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This study aims to understand the neural and hemodynamic responses during general anesthesia in order to develop a comprehensive multimodal anesthesia depth monitor using simultaneous functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and Electroencephalogram (EEG).

37 adults and 17 children were monitored with simultaneous fNIRS and EEG, during the complete general anesthesia process. The coupling of fNIRS signals with neuronal signals (EEG) was calculated. Measures of complexity (sample entropy) and phase difference were also quantified from fNIRS signals to identify unique fNIRS based biomarkers of general anesthesia.

A significant decrease in the complexity and power of fNIRS signals characterize the anesthesia maintenance phase. Furthermore, responses to anesthesia vary between adults and children in terms of neurovascular coupling and frontal EEG alpha power.

This study shows that fNIRS signals could reliably quantify the underlying neuronal activity under general anesthesia and clearly distinguish the different phases throughout the procedure in adults and children (with less accuracy).

A multimodal approach incorporating the specific differences between age groups, provides a reliable measure of anesthesia depth.

A multimodal approach incorporating the specific differences between age groups, provides a reliable measure of anesthesia depth.

To assess whether ictal electric source imaging (ESI) on low-density scalp EEG can approximate the seizure onset zone (SOZ) location and predict surgical outcome in children with refractory epilepsy undergoing surgery.

We examined 35 children with refractory epilepsy. We dichotomized surgical outcome into seizure- and non-seizure-free. We identified ictal onsets recorded with scalp and intracranial EEG and localized them using equivalent current dipoles and standardized low-resolution magnetic tomography (sLORETA). We estimated the localization accuracy of scalp EEG as distance of scalp dipoles from intracranial dipoles. We also calculated the distances of scalp dipoles from resection, as well as their resection percentage and compared between seizure-free and non-seizure-free patients. We built receiver operating characteristic curves to test whether resection percentage predicted outcome.

Resection distance was lower in seizure-free patients for both dipoles (p=0.006) and sLORETA (p=0.04). Resection percentage predicted outcome with a sensitivity of 57.1% (95% CI, 34-78.2%), a specificity of 85.7% (95% CI, 57.2-98.2%) and an accuracy of 68.6% (95% CI, 50.7-83.5%) (p=0.01).

Ictal ESI performed on low-density scalp EEG can delineate the SOZ and predict outcome.

Such an application may increase the number of children who are referred for epilepsy surgery and improve their outcome.

Such an application may increase the number of children who are referred for epilepsy surgery and improve their outcome.There is an ongoing debate if Lateralized Periodic Discharges (LPDs) represent an interictal pattern reflecting non-specific but irritative brain injury, or conversely, is an ictal pattern. The challenge is how to correctly manage these patients? Between this apparent dichotomous distinction, there is a pattern lying along the interictal-ictal continuum (IIC) that we may call "peri-ictal". click here Peri-ictal means that LPDs are temporally associated with epileptic seizures (although not necessarily in the same recording). Their recognition should lead to careful EEG monitoring and longer periods of video-EEG to detect seizure activity (clinical and/or subclinical seizures). In order to distinguish which kind of LPDs should be considered as representing interictal/irritative brain injury versus ictal/peri-ictal LPDs, a set of criteria, with both clinical/neuroimaging and EEG, is proposed. Among them, the dichotomy LPDs-proper versus LPDs-plus should be retained. Spiky or sharp LPDs followed by associated slow after-waves or periods of flattening giving rise to a triphasic morphology should be included in the definition of LPDs-plus. We propose defining a particular subtype of LPDs-plus that we call "LPDs-max". The LPDs-max pattern corresponds to an ictal pattern, and therefore, a focal non-convulsive status epilepticus, sometimes associated with subtle motor signs and epileptic seizures. LPDs-max include periodic polyspike-wave activity and/or focal burst-suppression-like patterns. LPDs-max have a posterior predominance over the temporo-parieto-occipital regions and are refractory to antiseizure drugs. Interpretations of EEGs in critically ill patients require a global clinical approach, not limited to the EEG patterns. The clinical context and results of neuroimaging play key roles.

We recently proposed a spectrum-based model of the awake intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) (Kalamangalam et al., 2020), based on a publicly-available normative database (Frauscher et al., 2018). The latter has been expanded to include data from non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (von Ellenrieder et al., 2020), and the present work extends our methods to those data.

Normalized amplitude spectra on semi-logarithmic axes from all four arousal states (wake, N2, N3 and REM) were averaged region-wise and fitted to a multi-component Gaussian distribution. A reduced model comprising five key parameters per brain region was color-coded on to cortical surface models.

The lognormal Gaussian mixture model described the iEEG accurately from all brain regions, in all sleep-wake states. There was smooth variation in model parameters as sleep and wake states yielded to each other. Specific observations unrelated to the model were that the primary cortical areas of vision, motor function and audition, in addition to the hippocampus, did not participate in the 'awakening' of the cortex during REM sleep.

Despite the significant differences in the appearance of the time-domain EEG in wakefulness and sleep, the iEEG in all arousal states was successfully described by a parametric spectral model of low dimension.

Spectral variation in the iEEG is continuous in space (across different cortical regions) and time (stage of circadian cycle), arguing for a 'continuum' hypothesis in the generative processes of sleep and wakefulness in human brain.

Spectral variation in the iEEG is continuous in space (across different cortical regions) and time (stage of circadian cycle), arguing for a 'continuum' hypothesis in the generative processes of sleep and wakefulness in human brain.Exploring efficient remediation technologies to remediate potentially toxic element (PTE) in soil around the mining area has become a trendy research topic. This study conducted material composed of sawdust ash (SA) and sawdust biochar (SB) with mass ratio of SASB = 12 in combination with Medicago sativa L. and Festuca arundinacea to remediate soil contaminated by zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As) in a mining area. The result showed that the removal rates of Zn, Cd, and As were the highest under the treatment of Festuca arundinacea combined with 5% material with values of 22.15%, 22.05%, and 12.47%, respectively. Festuca arundinacea had the most potent ability to absorb and tolerate composite PTEs, and the co-remediation process could remarkably improve soil enzyme environment and microbial community diversity. The distribution of PTEs in plant subcellular showed that the accumulation of Zn, Cd, and As in the cell wall of Festuca arundinacea root was significantly increased by adding 2% materials. The concentrations of Zn, Cd, and As in the cell wall were 4486.25, 33.59, and 124.15 mg/kg, respectively. The combination of 2% material and Festuca arundinacea could effectively remove PTEs in soil and enhance the detoxification ability of the plant, thus effectively improving the soil environment and remediating PTEs pollution. This study provided insights into the remediation of PTE-contaminated soil in mining area by combining materials and plants.Two decades of structural and functional studies have revealed functions, structures and diversity of bacterial microcompartments. The protein-based organelles encapsulate diverse metabolic pathways in semipermeable, icosahedral or pseudo-icosahedral shells. One of the first discovered and characterized microcompartments are those involved in ethanolamine degradation. This review will summarize their function and assembly along with shared and unique characteristics with other microcompartment types. The modularity and self-assembling properties of their shell proteins make them valuable targets for bioengineering. Advances and prospects for shell protein engineering in vivo and in vitro for synthetic biology and biotechnology applications will be discussed.The occurrence of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) in critically ill patients with viral pneumonitis has increasingly been reported in recent years. Influenza-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (IAPA) and COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) are the two most common forms of this fungal infection. These diseases cause high mortality in patients, most of whom were previously immunocompetent. The pathogenesis of IAPA and CAPA is still not fully understood, but involves viral, fungal and host factors. In this article, we discuss several aspects regarding IAPA and CAPA, including their possible pathogenesis, the use of immunotherapy, and future challenges.Microbial interactions are increasingly recognized as an integral part of microbial physiology. Cell-cell communication mediated by quorum sensing and metabolite exchange is a formative element of microbial interactions. However, loss-of-function mutations in quorum-sensing components are common across diverse species. Furthermore, quorum sensing is modulated by small molecules and environmental conditions that may be altered in the presence of other microbial species. Recent evidence highlights how strain heterogeneity impacts microbial interactions. There is great potential for microbial interactions to act as selective pressures that influence the emergence of common mutations in quorum-sensing genes across the bacterial and fungal domains.Selenium (Se) deficiency and poor plasma Se levels can cause cardiovascular diseases by decreasing selenoprotein levels. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) may be the vicious cycle center of inflammation in vasculitis. Here, we show that Se deficiency induced arteritis mainly by reducing selenoprotein S (SelS), and promoted the progression of arteritis by regulating the recruitment of neutrophils and NET formation. Silencing SelS induced chicken arterial endothelial cells (PAECs) to secrete cytokines, and activated neutrophils to promote NET formation. Conversely, scavenging DNA-NETs promoted cytokine secretion in PAECs. The NET formation regulated by siSelS was dependent on a reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst. We also found that the PPAR pathway was a major mediator of NET formation induced by Se-deficient arteritis. Overall, our results reveal how Se deficiency regulates NET formation in the progression of arteritis and support silencing-SelS worsens arteritis.Salmonella enterica is a major cause of foodborne diseases, and is also an important pathogenic bacterium in poultry industry. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has become a crucial molecular typing technology used for the surveillance of the pathogenic bacteria. In the present study, we adopted WGS for tracking transmission of S. enterica in the production chain of broiler chickens. A total of 74 S. enterica strains were isolated from the different steps of breeding and slaughtering in a large production enterprise in Sichuan Province, China. The isolation rate of Salmonella was the highest in procedure of defeathering (50.0%) and evisceration (36.7%). Serotype identification showed that 74 Salmonella isolates included 7 serotypes, among which Mbandaka accounted for the highest proportions (35.1%). WGS revealed that 74 strains belonged to 7 different sequence types (STs), as well as 7 different ribosomal STs and 35 core genome STs. cgMLST-based Minimum Spanning Trees and phylogenetic tree based on the SNPs indicated that three serotypes, Mbandaka, Indiana and Kentucky, could be clonally transmitted between broiler farm and slaughterhouse.

Autoři článku: Chancardenas5010 (Tang Juel)