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3 and 15.8 nM, about 241- and 149-fold more potent than the original EK1 peptide, respectively. EK1C4 was also highly effective against membrane fusion and infection of other human coronavirus pseudoviruses tested, including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, as well as SARSr-CoVs, and potently inhibited the replication of 5 live human coronaviruses examined, including SARS-CoV-2. Intranasal application of EK1C4 before or after challenge with HCoV-OC43 protected mice from infection, suggesting that EK1C4 could be used for prevention and treatment of infection by the currently circulating SARS-CoV-2 and other emerging SARSr-CoVs.In order to evaluate the technical adaptability of a type of disposable endoscope compared to reusable flexible endoscopes, in vitro and in vivo studies were conducted. A disposable digital ureteroscope ("chip on tip") and two reusable endoscopes were investigated with respect to spatial resolution, geometric distortion in air and water the maximum. Additionally, the clinical performance of the disposable device was tested during clinical procedures (n = 20). The disposable endoscope showed an optical resolution of 6.72 lines/mm at 10 mm distance, similar to the other devices. In comparison, the disposable endoscope showed a barrel-shaped image distortion in air of -24.2%, which is in the middle range, but was best under water (-8.6%). The bendability of 297° (275 µm fiber) and 316° (empty channel, 1.5 F basket) and the maximum irrigation (1 m 58.1 ml/min, 2 m 91.9 ml/min) were convincing. Clinically the maneuverability was very good in (13/20), good or satisfactory in (7/20). Visibility was evaluated as very good in (11/20), just in (1/20) either satisfactory or sufficient. The consistency of visibility was not affected in (19/20). In all cases there were no adverse events. The technical examination and clinical application of the disposable endoscope are of equal quality compared to reusable devices. Disposable endoscopes can be an alternative to reusable devices, but economic aspects such as reduction of repair costs, sterilization effort and additional waste must be taken into account.We recently described glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) as a promising target for killing therapy-resistant cancer cells via ferroptosis. The onset of therapy resistance by multiple types of treatment results in a stable cell state marked by high levels of polyunsaturated lipids and an acquired dependency on GPX4. Unfortunately, all existing inhibitors of GPX4 act covalently via a reactive alkyl chloride moiety that confers poor selectivity and pharmacokinetic properties. Here, we report our discovery that masked nitrile-oxide electrophiles, which have not been explored previously as covalent cellular probes, undergo remarkable chemical transformations in cells and provide an effective strategy for selective targeting of GPX4. The new GPX4-inhibiting compounds we describe exhibit unexpected proteome-wide selectivity and, in some instances, vastly improved physiochemical and pharmacokinetic properties compared to existing chloroacetamide-based GPX4 inhibitors. These features make them superior tool compounds for biological interrogation of ferroptosis and constitute starting points for development of improved inhibitors of GPX4.CRY1 and CRY2 are essential components of the circadian clock controlling daily physiological rhythms. Accumulating evidences indicate distinct roles of these highly homologous proteins, in addition to redundant functions. Therefore, the development of isoform-selective compounds represents an effective approach towards understanding the similarities and differences of CRY1 and CRY2 by controlling each isoform individually. We conducted phenotypic screenings of circadian clock modulators, and identified KL101 and TH301 that selectively stabilize CRY1 and CRY2, respectively. Crystal structures of CRY-compound complexes revealed conservation of compound-binding sites between CRY1 and CRY2. We further discovered a unique mechanism underlying compound selectivity in which the disordered C-terminal region outside the pocket was required for the differential effects of KL101 and TH301 against CRY isoforms. By using these compounds, we found a new role of CRY1 and CRY2 as enhancers of brown adipocyte differentiation, providing the basis of CRY-mediated regulation of energy expenditure.A decade after speech was first decoded from human brain signals, accuracy and speed remain far below that of natural speech. Here we show how to decode the electrocorticogram with high accuracy and at natural-speech rates. Taking a cue from recent advances in machine translation, we train a recurrent neural network to encode each sentence-length sequence of neural activity into an abstract representation, and then to decode this representation, word by word, into an English sentence. For each participant, data consist of several spoken repeats of a set of 30-50 sentences, along with the contemporaneous signals from ~250 electrodes distributed over peri-Sylvian cortices. Average word error rates across a held-out repeat set are as low as 3%. Finally, we show how decoding with limited data can be improved with transfer learning, by training certain layers of the network under multiple participants' data.Reinforcement learning models treat the basal ganglia (BG) as an actor-critic network. The ventral pallidum (VP) is a major component of the BG limbic system. However, its precise functional roles within the BG circuitry, particularly in comparison to the adjacent external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe), remain unexplored. We recorded the spiking activity of VP neurons, GPe cells (actor) and striatal cholinergic interneurons (critic) while monkeys performed a classical conditioning task. Here, we report that VP neurons can be classified into two distinct populations. The persistent population displayed sustained activation following visual cue presentation, was correlated with monkeys' behavior and showed uncorrelated spiking activity. The transient population displayed phasic synchronized responses that were correlated with the rate of learning and the reinforcement learning model's prediction error. Our results suggest that the VP is physiologically different from the GPe and identify the transient VP neurons as a BG critic.Over the last decade, genome-wide association studies of psychiatric disorders have identified numerous significant loci. Whereas these studies initially depended on cohorts ascertained for specific disorders, there has been a gradual shift in the ascertainment strategy toward population-based cohorts for which both genotype and heterogeneous phenotypic information are available. One of the advantages of population-based cohorts is that, in addition to clinical diagnoses and various proxies for diagnoses ('minimal phenotyping'), many of them also provide non-clinical phenotypes, including putative endophenotypes, that can be used to study domains of normal function in addition to, or instead of, clinical diagnoses. By studying endophenotypes it is possible to both dissect psychiatric disorders ('splitting') and to combine multiple phenotypes ('clumping'), which can either reinforce or challenge traditional diagnostic categories. Such endophenotypes may also permit a deeper exploration of the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders. A coordinated effort to fully exploit the potential of endophenotypes is overdue.Single-cell CRISPR screens enable the exploration of mammalian gene function and genetic regulatory networks. However, use of this technology has been limited by reliance on indirect indexing of single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs). Here we present direct-capture Perturb-seq, a versatile screening approach in which expressed sgRNAs are sequenced alongside single-cell transcriptomes. Direct-capture Perturb-seq enables detection of multiple distinct sgRNA sequences from individual cells and thus allows pooled single-cell CRISPR screens to be easily paired with combinatorial perturbation libraries that contain dual-guide expression vectors. We demonstrate the utility of this approach for high-throughput investigations of genetic interactions and, leveraging this ability, dissect epistatic interactions between cholesterol biogenesis and DNA repair. Using direct capture Perturb-seq, we also show that targeting individual genes with multiple sgRNAs per cell improves efficacy of CRISPR interference and activation, facilitating the use of compact, highly active CRISPR libraries for single-cell screens. Last, we show that hybridization-based target enrichment permits sensitive, specific sequencing of informative transcripts from single-cell RNA-seq experiments.Mining the antibody repertoire of plasma cells and plasmablasts could enable the discovery of useful antibodies for therapeutic or research purposes1. We present a method for high-throughput, single-cell screening of IgG-secreting primary cells to characterize antibody binding to soluble and membrane-bound antigens. CelliGO is a droplet microfluidics system that combines high-throughput screening for IgG activity, using fluorescence-based in-droplet single-cell bioassays2, with sequencing of paired antibody V genes, using in-droplet single-cell barcoded reverse transcription. We analyzed IgG repertoire diversity, clonal expansion and somatic hypermutation in cells from mice immunized with a vaccine target, a multifunctional enzyme or a membrane-bound cancer target. Immunization with these antigens yielded 100-1,000 IgG sequences per mouse. We generated 77 recombinant antibodies from the identified sequences and found that 93% recognized the soluble antigen and 14% the membrane antigen. The platform also allowed recovery of ~450-900 IgG sequences from ~2,200 IgG-secreting activated human memory B cells, activated ex vivo, demonstrating its versatility.Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron is a human-associated bacterium that holds promise for delivery of therapies in the gut microbiome1. Therapeutic bacteria would benefit from the ability to turn on different programs of gene expression in response to conditions inside and outside of the gut; however, the availability of regulatory parts, and methods to combine them, have been limited in B. thetaiotaomicron2-5. We report implementation of Cello circuit design automation software6 for this species. First, we characterize a set of genome-integrated NOT/NOR gates based on single guide RNAs (CRISPR-dCas9) to inform a Bt user constraint file (UCF) for Cello. Then, logic circuits are designed to integrate sensors that respond to bile acid and anhydrotetracycline (aTc), including one created to distinguish between environments associated with bioproduction, the human gut, and after release. This circuit was found to be stable under laboratory conditions for at least 12 days and to function in bacteria associated with a primary colonic epithelial monolayer in an in vitro human gut model system.Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) has grown to become the dominant form of heart failure worldwide, in tandem with ageing of the general population and the increasing prevalences of obesity, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. The clinical syndrome of HFpEF is heterogeneous and must be distinguished from heart failure with reduced ejection fraction as well as other aetiologies that have different treatment strategies. The diagnosis of HFpEF is challenging and ultimately relates to the conceptual definition of heart failure as a clinical syndrome characterized by symptoms that are associated with a reduced capacity of the heart to pump blood adequately at normal filling pressures during diastole. Clinical trials to date have been largely unsuccessful in identifying effective treatments for HFpEF but evidence supports the use of diuretics, mineralocorticoid antagonists and lifestyle interventions. Pathophysiological heterogeneity in the presentation of HFpEF is substantial, and ongoing studies are underway to evaluate the optimal methods to classify patients into phenotypically homogeneous subpopulations to facilitate better individualization of treatment.

Autoři článku: Bundgaardshaw0621 (Winkler Taylor)