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Our findings show that, for a signal-to-noise-ratio of at least 10 dB, a data window that contains 5 to 8 cycles of the oscillation of interest (e.g. a 500-800ms window at 10Hz) is generally required to achieve reliable PC estimates. In general, Hilbert-based approaches were associated with higher performance than Fourier-based approaches. Furthermore, the results suggest that, when the analysis is performed in a narrow frequency range, a larger window is required.

The achieved results pave the way to the introduction of best-practice guidelines to be followed when a real-time frequency-specific PC assessment is at target.

The achieved results pave the way to the introduction of best-practice guidelines to be followed when a real-time frequency-specific PC assessment is at target.

Exploring functional connectivity (FC) alterations is important for the understanding of underlying neuronal network alterations in subjective cognitive decline (SCD). The objective of this study was to prove that dynamic FC can better reflect the changes of brain function in individuals with SCD compared to static FC, and further to explore the association between FC alterations and amyloid pathology in the preclinical stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD).

101 normal control (NC) subjects, 97 SCDs, and 55 cognitive impairment (CI) subjects constituted the whole-cohort. Of these, 29 NCs and 52 SCDs with amyloid images were selected as the sub-cohort. First, independent components (ICs) were identified by independent component analysis and static and dynamic FC were calculated by pairwise correlation coefficient between ICs. Second, FC alterations were identified through group comparison, and seed-based dynamic FC analysis was done. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the seed-based dynamic FC mas could be more reflected by dynamic FC than static FC, and the alterations are associated with global SUVr.Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein 2 (CPEB2) is an mRNA-binding protein that regulates the cytoplasmic polyadenylation of mRNA and is required for tight junction (TJ) assembly in the trophectoderm epithelium during porcine preimplantation development. However, the regulatory mechanism underlying TJ assembly by CPEB2 has not been examined. The aim of this study was to elucidate how Cpeb2 regulates the subcellular localisation and stabilisation of Tjp1 mRNA for TJ biogenesis during mouse preimplantation. CPEB2 was detected in nuclei during the early stages of development and was localised at apical cell membranes from the morula stage onwards. In the Cpeb2 knockdown (KD), we observed reduced blastocyst formation with impaired TJs, defective inner cell mass development in the blastocyst outgrowth assay, and loss of pregnancy after embryo transfer. More importantly, Tjp1 mRNA was localised apically in the outer cells of control morulae but not in the Cpeb2 KD embryos, indicating that CPEB2 mediated the translocalisation of Tjp1 mRNA from the nuclei. Finally, in the control embryos, the length of the Tjp1 mRNA poly (A) tail was varied, while only a single peak was detected in the Cpeb2 KD embryos. check details These findings suggest that the binding of CPEB2 to the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element in the 3'-UTR can confer stability on Tjp1 mRNA and translational regulation. In summary, we demonstrated for the first time that CPEB2 mediates Tjp1 mRNA stabilisation and subcellular localisation for TJ assembly during mouse blastocyst formation.

Online interventions for problem gambling are increasingly popular, but not everyone benefits from them. We describe 12 years of real-world data from an online intervention for gambling problems and aim to find out the extent to which depression, alcohol use, and sense of financial control influence the effectiveness of the program.

We analyzed treatment effectiveness and moderators in the Finnish "Peli Poikki" program (2007-2018)-an 8-week cognitive behavioral therapy and follow-up program for problem gambling. Participants were Finnish-speaking adults over 18 years of age (N = 2011, 66.9% males). We measured the self-reported level of problem gambling, depression, alcohol use, and sense of financial control across four treatment phases (baseline, post-treatment, 6-month follow-up, and 12-month follow-up), as well as the presence of gambling debt, psychological and physiological health, years suffered from gambling problems, and demographic variables.

Participation grew across years with retention rates of 55%, 30%, and 19% for post-treatment and the two follow-ups, respectively. The average problem gambling scores declined significantly following treatment and remained low throughout the follow-ups. However, this decline (the beneficial treatment effect) was reversed after the follow-ups for those with high depression scores and those who felt they had no control over their finances.

The Peli Poikki program is a well-functioning online intervention but less effective in the long term for participants with persisting symptoms of depression or without a sense of financial control. More attention is needed to screen and direct people with comorbidities to the appropriate services.

The Peli Poikki program is a well-functioning online intervention but less effective in the long term for participants with persisting symptoms of depression or without a sense of financial control. More attention is needed to screen and direct people with comorbidities to the appropriate services.

One in eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer in the course of their life. As systematic palliative treatment has only a limited effect on survival rates, the concept of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was developed for measurement of patient-centered outcomes. Various studies have already demonstrated the reliability of paper-based patient-reported outcome (pPRO) and electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) surveys and that the 2 means of assessment are equally valid.

The aim of this study was to analyze the acceptance and evaluation of a tablet-based ePRO app for breast cancer patients and to examine its suitability, effort, and difficulty in the context of HRQoL and sociodemographic factors.

Overall, 106 women with adjuvant or advanced breast cancer were included in a 2-center study at 2 major university hospitals in Germany. Patients were asked to answer HRQoL and PRO questionnaires both on a tablet on-site using a specific eHealth assessment website and on paper. The suitability, effoove hospital health care. However, studies with larger numbers of patients are needed to develop apps that address the needs of patients with lower levels of education and technical skills.

The results indicate that ePRO surveys are feasible for measuring HRQoL in breast cancer patients and that those patients prefer ePRO assessment to pPRO assessment. It can also be seen that patients consider ePRO assessment to improve hospital health care. However, studies with larger numbers of patients are needed to develop apps that address the needs of patients with lower levels of education and technical skills.

The successful implementation of clinical smartphone apps in hospital settings requires close collaboration with industry partners. A large-scale, hospital-wide implementation of a clinical mobile app for health care professionals developed in partnership with Google Health and academic partners was deployed on a bring-your-own-device basis using mobile device management at our UK academic hospital. As this was the first large-scale implementation of this type of innovation in the UK health system, important insights and lessons learned from the deployment may be useful to other organizations considering implementing similar technology in partnership with commercial companies.

The aims of this study are to define the key enablers and barriers and to propose a road map for the implementation of a hospital-wide clinical mobile app developed in collaboration with an industry partner as a data processor and an academic partner for independent evaluation.

Semistructured interviews were conducted with high-le organizations undertake a similar mobile change and improve the chances of successful widespread mobile transformation.

Bereavement due to cancer increases the risk of prolonged grief disorder. However, specialized treatment options for prolonged grief after a loss due to illness are still scarce.

The aim of this study is to extend previous findings by evaluating a web-based cognitive behavioral intervention with asynchronous therapist support, consisting of structured writing tasks adapted specifically for prolonged grief after cancer bereavement.

The intervention was evaluated in a purely web-based randomized waitlist-controlled trial. Open-access recruitment of participants was conducted on the web. Prolonged grief (Inventory of Complicated Grief), depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, posttraumatic growth, somatization, sleep quality, and mental and physical health were assessed on the web via validated self-report measures.

A total of 87 participants were randomized into the intervention group (IG; 44/87, 51%) or the waitlist control group (43/87, 49%). Of the participants, 7% (6/87) dropped out of the study ps//www.drks.de/drks_web/navigate.do?navigationId=trial.HTML&TRIAL_ID=DRKS00011001.

Since the 2008 advent of the smartphone, more than 180 billion copies of apps have been downloaded from Apple App Store, with more than 2.6 million apps available for Android and 2.2 million apps available for iOS. Many violence prevention and response apps have been developed as part of this app proliferation.

This study aims to evaluate the prevalence and quality of freely available mobile phone apps targeting intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual violence (SV) prevention and response.

We conducted a systematic search of violence prevention and response mobile phone apps freely available in Apple App Store (iOS; March 2016) and Google Play Store (Android; July 2016). Search terms included violence prevention, sexual assault, domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, forensic nursing, wife abuse, and rape. Apps were included for review if they were freely available, were available in English, and had a primary purpose of prevention of or response to SV or IPV regardless of appt for providers to be aware of these resources and be knowledgeable about how to review and recommend mobile phone apps to patients, when appropriate.

Although there are a variety of mobile apps available designed to provide information or other services related to SV and IPV, they range greatly in quality. They are also challenging to find, given the current infrastructure of app store searches, keyword prioritization, and highlighting based on user rating. It is important for providers to be aware of these resources and be knowledgeable about how to review and recommend mobile phone apps to patients, when appropriate.

Remote data capture for blood glucose (BG) or blood pressure (BP) monitoring and the use of a supportive digital app are becoming the model in diabetes and hypertension chronic care. One of the goals in chronic condition management is to increase awareness and generate behavioral change in order to improve outcomes in diabetes and related comorbidities, such as hypertension. In addition, there is a lack of understanding of the association between BG and BP levels when using digital health tools.

By applying a rigorous study framework to digital health data, this study investigated the relationship between BP monitoring and BG and BP levels, as well as a lagged association between BP and BG. We hypothesized that during the first 6 months of BP monitoring, BG and BP levels would decrease. Finally, we suggested a positive association between BP levels and the following month's BG levels.

In this retrospective, real-world case-control study, we extracted the data of 269 people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) who tracked their BG levels using the Dario digital platform for a chronic condition.

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