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This suggests that PLE is suitable for obtaining a nettle extract with antioxidant and antimicrobial potential, which as such has great potential for use as a value-added ingredient in the food and pharmaceutical industry.Seventeen fungicides were determined in different matrices from vineyard areas, including vine leaves, soils, grapes and water, using gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). For leaf analysis, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) was performed evaluating different solvents. UAE was compared with other extraction techniques such as vortex extraction (VE) and matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD). The performance of the UAE method was demonstrated on vine leaf samples and on other types of samples such as tea leaves, underlining its general suitability for leaf crops. As regards other matrices, soils were analyzed by UAE and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), grapes by UAE and waters by SPE using cork as the sorbent. The proposed method was applied to 17 grape leaf samples in which 14 of the target fungicides were detected at concentrations up to 1000 μg g-1. Furthermore, the diffusion and transport of fungicides was demonstrated not only in crops but also in environmental matrices.Type 2 diabetes and obesity are major problems worldwide and dietary polyphenols have shown efficacy to ameliorate signs of these diseases. Anthocyanins from berries display potent antioxidants and protect against weight gain and insulin resistance in different models of diet-induced metabolic syndrome. Olanzapine is known to induce an accelerated form of metabolic syndrome. Due to the aforementioned, we evaluated whether delphinidin-3,5-O-diglucoside (DG) and delphinidin-3-O-sambubioside-5-O-glucoside (DS), two potent antidiabetic anthocyanins isolated from Aristotelia chilensis fruit, could prevent olanzapine-induced steatosis and insulin resistance in liver and skeletal muscle cells, respectively. HepG2 liver cells and L6 skeletal muscle cells were co-incubated with DG 50 μg/mL or DS 50 μg/mL plus olanzapine 50 μg/mL. Lipid accumulation was determined in HepG2 cells while the expression of p-Akt as a key regulator of the insulin-activated signaling pathways, mitochondrial function, and glucose uptake was assessed in L6 cells. DS and DG prevented olanzapine-induced lipid accumulation in liver cells. However, insulin signaling impairment induced by olanzapine in L6 cells was not rescued by DS and DG. Thus, anthocyanins modulate lipid metabolism, which is a relevant factor in hepatic tissue, but do not significantly influence skeletal muscle, where a potent antioxidant effect of olanzapine was found.As an antioxidant, procyanidin B1(PB1) can improve the development of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos; PB1 reduces the level of oxidative stress (OS) during the in vitro development of SCNT embryos by decreasing the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increasing the level of glutathione (GSH) and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Metabolite hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) produces OS. Catalase (CAT) can degrade hydrogen peroxide so that it produces less toxic water (H2O) and oxygen (O2) in order to reduce the harm caused by H2O2. Therefore, we tested the CAT level in the in vitro development of SCNT embryos; it was found that PB1 can increase the expression of CAT, indicating that PB1 can offset the harm caused by oxidative stress by increasing the level of CAT. Moreover, if H2O2 accumulates excessively, it produces radical-(HO-) through Fe2+/3+ and damage to DNA. The damage caused to the DNA is mainly repaired by the protein encoded by the DNA damage repair gene. Therefore, we tested the expression of the DNA damage repair gene, OGG1. It was found that PB1 can increase the expression of OGG1 and increase the expression of protein. Through the above test, we proved that PB1 can improve the repairability of DNA damage. DNA damage can lead to cell apoptosis; therefore, we also tested the level of apoptosis of blastocysts, and we found that PB1 reduced the level of apoptosis. In summary, our results show that PB1 reduces the accumulation of H2O2 by decreasing the level of OS during the in vitro development of SCNT embryos and improves the repairability of DNA damage to reduce cell apoptosis. Our results have important significance for the improvement of the development of SCNT embryos in vitro and provide important reference significance for diseases that can be treated using SCNT technology.Carbonyl-containing metabolites widely exist in biological samples and have important physiological functions. Thus, accurate and sensitive quantitative analysis of carbonyl-containing metabolites is crucial to provide insight into metabolic pathways as well as disease mechanisms. Although reversed phase liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (RPLC-ESI-MS) is widely used due to the powerful separation capability of RPLC and high specificity and sensitivity of MS, but it is often challenging to directly analyze carbonyl-containing metabolites using RPLC-ESI-MS due to the poor ionization efficiency of neutral carbonyl groups in ESI. Modification of carbonyl-containing metabolites by a chemical derivatization strategy can overcome the obstacle of sensitivity; however, it is insufficient to achieve accurate quantification due to instrument drift and matrix effects. The emergence of stable isotope-coded derivatization (ICD) provides a good solution to the problems encountered above. Thus, LC-MS methods that utilize ICD have been applied in metabolomics including quantitative targeted analysis and untargeted profiling analysis. In addition, ICD makes multiplex or multichannel submetabolome analysis possible, which not only reduces instrument running time but also avoids the variation of MS response. In this review, representative derivatization reagents and typical applications in absolute quantification and submetabolome profiling are discussed to highlight the superiority of the ICD strategy for detection of carbonyl-containing metabolites.As one of the most important energy storage devices, dielectric capacitors have attracted increasing attention because of their ultrahigh power density, which allows them to play a critical role in many high-power electrical systems. To date, four typical dielectric materials have been widely studied, including ferroelectrics, relaxor ferroelectrics, anti-ferroelectrics, and linear dielectrics. Adaptaquin chemical structure Among these materials, linear dielectric polymers are attractive due to their significant advantages in breakdown strength and efficiency. However, the practical application of linear dielectrics is usually severely hindered by their low energy density, which is caused by their relatively low dielectric constant. This review summarizes some typical studies on linear dielectric polymers and their nanocomposites, including linear dielectric polymer blends, ferroelectric/linear dielectric polymer blends, and linear polymer nanocomposites with various nanofillers. Moreover, through a detailed analysis of this research, we summarize several existing challenges and future perspectives in the research area of linear dielectric polymers, which may propel the development of linear dielectric polymers and realize their practical application.The proteins of extracellular vesicles (EVs) that originate from tumors reflect the producer cells' proteomes and can be detected in biological fluids. Thus, EVs provide proteomic signatures that are of great interest for screening and predictive cancer diagnostics. By applying targeted mass spectrometry with stable isotope-labeled peptide standards, we assessed the levels of 28 EV-associated proteins, including the conventional exosome markers CD9, CD63, CD81, CD82, and HSPA8, in vesicles derived from the lung cancer cell lines NCI-H23 and A549. Furthermore, we evaluated the detectability of these proteins and their abundance in plasma samples from 34 lung cancer patients and 23 healthy volunteers. The abundance of TLN1, TUBA4A, HSPA8, ITGB3, TSG101, and PACSIN2 in the plasma of lung cancer patients was measured using targeted mass spectrometry and compared to that in plasma from healthy volunteers. The most diagnostically potent markers were TLN1 (AUC, 0.95), TUBA4A (AUC, 0.91), and HSPA8 (AUC, 0.88). The obtained EV proteomic signature allowed us to distinguish between the lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma histological types. The proteomic cargo of the extracellular vesicles represents a promising source of potential biomarkers.Gliomas are the most common malignant brain tumors in adults, characterized by a high proliferation and invasion. The tumor microenvironment is rich in growth-promoting signals and immunomodulatory pathways, which increase the tumor's aggressiveness. In response to hypoxia and glioma therapy, the amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) strongly increase in the extracellular space, and the purinergic signaling is triggered by nucleotides' interaction in P2 receptors. Several cell types are present in the tumor microenvironment and can facilitate tumor growth. In fact, tumor cells can activate platelets by the ADP-P2Y12 engagement, which plays an essential role in the cancer context, protecting tumors from the immune attack and providing molecules that contribute to the growth and maintenance of a rich environment to sustain the protumor cycle. Besides platelets, the P2Y12 receptor is expressed by some tumors, such as renal carcinoma, colon carcinoma, and gliomas, being related to tumor progression. In this context, this review aims to depict the glioma microenvironment, focusing on the relationship between platelets and tumor malignancy.The analysis of psychoactive substances in hair is of great importance for both clinical and forensic toxicologists since it allows one to evaluate past and continuative exposure to xenobiotics. In particular, a new challenge is represented by new psychoactive substances Among this new class of drugs of abuse, synthetic cathinone and phenethylamine derivatives are often detected in biological samples. Hence, there is a growing need to develop new analytical procedures or improve old ones in order to conduct evaluations of these emerging substances. This study is a systematic review of all the instrumental and experimental data available in the literature. A total of 32 articles were included in the review. Acidic solvents proved to be the most reliable solutions for extraction. Gas chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometric and high-resolution mass spectrometric systems represent the majority of the involved instrumental techniques. Sensitivity must be maintained at the pg/mg level to detect any occurrences up to occasional consumption. In total, 23 out of 32 articles reported real positive samples. The most frequently detected substance in hair was mephedrone, followed by butylone, methylone, MDPV, and α-pyrrolidinophenone-type substances.Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) employing an aqueous plant extract has emerged as a viable eco-friendly method. The aim of the study was to synthesize AgNPs by using plant extract of Sanvitalia procumbens (creeping zinnia) in which the phytochemicals present in plant extract act as a stabilizing and reducing agent. For the stability of the synthesized AgNPs, different parameters like AgNO3 concentration, volume ratios of AgNO3, temperature, pH, and contact time were studied. Further, AgNPs were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), XRD (X-ray Diffraction), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), and EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer) analysis. FT-IR analysis showed that the plant extract contained essential functional groups like O-H stretching of carboxylic acid, N-H stretching of secondary amides, and C-N stretching of aromatic amines, and C-O indicates the vibration of alcohol, ester, and carboxylic acid that facilitated in the green synthesis of AgNPs.

Autoři článku: Cantumckinney7918 (Skov Blackwell)