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Lizards of the genus Dendragama are endemic to the highland cloud forests of Sumatra's Barisan Mountain Range in western Indonesia, and recent studies have uncovered widespread diversity within the genus. Here, a suite of morphological characters and mitochondrial DNA are used to compare three geographically isolated populations of D. boulengeri from (1) Mount Kerinci in Jambi province, (2) Mount Marapi of west Sumatra, and (3) the Karo Highlands of north Sumatra. Additional phylogeographic analyses with two recently described sister species, D. australis and D. dioidema were conducted. Five genetically distinct clades of Dendragama, all distributed allopatrically of one another were identified and some are suspected to inhabit small distributions. Morphological and genetic data confirm the Karo Highlands population D. schneideri (previously Acanthosaura schneideri Ahl, 1926) should be revalidated from the synonymy of D. boulengeri. Dendragama schneideri is endemic to montane forests of the Karo Highlands surrounding Lake Toba in Sumatra Utara province. Pairwise genetic distances of 6-11% separate D. schneideri from congeners. Two distinct clades of D. boulengeri from Mount Kerinci and Mount Marapi were identified, which are 5.0% genetically distant from one another. Using morphological characters, we provide the first key for distinguishing between species of Dendragama. Based on biogeographic patterns and levels of genetic variation it is suspected that at least 18 other isolated cloud forest locations may hold new species or divergent populations of Dendragama but lack survey work. Collectively, these comparisons among populations of montane lizards further elucidate the complex biogeographic history of Sumatra's montane forest species and the first phylogeny of the genus Dendragama.Two new toad species of the genus Leptobrachella are described from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau of China, based on the combination of molecular and morphological data. The description of Leptobrachella aspera Wang, Lyu, Qi & Wang, sp. nov. from Huanglianshan Nature Reserve represents the thirteenth Leptobrachella species known from Yunnan Province, and the description of Leptobrachella dorsospina Wang, Lyu, Qi & Wang, sp. nov. from Yushe Forest Park represents the sixth Leptobrachella species known from Guizhou Province. These new discoveries further emphasize the extremely high diversity of the Leptobrachella toads in these regions.Decapterus macarellus and D. macrosoma are economically important pelagic fish species that are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical seas. The two species are often mistakenly identified due to their morphological similarities as described in the Chinese literature on fish identification. In this study, D. macarellus and D. macrosoma samples were collected in the Eastern Indian Ocean and the South China Sea and reidentified using morphological and DNA barcoding techniques. The characteristics that distinguish the two species primarily include the scute coverage of the straight portion of the lateral line (the most indicative characteristic for classification), the shape of the predorsal scaled area and its location relative to the middle axis of the eye, and the shapes of the posterior margin of the maxilla and the posterior margin of the operculum. The results revealed a large number of misidentified sequences among the homologous cytochrome oxidase (COI) sequences of the two species in the NCBI database and that the genus Decapterus may include cryptic species. In terms of genetic structure, the Sundaland has not blocked genetic exchange between D. macarellus populations in the South China Sea and the Eastern Indian Ocean, giving rise to a high level of genetic diversity. In this study, we made corrections to the Chinese classification standards for D. macarellus and D. macrosoma and the erroneous reference sequences in the NCBI database, thereby providing accurate reference points for the future exploration of cryptic species in the genus Decapterus.Mitochondrial DNA is a useful molecular marker for phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis. In the current study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome of Eophona personata, the Japanese Grosbeak, and the phylogenetic relationships of E. personata and 16 other species of the family Fringillidae based on the sequences of 12 mitochondrial protein-coding genes. The mitochondrial genome of E. personata consists of 16,771 base pairs, and contains 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and one control region. Analysis of the base composition revealed an A+T bias, a positive AT skew and a negative GC skew. The mitochondrial gene order and arrangement in E. personata was similar to the typical avian mitochondrial gene arrangement. Phylogenetic analysis of 17 species of Fringillidae, based on Bayesian inference and Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation, showed that the genera Coccothraustes and Hesperiphona are closely related to the genus Eophona, and further showed a sister-group relationship of E. personata and E. migratoria.Cryphalus Erichson, 1836 is a taxonomically challenging genus. It is particularly speciose in Asia. Many species are minor pests of fruit tree crops and forest products. We review collections from East Asia, using external morphology, internal morphology and genetic markers with a focus on sub-tropical species from fruit trees. Four new species are described; Cryphalus gnetivorus Johnson, sp. nov., C. itinerans Johnson, sp. nov., C. morivorus Johnson, sp. nov., and C. paramangiferae Johnson, sp. nov. Ten species are redescribed to enable accurate identification C. artocarpus (Schedl, 1939), C. dilutus Eichhoff, 1878, C. dorsalis (Motschulsky, 1866), C. exiguus Blandford, 1894, C. kyotoensis Nobuchi, 1966, C. lipingensis Tsai & Li, 1963 (= C. kesiyae Browne, 1975, syn. nov.), C. mangiferae Stebbing, 1914 (= C. artestriatus Browne, 1970, syn. nov.), C. meridionalis (Nobuchi, 1975), C. scopiger Berger, 1917, and C. viburni Stark, 1936. Additional records from new localities and new hosts are also presented.Unkanodes (Kwonianella) malamjabbensissp. nov. (Hemiptera, Delphacidae) is described and illustrated and U. latespinosa (Dlabola, 1957) is newly recorded from Malamjabbah, Swat, Pakistan. These two species represent the first records of the genus Unkanodes Fennah, 1956 from Pakistan. A key to the world's species of the genus Unkanodes is provided.The COVID-19 virus outbreak has been declared a "global pandemic". Therefore, "lockdown" was issued in affected countries to control the spread of the virus. To assess air pollution during and after lockdowns, this study selected pandemic hotspots in China (Wuhan), Japan (Tokyo), the Republic of Korea (Daegu), and India (Mumbai) and compared the Air Quality Index (AQI) in these areas for the past three years. The results indicated that air pollution levels were positively correlated with a reduction in pollutant levels during and after lockdowns in these cities. In Tokyo, low levels of air pollution, no significant change in the distribution of "good" and "moderate" days was observed during lockdown. In Daegu, mid-level air pollution, the percentage of "unhealthy" days (AQI>100) markedly reduced during lockdown; however, this reverted after lockdown was lifted. In Wuhan and Mumbai, high air pollution levels, the percentage of unhealthy days remarkably decreased during lockdown and continued to reduce after lockdown. It was found that PM2.5 was the critical pollutant for all cities because its sub-AQI was the largest of the six pollutant species for the majority of days. In addition, PM10 dominated the overall AQI for 2.2-9.6% of the period in Wuhan and Mumbai, and its sub-AQI reduced during lockdown. The mean sub-AQI for NO2, SO2, CO, and O3 was within the "good" category for all cities. In conclusion, the lockdown policy reduced air pollution in general and this reduction was more significant for regions with high air pollution levels.The recent expansion of the radiological criteria and the use of a highly specific biomarker, anti-aquaporin 4-IgG (AQP4 IgG), has significantly improved the ability of clinicians to provide a timely and accurate diagnosis for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD), especially when faced with an abnormal disease presentation. Here, we report on the 5-year clinical experience of a 69-year-old right-handed African American woman who initially presented following symptoms suggestive of transient global amnesia. Her clinical history was only remarkable for a single episode of visual decline with poor recovery experienced 35 years prior, with prior unrevealing serological investigations. Brain MRI features were significant for diffuse, bilateral white matter abnormalities throughout the supratentorial, deep gray matter, and infratentorial regions. Spinal cord imaging studies were within normal limits with no intramedullary high-signal abnormalities identified. Serological studies were significant for the presence of anti-aquaporin 4-IgG. The clinical features were supportive of the diagnosis of NMOSD. The data provided here highlight both the clinical and radiological heterogeneity of NMOSD.With the widespreading use of biologic drugs, reports of renal injury are increasing, most of which belong to the spectrum of secondary autoimmune syndromes. We present the case of a young man affected by Ankylosing Spondylitis, treated with tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors (Anti-TNF) that develop a peculiar renal damage a coexistence of 2 glomerulonephritis due to different noxae, an IgA nephropaty with a Membranous nephropathy. The first one probably related to the rheumatologic disease, the second one related to Anti-TNF. Despite the underlying mechanisms, the renal involvement both related to Ankylosing Spondylitis and secondary to biologic treatment are currently rare and not predictable. Regular control of renal function and urinalysis during treatment with anti-TNF is mandatory. A concomitant treatment with Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs or eventually a low dose of steroids may prevent the formation of anti-drug antibodies and could limit the renal damage related to this phenomenon.

Direct injection of corticosteroids into the joint is a standard treatment for knee osteoarthritis (OA). However, the treatment is somewhat controversial with regard to the benefit of both single and repeated injections; evidence that they are beneficial comes from small studies that show only modest improvements. see more The aim of this study was to estimate the short- and long-term clinical efficacy and safety of hylan G-F 20 versus intra-articular corticosteroids (IACS) for the treatment of pain in knee OA using Bayesian network meta-analysis.

Based on a pre-specified protocol, MEDLINE, Embase, and CENTRAL were searched from inception to June 2018 to identify randomized controlled trials. The Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing risk of bias in randomized trials was used to assess the included studies. Hylan G-F 20 and IACS were compared using Bayesian network meta-analysis. Efficacy was evaluated at 1, 3, and 6 months, and at the final follow-up for safety outcomes. A pain hierarchy was used to select 1 pain outcome per study.

Autoři článku: Cabreraegan9034 (Hopper Ewing)