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hypothesis that sigma 54 plays a key role in controlling the expression of many components critical to converting and enabling the infectious capability of Chlamydia These components include those that remodel the membrane for the extracellular environment and incorporation of an arsenal of type III secretion effectors in preparation for infecting new cells.Centromeres are chromosomal regions that are crucial for chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis, and failed centromere formation can contribute to chromosomal anomalies. Despite this conserved function, centromeres differ significantly between and even within species. Thus far, systematic studies into the organization and evolution of fungal centromeres remain scarce. In this study, we identified the centromeres in each of the 10 species of the fungal genus Verticillium and characterized their organization and evolution. Chromatin immunoprecipitation of the centromere-specific histone CenH3 (ChIP-seq) and chromatin conformation capture (Hi-C) followed by high-throughput sequencing identified eight conserved, large (∼150-kb), AT-, and repeat-rich regional centromeres that are embedded in heterochromatin in the plant pathogen Verticillium dahliae Using Hi-C, we similarly identified repeat-rich centromeres in the other Verticillium species. Strikingly, a single degenerated long terminal repeat (LTR) r experimental techniques to identify and characterize centromeres in each of the Verticillium species. Intriguingly, we could strongly associate a single repetitive element to the centromeres of some of the Verticillium species. The presence of this element in the centromeres coincides with increased centromere sizes and genome-wide repeat expansions. Collectively, our findings signify a role of repetitive elements in the function, organization, and rapid evolution of centromeres in a set of closely related fungal species.Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of prosthetic joint infection (PJI), which is characterized by biofilm formation. S. aureus biofilm skews the host immune response toward an anti-inflammatory profile by the increased recruitment of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) that attenuate macrophage proinflammatory activity, leading to chronic infection. A screen of the Nebraska Transposon Mutant Library identified several hits in the ATP synthase operon that elicited a heightened inflammatory response in macrophages and MDSCs, including atpA, which encodes the alpha subunit of ATP synthase. An atpA transposon mutant (ΔatpA) had altered growth kinetics under both planktonic and biofilm conditions, along with a diffuse biofilm architecture that was permissive for leukocyte infiltration, as observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Coculture of MDSCs and macrophages with ΔatpA biofilm elicited significant increases in the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 12p70 (IL-12p70), tumor necrosis factor alaladaptive immune response remain largely unknown. This study identified a critical role for S. aureus ATP synthase in influencing the host immune response to biofilm infection. An S. aureus ATP synthase alpha subunit mutant (ΔatpA) elicited heightened proinflammatory cytokine production by leukocytes in vitro and in vivo, which coincided with improved biofilm clearance in a mouse model of prosthetic joint infection. The ability of S. aureus ΔatpA to augment host proinflammatory responses was cell lysis-dependent, as inhibition of bacterial lysis by polyanethole sodium sulfanate or a ΔatpAΔatl biofilm did not elicit heightened cytokine production. These studies reveal a critical role for AtpA in shaping the host immune response to S. aureus biofilm.Plasmodium falciparum RH5 is a secreted parasite ligand that is essential for erythrocyte invasion through direct interaction with the host erythrocyte receptor basigin. GSK2879552 RH5 forms a tripartite complex with two other secreted parasite proteins, CyRPA and RIPR, and is tethered to the surface of the parasite through membrane-anchored P113. Antibodies against RH5, CyRPA, and RIPR can inhibit parasite invasion, suggesting that vaccines containing these three components have the potential to prevent blood-stage malaria. To further explore the role of the P113-RH5 interaction, we selected monoclonal antibodies against P113 that were either inhibitory or noninhibitory for RH5 binding. Using a Fab fragment as a crystallization chaperone, we determined the crystal structure of the RH5 binding region of P113 and showed that it is composed of two domains with structural similarities to rhamnose-binding lectins. We identified the RH5 binding site on P113 by using a combination of hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectromeew antimalarial vaccines to ultimately prevent this disease, which affects some of the poorest people on the planet.Clostridioides difficile is a major cause of diarrhea associated with antibiotherapy. After germination of C. difficile spores in the small intestine, vegetative cells are exposed to low oxygen (O2) tensions. While considered strictly anaerobic, C. difficile is able to grow in nonstrict anaerobic conditions (1 to 3% O2) and tolerates brief air exposure indicating that this bacterium harbors an arsenal of proteins involved in O2 detoxification and/or protection. Tolerance of C. difficile to low O2 tensions requires the presence of the alternative sigma factor, σB, involved in the general stress response. Among the genes positively controlled by σB, four encode proteins likely involved in O2 detoxification two flavodiiron proteins (FdpA and FdpF) and two reverse rubrerythrins (revRbr1 and revRbr2). As previously observed for FdpF, we showed that both purified revRbr1 and revRbr2 harbor NADH-linked O2- and H2O2-reductase activities in vitro, while purified FdpA mainly acts as an O2-reductase. The growth of a fdpfficient strategies to detoxify O2 In this work, we identified reverse rubrerythrins and flavodiiron proteins as key actors for O2 tolerance in C. difficile These enzymes are responsible for the reduction of O2 protecting C. difficile vegetative cells from associated damages. Original and complex detoxification pathways involving O2-reductases are crucial in the ability of C. difficile to tolerate O2 and survive to O2 concentrations encountered in the gastrointestinal tract.Malaria parasites increase their host erythrocyte's permeability to various nutrients, fueling intracellular pathogen development and replication. The plasmodial surface anion channel (PSAC) mediates this uptake and is linked to the parasite-encoded RhopH complex, consisting of CLAG3, RhopH2, and RhopH3. While interactions between these subunits are well established, it is not clear whether they remain associated from their synthesis in developing merozoites through erythrocyte invasion and trafficking to the host membrane. Here, we explored protein-protein interactions between RhopH subunits using live-cell imaging and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments. Using the green fluorescent protein (GFP) derivatives mCerulean and mVenus, we generated single- and double-tagged parasite lines for fluorescence measurements. While CLAG3-mCerulean served as an efficient FRET donor for RhopH2-mVenus within rhoptry organelles, mCerulean targeted to this organelle via a short signal sequence produced neglig, with fluorescent markers and tracked these proteins in living infected cells. After their synthesis in mature parasites, imaging showed that both proteins are packaged into membrane-bound rhoptries. When parasites ruptured their host cells and invaded new red blood cells, these proteins were detected within a vacuole around the parasite before they migrated and inserted in the surface membrane of the host cell. Using simultaneous labeling of CLAG3 and RhopH2, we determined that these proteins interact tightly during migration and after surface membrane insertion. Red blood cells infected with two parasites had twice the protein at their surface and a parallel increase in the number of nutrient pores. link2 Our work suggests that these proteins directly facilitate parasite nutrient uptake from human plasma.Prebiotics confer benefits to human health, often by promoting the growth of gut bacteria that produce metabolites valuable to the human body, such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). While prebiotic selection has strongly focused on maximizing the production of SCFAs, less attention has been paid to gases, a by-product of SCFA production that also has physiological effects on the human body. Here, we investigate how the content and volume of gas production by human gut microbiota are affected by the chemical composition of the prebiotic and the community composition of the microbiota. We first constructed a linear system model based on mass and electron balance and compared the theoretical product ranges of two prebiotics, inulin and pectin. Modeling shows that pectin is more restricted in product space, with less potential for H2 but more potential for CO2 production. An ex vivo experimental system showed pectin degradation produced significantly less H2 than inulin, but CO2 production fell outside the theoal platform to illustrate that both the chemical composition of the prebiotic and the community composition of the human gut microbiota can affect the volume and content of gas production during prebiotic fermentation. Specifically, more prevalent metabolic processes such as hydrogen production were strongly affected by the oxidation state of the probiotic, while rare metabolisms such as methane production were less affected by the chemical nature of the substrate and entirely dependent on the presence of Methanobacteria in the microbiota.

Medulloblastoma is an important cause of mortality and morbidity in pediatric oncology. Here, we investigated whether the DNA repair inhibitor, AsiDNA, could help address a significant unmet clinical need in medulloblastoma care, by improving radiotherapy efficacy without increasing radiation-associated toxicity.

To evaluate the brain permeability of AsiDNA upon systemic delivery, we intraperitoneally injected a fluorescence form of AsiDNA in models harboring brain tumors and in models still in development. Studies evaluated toxicity associated with combination of AsiDNA with radiation in the treatment of young developing animals at subacute levels, related to growth and development, and at chronic levels, related to brain organization and cognitive skills. Efficacy of the combination of AsiDNA with radiation was tested in two different preclinical xenografted models of high-risk medulloblastoma and in a panel of medulloblastoma cell lines from different molecular subgroups and

status. link3 Role of

on the AsiDNA-mediated radiosensitization was analyzed by RNA-sequencing, DNA repair recruitment, and cell death assays.

Capable of penetrating young brain tissues, AsiDNA showed no added toxicity to radiation. Combination of AsiDNA with radiotherapy improved the survival of animal models more efficiently than increasing radiation doses. Medulloblastoma radiosensitization by AsiDNA was not restricted to a specific molecular group or status of

. Molecular mechanisms of AsiDNA, previously observed in adult malignancies, were conserved in pediatric models and resembled dose increase when combined with irradiation.

Our results suggest that AsiDNA is an attractive candidate to improve radiotherapy in medulloblastoma, with no indication of additional toxicity in developing brain tissues.

Our results suggest that AsiDNA is an attractive candidate to improve radiotherapy in medulloblastoma, with no indication of additional toxicity in developing brain tissues.

Autoři článku: Castillotilley8841 (Ball Allen)