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nov., P. maintysp. nov., P. mamiratrasp. nov., P. mananteninasp. nov., P. masoandrosp. nov., P. mavohavoanasp. nov., P. midongysp. nov., P. mikrossp. nov., P. mivorysp. nov., P. nitidobrunasp. nov., P. parvulasp. nov., P. parvulogibbasp. nov., P. reniranosp. nov., P. savasp. nov., P. sofiasp. nov., P. sparsasp. nov., P. tamponysp. nov., P. trichotossp. nov., P. tsaravonianasp. nov., P. vadumsp. nov., P. volontanysp. nov., and P. vonysp. nov. At present, there are 109 valid species and subspecies of Pheidole known from Madagascar, but this number is expected to increase with upcoming taxonomic revisions of the species groups not revised in this study.Espírito Santo state is located on the eastern margin of Brazil, in a transitional tropical-subtropical area (18°S-21°S) dominated by oligotrophic waters. With the exception of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), the cetacean community of Espírito Santo has been understudied. In addition to the chronic impacts from fisheries, marine pollution, urban development, and coastal habitat degradation, in November 2015 the cetacean communities of Espírito Santo were challenged by the greatest environmental disaster in Brazil's history. The Mariana dam disaster caused 60 million cubic meters of mining waste to be washed into the Doce River, which ultimately flowed to the coastal waters of Espírito Santo, with a high concentration of heavy metals. This study reviews and updates information on cetacean strandings in the state of Espírito Santo (excluding humpback whales) prior to this disaster. From 1975 to September 2015, there were 461 recorded cetacean strandings, representing 20 species. An average 1.18 strandings per 100 km per month were recorded since a state-wide daily beach survey program was implemented in October 2010, contrasting with the 0.14 strandings per 100 km per month in previous years. Six species comprised the majority (94.7%) of stranding events Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei), rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), and melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra). Oceanic cetaceans stranded most frequently on the southern portion of Espírito Santo, where the continental platform is narrower, whereas the strandings of coastal cetaceans such as Guiana dolphins and Franciscanas were concentrated near estuaries, especially the Doce River. This is particularly concerning in face of the Mariana dam disaster, which drastically altered the estuarine and coastal environment associated with the Doce River.A dataset comprising 6806 records is presented of 17 (of total 24) rodent and insectivore species from the Crimean Peninsula collected during a 35-year period. All records are stored in the Public Mammal Database (Mammals of Russia; http// The density of occurrence points allows visual evaluation of species distribution, even on large-scale maps. Each record contains the species name, locality description, and geographic coordinates, coordinate accuracy, date and author of the record, data source, and the method of species identification.Knowledge on the pygmy grasshoppers of Australia is, despite the numerous endemics being described from this unique continent, still scarce. Bafilomycin A1 in vivo Of interest is the Vingselina genus group, including genera Anaselina Storozhenko, 2019, Paraselina Storozhenko, 2019, Selivinga Storozhenko, 2019 and Vingselina Sjöstedt, 1921. The systematic position of this group, currently assigned to Batrachideinae (Bufonidini), is probably not correct. In this study new records are presented of Anaselina minor (Sjöstedt, 1921), Paraselina brunneri (Bolívar, 1887), P. trituberculata (Sjöstedt, 1932), and Selivinga tribulata Storozhenko, 2019, all except A. minor the first records of the species since their original descriptions. The first photographs of living specimens of A. minor, P. brunneri, P. trituberculata and S. tribulata are provided and their habitats described. All the records were compiled by citizen scientists who use online social media, such as iNaturalist. Lastly, P. multifora (Rehn, 1952) syn. nov. represents a junior synonym of P. brunneri.One of the largest species in its genus, Odontomachus davidsoni Hoenle, Lattke & Donoso, sp. nov. is described from workers and queens collected at lowland forests in the Chocó-Darién bioregion in coastal Ecuador. The workers are characterized by their uniform red coloration, their large size (16-18 mm body length), and their frontal head striation that reaches the occipital margin. DNA barcodes (COI) and high resolution 2D images of the type material are provided, as well as an updated key for the Neotropical species of Odontomachus. In addition, a three-dimensional digital model of the worker holotype and a paratype queen scanned with DISC3D based on photogrammetry is presented, for the first time in a species description. Findings of large and conspicuous new species are uncommon around the world and suggest that these Ecuadorian rainforests may conceal many more natural treasures that deserve conservation.Five new species of armored scale insect from Argentina are described and illustrated based upon morphological and molecular evidence from adult females Chortinaspis jujuyensissp. nov., Clavaspis patagonensissp. nov., Hemiberlesia ozolitasp. nov., Melanaspis lilloisp. nov., and Melanaspis targionoidessp. nov. The genera Chortinaspis and Melanaspis are recorded for the first time from this country. An identification key to all recorded species from tribe Aspidiotini occurring in Argentina is provided.Prior to this study, few collections and records were made of the land snails in Cambodia and the historical taxa had never been reviewed. Herein a report on the land snail diversity based on specimens collected recently from karstic and non-karstic areas in southern Cambodia is provided. This checklist presents 36 species of land snails (two Neritimorpha, six Caenogastropoda, and 28 Heterobranchia). Illustrations and brief taxonomic notes/remarks are provided for every species. We also described Georrisa carinata Sutcharit & Jirapatrasilp, sp. nov. based on some distinct shell morphological characters. Since the first descriptions during the colonial period in the nineteenth century, some land snail species (e.g., Trichochloritis norodomiana, Durgella russeola, Anceyoconcha siamensis obesulacomb. nov., Anceyoconcha chaudoensiscomb. nov., and Succinea tenuis) have not been reported subsequently. This probably reflects a lack of knowledge concerning land snail biodiversity in this country. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive survey of land snails in southern Cambodia. A need for more field research and systematic revision of the land snails in this interesting region is also highlighted and demonstrated.Historically, postnatal corticosteroids have been used to prevent and treat bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in preterm infants. Administering dexamethasone to prevent BPD in the first 7 days post-birth has been associated with increasing risk for cerebral palsy, while early inhaled corticosteroids appear to be associated with an increased risk of mortality. Neither medication is presently recommended to prevent BPD. New evidence suggests that prophylactic hydrocortisone, when initiated in the first 48 hours post-birth, at a physiological dose, and in the absence of indomethacin, improves survival without BPD, with no adverse neurodevelopmental effects at 2 years. This therapy may be considered by clinicians for infants at highest risk for BPD. Routine dexamethasone therapy for all ventilator-dependent infants is not recommended, but after the first week post-birth, clinicians may consider a short course of low-dose dexamethasone (0.15 mg/kg/day to 0.2 mg/kg/day) for individual infants at high risk for, or with evolving, BPD. There is no evidence that hydrocortisone is an effective or safe alternative to dexamethasone for treating evolving or established BPD. Current evidence does not support inhaled corticosteroids for the treatment of BPD.

Electronic cigarettes and fluid (e-cigarettes, e-fluid) are hazardous materials that when inhaled or ingested may pose significant health risks to children and adolescents. The objective of this work was to explore the spectrum of injury related to e-cigarette exposure among Canadian children and adolescents.

A one-time survey was sent to all paediatricians in Canada. Information was collected on children and adolescents who presented with e-cigarette exposure (inhalation and ingestion cases) in the previous 12 months. Questions included the number of injuries and symptoms, in addition to age, sex, treatment setting, intentional e-cigarette use, and how the products were accessed.

A total of 520 surveys were completed and returned, identifying 35 cases. Symptoms related to inhalation were present in 30 cases and in 5 ingestion cases (5 unintentional, 0 intentional). For inhalation cases, most were male, ages 15 to 19 years, who sought treatment for nausea/vomiting, cough, throat irritation, or acute nicr with ways to reduce exposure, is needed.

Diverse settlement makes inter-facility transport of critically ill children a necessary part of regionalized health care. There are few studies of outcomes and health care services use of this growing population.

A retrospective study evaluated the frequency of transports, health care services use, and outcomes of all critically ill children who underwent inter-facility transport to a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in Ontario from 2004 to 2012. The primary outcome was PICU mortality. Secondary outcomes were 24-hour and 6-month mortality, PICU and hospital lengths of stay, and use of therapies in the PICU.

The 4,074 inter-facility transports were for children aged median (IQR) 1.6 (0.1 to 8.3) years. The rate of transports increased from 15 to 23 per 100,000 children. There were 233 (5.7%) deaths in PICU and an additional 78 deaths (1.9%) by 6 months. Length of stay was median (IQR) 2 (1 to 5) days in PICU and 7 (3 to 14) days in the receiving hospital. Lower PICU mortality was independently associated with prior acute care contact (odds ratio [OR]=0.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.2 to 0.6) and availability of paediatric expertise at the referral hospital (OR=0.7, 95% CI 0.5 to 1.0).

We found that in Ontario, children undergoing inter-facility transport to PICUs are increasing in number, consume significant acute care resources, and have a high PICU mortality. Access to paediatric expertise is a potentially modifiable factor that can impact mortality and warrants further evaluation.

We found that in Ontario, children undergoing inter-facility transport to PICUs are increasing in number, consume significant acute care resources, and have a high PICU mortality. Access to paediatric expertise is a potentially modifiable factor that can impact mortality and warrants further evaluation.

To develop expert-informed content regarding the early motor attributes of cerebral palsy (CP) that should prompt physician referral for diagnostic assessment of CP, as well as concurrent referral recommendations. This content will be used in the creation of knowledge translation (KT) tools for primary care practitioners and parents.

Two nominal group processes were conducted with relevant stakeholders, representing Canadian '

' and '

, using an integrated KT approach.

Six attributes were identified that should prompt referral for diagnosis. If the child demonstrates Early handedness <12 months; stiffness or tightness in the legs between 6 and 12 months; persistent fisting of the hands >4 months; persistent head-lag >4 months; inability to sit without support >9 months; any asymmetry in posture or movement. Five referral recommendations were agreed upon Motor intervention specialist (physical therapy and/or occupational therapy) for ALL; speech-language pathology IF there is a communication delay; audiology IF there is parental or healthcare professional concern regarding a communication delay; functional vision specialist (e.

Autoři článku: Cappskock3287 (Oneill Cummings)