyl-TPN171 with [11C]CH3OTf through N-11C-methylation and isolated by HPLC purification followed by SPE formulation in 45-55% radiochemical yield, based on [11C]CO2 and decay corrected to EOB. The radiochemical purity was >99%, and the molar activity (Am) at EOB was in a range of 370-740 GBq/μmol.The human handling of radioactive contamination on the surface of nuclear facilities has become an important issue in the development of nuclear industry. In order to solve the poor film-forming of nuclear detergent in low temperature, a new type low temperature film-forming peelable nuclear decontaminant was proposed. The acrylate copolymers were developed by solution polymerization of acrylic monomers in the mass ratio of BA (butyl acrylate) MMA (methyl methacrylate) AA (acrylic acid) EA (ethyl acetate) is equal to 50455100 considering different proportioning methods and reaction temperature. Then the orthogonal test was carried out to study the effects of crosslinker, plasticizer, thickener, release agent on the decontamination performance based on the orthogonal test method, and the optimal peelable formula of peelable nuclear detergent was obtained. Next the infrared properties, glass transition temperature, molecular weight of polymer and decontamination efficiency of peelable nuclear decontaminant were studied by experiments. The results show that the proposed low-temperature film-forming peelable radioactive decontamination agent can form film on concrete, sand, terrazzo, stainless steel and other surfaces, and is easy to peel off. The decontamination rate of this material is more than 82%.This work presents results obtained following the preparation of lithium borate by the chemical reaction between lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) and boric acid (H3BO3), doping the host salt of lithium borate (Li2B4O7) with ions of copper, silver and phosphorus. With the obtained material dosimeters were produced in sintered pellet form which were exposed by gamma radiation that emitted from 60Co source. The highest sensitivity was found for the sample of Li2B4O7Cu,Ag,P (in pellet form) with 0.45, 0.45 and 12 mol% of Cu, Ag and P, respectively, subjected to a thermal treatment at 1123 K during 2 h. The TL response shows linearity in the dose range from 0.005 to 100 Gy. The lower detection limit (LDL) was equal to 6.10 μGy. The fading was found to be 3% in the first ten days and 9% at the end of thirty days. The repeatability of TL measurements for twenty cycles, showed a variability coefficient equal to 4.15%. The glow curve shape of Li2B4O7Cu,Ag,P sintered pellet shows two peaks with general-kinetics order. This new material could be appropriate for dosimetry in clinical radiation applications.In this work, the seasonal variation of the concentration of radon in soil and its contribution to concentrations inside of a bunker used for the storage and operation of radioactive material was studied. The measurements obtained inside and outside of the installation allowed establish a method for the calculation of the diffusion coefficient for the concrete, variable that directly influences the concentration of radon gas inside of the bunker. With the obtained results of the gamma dose rate and the concentration of radon inside the bunker, the S-index was calculated in order to determine whether the bunker would require some remediation process. The high radon gas concentration rates to which workers are exposed led to study the relative risk of contracting lung cancer (RRLC).We have developed an online digital signal processing system based on an FPGA. The system consists of pile-up rejection, baseline restorer, peak detection and pole-zero cancellation for evaluation of deposited energy in the detector. The shaping algorithm employed is a Moving Window Deconvolution (MWD) to shape digitized data into a trapezoidal form. For the purpose of verification, the developed digital system was tested for 137Cs gamma rays. The entire system is programmed using the LabVIEW environment.

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