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The novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (2019-nCoV) outbreak, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), has become the worst serious global risk to humanity in the last century and linked with various risk factors.

To find out the risk zone associated with Coronavirus disease among children under-five age using malnourished status, pre-existing morbidity conditions, poor household environmental conditions, and also with case fatality rate (CFR) and active case rate (ACR) of COVID-19 in India.

Data was collected from the 4th round of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-4, 2015-16, and CFR and ACR of COVID-19 related data collected from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) on 18th May 2020. Mean, standard deviation, and Z-score statistical methods have been employed to identify the risk factors zone and Hot Spot analysis (Getis-Ord Gi) has been done.

The states and union territories (UTs) which have a high composite vulnerability score (CVS) of COVID-19 among under-five children are in Meghalaya (CVS=1), Uttar Pradesh (CVS=0.93), Jharkhand (CVS=0.86), Bihar (CVS=0.74), Madhya Pradesh (CVS=0.74), and Odisha (CVS=0.55). The states and UTs which have low composite vulnerability score of COVID-19 among under-five children are in Sikkim (CVS=-0.90), Daman & Diu (CVS=-0.76) Lakshadweep (CVS=-0.74), Kerala (CVS=-0.72), Chandigarh (CVS=-0.71). The COVID-19 high-risk zones (hot spot 99% Confidence interval [CI]) were observed in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, and Meghalaya states of India, which are spatially high clustered and the low-risk zones (cold spot 95% CI) were observed in Kerala, Mizoram states of India.

Well-built public health measures, including rapidly searching in high focus areas and testing of COVID-19, should be performed in vulnerable regions of COVID-19.

Well-built public health measures, including rapidly searching in high focus areas and testing of COVID-19, should be performed in vulnerable regions of COVID-19.Image processing and computer vision on mobile devices have a wide range of applications such as digital image enhancement and augmented reality. While images acquired by cameras on mobile devices can be processed with generic image processing algorithms, there are numerous constraints and external issues that call for customized algorithms for such devices. In this paper, we survey mobile image processing and computer vision applications while highlighting these constraints and explaining how the algorithms have been modified/adapted to meet accuracy and performance demands. We hope that this paper will be a useful resource for researchers who intend to apply image processing and computer vision algorithms to real-world scenarios and applications that involve mobile devices.The visual representation of human-like entities in virtual worlds is becoming a very important aspect as virtual reality becomes more and more "social". The visual representation of a character's resemblance to a real person and the emotional response to it, as well as the expectations raised, have been a topic of discussion for several decades and have been debated by scientists from different disciplines. But as with any new technology, the findings may need to be reevaluated and adapted to new modalities. In this context, we make two contributions which may have implications for how avatars should be represented in social virtual reality applications. First, we determine how default and customized characters of current social virtual reality platforms appear in terms of human likeness, eeriness, and likability, and whether there is a clear resemblance to a given person. It can be concluded that the investigated platforms vary strongly in their representation of avatars. Common to all is that a clear resemblance does not exist. Second, we show that the uncanny valley effect is also present in head-mounted displays, but-compared to 2D monitors-even more pronounced.In light of grand societal challenges, most recently the global Covid-19 pandemic, there is a call for research on responsible leadership. While significant advances have been made in recent years towards a better understanding of the concept, a gap exists in the understanding of responsible leadership in emerging countries, specifically how leaders resolve prevalent moral dilemmas. Following Werhane (1999), we use moral imagination as an analytical approach to analyze a dilemmatic stakeholder conflict (between indigenous communities in rural India and an emerging market multinational enterprise headquartered in the same country) through the lense of different responsible leadership mindsets and in light of different ethical principles and moral background theories. Based on this analysis, we arrive at a tentative moral judgement, concluding that the instrumental approach is morally inferior and recommending the integrative approach as the morally superior choice. In the subsequent discussion-focussed on what "could" (instead of "should") be done, we apply the integrative script and use moral imagination as a pathway for generating morally justifiable solutions. Through this analysis, we provide novel insights on how to apply an integrative responsible leadership approach to a stakeholder conflict situation, using the single case study to expand the responsible leadership discussion to emerging markets.While past studies have enriched our understanding of the impact of returnee executives on firm market strategy and outcomes, we know relatively little about the relationship between returnee executives and firm nonmarket strategies. Grounded in upper echelons theory, this study explores the relationship between returnee executives and corporate philanthropy, the latter of which is an important nonmarket strategy in emerging economies such as China. Using data on publicly listed Chinese companies from 2010 to 2017, we find that the proportion of returnee executives is negative related to corporate philanthropy. We also find that this negative relationship is strengthened by executive ownership, but weakened by corporate prominence and political connections. Our study makes important theoretical contributions to strategic leadership research, upper echelons theory, and the literature of corporate philanthropy. The managerial implications are also discussed.In response to the great crises of the COVID-19 coronavirus, virtually all new technologies protected by patent rights have been used in practice from diagnostics, therapeutic, medical equipment, and vaccine to prevention, tracking, and containment of COVID-19. Selleckchem AMD3100 However, the moral justification of patent rights is questioned when pharmaceutical patents conflict with public health. This paper proposes a revised approach of deciding on how to address the conflicts between business ethics and patent protections and then compares the different mechanisms of clearing patent thickets. Our findings highlight that patent pledges may not only contribute to achieving the maximized substantive justice of the public but also help patent pledgors fulfill procedural justice. The advantages of patent pledges have attracted many patent holders to make public statements during the COVID-19 pandemic. In contrast, the disadvantages of a free license may make patent pledges not sustainable for a long time without the related supporting measures. Our findings will be helpful for policymakers or company managers to make an appropriate decision on rationally utilizing patent portfolios for fighting against public health crises.Leaders are faced with ethical and moral dilemmas daily, like those within the military who must span from large-scale combat operations to security cooperation and deterrence. For businesses, these dilemmas can include social and environmental impact such as those in mining; and for governments, the social and economic impact of their decision-making in their response to COVID-19. The move by Western defence forces to align their foundational principles, policies, and "soldier" dispositions with the changing values of the countries they serve are starkly illustrative of challenges faced by all leaders. While admirable, such changes face the apparent contradiction of enhancing individual moral agency within a hierarchical organization that maintain enforceable codes of conduct. Ethical leadership theory provides aspirational goals, but lacks empirically based guidance on how to implement policies that facilitate values-based behavior. Using a discourse theory analysis of a moral dilemma vignette with Royal Australian Air Force personnel, this research identifies important aspects of agency and subject position that must be addressed if such policies are to succeed. These findings show that the potential contradiction can be addressed by acknowledging the contrasting tendency to bureaucratic process by leaders at upper levels, while lower-level leaders address moral issues by incorporating their subjectivity and making a conscious deontological choice between humanity and comrade loyalty.There is a growing interest in the development of portable, cost-effective, and easy-to-use biosensors for the rapid detection of diseases caused by infectious viruses COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the central role of diagnostics in response to global outbreaks. Among all the existing technologies, screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) represent a valuable technology for the detection of various viral pathogens. During the last five years, various nanomaterials have been utilized to modify SPEs to achieve convincing effects on the analytical performances of portable SPE-based diagnostics. Herein we would like to provide the readers a comprehensive investigation about the recent combination of SPEs and various nanomaterials for detecting viral pathogens. Manufacturing methods and features advances are critically discussed in the context of early-stage detection of diseases caused by HIV-1, HBV, HCV, Zika, Dengue, and Sars-CoV-2. A detailed table is reported to easily guide readers toward the "right" choice depending on the virus of interest.The use of online information sources in most professions is widespread, and well researched. Less understood is how the use of these sources vary across the strata within a single profession, and how question context affects search behaviour. Using the dental profession as a case of a highly stratified discipline, we examine search preferences for sources by professional strata among dentists in a practice-based network. Results show that variation exists in information search behaviour across professional strata of dental clinicians. This study highlights the importance of addressing information literacy across different levels of a profession. Findings also underscore that search behaviour and source preference vary with perceived question relevance.To provide a comprehensive view of the unique contexts shaping adolescent development in the United States we utilized latent class analysis (LCA) with indicators of risk and protection across multiple domains (family, peers, school, neighborhood) and examined how latent class membership predicted heavy episodic drinking, illicit substance use, and depression in adolescence and six years later when participants were young adults. Data came from wave 1 and wave 3 of the nationally-representative United States-based Add Health study (N = 6,649; M age W1= 14.06; M age W3 = 20.38; 53.8% female; 56.1% White/European American; 22.8% Black/African American, 9.5% Hispanic, 6.7% Biracial, Asian or Pacific Islander 4.2%, American Indian/Native American 0.7%;). A 6-class solution was selected with classes named Two-Parent Low Risk, Two-Parent Relationship Risks, Two-Parent Neighborhood Risks, Single Parent Low Risk, Single Parent Relationship Risks, and Single Parent Multidimensional Risk. Subsequent analyses suggested that adolescent social relationships are particularly important for prevention interventions as the classes marked by substance using peers and a lack of closeness to parents and teachers in adolescence (Two-Parent Relationship Risks and Single Parent Relationship Risks) had consistently poorer outcomes in adolescence and young adulthood.

Autoři článku: Cahillchoate0426 (Kromann Melendez)