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The transcription factor Nrf2 modulates the initiation and progression of a number of diseases including liver disorders. We evaluated whether Nrf2 mediates hepatic adaptive responses to cholestasis. Wild-type and Nrf2-null mice were subjected to bile duct ligation (BDL) or a sham operation. As cholestasis progressed to day 15 post-BDL, hepatocytes in the wild-type mice exhibited a tendency to dedifferentiate, indicated by the very weak expression of hepatic progenitor markers CD133 and tumor necrosis factor-like weak induced apoptosis receptor (Fn14). Proteases inhibitor During the same period, Nrf2 deficiency augmented this tendency, manifested by higher CD133 expression, earlier, stronger, and continuous induction of Fn14 expression, and markedly reduced albumin production. Remarkably, as cholestasis advanced to the late stage (40 days after BDL), hepatocytes in the wild-type mice exhibited a Fn14+ phenotype and strikingly upregulated the expression of deleted in malignant brain tumor 1 (DMBT1), a protein essential for epithelial differentiation during development. In contrast, at this stage, hepatocytes in the Nrf2-null mice entirely inhibited the upregulation of DMBT1 expression, displayed a strong CD133+/Fn14+ phenotype indicative of severe dedifferentiation, and persistently reduced albumin production. We revealed that Nrf2 maintains hepatocytes in the differentiated state potentially via the increased activity of the Nrf2/DMBT1 pathway during cholestasis.

Losing a child prior to midlife may be a uniquely traumatic event that continues to compromise parents' well-being in later life. This study compared psychological well-being between bereaved and non-bereaved parents, and examined whether volunteering protects bereaved parents. Because most families have more than one child, we further explored whether the number of living children parents had differentiated bereaved parents in their well-being.

We analyzed a pooled sample of parents aged 50+ (

 = 12,023) from the

(2010/2012-2012/2014), including parents who lost a child prior to 50 and those who never lost a child. Two-level linear regression models were estimated to test the associations between child loss, volunteering, and psychological well-being, and examine the moderating effect of number of living children.

Bereaved parents reported more depressive symptoms and lower life satisfaction than their non-bereaved counterparts, which was more evident among parents with fewer children alive. Among bereaved parents, volunteering, particularly volunteering 100+ hours/year, was associated with better psychological well-being at baseline; yet, volunteering 1-99 hours/year led to a larger increase in life satisfaction over time. The benefits of volunteering held true regardless of the number of living children.

This study adds to our understanding of the lasting effect of parental bereavement and suggests volunteering as a potential intervention aimed at helping bereaved older parents. Findings identify parents with fewer children as a particularly vulnerable population in the face of child loss and calls for more resources allocated to help them.

This study adds to our understanding of the lasting effect of parental bereavement and suggests volunteering as a potential intervention aimed at helping bereaved older parents. Findings identify parents with fewer children as a particularly vulnerable population in the face of child loss and calls for more resources allocated to help them.Objectives Research suggests that the death of a spouse has an adverse effect on a widow(er)'s cognition. However, little research has examined how the marital context before widowhood and gender influence this association. Guided by the social ambivalence and disease (SAD) model, this study examined the associations between spousal loss and cognition , with moderating effects of gender and pre-loss marital quality.Method We analyzed a national longitudinal data, Midlife in the United States (MIDUS), specifically MIDUS 2 (2004-2005) and MIDUS 3 (2013-2014). The analytic sample consisted of (1) 146 participants who experienced the death of their spouse between MIDUS 2 and MIDUS 3 and (2) 144 age- and gender-matched comparison participants who did not lose their spouse during the period.Results Adverse influence of widowhood on cognition was more pronounced among bereaved men than bereaved women. Widowed individuals whose relationships with their deceased spouse were ambivalent had poorer cognition than widowed individuals who had aversive relationships with their deceased spouse.Conclusion Findings suggest that the influence of spousal death on cognitive functioning depends on gender and pre-loss marital quality, emphasizing the importance of considering pre-loss marital relationship and gender dynamics in developing efficient interventions for the widowed.Heavy-metal pollution has been established to affect ginseng quality. However, this effect is still unknown in ginseng of different ages, emphasizing the need to investigate the effects of heavy metals in soils on ginseng growth. Herein, we determined the content of heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Hg, and As) in ginseng of different ages (2 to 6-year-old) and the corresponding soil samples. Then, the total ginsenosides content of ginseng and rate-limiting enzyme (HMGR, SQE, CYP450) activity in the synthesis of ginsenosides were assessed. Results from 200 differently-aged Chinese ginseng showed that increased ginsenoside content in 3 to 5-year-old ginseng was paralleled by increased heavy metal element content in ginseng and its soil. The activity of rate-limiting enzymes increased in the first four years of ginseng growth and then exhibited a steady or downward trend. Further analysis suggested that heavy metal elements in soils could directly affect ginsenoside content. Moreover, we found that Cu significantly affected the rate-limiting enzyme CYP450 activity. Further principal component analysis and correlation analysis found that heavy metals could obviously inhibit ginseng growth during the 5th and 6th years. Heavy metal content in soils has huge prospects for predicting ginsenoside, Cu and As content in ginseng. This study provided support for ginseng cultivation, quality research and quality assessment.

Early recognition and intervention of hemorrhage is associated with decreased morbidity in children. Triage models have been developed to aid in the recognition of hemorrhagic shock after injury but require complete data and have limited accuracy. To address these limitations, we developed a Bayesian belief network, a machine learning model that represents the joint probability distribution for a set of observed or unobserved independent variables, to predict blood transfusion after injury in children and adolescents.

We abstracted patient, injury, and resuscitation characteristics of injured children and adolescents (age 1 to 18 years) from the 2017-2019 Trauma Quality Improvement Project (TQIP) database. We trained a Bayesian belief network to predict blood transfusion within four hours after arrival to the hospital following injury using data from 2017 and recalibrated the model using data from 2018. We validated our model on a subset of patients from the 2019 TQIP. We evaluated model performance using the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) and calibration curves and compared performance with SIPA and rSIG using sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and Matthew's correlation coefficient (MCC).

The final model included 14 predictor variables and had excellent discrimination and calibration. The model achieved an AUC of 0.92 using emergency department data. When used as a binary predictor at an optimal threshold probability, the model had similar sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and MCC compared to SIPA when only age, systolic blood pressure, and heart rate were observed. With the addition of the Glasgow Coma Scale score, the model has a higher accuracy and MCC than SIPA and rSIG.

A Bayesian belief network predicted blood transfusion after injury in children and adolescents better than SIPA and rSIG. This probabilistic model may allow clinicians to stratify hemorrhagic control interventions based upon risk.

Level III, Prognostic.

Level III, Prognostic.Before the pandemic, many employers were hesitant to offer their employees the option of working from home. However, remote working has been widely adopted during the pandemic as one of the key methods of controlling the spread of the virus. The measure encountered a widespread acceptance and it is likely that the demand for work from home as a flexible work arrangement will persist also after the pandemic has ended. Although numerous studies have addressed the role of remote work during this crisis, as of yet we lack thorough research jointly addressing the question on how occupations/job characteristics on the one hand and family/household responsibilities on the other are associated with the propensity of working from home, and how gender cuts across those aspects. Using the COVID-19 survey of the German Family Panel (pairfam), covering the peak of the first wave of the pandemic in 2020, together with information from pairfam panel waves conducted before the pandemic, as well as a special evaluation of the 2019 German Labor Force Survey, we are able to address this gap. Employing linear probability models on a sample of 1,414 men (N = 641) and women (N = 773), our results show that occupational traits, especially the gender composition of an occupation, are an important predictor for working from home. Women employed in female-dominated occupations are less often in a position to work from home. Furthermore, our study confirms that it is particularly the highly educated, as well as those who work in high-prestige occupations, who are able to work from home. Family configurations and care obligations are less influential upon the transition to homeworking, even in times of an unprecedented situation of school and daycare closures and increased parental responsibilities for children's (early) education.

People living with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a rare chronic pain disorder, must become experts in their own self-management. Listening to the voice of the patient is often advocated in the pain literature. However, the patient's option is rarely asked for or considered by clinicians, even when they live with a condition that health professionals have rarely heard of.

To explore what people living with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) think health professionals should know about their condition to provide appropriate care.

A heuristic, hermeneutic phenomenological study was conducted asking people about their experiences living with CRPS. This paper reports on the findings of an additional question asked of all participants.

Seventeen people living with complex regional pain syndrome were interviewed.

Overwhelmingly, participants felt that health professionals do not know enough about CRPS, or chronic pain and believe their health outcomes are affected by this lack of knowledge. Subst accept and respect patients' descriptions of pain and their pain experience. This may require additional health professional education at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels in pain and communication to increase their bedside manner and therapeutic communication to deliver care in partnership with the patient.

Autoři článku: Burkemarquez6655 (Shore Laustsen)