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The multifunctioning system can continuously operate without an external power supply. Our work opens up a promising approach to develop multicomponent systems with new interactive functions and multitasking devices, due to III-nitride diode arrays that can simultaneously transmit, detect, and harvest light.Defocus aberration in optical systems, including optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems employing Gaussian illumination, gives rise to the well-known compromise between transverse resolution and depth-of-field. This results in blurry images when out-of-focus, whilst other low-order aberrations (e.g., astigmatism, coma, etc.) present in both the OCT system and biological samples further reduce image resolution and contrast. Computational adaptive optics (CAO) is a computed optical interferometric imaging technique that modifies the phase of the OCT data in the spatial frequency domain to correct optical aberrations and provide improvement of the image quality throughout the three-dimensional (3D) volume. In this Letter, we report the first implementation of CAO for polarization-sensitive OCT to correct defocus and other low-order aberrations, providing enhanced polarization-sensitive imaging contrast (i.e., intensity and phase retardation) on a 3D OCT phantom, molded plastics, ex vivo chicken breast tissue, and ex vivo human breast cancer tissue.We developed a simple, accurate single-shot method to determine the nonlinear refractive index of air by measuring the evolution of the spatial shape of a laser beam propagating through the atmosphere. A distinctive feature of this new method, which relies on a modified Fresnel propagation model for data analysis, is the use of a hard aperture for producing a well-defined, high-quality beam from a comparatively non-uniform quasi-flat-top beam, which is typical for high-peak-power lasers. The nonlinear refractive index of air for a very short (2 ps) long-wave infrared (LWIR) laser pulse was measured for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, yielding n2=3.0×10-23m2/W at 9.2 µm. This result is 40% lower than a corresponding measurement with longer (200 ps) LWIR pulses at a similar wavelength.We demonstrate a highly powerful acousto-optically Q-switched NdYVO4 yellow laser at 589 nm by using a Np-cut KGW crystal and a phase-matching lithium triborate crystal to performance the intracavity stimulated Raman scattering and second-harmonic generation, respectively. We experimentally verify that the design of the separate cavity is superior to the conventional design of the shared cavity. By using the separate cavity, the optical-to-optical efficiency can be generally higher than 32% for the repetition rate within 200-500 kHz. The maximum output power at 589 nm can be up to 15.1 W at an incident pump power of 40 W and a repetition rate of 400 kHz.In this work, a method is proposed and demonstrated for fabrication of chirped fiber Bragg gratings (CFBGs) in single-mode fiber by femtosecond laser point-by-point inscription. CFBGs with bandwidths from 2 to 12 nm and dispersion ranges from 14.2 to 85 ps/nm are designed and achieved. The sensitivities of temperature and strain are 14.91 pm/°C and 1.21pm/µε, respectively. Compared to the present phase mask method, femtosecond laser point-by-point inscription technology has the advantage of manufacturing CFBGs with different parameter flexibilities, and is expected to be widely applied in the future.In this Letter, we propose a deep learning method with prior knowledge of potential aberration to enhance the fluorescence microscopy without additional hardware. The proposed method could effectively reduce noise and improve the peak signal-to-noise ratio of the acquired images at high speed. The enhancement performance and generalization of this method is demonstrated on three commercial fluorescence microscopes. This work provides a computational alternative to overcome the degradation induced by the biological specimen, and it has the potential to be further applied in biological applications.The coexistence of anti-vibration and a common optical path is difficult to realize in dynamic Fizeau interferometry. To address this problem, we propose a dynamic low-coherence interferometry (DLI) using a double Fizeau cavity. The DLI method is a new optical model that creatively renders both surfaces of the RM to interfere with the test surface, utilizing a low-coherence source and optical path matching to construct the common-path p-polarized Fizeau cavity (p-FC) and carrier-frequency s-polarized Fizeau cavity (s-FC). The relative tilt phases of the s-FC are calculated using the carrier frequency interferograms; then the final phase is retrieved with the relative tilt phases and p-FC interferograms. The experimental results demonstrate that the DLI method can provide high-precision phase measurement in a vibration environment.Phase measuring deflectometry is a powerful measuring method of complex optical surfaces that captures the reflected fringe images associated with a displaying screen and calculates the normal vectors of the surface under test (SUT) accordingly. The captured images are usually set conjugate to the SUT, which in turn makes the screen defocused. As a result, the blurring effect caused by the defocus and aberrations of the off-axis catadioptric imaging system can severely degrade the phases solved from the blurred images. In order to correct the phase errors, the space-variant point spread functions (PSFs) are modeled using a skew-normal function. The phase bias is estimated by forward convolution between the captured images and the PSF models. Demonstrated with a highly curved aspheric surface, the measurement accuracy can be improved by three times.We report on the first, to the best of our knowledge, passive Q-switching operation at 2.3 µm passively based on TmYAIO3 (TmYAP) 3H4→3H5 transition with sulfur-doped graphitic carbon nitride (g-gC3N4) as the saturable absorber. Sulfur-doping engineering in g-C3N4 was manifested to enhance its mid-infrared nonlinear saturable absorption characteristics, which was confirmed by the conventional open-aperture Z-scan experiment with the excitation at 2.3 µm. The large effective nonlinear absorption coefficient of S-gC3N4 was determined to be -0.68cm/GW, indicating the remarkable MIR optical response. Initiated by S-gC3N4, a passively Q-switched laser operating at 2274.6 nm was configured with a-cut 3.0 at.% TmYAP as the gain medium. Stable Q-switching pulses were generated with the shortest pulse width of 140 ns, corresponding to the maximum peak power of 21.8 W. The experimental results reveal the effectiveness of sulfur doping to improve the performance of g-C3N4 in the MIR pulse generation.We report a seeded optical parametric generator (OPG) producing tunable radiation from 4.2-4.6 µm. The seeded OPG employs a 13 mm long CdSiP2 (CSP) crystal cut for non-critical phase-matching, pumped by a nanosecond-pulsed, MHz repetition rate Raman fiber amplifier system at 1.24 µm. A filtered, continuous-wave fiber supercontinuum source at 1.72 µm is used as the seed. The source generates up to 0.25 W of mid-infrared (MIR) idler power with a total pump conversion of 42% (combined signal and idler).In recent years, multi-petawatt laser installations have achieved unprecedented peak powers, opening new horizons to laser-matter interaction studies. Ultra-broadband and extreme temporal contrast pulse requirements make optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) in the few-picosecond regime the key technology in these systems. To guarantee high fidelity output, however, OPCPA requires excellent synchronization between pump and signal pulses. Here, we propose a new highly versatile architecture for the generation of optically synchronized pump-signal pairs based on the Kerr shutter effect. We obtained >550µJ pump pulses of 12 ps duration at 532 nm optically synchronized with a typical ultrashort CPA source at 800 nm. As a proof-of-principle demonstration, our system was also used for amplification of ∼20µJ ultra-broadband pulses based on an OPCPA setup.The use of Eu3+ codoping for enhancing the Ho3+5I5→5I6 emission in fluoroindate glasses shows that Eu3+ could depopulate the lower laser state Ho3+5I6 while having little effect on the upper state Ho3+5I5, resulting in greater population inversion. The Ho3+/Eu3+ codoped glass has high spontaneous transition probability (6.31s-1) together with large emission cross section (7.68×10-21cm2). This study indicates that codoping of Ho3+ with Eu3+ is a feasible alternative to quench the lower energy level of the 3.9 µm emission and the Ho3+/Eu3+ codoped fluoroindate glass is a promising material for efficient 3.9 µm fiber lasers.Silicate-clad heavily Yb3+ doped phosphate core multimaterial fiber (MF) was successfully drawn by using a molten core method, which has a high gain per unit length of 5.44 dB/cm at 1.06 µm. What is more, an all-fiber-integrated passively mode-locked fiber laser based on a 5 cm long MF was built. The mode-locked pulses operate at 1055 nm with a period of ∼555ps, and the fundamental repetition rate is 1.787 GHz. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate the realization of a mode-locked fiber laser with a gigahertz fundamental repetition rate based on a silicate-clad heavily Yb3+ doped phosphate core MF.We propose a lensfree on-chip microscopy approach for wide-field quantitative phase imaging (QPI) based on wavelength scanning. Unlike previous methods, we found that a relatively large-range wavelength diversity not only provides information to overcome spatial aliasing of the image sensor but also creates sufficient diffraction variations that can be used to achieve motion-free, pixel-super-resolved phase recovery. check details Based on an iterative phase retrieval and pixel-super-resolution technique, the proposed wavelength-scanning approach uses only eight undersampled holograms to achieve a half-pitch lateral resolution of 691 nm across a large field-of-view of 29.85mm2, surpassing 2.41 times the theoretical Nyquist-Shannon sampling resolution limit imposed by the pixel size of the sensor (1.67 µm). We confirmed the effectiveness of this technique in QPI and resolution enhancement by measuring the benchmark quantitative phase microscopy target. We also showed that this method can track HeLa cell growth within an incubator, revealing cellular morphologies and subcellular dynamics of a large cell population over an extended period of time.Dissipative Kerr solitons in ultra-high-Q resonators are extremely sensitive to the thermal behavior of the resonators. Especially for resonators with hydrophilic surfaces, moisture continuously adsorbs on their surfaces and causes additional absorption loss that results in an excessive thermal shift of resonance frequency. This change makes soliton mode locking more challenging or even impossible. Here, we report hydrophobic monolayer passivation using hexamethyldisilazane on ultra-high-Q silica wedge resonators. It was experimentally confirmed that the Q-factor and dispersion were maintained after passivation, and excess thermal shift by moisture was inhibited for more than three days in the atmosphere. Soliton mode locking was successfully performed with the resonator one month after passivation.

Autoři článku: Cervantesoverby5367 (Hahn Villarreal)