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ding eating habits in children with autism spectrum disorder and suggest that emotional eating behaviors might have both immediate and downstream health impacts.Plagiarism in academia is endangering the veracity of any discipline. Yet, estimating the actual prevalence of plagiarism is difficult due to the sensitive nature of freely admitting actual offenses. Respondents to questions on plagiarism oftentimes conceal potential misconduct and thus refrain from truthfully responding to such a sensitive question. In this work, we therefore employ item-count techniques to provide a better estimate of the prevalence in academia using a student sample. Our results drawing on 428 students from an Austrian university reveal a high prevalence of plagiarism (around 22 percentage points). We also assess the robustness of the findings using placebo measurements. Our results suggest a much higher prevalence of plagiarism then comparison studies when respondents can be convincingly assured of their anonymity.The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis suggests that a rare population of stem-like cells underpin tumorigenesis. selleck screening library Oncolytic viruses (OVs) demonstrate novel mechanisms of targeting the elusive CSCs with greater selectivity - promising therapeutic potential against solid tumors such as glioblastoma (GBM) that are resistant to conventional treatment. In general, OVs have failed to translate the efficacy from bench to bedside. The success of OVs rely on the hypothesis that eliminating CSCs is key to preventing recurrence. However, newly emerging evidence of CSC plasticity challenge this hypothesis by proposing that the CSC pool can be regenerated from non-CSCs post-treatment. We review this evidence surrounding the CSC hypothesis to propose an original perspective on why several advanced OVs may be failing to reflect their true potential in clinical trials. We argue that preventing non-CSC to CSC dedifferentiation may be critical to achieving long-term treatment efficacy in future OV clinical trials.

To study the clinical, tomographic and densitometric features of eyes that showed >5 D of corneal flattening following collagen crosslinking (CXL) for progressive keratoconus and to identify preoperative predictive factors for such a response.

This was a retrospective case control study of 548 eyes with progressive keratoconus which had undergone epithelium-off CXL (Dresden protocol) with a follow-up of 1 to 10 years. Eyes that showed ⩾5 D corneal flattening in maximum keratometry (Kmax) following CXL (group A) were compared with one eye of the remaining patients in the same cohort (group B). link2 Changes in refraction and visual acuity, Kmax and thinnest pachymetry were compared between both groups. Univariate and multivariate regression analysis identified preoperative risk factors for unusual corneal flattening.

Forty three eyes in group A were compared with 502 eyes in group B. At the time of maximum flattening, group A showed more flattening (-7.6 ± 3.2 D) and thinning (-53.7 ± 45.2 µ) than group B (-1.69 ± 2.9 D and -26.6 ± 36.7 µ, respectively). Multivariate analysis based on parameters suggested by a univariate regression analysis identified pre-op Kmax to be the most significant predictor of intense corneal flattening. A subgroup analysis of K-matched eyes revealed that the duration of time following CXL was a significant risk factor for extreme corneal flattening following CXL.

An intense corneal flattening >5 D in Kmax was documented in 7.85% of a cohort of keratoconus patients who underwent CXL. High preoperative Kmax and the duration of time following CXL were significant predictors of this response which was accompanied by significant corneal thinning.

5 D in Kmax was documented in 7.85% of a cohort of keratoconus patients who underwent CXL. High preoperative Kmax and the duration of time following CXL were significant predictors of this response which was accompanied by significant corneal thinning.

Despite several interventions, India has made little progress in reducing hidden hunger, micronutrient malnutrition. Food fortification of staple foods could be useful in addressing the above problem. Nonetheless, it may lead to an increase in economic stress among people by increasing inflation and monthly budget expenditure.

The prime objective was to see whether or not mandatory food fortification will lead to an increase in inflation and the family's budget expenditure.

The study was based on secondary data. Decomposition approach has been used-inflation was decomposed into contributions of each commodity and which was further divided into base, weight, and inflation effects. To estimate the impact of mandatory food fortification on the family's budget expenditure, monthly per capita expenditure has been assessed by considering both the situations-with and without fortification.

Results suggest that mandatory food fortification has a very negligible effect on inflation, suggesting no rise in inflarge scale.

To assess the safety of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) in patients undergoing systemic treatment with aspirin.

This prospective study enrolled consecutive patients undergoing PPV under percutaneous retrobulbar anesthesia between February 2016 and July 2018. Sixty-seven eyes from 67 patients on regular aspirin therapy were randomized into two groups the continuation group (33 eyes), with aspirin continued during the perioperative period; and the discontinuation group (34 eyes), with aspirin discontinued for 3 to 7 days before surgery. Forty-three eyes from 43 patients who had no antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy were used as a control group.

There was no significant difference in the incidence of hemorrhagic complications or the need for additional operations due to hemorrhagic complications among the three groups (

 = 0.740 and

 = 0.324, respectively). None of the patients in these three groups suffered from thromboembolic events during the follow-up period. Except for one case (3.0%) of lid ecchymosis in the continuation group, no eye experienced bleeding complications associated with the retrobulbar local anesthesia. In the continuation group, three eyes (9.1%) demonstrated postoperative hyphema that resolved spontaneously. In the discontinuation group, two eyes (5.9%) suffered from postoperative vitreous hemorrhage, of which one eye required secondary surgery and the other cleared spontaneously. One eye (2.9%) in the discontinuation group demonstrated postoperative hyphema that absorbed spontaneously. Three eyes (7.0%) in the control group experienced hyphema that absorbed spontaneously.

The outcomes of our study indicate that PPV under retrobulbar anesthesia can be safely performed without discontinuing systemic aspirin therapy.

The outcomes of our study indicate that PPV under retrobulbar anesthesia can be safely performed without discontinuing systemic aspirin therapy.

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxins are activators of innate immunity inducing infection and inflammatory responses. Anti-inflammatory drugs can have undesirable side effects. Acupuncture may be an alternative for the treatment of inflammatory processes.

We investigated the potential anti-inflammatory effect of manual acupuncture (MA) at SP6 upon LPS-induced peritonitis in rats.

Peritonitis was induced in rats with an intraperitoneal injection of LPS (0.002, 0.02, 0.2 or 2 µg/kg) in four experimental groups (n = 6 each). A fifth group was injected with sterile saline solution (saline group, n = 6). Four hours after the procedure, peritoneal fluid was collected to determine total cell counts for inflammatory cells, differential leukocyte counts and peritoneal capillary permeability. The LPS dose of 0.02 µg/kg was used in the subsequent experiments as it most successfully induced peritoneal inflammation. Subsequently, five experimental groups (n = 12 rats each) were used (1) saline, (2) control (untreatedand IL-6 levels.

This study clearly demonstrates the anti-inflammatory effect of acupuncture, which we believe may involve the activation of anti-inflammatory neural reflexes in the regulation of peritonitis.

This study clearly demonstrates the anti-inflammatory effect of acupuncture, which we believe may involve the activation of anti-inflammatory neural reflexes in the regulation of peritonitis.Antimicrobial resistance has become a global issue and a threat to human and animal health. Contamination of poultry carcasses with meat-borne pathogens represents both an economic and a public health concern. The use of antimicrobial processing aids (APA) during poultry processing has contributed to an improvement in the microbiological quality of poultry carcasses. However, the extensive use of these decontaminants has raised concerns about their possible role in the co-selection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This topic is presented in the current review to provide an update on the information related to bacterial adaptation to APA used in poultry processing establishments, and to discuss the relationship between APA bacterial adaptation and the acquisition of a new resistance phenotype to therapeutic antimicrobials by bacteria. Common mechanisms such as active efflux and changes in membrane fluidity are the most documented mechanisms responsible for bacterial cross-resistance to APA and antimicrobials. Although most studies reported a bacterial resistance to antibiotics not reaching a clinical level, the under-exposure of bacteria to APA remains a concern in the poultry industry. link3 Further research is needed to determine if APA used during poultry processing and therapeutic antimicrobials share common sites of action in bacteria and encounter similar mechanisms of resistance.The presence of antibiotic residues in foodstuff has been of growing concern in recent years. They are associated with several adverse effects on human health such as the transmission of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria through the contaminated food, weakness of the immune system, allergic or toxic reactions and imbalance of the gut microbiota. Therefore, monitoring of the levels of antibiotic residues in animal-derived food is necessary to guarantee the safety of food products as well as the public health. Since the residual antibiotics in the foodstuff are in trace levels which are often lower than the limits of detection of analytical instruments, the sample preparation before the analysis is very important. This step is an essential part of an analytical process, especially for the extraction of chemical residues from a sample, preconcentration of the extract and elimination of any matrix interferences that may affect the selectivity, sensitivity and the overall performance of the analytical methods. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is one of the most widely used techniques for the sample preparation that provides an efficient and reproducible method for selective concentration of target analytes in complex matrices. The objective of this research was to provide an updated overview of the recent trends in SPE techniques over the past five years. Different variations of this method, including solid-phase microextraction, stir bar sorptive extraction, matrix solid-phase dispersion, micro-solid-phase extraction, dispersive micro solid-phase extraction, magnetic solid-phase extraction, and molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction are also given in the present study. The review is focused on recent developments and innovations in the SPE which tries to improve the efficiency, safety and performance of sample preparation.

Autoři článku: Burkesinclair0988 (Lindgreen Molina)