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The posterior column osteotomy (PCO) is a tool for correction in spinal deformity. It allows for the induction of lordosis and coronal plane correction. It can be performed at multiple levels to loosen and mobilize the spine. Although the PCO does not provide as much correction as a 3-column osteotomy, it can be done in less operative time and with less morbidity. Performing a PCO involves the resection of posterior bony elements, including entire facet complexes, the ligamentum flavum, and at least part of the lamina. The ligamentum flavum laterally is also resected, and the exiting nerve roots are skeletonized bilaterally. Compression of the osteotomy can cause foraminal stenosis, and it is important to ensure that the exiting nerve roots are adequately decompressed to avoid potential postoperative radiculopathy. The authors present an illustration of the technique with saw bones, a clinical case describing the use of PCOs, and an intraoperative video of a PCO performed at L5-S1.  The patient consented to the surgical procedure and video/image recording for possible publication purposes prior to the operation being performed. Copyright © 2020 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.Anterior communicating artery (ACoA) aneurysms can orient rostrally into the interhemispheric fissure or caudally into the optic chiasm. The majority of these aneurysms project into the interhemispheric fissure. This patient had an ACoA aneurysm with a multilobulated appearance, and the primary lobe projected into the interhemispheric fissure. The cisterns were opened sharply via an orbitozygomatic approach to permit proximal, distal, and neck control. A permanent clip was applied across the aneurysm neck and on a small contralateral aneurysm. Postoperative imaging confirmed complete aneurysm occlusion. The patient gave informed consent for surgery and video recording. Institutional review board approval was deemed unnecessary. Used with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona. Copyright © 2020 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.Sacral chordomas are infrequent tumors that arise from remnants of the notochord. They are most often found in the sacrum and skull-base.1,2 These lesions rarely metastasize and usually have an indolent and oligosymptomatic clinical course. Chordomas show low sensitivity to standard radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Operative resection with wide resection margins offers the best long-term prognosis, including longer survival and local control.1,3 However, achieving a complete resection with oncological margins may be difficult because of the anatomic complexity of the sacrococcygeal region.4 The main complications of sacral resection include infections, wound closure defects, and anorectal and urogenital dysfunction. The rate of these complications is significantly increased when the tumor involves the S2 level or above.  We report the case of a 64-yr-old male who presented with progressive sacrococcygeal pain and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. A heterogeneous, osteolytic lesion was found at the sacrococcygeal region. Full body imaging tests were negative for other lesions. A computed tomography (CT) guided biopsy was made. We usually use the midline approach in case we have to include the needle path in the resection. The pathology confirmed a sacrococcygeal, low-grade chordoma. We decided to perform an en bloc resection. A posterior, partial sacrectomy was planned distal to the S4 level. Copyright © 2020 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.In managing thalamic gliomas, total surgical removal is the most effective way of increasing overall survival. However, the thalamus is a difficult target because of surrounding neurovascular structures. According to the lesion's size/location/growth pattern, relation to neighboring structures, and surgeon's experience, most thalamic lesions can be reached through one of the 4 free surfaces lateral ventricle, velar, cisternal, and third ventricle surfaces of the thalamus (3VsT).1-3 Approaching the thalamic lesions through the lateral side disrupts the integrity of internal capsule and corona radiata; thus, we never prefer this approach. For the removal of the lesions on the 3VsT, a transcallosal approach can be considered, but with this approach, we cannot reach 3VsT without harming the velar surface.  In this 3-dimensional video, we demonstrate an endoscope-assisted contralateral perimedian supracerebellar suprapineal (CPeSS) approach to a glioma on the 3VsT. The patient, a 49-yr-old man, had progressive dizziness for a month. With the patient in a semisitting position, total resection was achieved via the endoscope-assisted CPeSS approach. This approach is entirely transcisternal-transventricular and is a natural route to the 3VsT. Although the route is longer than the ipsilateral approach, it requires no retraction and provides more direct and wider visualization. It allows complete visualization of the lateral border of the lesion. A perimedian approach also avoids the major tentorial bridging veins, which are mostly at the midline. High-definition neuroendoscope was a great adjunct that helped to visualize residual tumors at hidden corners.  We suggest this approach for thalamic lesions on the third ventricle surface of the thalamus.  The patient consented to the publication of his images and a written consent was obtained. Copyright © 2020 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.BACKGROUND Liver dysfunction impairs immunological homeostasis. Pevonedistat mouse Glycine (Gly) has been reported to have antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects and to regulate apoptosis in various models. OBJECTIVES The aim of the present study was to determine whether Gly could attenuate LPS-induced liver injury. METHODS In Experiment 1, 48 6-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were randomly assigned into one of 4 groups CON (control), GLY [orally administered Gly, 5 g · kg body weight (BW)-1 · d-1 for 6 d], LPS (5 mg/kg BW, intraperitoneally administered), and GLY + LPS (Gly supplementation, and on day 7 LPS treatment). In Experiment 2, mice were untreated, pretreated with Gly as above, or pretreated with Gly + l-buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) (0.5 g/kg BW, intraperitoneally administered every other day) for 6 d. On day 7, mice were injected with LPS as above. Histological alterations, activities of antioxidative enzymes, apoptosis, and immune cell infiltration were analyzed. RESULTS In Experiment 1, compared with CON, LPS administration resulted in increased karyolysis and karyopyknosis in the liver by 8- to 10-fold, enhanced serum activities of alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) by 1- to 1.

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