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An intranasal formulation of esketamine, the S enantiomer of ketamine, in conjunction with an oral antidepressant, has been approved by the FDA for treating treatment-resistant major depressive disorder (TRD) in 2019, almost 50 years after it was approved as an intravenous anesthetic. In contrast to traditional antidepressants, ketamine shows a rapid (within 2 h) and sustained (∼7 days) antidepressant effect and has significant positive effects on antisuicidal ideation. Ketamine's antidepressant mechanism is predominantly mediated by the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDA) receptor, although NMDA-independent mechanisms are not ruled out. At the neurocircuitry level, ketamine affects the brain's reward and mood circuitry located in the corticomesolimbic structures involving the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, and prefrontal cortex. Repurposing of ketamine for treating TRD provided a new understanding of the pathophysiology of depression, a paradigm shift from monoamine to glutamatergic neurotransmission, thus making it a unique tool to investigate the brain and its complex neurocircuitries.The impact of whisky lactone diastereoisomers on the typical fruity expression of red Bordeaux wines was evaluated by sensory analysis. The detection thresholds of cis- and trans-whisky lactone in a dilute alcohol solution (12% v/v) were 20 and 130 μg/L, respectively. Consequently, considering their average concentrations found in oak-aged red wines, cis-whisky lactone was present at supra threshold levels, whereas trans-whisky lactone was below its detection threshold. Adding these diastereoisomers to a red wine fruity aromatic reconstitution at these average concentrations led to a decrease in the perception of this last one, highlighting a masking effect. Sensory profiles of cis- and trans-whisky lactone confirmed that these compounds modified the perception of fruity aromas, decreasing the intensity of red berry fruit notes and increasing that of blackberry fruit and spicy descriptors.Fungi have been proved as promising and prolific sources of functional secondary metabolites with potent agricultural applications. In this study, 14 xanthone derivatives (1-14), including six new ones, versicones I-N (1-4, 7, 11), and a biogenetically related derivative (15), were isolated from the alga-derived fungus Aspergillus versicolor D5. Their structures were elucidated by comprehensive spectroscopic methods. Versicone L (4) exhibited a broad antifungal spectrum and prominent inhibitory effects on Botrytis cinerea at a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 152 μM, 7-fold stronger than that of the positive control, carbendazim (MIC = 1.05 × 103 μM). Dihydrosterigmatocystin (13) showed strong antifungal activity toward B. cinerea at MIC = 38.3 μM, almost 30-fold stronger than that of carbendazim. Meanwhile, 13 exhibited potent herbicidal activity toward Amaranthus retroflexus L. with an MIC of 24.5 μM, approximately 4-fold stronger than that of the positive control, glyphosate (MIC = 94.7 μM). Additionally, 13 also displayed remarkable activity against other weeds belonging to Amaranth sp. Analysis of the structure-herbicidal activity relationship indicated that the bifuranic ring played an important role in xanthone phytotoxicity and the presence of a double bond in the furan ring could decrease phytotoxicity. This study indicated that xanthones can be served as promising candidates for lead compounds of agrochemicals.Increasing protein kinase C (PKC) activity is of potential therapeutic value. Its activation involves an interaction between the C1 domain and diacylglycerol (DAG) at intracellular membrane surfaces; DAG mimetics hold promise as new drugs. We previously developed the isophthalate derivative HMI-1a3, an effective but highly lipophilic (clogP = 6.46) DAG mimetic. Although a less lipophilic pyrimidine analog, PYR-1gP (clogP = 3.30), gave positive results in computational docking, it unexpectedly presented greatly diminished binding to PKC in vitro. Through more rigorous computational molecular modeling, we reveal that, unlike HMI-1a3, PYR-1gP forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond, which both obstructs binding and reorients PYR-1gP in the membrane in a fashion that prevents it from correctly accessing the PKC C1 domain. Our results highlight the great value of molecular dynamics simulations as a key component for the drug design process of ligands targeting weakly membrane-associated proteins, where simulation in the relevant membrane environment is crucial for obtaining biologically applicable results.In 2013, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory led a geologic carbon sequestration field demonstration where ∼1000 tonnes of CO2 was injected into several deep Columbia River Basalt zones near Wallula, Washington. Rock core samples extracted from the injection zone two years after CO2 injection revealed nascent carbonate mineralization that was qualitatively consistent with expectations from laboratory experiments and reactive transport modeling. Here, we report on a new detailed analysis of the 2012 pre-injection and 2015 post-injection hydrologic tests that capitalizes on the difference in fluid properties between scCO2 and water to assess changes in near-field, wellbore, and reservoir conditions that are apparent approximately two years following the end of injection. This comparative hydrologic test analysis method provides a new way to quantify the amount of injected CO2 that was mineralized in the field test. Modeling results indicate that approximately 60% of the injected CO2 was sequestered via mineralization within two years, with the resulting carbonates occupying ∼4% of the available reservoir pore space. The method presented here provides a new monitoring tool to assess the fate of CO2 injected into chemically reactive basalt formations but could also be adapted for long-term monitoring and verification within more traditional subsurface carbon storage reservoirs.Thienoguanosine (thG) is an isomorphic guanosine (G) surrogate that almost perfectly mimics G in nucleic acids. To exploit its full potential and lay the foundation for future applications, 20 DNA duplexes, where the bases facing and neighboring thG were systematically varied, were thoroughly studied using fluorescence spectroscopy, molecular dynamics simulations, and mixed quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics calculations, yielding a comprehensive understanding of its photophysics in DNA. In matched duplexes, thG's hypochromism was larger for flanking G/C residues but its fluorescence quantum yield (QY) and lifetime values were almost independent of the flanking bases. This was attributed to high duplex stability, which maintains a steady orientation and distance between nucleobases, so that a similar charge transfer (CT) mechanism governs the photophysics of thG independently of its flanking nucleobases. thG can therefore replace any G residue in matched duplexes, while always maintaining similar photophysical features. In contrast, the local destabilization induced by a mismatch or an abasic site restores a strong dependence of thG's QY and lifetime values on its environmental context, depending on the CT route efficiency and solvent exposure of thG. Due to this exquisite sensitivity, thG appears ideal for monitoring local structural changes and single nucleotide polymorphism. Upadacitinib Moreover, thG's dominant fluorescence lifetime in DNA is unusually long (9-29 ns), facilitating its selective measurement in complex media using a lifetime-based or a time-gated detection scheme. Taken together, our data highlight thG as an outstanding emissive substitute for G with good QY, long fluorescence lifetimes, and exquisite sensitivity to local structural changes.For decades, cyclopolymerization of α,ω-diyne derivatives has been an effective method to synthesize various soluble polyacetylenes containing five- to seven-membered rings in the backbone. However, cyclopolymerization to form four-membered carbocycles was considered impossible due to their exceptionally high ring strain (∼30 kcal/mol). Herein, we demonstrate the successful cyclopolymerization of rationally designed 1,5-hexadiyne derivatives to afford various polyacetylenes containing highly strained cyclobutenes in each repeat unit. After screening, Ru catalysts containing bulky diisopropylphenyl groups promoted challenging four-membered ring cyclization efficiently from various monomers, enabling the synthesis of high molecular weight (up to 40 kDa) polyacetylenes in a controlled manner. Furthermore, living polymerization allowed for block copolymer synthesis by combining with ring-opening metathesis polymerization as well as block copolymerization of two different 1,5-hexadiyne monomers to give a fully conjugated polyacetylene. These new polymers unexpectedly showed much narrower band gaps than conventional substituted polyacetylenes by >0.2 eV. Interestingly, computational studies showed much smaller bond length alternation in the conjugated backbone containing cyclobutenes, resulting in highly delocalized π electrons along the polymer chain and lower band gaps.Site-specific modification of proteins with functional molecules provides powerful tools for researching and engineering proteins. Here we report a new chemical conjugation method which photocages highly reactive but chemically selective moieties, enabling the use of protein-inert amines for selective protein modification. New amino acids FnbY and FmnbY, bearing photocaged quinone methides (QMs), were genetically incorporated into proteins. Upon light activation, they generated highly reactive QM, which rapidly reacted with amine derivatives. This method features a rare combination of desired properties including fast kinetics, small and stable linkage, compatibility with low temperature, photocontrollability, and widely available reagents. link2 Moreover, labeling via FnbY occurs on the β-carbon, affording the shortest linkage to protein backbone which is essential for advanced studies involving orientation and distance. link3 We installed various functionalities onto proteins and attached a spin label as close as possible to the protein backbone, achieving high resolution in double electron-electron paramagnetic resonance distance measurements.Ubiquitous organo-ferrihydrite coprecipitates (OFC) significantly affect the mobility and availability of Cr in soil through sorption, but the underlying sorption mechanisms remain unclear at the molecular level. Due to the potential formation of OFC in agricultural soils with returned crop straws, we synthesized OFC with rice/rape straw-derived carbon (C) sources and different loadings. The molecular sorption mechanisms of Cr(III) to the synthesized OFC under different conditions were investigated by Cr K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM). Cr(III) sorption by OFC decreased with increasing C loading and decreasing pH, regardless of C sources. Moreover, inhibition of Cr(III) sorption to OFC with high C loading occurred when ionic strength (IS) increased, suggesting the presence of outer-sphere complexed Cr(III). EXAFS analysis revealed that more Cr(III) were bound to ferrihydrite of the OFC at a relatively high pH, and organically bound Cr(III) enhanced when increasing C loading and decreasing IS.

Autoři článku: Burtrhodes9638 (Bredahl Whittaker)