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To evaluate the efficacy of empiric embolization for postpancreatectomy hemorrhage (PPH) with negative angiographic signs of active bleeding.

A total of 100 patients (76 men, 24 women) who were diagnosed with PPH with angiographic findings revealing no signs of active bleeding from December 2013 to December 2019 were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups according to whether the procedures were performed with or without empiric embolization in angiography (group of empiric embolization, N=47; group of no embolization, N=53). Data reflecting patients' characteristics, hemorrhagic details, classification of PPH grade, and postoperative complications were acquired. The rates of clinical success in hemostasis and mortality were compared between the group of empiric embolization and the group of no embolization.

In the group of empiric embolization, the rate of clinical success in hemostasis and mortality were 61.7% and 27.7%, respectively. In the group of no embolization, the rates of clinical success in hemostasis and mortality were 39.6% and 13.2%, respectively. The rate of clinical success in hemostasis in the group of empiric embolization was significantly higher than that in the group of no embolization (p=0.028). CDK inhibitor There was no statistically significant difference in mortality between the different groups (p=0.071).

The clinical success rate of hemostasis in patients with empiric embolization is higher than that in patients with no embolization. Empiric embolization may be an efficacious hemostatic treatment for PPH with angiographic findings revealing no signs of active bleeding.

The clinical success rate of hemostasis in patients with empiric embolization is higher than that in patients with no embolization. Empiric embolization may be an efficacious hemostatic treatment for PPH with angiographic findings revealing no signs of active bleeding.Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) are synthetic compounds that have been designed to produce the physiological and psychological effects of known recreational drugs, while circumventing current drug control laws and scheduling guidelines. Such "designer drugs" pose problems in detection and prevention of use, and they are no less dangerous than known controlled substances. Among the various classes of NPS, many are chiral. As they are synthetic products, most are racemates. Not unexpectedly, there is limited information about different the pharmacological and toxicological properties of their pure enantiomers. Hence, fast and reliable enantioselective methods are of great interest. In this work, superficially porous particle (SPP) vancomycin-based chiral stationary phases were used for development of fast enantioselective separation methods for various classes of NPS in supercritical fluid chromatography and liquid chromatography. The NPS tested included pyrovalerones, benzofurans, phenidines and phenidates. The effect of mobile phase composition on the retention and resolution of NPS in supercritical fluid chromatography was examined. The amount as well as the ratios of additives used is crucial for enantioseparation efficiency. link2 Results showed the high enantioselective potential of vancomycin-based columns in both chromatographic techniques; 88% of NPS tested were enantioseparated in supercritical fluid chromatography and 69% of NPS tested were enantioseparated in liquid chromatography. Moreover, under optimized conditions, simultaneous enantioseparations of some NPS were achieved, which indicates great suitability of vancomycin-based columns for this purpose. The proposed methods can serve as guides for method development and for enantioseparation of further upcoming NPS.In this work, a smartphone-based device was constructed for thin-layer chromatography (TLC) detection and semi-quantitative analysis of the components of Salvia miltiorrhiza. The key construction and shooting parameters were investigated by the relative peak area and signal-to-noise ratio. The best conditions were as follows shooting height, 17 cm; angle between the UV lamp and TLC plate, 58°; exposure compensation, 0~0.2 EV; and shutter speed under daylight and UV 365 nm, 1/50 s and 1/5 s, respectively. These ideal conditions could be replicated by smartphones from different brands with different versions of software. With good precision, repeatability and stability, the developed device was used for the semi-quantitative analysis of salvianolic acid B, rosmarinic acid, cryptotanshinone, tanshinone I, tanshinone IIA, and miltirone in the TLC analysis of 10 batches of S. miltiorrhiza. The results were compared with those obtained by a TLC densitometric scanner and two common types of image processing software, i.e., Gelanalyzer and ImageJ. Except for salvianolic acid B in the TLC densitometric scanner, all results were not significantly different among these methods, which suggested that smartphones might be a useful tool for the quality control of traditional Chinese medicines.The effect of solvents on the enantioselectivities of four structurally similar chiral solutes with a cellulose derivative-based chiral stationary phase, Chiralpak IB, were studied using acetone (AC), 2-propanol (IPA), and tert-butanol (TBA) separately as polar modifiers. The enantioselectivities α of benzoin and methyl mandelate decrease with an increase in modifier concentration CM, whereas the enantioselectivity of pantolactone increased with increasing AC concentration. These results were attributed to the heterogeneous adsorption mechanisms of enantiomers. To interpret the dependence of enantioselectivity on modifier content, an enantioselectivity model based on a two-site adsorption model was proposed. The dependence of α on CM was inferred to be mainly due to the distinct modulating effects of modifier concentration on the two adsorption sites the nonselective type-I site and enantioselective type-II site. The model fitted the benzoin data satisfactorily over a wide TBA concentration range. The retention factors as a function of TBA concentration were successfully deconvoluted for each site. With the use of the proposed model, it was inferred that the chiral recognitions of benzoin and methyl mandelate were mainly achieved by the presence of an aromatic group adjacent to the hydroxyl group. When using IPA and TBA separately as modifiers, the presence of an aromatic group adjacent to the ketone group mainly contributed to the nonselective π interactions and enantioselective steric interactions, respectively. These results, along with those of the modifier adsorption isotherms, determined using the perturbation method, as well as the retention behaviors of various achiral solutes, indicate that the molecular recognition mechanism of IB sorbent is highly sensitive to the adsorbate's molecular geometry. The molecular environment of the sorbent can be controlled using different modifiers, leading to distinct adsorption and retention mechanisms.In this work, a detailed study of mass transfer properties of trans-stilbene oxide (TSO) enantiomers on two Whelk-O1 chiral stationary phases (CSPs) has been performed. link3 The CSPs were prepared by using both fully-porous silica particles of 2.5 μm particle diameter and superficially-porous ones of 2.6 μm particle diameter as base materials. By combining stop-flow and dynamic measurements in normal-phase conditions, the different contributions to mass transfer have been estimated. The study of intraparticle diffusion has revealed that the adsorption of both enantiomers is localized (i.e., characterized by absence of surface diffusion). The determination of thermodynamic binding constants (measured through adsorption isotherms) supports this finding.Porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (PHEV) is the cause of acute outbreaks of vomiting and wasting disease and/or encephalomyelitis in neonatal pigs, with naïve herds particularly vulnerable to clinical episodes. PHEV infections in older pigs are generally considered to be subclinical, but are poorly characterized in the refereed literature. In this study, twelve 7-week-old pigs were oronasally inoculated with 0.5 mL (1128 HA titer) PHEV (Mengeling strain) and then followed through 42 days post inoculation (dpi). Fecal and oral fluid specimens were collected daily to evaluate viral shedding. Serum samples were tested for viremia, isotype-specific antibody responses, cytokine, and chemokine responses. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated to evaluate phenotype changes in immune cell subpopulations. No clinical signs were observed in PHEV inoculated pigs, but virus was detected in oral fluid (1-28 dpi) and feces (1-10 dpi). No viremia was detected, but a significant IFN-α response was observed in serum at 3 dpi, followed by the detection of IgM (dpi 7), and IgA/IgG (dpi 10). Flow cytometry revealed a one-off increase in cytotoxic T cells at 21 dpi. This study demonstrated that exposure of grower pigs to PHEV results in subclinical infection characterized by active viral replication and shedding followed by an active humoral and cell-mediated immune response that attenuates the course of the infection and results in viral clearance.Researchers have identified the β-amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) in the multifactorial pathway of Alzheimer's disease (AD) as a drug target. The design and development of molecules to inhibit BACE1 as a potential cure for AD thus remained significant. Herein, we simulated two potent BACE1 inhibitors (AM-6494 and CNP-520) to understand their binding affinity at the atomistic level. AM-6494 is a newly reported potent BACE1 inhibitor with an IC50 value of 0.4 nM in vivo and now picked for preclinical considerations. Umibecestat (CNP-520), which was discontinued at human trials lately, was considered to enable a reasonable evaluation of our results. Using density functional theory (DFT) and Our Own N-layered Integrated molecular Orbital and Molecular Mechanics (ONIOM), we achieved the aim of this investigation. These computational approaches enabled the prediction of the electronic properties of AM-6494 and CNP-520 plus their binding energies when complexed with BACE1. For AM-6494 and CNP-520 interaction with protonated BACE1, the ONIOM calculation gave binding free energy of -62.849 and -33.463 kcal/mol, respectively. In the unprotonated model, we observed binding free energy of -59.758 kcal/mol in AM-6494. Taken together thermochemistry of the process and molecular interaction plot, AM-6494 is more favourable than CNP-520 towards the inhibition of BACE1. The protonated model gave slightly better binding energy than the unprotonated form. However, both models could sufficiently describe ligand binding to BACE1 at the atomistic level. Understanding the detailed molecular interaction of these inhibitors could serve as a basis for pharmacophore exploration towards improved inhibitor design.Predicting the final ischaemic stroke lesion provides crucial information regarding the volume of salvageable hypoperfused tissue, which helps physicians in the difficult decision-making process of treatment planning and intervention. Treatment selection is influenced by clinical diagnosis, which requires delineating the stroke lesion, as well as characterising cerebral blood flow dynamics using neuroimaging acquisitions. Nonetheless, predicting the final stroke lesion is an intricate task, due to the variability in lesion size, shape, location and the underlying cerebral haemodynamic processes that occur after the ischaemic stroke takes place. Moreover, since elapsed time between stroke and treatment is related to the loss of brain tissue, assessing and predicting the final stroke lesion needs to be performed in a short period of time, which makes the task even more complex. Therefore, there is a need for automatic methods that predict the final stroke lesion and support physicians in the treatment decision process.

Autoři článku: Buchrichardson1834 (Burris Vazquez)