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The most significant influence on the MP degradation was due to the internal architecture of the particles as the coverage of magnetic cores with a solid 39 nm polystyrene layer slowed down the half-life of the core-shell MPs from 48 days to more than 1 year. The revealed deeper insights into the particle degradation in vivo may facilitate rational design of nano- and microparticles with predictable long-term fate in vivo.

The object of this study was to ascertain outcomes of cochlear implantation (CI) following stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for vestibular schwannoma (VS).

The authors conducted a retrospective chart review of adult patients with VS treated with SRS who underwent CI between 1990 and 2019 at a single tertiary care referral center. Patient demographics, tumor features, treatment parameters, and pre- and postimplantation audiometric and clinical outcomes are presented.

Seventeen patients (18 ears) underwent SRS and ipsilateral CI during the study period. Thirteen patients (76%) had neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). Median age at SRS and CI were 44 and 48 years, respectively. Median time from SRS to CI was 60 days, but notably, 4 patients underwent SRS and CI within 1 day and 5 patients underwent CI more than 7 years after SRS. Median marginal dose was 13 Gy. Median treatment volume at the time of SRS was 1400 mm3 (range 84-6080 mm3, n = 15 patients). Median post-CI PTA was 28 dB HL, improved from 101 dB HL prantation; CN = cranial nerve; CNC = consonant-nucleus-consonant; CPA = cerebellopontine angle; EPS = electrical promontory stimulation; ESA = environmental sound awareness; HINT = Hearing in Noise Test; IAC = internal auditory canal; NF2 = neurofibromatosis type 2; OSP = open-set speech perception; PTA = pure tone average; SRS = stereotactic radiosurgery; VS = vestibular schwannoma; WRS = word recognition score.

AAO-HNS = American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery; ABI = auditory brainstem implant; CI = cochlear implantation; CN = cranial nerve; CNC = consonant-nucleus-consonant; CPA = cerebellopontine angle; EPS = electrical promontory stimulation; ESA = environmental sound awareness; HINT = Hearing in Noise Test; IAC = internal auditory canal; NF2 = neurofibromatosis type 2; OSP = open-set speech perception; PTA = pure tone average; SRS = stereotactic radiosurgery; VS = vestibular schwannoma; WRS = word recognition score.The etiology of Postpartum dysgalactia syndrome (PDS) includes stress οn preparturition and constipation associated with low water intake or low fiber intake. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a raw crude fibre concentrate (Arbocel®) on sow's metabolism and performance. 100 sows from a farm suffering from PDS, were divided into two groups, with equal distribu- tion of their parity (1 to 5 parity) a) T1 group (control group) 50 sows were fed with regular gestation feed (GF), pre-farrowing feed (PFF), and lactation feed (LF), b) T2 group 50 sows were fed with regular GF, PFF and LF supplemented with topdress Arbocel® from 104th day of gestation until 7th day of lactation). Health parameters [faeces score (FS), PDS score (PDSS), body condition score (BCS)], performance parameters and liter characteristics were recorded. Blood samples were collected from 25 sows / group (5 sows per parity) 24 h after birth of last piglet and on 14th day of lactation for the evaluation of insulin, leptin and ghrelin levels in the serum, using commercial ELISA kits. In T2 group, BCS at farrowing (p⟨0.001), FS (p=0.001) and PDSS (p=0.003) were improved significantly. The number of piglets stillborn and dead due to crushing decreased (p=0.001), while the number of liveborn (p=0.016) and weaned piglets (p=0.001) increased in T2 group. Moreover, in T2 group, the BW of piglets at weaning was higher (p⟨0.001). A significant increase of insulin (p=0.032) and leptin (p=0.032) levels in serum was noticed in T2 group 24 h after farrowing. In conclusion, the supplementation of extra crude fibre in breeding stock with PDS problems due to nutritional imbalance has beneficial effects on their health and performance.In a dairy cow herd consisted of herd of 200 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows and heifers, clinical signs of mastitis in 40 out of 170 animals were observed. Treatments with antibiotics were proved ineffective. Milk bacterial cultures from 15 affected animals revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa. An autogenous vaccine was administered subcutaneously, twice in a month period, to all adults. Cases of clinical mastitis declined significantly (p⟨0.0001) during next 3 months.The development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) is still a valid and intensely studied issue. However, literature in the field has no data on this topic in the dog. The present investigations were performed in three groups of fetuses from mongrel dogs - from the third, sixth- -seventh, and ninth week of pregnancy - and in 3-5-day-old puppies (3 specimens for each age group). The tissues (the medial parts of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum with the cecum and a small portion of the adjacent ascending colon) were cut using a cryostat and the sections were processed for single- and double-labeling immunohistochemistry using antisera against acetylated tubulin (AcTub), vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), galanin (GAL), neuropeptide Y (NPY), substance P (SP), and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). In the 3-week-old fetuses, some oval cells invading the gut wall were found. From the seventh week of pregnancy onwards, two different enteric ganglia were present submucosal and myenteric. The estimated number of nerve elements in the 9-week-old fetuses was much higher than that observed in the 6-7-week-old individuals. There was no significant difference in the estimated number of nerve structures between the 9-week-old fetuses and the 3-5-day-old puppies. The colonization pattern and the development of the ENS in the canine small intestine are very similar to those observed in other mam- mals. However, a few exceptions have been confirmed, regarding the time of appearance of the VIP-, GAL-, and CGRP-immunoreactive neurons, and their distribution in different portions of the canine bowel during development.Small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV), which causes caprine arthritis encephalitis in goats and ovine progressive pneumonia (maedi-visna disease) in sheep, is classified in genus Lentiviruses belonging to Retroviridae family. It persists in infected goats and sheep, which mostly are sub- clinical. A serological survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of small ruminant lentivirus infection in Thai goat population. Serum samples were taken from 1,925 goats distributed throughout the country, then they were tested for the presence of SRLV antibodies using commercial indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test kits. Results revealed that a total of 68 goats were found seropositive, representing the apparent prevalence and true prevalence of 3.57% and 2.60%, respectively. The seroprevalence, revealed in this study, was lower than in the previous reports. The decreasing of seroprevalence might be caused by successful control strategies from Department of Livestock Development (DLD).Viral diseases have caused devastating effect on poultry industry leading to significant losses in economy of world. In the presented study, the ability of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV) to grow in two cell lines was evaluated. Both chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) and DF-1 cells were used and cytopathic effects (CPE) produced by these viruses were observed. The titer of virus in terms of TCID was determined after 24h up to four days for each virus. The same type of CPE was observed for all virus- es used in the study in both DF-1 and CEF cells. IBDV showed CPE causing rounding of cells while NDV caused formation of multicellular large nuclei, cell fusion and rounding of cells. Giant cells with inclusions and aggregation of cells with intact monolayer was observed for AIV. In growth kinetic study, higher titer of IBDV and NDV was observed in CEF cells than DF-1 cells while for AIV, DF-1 cells showed higher titer than CEF cells. These results would be useful for furthers comparative studies on growth of different cell lines of various viruses to find a suitability for vaccine production.This study was carried out to determine the morphometric and volumetric features of the mandible in Van cats by using computed tomography (CT) and a three-dimensional (3D) software program. The study also aimed at presenting the biometrical differences of these mea- surements between genders. A total of 16 adult Van cats (8 males, 8 females) were used in the study. The cats were anesthetized using a ketamine-xylazine combination. They were then scanned using CT under anesthesia and their images were obtained. The scanned images of the mandible in each cat were used for the reconstruction of a 3D model by using the MIMICS 20.1 (The Materialise Group, Leuven, Belgium) software program. selleck screening library Later, morphometric (17 parame- ters), volumetric, and surface area measurements were conducted and statistical analyses were carried out. In our morphometric measurements, it was found that TLM (total length of the mandible), PCD (pogonion to coronoid process distance), CAP (length from the indenta- tion between the condyle procram. The differences between male and female cats were also determined in the study.Spleen is highly vascularized organ and bleeding control during partial splenectomy is a big challenge. In this study conventional methods of electrocautery, absorbable suturing and advance methods of topical hemostat Surgicel® were compared to control bleeding during partial splenec- tomy. Twelve healthy dogs (n=4) were divided in A, B and C groups. After partial splenectomy Surgicel®, electrocautery and absorbable horizontal mattress sutures were used to control hemor- rhages in group A, B and C respectively. Bleeding time and loss of blood volume was evaluated during surgery. In addition, blood samples were taken on day 0 pre-surgery and on days 3, 10 and 17 post-surgery to evaluate changes in biochemical parameters after the application of dif- ferent hemostatic techniques. Ultrasonography was also performed at alternative days to check any gross changes in the spleen. Dogs in group A showed minimum bleeding time and loss of blood volume as compared to group B and C. Drop in red blood cells count was compared be- tween group A, B and C showing significant change (p≤0.05) at day 3, 10 and 17, while a sig- nificant decline in hemoglobin was found in group C followed by groups B and A at 3rd and 10th day. There was no difference between platelet counts in various groups. Ultrasonography showed no significant changes in the spleen parenchyma. It was concluded that Surgicel® was an effective material for controlling hemorrhage in veterinary patients.Conventionally, Porcine sapelovirus (PSV) has been considered to comprise a single geno- type, PSV-1; however, a potentially novel member of PSV was recently discovered. In the present study, we propose a genotype definition of PSV based on phylogenetic and genetic analyses of the polyprotein, P1, and VP1 genes of available PSV sequences. Two genotypes, with proposed names PSV-1 and PSV-2, were identified. Moreover, the cut-off values (number of differences per site between amino acid sequences) for the definition of genotypes were established to be 0.1115 (polyprotein), 0.176 (P1), and 0.272 (VP1). The findings of this study are expected to enrich knowledge of PSV classification.

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