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We also identified situations in which phylogenetic approaches alone are not sufficient to reconstruct migration routes.In conclusion, we anticipate that the use of PathFinder will enable a more reliable inference of migration histories and their posterior probabilities, which is required to assess the relative preponderance of seeding of new metastasis by clones from primary tumors and/or existing metastases.

PathFinder is available on the web at https//

PathFinder is available on the web at https//

Molecular interactions have been successfully modeled and analyzed as networks, where nodes represent molecules and edges represent the interactions between them. These networks revealed that molecules with similar local network structure also have similar biological functions. The most sensitive measures of network structure are based on graphlets. However, graphlet-based methods thus far are only applicable to unweighted networks, whereas real-world molecular networks may have weighted edges that can represent the probability of an interaction occurring in the cell. This information is commonly discarded when applying thresholds to generate unweighted networks, which may lead to information loss.

We introduce probabilistic graphlets as a tool for analyzing the local wiring patterns of probabilistic networks. To assess their performance compared to unweighted graphlets, we generate synthetic networks based on different well-known random network models and edge probability distributions and demonstrate that probabilistic graphlets outperform their unweighted counterparts in distinguishing network structures. Then we model different real-world molecular interaction networks as weighted graphs with probabilities as weights on edges and we analyze them with our new weighted graphlets-based methods. We show that due to their probabilistic nature, probabilistic graphlet-based methods more robustly capture biological information in these data, while simultaneously showing a higher sensitivity to identify condition-specific functions compared to their unweighted graphlet-based method counterparts.

Our implementation of probabilistic graphlets is available at https//

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Despite the fact that structural variants (SVs) play an important role in cancer, methods to predict their effect, especially for SVs in non-coding regions, are lacking, leaving them often overlooked in the clinic. Non-coding SVs may disrupt the boundaries of Topologically Associated Domains (TADs), thereby affecting interactions between genes and regulatory elements such as enhancers. However, it is not known when such alterations are pathogenic. Although machine learning techniques are a promising solution to answer this question, representing the large number of interactions that an SV can disrupt in a single feature matrix is not trivial.

We introduce svMIL a method to predict pathogenic TAD boundary-disrupting SV effects based on multiple instance learning, which circumvents the need for a traditional feature matrix by grouping SVs into bags that can contain any number of disruptions. We demonstrate that svMIL can predict SV pathogenicity, measured through same-sample gene expression aberration, for various cancer types. In addition, our approach reveals that somatic pathogenic SVs alter different regulatory interactions than somatic non-pathogenic SVs and germline SVs.

All code for svMIL is publicly available on GitHub https//

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Cells regulate themselves via dizzyingly complex biochemical processes called signaling pathways. These are usually depicted as a network, where nodes represent proteins and edges indicate their influence on each other. In order to understand diseases and therapies at the cellular level, it is crucial to have an accurate understanding of the signaling pathways at work. Since signaling pathways can be modified by disease, the ability to infer signaling pathways from condition- or patient-specific data is highly valuable. A variety of techniques exist for inferring signaling pathways. We build on past works that formulate signaling pathway inference as a Dynamic Bayesian Network structure estimation problem on phosphoproteomic time course data. We take a Bayesian approach, using Markov Chain Monte Carlo to estimate a posterior distribution over possible Dynamic Bayesian Network structures. Our primary contributions are (i) a novel proposal distribution that efficiently samples sparse graphs and (ii) the relaxation of common restrictive modeling assumptions.

We implement our method, named Sparse Signaling Pathway Sampling, in Julia using the Gen probabilistic programming language. Probabilistic programming is a powerful methodology for building statistical models. The resulting code is modular, extensible and legible. The Gen language, in particular, allows us to customize our inference procedure for biological graphs and ensure efficient sampling. We evaluate our algorithm on simulated data and the HPN-DREAM pathway reconstruction challenge, comparing our performance against a variety of baseline methods. Our results demonstrate the vast potential for probabilistic programming, and Gen specifically, for biological network inference.

Find the full codebase at https//

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Conceptually, epitope-based vaccine design poses two distinct problems (i) selecting the best epitopes to elicit the strongest possible immune response and (ii) arranging and linking them through short spacer sequences to string-of-beads vaccines, so that their recovery likelihood during antigen processing is maximized. Current state-of-the-art approaches solve this design problem sequentially. Consequently, such approaches are unable to capture the inter-dependencies between the two design steps, usually emphasizing theoretical immunogenicity over correct vaccine processing, thus resulting in vaccines with less effective immunogenicity in vivo.

In this work, we present a computational approach based on linear programming, called JessEV, that solves both design steps simultaneously, allowing to weigh the selection of a set of epitopes that have great immunogenic potential against their assembly into a string-of-beads construct that provides a high chance of recovery. selleck compound We conducted Monte Carlo cleavage simulations to show that a fixed set of epitopes often cannot be assembled adequately, whereas selecting epitopes to accommodate proper cleavage requirements substantially improves their recovery probability and thus the effective immunogenicity, pathogen and population coverage of the resulting vaccines by at least 2-fold.

The software and the data analyzed are available at https//

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Disordered flexible linkers (DFLs) are abundant and functionally important intrinsically disordered regions that connect protein domains and structural elements within domains and which facilitate disorder-based allosteric regulation. Although computational estimates suggest that thousands of proteins have DFLs, they were annotated experimentally in <200 proteins. This substantial annotation gap can be reduced with the help of accurate computational predictors. The sole predictor of DFLs, DFLpred, trade-off accuracy for shorter runtime by excluding relevant but computationally costly predictive inputs. Moreover, it relies on the local/window-based information while lacking to consider useful protein-level characteristics.

We conceptualize, design and test APOD (Accurate Predictor Of DFLs), the first highly accurate predictor that utilizes both local- and protein-level inputs that quantify propensity for disorder, sequence composition, sequence conservation and selected putative structural properties. Consequently, APOD offers significantly more accurate predictions when compared with its faster predecessor, DFLpred, and several other alternative ways to predict DFLs. These improvements stem from the use of a more comprehensive set of inputs that cover the protein-level information and the application of a more sophisticated predictive model, a well-parametrized support vector machine. APOD achieves area under the curve = 0.82 (28% improvement over DFLpred) and Matthews correlation coefficient = 0.42 (180% increase over DFLpred) when tested on an independent/low-similarity test dataset. Consequently, APOD is a suitable choice for accurate and small-scale prediction of DFLs.



When phase III clinical drug trials fail their endpoint, enormous resources are wasted. Moreover, even if a clinical trial demonstrates a significant benefit, the observed effects are often small and may not outweigh the side effects of the drug. Therefore, there is a great clinical need for methods to identify genetic markers that can identify subgroups of patients which are likely to benefit from treatment as this may (i) rescue failed clinical trials and/or (ii) identify subgroups of patients which benefit more than the population as a whole. When single genetic biomarkers cannot be found, machine learning approaches that find multivariate signatures are required. For single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) profiles, this is extremely challenging owing to the high dimensionality of the data. Here, we introduce RAINFOREST (tReAtment benefIt prediction using raNdom FOREST), which can predict treatment benefit from patient SNP profiles obtained in a clinical trial setting.

We demonstrate the performance of Rst. Requests should be directed toward Prof. Dr. H.J. Guchelaar (

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Gapped k-mer kernels with support vector machines (gkm-SVMs) have achieved strong predictive performance on regulatory DNA sequences on modestly sized training sets. However, existing gkm-SVM algorithms suffer from slow kernel computation time, as they depend exponentially on the sub-sequence feature length, number of mismatch positions, and the task's alphabet size.

In this work, we introduce a fast and scalable algorithm for calculating gapped k-mer string kernels. Our method, named FastSK, uses a simplified kernel formulation that decomposes the kernel calculation into a set of independent counting operations over the possible mismatch positions. This simplified decomposition allows us to devise a fast Monte Carlo approximation that rapidly converges. FastSK can scale to much greater feature lengths, allows us to consider more mismatches, and is performant on a variety of sequence analysis tasks. On multiple DNA transcription factor binding site prediction datasets, FastSK consistently matches or outperforms the state-of-the-art gkmSVM-2.

Autoři článku: Byerstherkildsen6718 (Hobbs Hendriksen)