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Accumulating knowledge to control stress-induced damage may provide a clue for extending healthspan and treating aging-related diseases. In this review, we focus on the relationships between oxidative stress and aging-related alterations in the sensory, glandular, muscular, and central nervous systems and the roles of the KEAP1-NRF2 system in aging processes.Skin is one of the main targets of the outdoor stressors. Considering that pollution levels are rising progressively, it is not surprising that several cutaneous conditions have been associated with its exposure. Among the pollutants, diesel engine exhaust (DEE) represents one of the most toxic, as it is composed of a mixture of many different noxious chemicals generated during the compression cycle, for ignition rather than an electrical spark as in gasoline engines. The toxic chemicals of most concern in DEE, besides the oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and various hydrocarbons, are metals that can induce oxidative stress and inflammation. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of topical application, singularly or in combination, of the iron-chelator deferoxamine and a commercially available formulation, CE Ferulic, in up to 4-day DEE-exposed skin. DEE induced a significant increase in the oxidative marker 4-hydroxy-nonenal (4HNE) and matrix-metallopeptidase-9 (MMP-9), the loss of cutaneous-barrier-associated proteins (filaggrin and involucrin) and a decrease in collagen-1, while the formulations prevented the cutaneous damage in an additive manner. In conclusion, this study suggests that iron plays a key role in DEE-induced skin damage and its chelation could be an adjuvant strategy to reinforce antioxidant topical formulations.Oxidative stress in sperm is a phenomenon related to the increasing rate of oxidation of cellular components and the excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in bird sperm cell membranes renders these cells particularly susceptible to lipid peroxidation (LPO). Therefore, to ensure the proper functioning of cells, it is necessary to have a balance between the formation of ROS and the protective action of the antioxidant system. This review aims firstly to briefly introduce the antioxidant system characteristics of avian semen. Secondly, we summarize the recent knowledge regarding progress in extender supplementation using antioxidants and other compounds to improve avian semen quality parameters and fertility rates. The review focuses on enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, proteins, some plant extracts, and other compounds that can be used to supplement the extenders to reduce the formation of oxidants in poultry semen and maintain its quality and enhance its fertility.Prostate cancer occurs frequently in men and can often lead to death. Many cancers, including prostate cancer, can be initiated by oxidative insult caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species. The superoxide dismutase family removes the oxygen-derived reactive oxygen species, and increased superoxide dismutase activity can often be protective against prostate cancer. Prostate cancer can be treated in a variety of ways, including surgery, androgen deprivation therapy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The clinical trajectory of prostate cancer varies from patient to patient, but more aggressive tumors often tend to be radioresistant. This is often due to the free-radical and reactive-oxygen-species-neutralizing effects of the superoxide dismutase family. Superoxide dismutase 2, which is especially important in this regard, can be induced by the NF-κB pathway, which is an important mechanism in radioresistance. This information has enabled the development of interventions that manipulate the NF-κB mechanism to treat prostate cancer.ARG2 has been reported to inhibit autophagy in vascular endothelial cells and keratinocytes. However, studies of its mechanism of action, its role in skin fibroblasts, and the possibility of promoting autophagy and inhibiting cellular senescence through ARG2 inhibition are lacking. We induced cellular senescence in dermal fibroblasts by using H2O2. H2O2-induced fibroblast senescence was inhibited upon ARG2 knockdown and promoted upon ARG2 overexpression. The microRNA miR-1299 suppressed ARG2 expression, thereby inhibiting fibroblast senescence, and miR-1299 inhibitors promoted dermal fibroblast senescence by upregulating ARG2. Using yeast two-hybrid assay, we found that ARG2 binds to ARL1. ARL1 knockdown inhibited autophagy and ARL1 overexpression promoted it. Resolvin D1 (RvD1) suppressed ARG2 expression and cellular senescence. These data indicate that ARG2 stimulates dermal fibroblast cell senescence by inhibiting autophagy after interacting with ARL1. In addition, RvD1 appears to promote autophagy and inhibit dermal fibroblast senescence by inhibiting ARG2 expression. Taken together, the miR-1299/ARG2/ARL1 axis emerges as a novel mechanism of the ARG2-induced inhibition of autophagy. Furthermore, these results indicate that miR-1299 and pro-resolving lipids, including RvD1, are likely involved in inhibiting cellular senescence by inducing autophagy.Redox dysregulation and oxidative stress have been implicated in asthma pathogenesis. Exercise interventions improve symptoms and reduce inflammation in asthma patients, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We hypothesized that a personalised exercise intervention would improve asthma control by reducing lung inflammation through modulation of local and systemic reactive species interactions, thereby increasing antioxidant capacity. We combined deep redox metabolomic profiling with clinical assessment in an exploratory cohort of six female patients with symptomatic asthma and studied their responses to a metabolically targeted exercise intervention over 12 weeks. selleck Plasma antioxidant capacity and circulating nitrite levels increased following the intervention (p = 0.028) and lowered the ratio of reduced to oxidised glutathione (p = 0.029); this was accompanied by improvements in physical fitness (p = 0.046), symptoms scores (p = 0.020), quality of life (p = 0.046), lung function (p = 0.028), airway hyperreactivity (p = 0.043), and eosinophilic inflammation (p = 0.007). Increased physical fitness correlated with improved plasma antioxidant capacity (p = 0.019), peak oxygen uptake and nitrite changes (p = 0.005), the latter also associated with reductions in peripheral blood eosinophil counts (p = 0.038). Thus, increases in "redox resilience" may underpin the clinical benefits of exercise in asthma. An improved understanding of exercise-induced alterations in redox regulation offers opportunities for greater treatment personalisation and identification of new treatment targets.With global warming and water shortage, drought stress is provoking an increasing impact on plant growth, development, and crop productivity worldwide. Pipecolic acid (Pip) is an emerging lysine catabolite in plants, acting as a critical element in disease resistance with a related signal pathway of phytohormone salicylic acid (SA). While SA plays a vital role in various abiotic stresses, the role of Pip in plant response to abiotic stresses, especially drought, remains largely unknown. To address this issue, Pip biosynthetic gene Slald1 mutants and hydroxylated modification gene Slfmo1 mutants were generated using CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing approaches. Drought resistance dramatically increased in Slald1 mutants compared with wild-type, which was associated with increased CO2 assimilation, photosystems activities, antioxidant enzymes activities, ascorbate and glutathione content, and reduced reactive oxygen species accumulation, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation. On the contrary, Slfmo1 mutants were more sensitive to drought, showing damaged photosystems and impaired antioxidant systems, which were significantly alleviated by exogenous ascorbate. Our results demonstrate that Pip biosynthesis and hydroxylated modification pathways play a critical role in drought tolerance through the antioxidant system in tomato. This knowledge can be helpful to breed improved crop cultivars that are better equipped with drought resistance.Increasing numbers of researches have suggested that some drugs with reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated mechanisms of action modulate biofilm formation of some pathogenic strains. However, the full contribution of ROS to biofilm development is still an open question. In this paper, the correlations between the antioxidant drug Erdosteine (Er) and its active Metabolite I (Met I), ROS and biofilm development of two strains of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus are presented. Experiments revealed that Er and Met I at 2 and 5 mg/L increased up to three orders of magnitude the number of biofilm-dwelling cells, while the content of ROS within the biofilms was reduced above the 87%, with a major effect of Met I in comparison to Er. Comparative proteomics showed that, 5 mg/L Met I modified the expression of 30% and 65% of total proteins in the two strains respectively. Some proteins involved in cell replication were upregulated, and a nitric oxide-based mechanism is assumed to modulate the biofilm development by changing quorum sensitive pathways. Additionally, several proteins involved in virulence were downregulated in the presence of Met I, suggesting that treated cells, despite being greater in number, might have lost part of their virulence.Mitochondria undoubtedly represent a metabolic hub, but also act as a redox hub, controlling cell fate and emanating superoxide/H2O2, which in a regulated form and timing provide redox signaling [...].Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a high-impact disease commonly characterized by hyperglycemia, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a common diabetic microvascular complication and the leading cause of chronic kidney disease worldwide. This study investigates the protective effects of the synthetic flavonoid hidrosmin (5-O-(beta-hydroxyethyl) diosmin) in experimental DN induced by streptozotocin injection in apolipoprotein E deficient mice. Oral administration of hidrosmin (300 mg/kg/day, n = 11) to diabetic mice for 7 weeks markedly reduced albuminuria (albumin-to-creatinine ratio 47 ± 11% vs. control) and ameliorated renal pathological damage and expression of kidney injury markers. Kidneys of hidrosmin-treated mice exhibited lower content of macrophages and T cells, reduced expression of cytokines and chemokines, and attenuated inflammatory signaling pathways. Hidrosmin treatment improved the redox balance by reducing prooxidant enzymes and enhancing antioxidant genes, and also decreased senescence markers in diabetic kidneys. In vitro, hidrosmin dose-dependently reduced the expression of inflammatory and oxidative genes in tubuloepithelial cells exposed to either high-glucose or cytokines, with no evidence of cytotoxicity at effective concentrations. In conclusion, the synthetic flavonoid hidrosmin exerts a beneficial effect against DN by reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, and senescence pathways. Hidrosmin could have a potential role as a coadjutant therapy for the chronic complications of DM.

Autoři článku: Burchfaulkner9292 (Rosales Otto)