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erm (~ 1 year follow-up) suggest that SLAP-DI and ZI have certain similar features. There is no statistical difference in outcome barring the time needed to functional loading (1.3 days vs. 444.3 days). Relatively more complications were reported for ZI, but had no statistical significance. Long-term and multi-center data are needed to confirm the results.

Anterior open bite is a complex condition involving a combination of various dental and skeletal components in three dimensions. The data on the differences and changes in the transverse relation in individuals with anterior open bite are limited.

To assess the dental arch widths in individuals with anterior open bite using study casts and facial widths using frontal cephalogram and to compare these widths with that of individuals without anterior open bite.

Eighty adults [40 with and 40 without anterior open bite, mean (standard deviation) age = 20.68 years] were selected. The study group was divided into skeletal (n = 19) and dental (n = 21) open bite groups according to Jarabak's ratio. Posteroanterior cephalograms and study casts were analyzed.

The mean width of zygomatic arch (112.18 mm) and condylar region (100.55 mm) in the control group was significantly higher (P < 0.05). The mean gonial width in the skeletal open bite group (81.143 mm) was significantly (P < 0.05) lesser than the dental open bite group (84.842). The maxillary intercanine width for the skeletal open bite group (36.48 mm) was significantly (P < 0.01) higher than that of the dental open bite group (34.26 mm).

A transverse deficiency was seen in in the zygomatic and condylar regions in adults with anterior open bite. Individuals with a skeletal open bite showed a narrow gonial and wider maxillary intercanine width compared with individuals with dental open bite.

A transverse deficiency was seen in in the zygomatic and condylar regions in adults with anterior open bite. Individuals with a skeletal open bite showed a narrow gonial and wider maxillary intercanine width compared with individuals with dental open bite.

Although gutta-percha cones are usually supplied in aseptic packages, once opened and used, they may be contaminated. Chair side disinfection of these cones is important and critical for success of endodontic therapy. Gutta-percha being heat labile, chemical disinfection is the only viable alternative for the sterilization of these cones.

The aim of the study was to evaluate an effective method of disinfection of gutta-percha cones using various herbal and chemical solutions after intentional contamination with Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis.

150 gutta-percha cones were selected for the study. Based on the contaminants used, 140 gutta-percha cones were divided into 2 groups Group A and Group B with 70 cones in each group and the remaining 10 cones (Group VIII) which were uncontaminated served as negative control. The cones from Group A were contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Group B were contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis). The contaminated cones fxperimental solutions.

Oral lichen planus (OLP) has varied etiology and clinical expression may be influenced simultaneously by different mechanisms. Psychological disturbances and oxidative stress are some such factors proposed in the etiopathogenesis of OLP. The aim was to assess the possible association of psychological traits like stress, anxiety, depression, serum and salivary uric acid levels with disease expression in OLP patients.

A case-control study was conducted in OLP subjects (n = 43) with a clinical and histopathological diagnosis, age and gender matched healthy controls (n = 42) to evaluate psychometric properties through DASS - 42 scale and uric acid (serum and salivary levels) evaluation through "Modified Trinder Method, End point" method.

The mean depression, anxiety, stress scores in OLP group were 16.51 ± 7.21, 15.58 ± 6.78 and 15.05 ± 6.11 and the scores in control group were 6.31 ± 3.48, 5.02 ± 2.70 and 5.69 ± 3.39 respectively. The mean value of serum UA level and salivary UA level in OLP group were 4.70 ± 1.33 mg/dl and 5.25 ± 1.61 mg/dl respectively, while the corresponding scores in control group were 5.86 ± 1.12 mg/dl and 6.18 ± 1.28 mg/dl.

OLP group had significantly higher depression, anxiety, stress and total scores. Mean serum and salivary uric acid levels were significantly lower in OLP subjects when compared with controls.

Correction of psychological traits in oral lichen planus patients may significantly improve the clinical picture, while uric acid levels can be employed for biochemical evaluation in lichen planus patients to analyse oxidative stress.

Correction of psychological traits in oral lichen planus patients may significantly improve the clinical picture, while uric acid levels can be employed for biochemical evaluation in lichen planus patients to analyse oxidative stress.

This study describes the relationship of the chronophysiological organization of the lateral teeth occlusion and the parameters of the chewing unit of the human dentofacial system (bioelectric potentials, the force of the masticatory muscles, masticatory efficiency) which should be considered in modeling of prosthesis occlusal surfaces.

Examination of 200 respondents with a "day" chronotype, with Angle class I bilateral occlusion at the age of 18-35 years was conducted daily for 3 days. From 8.00 to 20.00, every 4 hours, the amplitude of the electromyography, the jaw muscles' force, the masticatory efficiency, the area of the occlusal contacts, and the near-contact zones were determined.

The activity of the masticatory muscles increased during the period from 12.00 to 16.00, which coincided with the escalation of the masticatory efficiency and of the occlusal contacts area. The relationship between the occlusal surfaces' relief and masticatory efficiency is described by two types of occlusal surfaces' topography - smoothed and pronounced, differing by the ratio of the areas of the occlusal contacts and the near-contact zones in 0.25- and 1-mm wide.

The modeling of the occlusal surface of the permanent prosthetic restorations for patients with the "day" chronotype should be carried out with the area values of occlusal contacts and near-contact zones corresponding to the period of masticatory muscles activity from 12.00 to 16.00 and in accordance with the characteristic type of the occlusal surfaces' relief.

The modeling of the occlusal surface of the permanent prosthetic restorations for patients with the "day" chronotype should be carried out with the area values of occlusal contacts and near-contact zones corresponding to the period of masticatory muscles activity from 12.00 to 16.00 and in accordance with the characteristic type of the occlusal surfaces' relief.

The literature on women in dentistry clearly shows the evolution and elevation of women in academic as well as clinical dentistry. Female dentists in India continue to face the need to balance their careers with the competing social and personal responsibilities of marriage, homemaking, and child rearing.

To assess Indian Women Dentists perspectives towards balancing professional, personal, and social responsibilities.

This cross-sectional study was conducted for 1 month among 159 female dental professionals comprising all the female dental practitioners in Rajahmundry city and all the female interns, postgraduates, and academicians from 2 dental institutions in Rajahmundry city. A 23-item pretested questionnaire was distributed to the participants on the first day and collected after 1 day. The results were analyzed using SPSS software (V.22). The categorical data were analyzed using the χ

test and P ≤ 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

Among the study participants, 79.2% of study participants agreed that family commitments were not obstacles for their career (P = 0.02), 86.2% responded that women should be successful in both home-making and career and 89.9% of participants reported as not regretting being women and this finding was found to be statistically significant.

Majority of the women perceived that women ought to balance professional, personal, and social responsibilities equally.

Majority of the women perceived that women ought to balance professional, personal, and social responsibilities equally.

Work-related musculoskeletal pain (MSPs) is not uncommon among dentist and often limits their work efficiency impacting their quality of life.

The present research was conducted to identify site-specific pain resulting from musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among practicing dentists and determine its impact on their quality of life.

A cross-sectional questionnaire study conducted among practicing dentists of Puducherry Taluk, Puducherry, India.

A closed-ended, self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 95 practicing dentists to identify site-specific MSP from the study subjects. Data on pain due to MSDs, frequency of pain, its impact on quality of life, relieving factors, patients attended per day, working hours per day, and awareness on ergonomics were also recorded.

The data were analyzed for descriptive statistics, and Chi-square tests was used for proportions.

Almost all respondents experienced pain due to MSDs. Approximately, 11.1% "always" experienced elbow pain; 5.6% "always" experienced pain in neck and back. Approximately, 83% "sometimes" experienced pain in the back. Pain in elbow was significantly associated with gender (P = 0.036), qualification (P = 0.029), and years of practice (P = 0.032). Approximately, 36% reported having an impact on their life.

The magnitude of the problem is slowly shifting from "sometimes" to "always." Although small in proportion, pain due to MSDs has an impact on dental practitioners' quality of life, and elbow pain was reportedly higher in the study setting. Measures need to be implemented before MSD becomes a career limiting occupational hazard.

The magnitude of the problem is slowly shifting from "sometimes" to "always." Although small in proportion, pain due to MSDs has an impact on dental practitioners' quality of life, and elbow pain was reportedly higher in the study setting. Measures need to be implemented before MSD becomes a career limiting occupational hazard.

Long term effectiveness of surgical management of chronically restricted mouth opening in OSMF or TMJ ankylosis depends largely on postoperative physiotherapy. This in turn is dependent on patient's compliance. Use of adjunctive aids besides pharmacotherapy that reduces patients pain and improves compliance with exercise is warranted.

To evaluate the role of TENS and structured rehabilitation programme in postoperative physiotherapy in OSMF and TMJ ankylosis patients.

A pilot study was conducted in which 6 patients of restricted mouth opening were put on a structured rehabilitation protocol in which TENS, heat and cold therapy with structured mouth opening exercise regimes. 1-Methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine in vivo Interincisal opening, VAS score and a subjective assessment of post surgical discomfort was evaluated.

Results revealed an improved compliance and cooperation by patients. Pain on VAS scale also reduced from mean of 7.8 on day 1 to 3.6 on day 5 in this group. The mean discomfort on day 3 was reported as mild to moderate. An early attainment of passive mouth opening closest to intraoperative mouth opening was also reported on day 5 which is usually not achievable without any physiotherapy intervention.

Autoři článku: Carrengberg4916 (Skou Thorup)