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We investigate the impact of governments' social distancing measures against the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as this was reflected on 45 major stock market indices. We find evidence of negative direct and indirect (spillover) effects for the initial period of containment measures (lockdown).In theory, the same sea-ice models could be used for both research and operations, but in practice, differences in scientific and software requirements and computational and human resources complicate the matter. Although sea-ice modeling tools developed for climate studies and other research applications produce output of interest to operational forecast users, such as ice motion, convergence, and internal ice pressure, the relevant spatial and temporal scales may not be sufficiently resolved. For instance, sea-ice research codes are typically run with horizontal resolution of more than 3 km, while mariners need information on scales less than 300 m. Certain sea-ice processes and coupled feedbacks that are critical to simulating the Earth system may not be relevant on these scales; and therefore, the most important model upgrades for improving sea-ice predictions might be made in the atmosphere and ocean components of coupled models or in their coupling mechanisms, rather than in the sea-ice model itself. This paper discusses some of the challenges in applying sea-ice modeling tools developed for research purposes for operational forecasting on short time scales, and highlights promising new directions in sea-ice modeling.In this article we review Britton and Cicoria's (2019) Remote Fieldwork Supervision for BCBA® Trainees (Remote Fieldwork Supervision), published by Academic Press. We describe the key features of Remote Fieldwork Supervision and then provide a brief overview and descriptive review of each chapter and its content. Where appropriate, we also provide our critical analysis of the book's content. We conclude with the positive recommendation that practitioners of behavior analysis and students who engage (or plan to engage) in remote supervision incorporate technology into their everyday supervisory practice, as well as that those who are interested in learning more about supervision should consider reading this book.Risk-benefit analyses are essential in the decision-making process when selecting the most effective and least restrictive assessment and treatment options for our clients. Clinical expertise, informed by the client's preferences and the research literature, is needed in order to weigh the potential detrimental effects of a procedure against its expected benefits. Unfortunately, safety recommendations pertaining to functional analyses (FAs) are scattered or not consistently reported in the literature, which could lead some practitioners to misjudge the risks of FA. We surveyed behavior analysts to determine their perceived need for a risk assessment tool to evaluate risks prior to conducting an FA. In a sample of 664 Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and doctoral-level Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA-Ds), 96.2% reported that a tool that evaluated the risks of proceeding with an FA would be useful for the professional practice of applied behavior analysis. We then developed an interactive tool to assess risk, which provides suggestions to mitigate the risks of an FA and validity recommendations. Subsequently, an expert panel of 10 BCBA-Ds reviewed the tool. Experts suggested that it was best suited as an instructional resource for those learning about the FA process and as a supporting resource for early practitioners' clinical decision making.Standard functional analysis procedures may require modifications to assess idiosyncratic variables, such as adult compliance with mands. In the literature, the mands function is largely represented by individuals who vocally communicate idiosyncratic requests. Although effective treatment procedures have been published, schedule thinning has rarely been conducted. Using a reversal design, a mands functional analysis was completed with a 12-year-old nonvocal male. Results showed differentiated rates of challenging behavior. Treatment consisted of differential reinforcement via a chained schedule with signaled availability. During schedule thinning, low rates of challenging behavior were maintained.Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are at an increased risk for engaging in severe problem behavior, which is often preceded by less intense precursor behaviors. These precursor behaviors may be a viable option as target behaviors for functional analyses in situations where evoking severe problem behavior is not ideal. We identified precursor behaviors through a correlational analysis and confirmed their membership in the same response class as more severe problem behavior through an experimental analysis.We conducted a functional analysis to identify the specific features of feet responsible for evoking inappropriate sexual behavior (ISB) by an adolescent male with autism. Results showed that bare female and male feet evoked ISB. We then evaluated a treatment consisting of a rule describing appropriate and inappropriate behavior in the presence of bare feet and a verbal reprimand contingent on ISB; the combination of these was effective. Finally, as an additional treatment option, we evaluated an environmental enrichment procedure, which also reduced ISB to low levels.The current study evaluated the effects of training Big 6 + 6 motor skills on untrained daily living skills. Precision teaching suggests that improved speed of component behaviors can lead to better performance of composite skills. Researchers used a pre-post probe single-subject design to evaluate the effects of frequency building on the motor tasks of push and grasp, as well as the associated effects on the composite skills prior to and following intervention on the component skills. Results suggest that the participant increased his frequencies on all of the component skills. The speed and accuracy of composite skills were higher following the intervention. Researchers also assessed for generalization to other significant contexts.We investigated the effectiveness of nonreciprocal peer tutoring, a type of peer-mediated instructional intervention, with preschoolers. We used a multiple-probe design across 2 dyads with participants with and without disabilities. The dependent variables were the number of correct tact responses to the untaught stimuli for the tutor and the number of correct tact responses to taught stimuli for tutees. Results demonstrated that nonreciprocal peer tutoring was effective in the acquisition of untaught tacts for the tutors and directly taught tacts for the tutees.Ethical statements typically involve rules. All rules can vary in accuracy and specificity depending on the context to which they are applied. Codes of ethics often involve ethical rules that are written generally to cover the wide-ranging set of possible situations that any one member of the profession may encounter. But, despite being written generally, codes of ethics are applied to specific situations that professional members encounter. The application of general rules to specific contexts can sometimes be challenging and complex. Health care organizations have several options to help their employees behave ethically. One approach is to appoint a single ethics coordinator. In contrast, the dominant approach in most health care organizations is to develop an organizational ethics committee (Moon Pediatrics, 143(5), e20190659, 2019). Despite the popularity of the ethics committee in other professions, the extent to which organizations that provide applied behavior analysis services have established and operate ethics committees is unknown. Ethics coordinator roles and ethics committees both have benefits and drawbacks. This article reviews the benefits and drawbacks of appointing an ethics coordinator and establishing an ethics committee. And, for interested organizations, this article outlines the steps and considerations that organizations can use to guide the creation of an ethics committee.The field of applied behavior analysis (ABA) has grown substantially in the past decade. Behavior analysts seeking out new employment may have to weigh benefits such as pay, health care, and conditions of employment during negotiations. One condition of employment used in employment contracts is noncompete clauses (NCCs). NCCs are agreements between employers and employees that restrict the employee's ability to work in a specific field after employment ends. Although they can provide businesses with security, NCCs have the potential to impact how, when, and whom practitioners can serve after employment ends. Although NCCs and their effects have been studied in other fields, to our knowledge no analysis has occurred in the field of ABA. We surveyed 610 practicing behavior analysts to determine the prevalence of NCCs in the field of ABA and how respondents viewed the impact of NCCs on the field; one third (33.1%) of respondents indicated that their contract contained an NCC, and opinions on their potential impact were largely unfavorable. Results are discussed with regard to how NCCs can impact the growth of ABA, possible behavioral functions, possible alternatives to their use, and directions for future research.This study investigates the effects of an intraverbal webbing procedure on the development of divergent and convergent intraverbal responses in 3 children with autism spectrum disorder between the ages of 4 and 7 years using a multiple-probe across-participants design. The participants were taught to list several members of a category (e.g., kitchen item, furniture) with a specific feature (e.g., handle, door) and to respond to fill-in-the-blank statements regarding the function, feature, and class of several item. Probes were conducted frequently to assess the emergence of untrained complex intraverbal responses. The results indicate that the intraverbal webbing procedure is effective for the acquisition of trained verbal responses to fill-in-the-blank statements. In addition, the emergence of convergent and divergent multiply controlled intraverbal responses was observed across untrained categories (e.g., school item, clothes).This article describes the development of a system, the Ethics Network, designed to promote discussion of ethical issues in a human services organization. The system includes several core components, including people (e.g., leaders, ambassadors), tools (e.g., hotline, training modules), and resources (e.g., monthly talking points). Data from 6 years of hotline submissions were analyzed to identify the most common concerns, and the data were compared to the pattern of violation notices submitted to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board. Recommendations are provided for creating similar systems in other organizations.The research-to-practice gap is evident in many disciplines. This gap can be seen through practitioners failing to integrate the latest research findings into their work, and through the implementation of procedures that do not have empirical support. As the number of behavior-analytic practitioners grows, this gap is likely to become more salient. One solution to closing the gap is for practitioners to conduct applied research. This survey study aimed to identify specific barriers that practitioners face when conducting research, to identify how valuable conducting research is to practitioners, and to make recommendations to support research productivity in practice. We report results from survey questions about applied research and provide practical recommendations for practitioners to overcome barriers and to begin conducting research during their clinical work.There are more captive tigers in the United States than there are wild tigers in the entire world. Many animals under human care engage in problem behaviors such as excessive grooming and aggression, although the origin of these behaviors is typically unknown. Environmental enrichment may mitigate these issues in captive animals of all kinds. In order to individualize enrichment experiences, the current study used a free-operant assessment procedure to establish a menu of most preferred play items and scents among 7 Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) housed at a sanctuary in southwest Missouri. Each tiger was tested 3 times with scents (cinnamon and Calvin Klein Obsession perfume) and play items (boxes, balls, leaves, and pumpkins). The importance of rigorous assessment of presumed reinforcers among captive wild animals, as well as the difficulty of effectively assessing tigers while ensuring the safety of both the participants and researchers, is discussed.Most abduction-prevention strategies focus on teaching children safe responses to lures from strangers; however, statistics suggest that the majority of nonfamily abductions are conducted by people who are, to some extent, familiar to the child. We evaluated the effects of a safe-word intervention to address this discrepancy and decrease the likelihood that a child will leave with a person not appointed by his or her parents, regardless of whether the person is familiar or unfamiliar to the child. Five children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, aged 4-9 years old, were taught a 4-part response to lures from familiar and unfamiliar adults using a behavioral skills training package with in situ training added as needed. All participants met initial mastery criteria, with 4 of the 5 children requiring the addition of in situ training, and all maintained mastery levels at a 2-month follow-up.Instructive feedback (IF) is a strategy for increasing the efficiency of targeted instruction. Previous research has demonstrated the success of IF with learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but limited research exists regarding the efficacy of the intervention with individuals with ASD who engage in vocal stereotypy. The effects of 2 forms of IF were examined with a learner with ASD who engaged in vocal stereotypy. In Study 1, no intervention for vocal stereotypy was implemented. In Study 2, response interruption and redirection (RIRD) was implemented contingent on vocal stereotypy. IF before the praise statement resulted in faster acquisition of secondary targets, but only when RIRD was implemented. These results extend the IF literature by providing evidence that individuals who engage in vocal stereotypy may require concurrent intervention to increase the opportunity for indiscriminable contingencies to be established and the acquisition of secondary targets via IF.In regions such as India, where one-to-one behavior-analytic intervention is not easily accessible, parents and service providers may advocate for children with disabilities better if they have foundational training in behavioral approaches to problem behavior. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a culturally adapted training delivered in an underresourced region of India. Ten parents and professionals from Chennai completed the training, and the researchers evaluated its effects using a multiple-baseline design. Participants showed improvements in correct responses on a structured form designed to capture skills involved in function-based assessment and intervention, as well as the fidelity of implementation of extinction and functional communication training. Moreover, participants rated the acceptability of training highly on measures of social validity. Guidelines for the education of parents and service providers in underresourced areas outside of the United States are discussed.In South Korea, there is currently a massive gap between the demand and the supply of quality applied behavior analysis (ABA) services for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. However, the literature on the implementation and effectiveness of ABA intervention mainly comes from Western countries, and the voices of Asian countries are scarcely heard. The present article reports data collected from the KAVBA Center in Seoul, South Korea, as a direct replication of the CABAS educational model. Eleven 3- to 4-year-old children with ASD were the participants in the study and attended the center for 1 year. Our pre- and postintervention data show that the CABAS model provided an effective and cost-efficient service for children with ASD in South Korea.Rates of overweight and obesity are above 70% in typically developing adults in the United States, with higher rates observed in individuals diagnosed with developmental disability (DD). Lottery reinforcement systems have been validated as effective exercise interventions for individuals with DD. Although high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has demonstrated health benefits, it has not been studied using individuals within this population. The purpose of this study was to implement a lottery reinforcement system to systematically increase heart rate (HR) during 30-min HIIT sessions with 3 adults with DD. Results demonstrated increases in HR from below to within the prescribed range in all 3 participants. For 1 participant, weight decreased by 10.8 pounds during the 9-week program. Implications include that lottery systems increase exercise intensity with adults with DD, that HR during exercise can be reliably controlled using a lottery system, and that similar programs may result in health benefits.Participating in athletics confers a wide range of benefits, regardless of participants' gender or disability status. Our review of 95 behavior-analytic sports-performance articles revealed that over half of them included at least 1 female participant, but only 5 included at least 1 participant with a reported developmental disability. Given that females are often underrepresented as research participants, and that female athletes face unique barriers, it is heartening that so many articles involved female participants. Moreover, there were more female than male participants overall. However, it is surprising and distressing that so few articles involved participants with a developmental disability. Participating in sports can be a lifelong source of fitness, friends, and fun. Practitioners should encourage people of all ages, races, and genders, and from all disability categories, to find a sport they like, to learn to do it well enough to enjoy it, and to do it regularly. Researchers should give them the tools necessary to make those efforts as easy, and as fruitful, as possible. Nothing but good can come from these efforts.Female athletes are at a greater risk for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries than males. Current training programs for ACL injury reduction focus on muscle strengthening, appropriate movement patterns, and balance training. However, there is limited research on effective strategies to teach youth female soccer athletes how to properly perform desired movements associated with a decreased risk of ACL injuries. Behavioral skills training (BST) programs have been shown to be effective in teaching a wide variety of skills, but research on applications to sports is limited. This study evaluated a BST package for teaching a stepwise agility program to 3 youth female soccer athletes that consisted of verbal instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback, which included video replay. Results showed a significant improvement in the number of steps the participants performed correctly relative to baseline, as well as maintenance of skills at follow-up. Implications for coaches and athletes, as well as limitations and directions for future research, are discussed.In recent years, anecdotal data have suggested an increase in the number of Black women in the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA). However, there does not appear to be a significant increase in the number of Black women in leadership roles within the field (e.g., clinical directors, heads of university and college ABA programs). Since the diversity of providers and leadership in the field is an important factor in effectively meeting the diverse needs of ABA consumers, the lack of Black women leaders in the field can be described as problematic. Identification of the potential barriers some Black women face when pursuing and attaining positions of leadership in the field of ABA, such as a lack of diversity, stereotypes, and insufficient access to mentors and sponsors, may serve as an effective first step to ameliorating the problem. Recommendations to address identified barriers, including a conceptually systemic plan for data collection that includes racial and gender data, paired with the use of reflective practice by ABA practitioners, and additional diversity and inclusion research in the area of organizational behavior management. Recommendations are offered.The co-inoculation of Bradyrhizobium with other non-bradyrhizobial strains was already assessed on cowpea, but the co-inoculation of two Bradyrhizobium strains was not tested up to now. This study aimed to evaluate the cowpea growth, N accumulation, and Bradyrhizobium competitiveness of the elite strain B. pachyrhizi BR 3262 when co-inoculated with other efficient Bradyrhizobium from the Brazilian semiarid region. Three potted-plant experiments were carried out. In the first assay, 35 efficient Bradyrhizobium isolates obtained from the semiarid region of Brazil were co-inoculated with the elite strains B. pachyrhizi BR 3262. The experiment was conducted in gnotobiotic conditions. The plant growth, nodulation, N nutritional variables, and nodular occupation were assessed. Under gnotobiotic and non-sterile soil conditions, ten selected bacteria plus the elite strain B. yuanmingense BR 3267 were used at the second and third experiments, respectively. The cowpea was inoculated with the 11 bacteria individually or co-inoculated with BR 3262. The plant growth and N nutritional variables were assessed. A double-layer medium spot method experiment was conducted to evaluate the interaction among the co-inoculated strains in standard and diluted YMA media. The co-inoculation treatments showed the best efficiency when compared to the treatments inoculated solely with BR 3262. This strain occupied a low amount of cowpea nodules ranging from 5 to 67.5%. The treatments with lower BR 3262 nodule occupancy showed the best results for the shoot nitrogen accumulation. The culture experiment showed that four bacteria inhibited the growth of BR 3262. In contrast, seven strains from the soils of Brazilian semiarid region were benefited by the previous inoculation of this strain. In the second and third experiments, the results indicated that all 11 co-inoculated treatments were more efficient than the single inoculation, proofing the best performance of the dual inoculation of Bradyrhizobium on cowpea.The potassium transporter high-affinity K+ transporter/K+ uptake permease/K+ transporter (HAK/KUP/KT) family plays a vital role in potassium uptake, and potassium ion (K+)-mediated environmental stress. In the present study, we identified 22 IbHAK/KUP/KT (HAK) genes in sweet potato [Ipomoea batata (L.) Lam] and the same number of HAK genes from sweet potato wild relative Ipomoea trifida. Phylogeny analysis indicated that the HAKs can be divided into five clades. Chromosomal distribution and genome synteny analyses revealed two tandem-duplicated gene pairs IbHAK16/17 and IbHAK17/18 on chromosomes 13 and eight segmental-duplicated gene pairs on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14 among the IbHAK gene family. Eleven orthologous HAK gene pairs between I. batata and I. trifida were involved in the duplication of genomic blocks based on comparative genomic analysis. The Ka/Ks ratios of these IbHAK genes ranged from 0.02 to 0.55(

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13205-020-02552-3.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13205-020-02552-3.The goal of this study was to identify and biochemically characterize a novel hyperthermostable keratinase from microorganisms for feather waste degradation. Here, a hyperthermophilic Geoglobus acetivorans keratinase (GacK) gene was chosen based on a search of a sequence database. The selected GacK gene was synthesized, cloned, and successfully expressed without a signal peptide in the E. coli system. A monomer of approximately 58 kDa was obtained in a soluble form and purified. The recombinant GacK displayed the highest activity at an optimum temperature of 100 °C and a pH of 10. The hyperthermostable GacK enzymatic performance remained high even after incubation in nonionic surfactants and the chelating agent EDTA. The residual and keratinolytic activities of GacK, as determined with azocasein and keratin azure used as substrates, remained significantly greater than 80% at 130 °C for 7 h. The kinetic parameters Km and Vmax for azure keratin were 0.41 mg/ml and 875.14 unit/mg, respectively, while those for azocasein were 1.51 mg/ml and 505.32 unit/mg, respectively. The results suggest that the enzyme is among the most hyperthermostable keratinases. Because of its enzymatic characteristics to degrade keratin azure at high temperatures, GacK may potentially be utilized in future industrial applications.The innovative discovery of aptamers was based on target-specific treatment in clinical diagnostics and therapeutics. Aptamers are synthetic, single-stranded oligonucleotides, simply described as chemical antibodies, which can bind to diverse targets with high specificity and affinity. Aptamers are synthesized by the SELEX technique, and possess distinctive properties as small size (10-50 kDa), higher stability, easy manufacture and less immunogenicity. These oligonucleotides are easily degraded by nucleases, so require some important modifications like capping and incorporation of modified nucleotides. RNA aptamers can be modified chemically on 2' positions using -NH3, -F, -deoxy, or -OMe groups to enhance their nuclease resistance. Aptamers have been employed for multiple purposes, as direct drugs or aptamer-drug conjugates targeted against different diseased cells. Different aptamer-conjugated nanovehicles (e.g., micelles, liposomes, silica nano-shells) have been designed to transport diverse anticancer-drugs like doxorubicin and cisplatin in bulk to minimize systemic cytotoxicity. Some drug-loaded nanovehicles (up to 97% loading capacity) and conjugated with specific aptamer resulted in more than 60% tumor inhibition as compared to unconjugated drug-loaded nanovehicles which showed only 31% cancer inhibition. In addition, aptamers have been widely used in basic research, food safety, environmental monitoring, clinical diagnostics and therapeutics. Different FDA-approved RNA and DNA aptamers are now available in the market, used for the treatment of diverse diseases, especially cancer. These aptamers include Macugen, Pegaptanib, etc. Despite a good progress in aptamer use, the present-day chemotherapeutics and drug targeting systems still face great challenges. Here in this review article, we are discussing nucleic acid aptamers, preparation, role in the transportation of different nanoparticle vehicles and their applications as therapeutic agents.The main focus of this research work was to carry out the fermentative production of EPS with mixed fruit waste as substrate. The medium formulation studied by sequential addition of medium components and replacement of sugar with mixed fruit waste. Amongst the six species of Bacillus studied, Bacillus species SRA4 produced EPS in range of 3.0-17.9 g/L, which was highest amongst all the species selected for the study. Thus for further optimization, the response surface methodology was used making use of Bacillus species SRA4. EPS production enhanced to 23.75 g/L. In 10 L shake flask and fermenter scale-up study was carried out. In the study, 10 L flask showed the highest EPS production of 17.95 g/L in 120 h, whereas in 10 L fermenter, it was as high as 25.1 g/L that too in 72 h only. The optimization study resulted in 1.76-fold increase in EPS production with nearly 48 h reduction in EPS production time as compared to initial production procedure. Replacement of sucrose with fruit waste extract made the process environmentally friendly; omission of l-cystine and use of 50% reduced amount of sodium acetate in the medium lowered the production cost of EPS. This method also solved the fruit waste disposal problem.Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is the most promising solution to major ecological problem of plastic accumulation. The biodegradable and biocompatible properties of PHA make it highly demanding in the biomedical and agricultural field. The limited market share of PHA industries despite having tremendous demand as concerned with environment has led to knock the doors of scientific research for finding ways for the economic production of PHA. Therefore, new methods of its production have been applied such as using a wide variety of feedstock like organic wastes and modifying PHA synthesizing enzyme at molecular level. Modifying metabolic pathways for PHA production using new emerging techniques like CRISPR/Cas9 technology has simplified the process spending less amount of time. Using green solvents under pressurized conditions, ionic liquids, supercritical solvents, hypotonic cell disintegration for release of PHA granules, switchable anionic surfactants and even digestion of non-PHA biomass by animals are some novel strategies for PHA recovery which play an important role in sustainable production of PHA. Hence, this review provides a view of recent applications, significance of PHA and new methods used for its production which are missing in the available literature.The present study emphasized on the yet-unexplored exhaustive analyses of nutritional and antioxidant parameters in the unpolished and polished grains of eleven indigenous aromatic rice varieties. Tulaipanji appeared to be a highly demanding variety by virtue of having sufficient levels of micronutrients like Fe, Zn and Cu (linked with higher expression of fer2, ZIP and NAS3), inorganic phosphorus, hexose sugars, total amino acids and lysine (correlated with higher expression of glutelin and RLRH1), tocopherol (due to higher HGGT expression), total phenolic content, flavonoids, anthocyanins (concomitant with higher expression of PPO, PAL and ANS), LOX activity and LOX1 gene expression, and overall higher total antioxidant capacity, particularly in the polished grains. The importance of IET-21261, with regard to higher content of phytic acid and total phosphorus (with high IPK1 expression), β-carotene (with high PSY expression) and tocopherol (with high HGGT expression), and of Kalonunia, with respect to cysteine and γ-oryzanol in the polished grains, was also significant. Lower α-amylase enzyme activity and α-amylase expression led to considerable starch accumulation, with lower sucrose content, in the unpolished grains of Radhunipagal and polished grains of Pusa Basmati-1. Paramanya registered the highest content of thiamine and TH1 expression, together with minimum methylglyoxal level (low TPI expression). Paramanya and Radhunipagal maintained a higher pool of majority of the nutritional and antioxidant components in their unpolished grains. The polished grains of all the genotypes showed strikingly lower nutritional constituents, as compared to unpolished grains. The knowledge gained from this study will largely provide a road map to the farmers and rice consumers for making proper choice of the aromatic genotypes for large-scale cultivation and dietary consumption to derive maximum nutritional benefits.Plants have evolved according to their environmental conditions and continuously interact with different biological entities. These interactions induce many positive and negative effects on plant metabolism. Many viruses also associate with various plant species and alter their metabolism. Further, virus-plant interaction also alters the expression of many plant hormones. To overcome the biotic stress imposed by the virus's infestation, plants produce different kinds of secondary metabolites that play a significant role in plant defense against the viral infection. In this review, we briefly highlight the mechanism of virus infection, their influence on the plant secondary metabolites and phytohormone biosynthesis in response to the virus-plant interactions.This study was aimed at investigating the phytochemical constituents, antifungal properties and antibiotic-modifying activity of the aqueous crude extract and fractions of Amburana cearensis seeds (CEFAC). The CEFAC were chemically characterized by LC-MS/MS-QTOF. In addition, the antifungal activity was assayed by the microdilution method against strains of Candida albicans. The phytochemical profile of CEFAC exhibited phenolic compounds, organic acids, and polyphenols. The results of the assessment of antifungal activity reveled an IC50 ranging from 45.6 to 2048 µg/mL. Interestingly, when CEFAC was associated with Fluconazole, we evidenced a decreased IC50 (1.81-11.9 µg/mL), suggesting a synergism with antibiotic. It was possible to identify in the crude extract and fractions several phenolic compounds, organic acids, and some polyphenols in positive ionization mode. These results suggest that CEFAC may present compounds with the ability to interact and act synergistically with antimicrobial drugs, highlighting its potential as an alternative source for the development of new antimicrobial agents.

Pleasurable feelings are normal human behaviors experienced not only by adults but even in infancy and childhood. These feelings might become habitual behavior in form of masturbation.

To evaluate the clinical criteria of infants and preschool children with masturbation habits who were described by parents as having unremitted genital pruritus.

This is a case-series study describing cases of children with masturbation referred to the Department of Dermatology at Baghdad Medical City and Basra Teaching Hospital,central and southern Iraq, for four years (2014-2018). Children and their parents were carefully interrogated including detailed information about the problem. Local and general examinations were performed.Children with obvious genital lesions and those who proved to have urinary or gastrointestinal problems were not included.

Forty-four children with masturbation were enrolled in the study (22 females and 22 males). The only reason for referral was unremitted genital pruritus. The mean age was 3.6 years. The frequency of masturbation events was variable; the mean length of events was 5 minutes. In 80% of children,masturbation happened at any time. Behavior during the event was prone or supine posturing with rubbing of the genital area with either hands or furniture followed by facial congestion, sweating, and sleep. The majority of children (68%) belonged to low social class families.

Masturbatory behavior is not uncommon in infants and preschool children and may mimic episodes of ongoing genital pruritus.

Masturbatory behavior is not uncommon in infants and preschool children and may mimic episodes of ongoing genital pruritus.Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) is a common parasitic disease in subtropical and tropical parts of Africa, some parts of the Middle East, South America, Asia, and some parts of the Caribbean. It is a major public health problem and associated with significant morbidity and mortality in endemic areas. We describe a 28-year-old male patient presenting with bleeding per rectum associated with mucus secretion, abdominal pain, anorexia, and weight loss. Blood investigation showed pancytopenia with macrocytic hypochromic anemia. Meanwhile, his colonoscopy showed two large polyps 10 cm and 50 cm away from the anal verge, each measuring 3 cm in size. Microscopic examination of multiple colonic biopsies confirmed Schistosoma mansoni. The patient was treated with praziquantel, which improved his condition. Colonic schistosomiasis is an important differential diagnosis in patients with a history of travel to endemic areas. Early diagnosis and medical management can avoid unnecessary invasive intervention in such cases.

Cancer burden can be reduced by early detection of early neoplastic changes applying suitable screening methods. This study aimed to assess the utility of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) quantitation in early prediction of lung neoplastic transformation.

This study investigated 200 apparently healthy individuals categorized into two groups; smoking exposed individuals (N=100), and were categorized as cases, and smoking nonexposed (N=100), and were ascertained as controls. Sputum specimen was attained from each participant (paying all indispensable safety precautions and sample adequacy processes). Results Out of the 200 volunteers assessed in the present study, mean NORs counts of >2.00 were identified in 16/200(8%) of the study subjects. All 16/16(100%) cases were found with lung epithelial metaplasia (squamous metaplasia). Out of the 100 cases, mean NORs counts of >2.00 were identified in 16/100(16%), hence, all the controls were identified with mean NORs counts of <2.00. The risk of lung cellular proliferative changes associated with smoking exposure are odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval, CI) = 39.2485 (2.3199-664.0052), p = 0.0110, z statistic = 2.543.

NORs count is a simple, specific, cost-effective, and reliable method that can give a quantitative measurement for the risk of lung neoplastic transformation. For at risk-population (tobacco users), it is recommended to perform the argyrophilic NORs (AgNORs) method beside sputum cytology.

NORs count is a simple, specific, cost-effective, and reliable method that can give a quantitative measurement for the risk of lung neoplastic transformation. For at risk-population (tobacco users), it is recommended to perform the argyrophilic NORs (AgNORs) method beside sputum cytology.We present a case of a 39-year-old man who was brought in by ambulance to the ED after ingesting 103 packets of cocaine prior to return to the United Kingdom (UK) from Holland. He presented with a persistent sinus tachycardia and mild abdominal pain but no evidence of peritonitis on examination. Contrast-enhanced CT showed widespread distribution of packets from the stomach to the sigmoid colon. He was taken to theater for emergency laparotomy and retrieval of the packets, which was done successfully without the need of any bowel resection. He was then discharged to police custody following a 10-day admission. This is the highest number of cocaine packets reported in the UK literature. This case report discusses the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in safely managing body packers who also present with signs of cocaine toxicity.Introduction Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is one of the most common indications for spinal surgery. Traditionally, decompression is achieved by removing bony and ligamentous structures through open surgery. However, recent studies have shown that symptomatic relief can be accomplished in many patients by increasing intervertebral and interpedicular height using fusion alone. In this study, we evaluate whether trans-Kambin oblique lateral lumbar interbody fusion (OLLIF) can effectively and safely relieve symptoms of LSS when an indication for fusion is present. Methods This is a retrospective single surgeon cohort study of 187 patients with LSS who underwent 189 OLLIF procedures between 2012 and August 2, 2019. Inclusion criteria for this study were age >18 years with symptoms of LSS, including pain, sensory, and motor deficits, and an additional indication for fusion, which included spondylolisthesis, degenerative disk disease, disk herniation, or scoliosis. Exclusion criteria were the bony obstruction of theidence. Conclusion Trans-Kambin OLLIF delivers anatomic restoration of intradiscal and interpedicular distance, which results in physiologic decompression of lumbar spinal stenosis in patients undergoing lumbar fusion for degenerative or herniated disk disease, spondylolisthesis, or scoliosis. Amongst patients with LSS, OLLIF results in significant improvement of radiculopathy and patient-reported disability in the majority of patients with low rates of long-term complications. Unlike other minimally invasive surgery (MIS) fusions, OLLIF can be safely used from T12-S1.Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) represents around one quarter of non-Hodgkin lymphomas in both the United States and globally. The activated B-cell (ABC) subtype of DLBCL is associated with higher relapse rates and a worse prognosis when treated with standard regimens in comparison to other subtypes of DLBCL. Recent studies have demonstrated a potential benefit with combination of dose-adjusted rituximab, etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin (DA-REPOCH) in comparison to standard combination chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP) in ABC DLBCL patients. We aimed to see if there was any benefit on progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in a pooled patient population from a community oncology practice with the use of DA-REPOCH in ABC DLBCL. Our study did not reveal a statistically significant advantage in either PFS or OS with DA-REPOCH; however, a smaller percentage or patients progressed or relapsed when treated with DA-REPOCH. While the toxicity profile was similar, a higher percentage of patients receiving R-CHOP experienced grade 3 or higher toxicities. A prospective trial of R-CHOP versus DA-REPOCH in patients with the ABC subtype of DLBCL is warranted to further determine a potential benefit to DA-REPOCH in this patient population.A young female presented with new-onset rash, oral ulcers and dyspnea without overt features of heart failure. She was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus with early constrictive pericarditis, cutaneous lupus and serositis in the form of pericardial and pleural effusion. There was no renal, neurological and joint involvement. She was treated with steroid pulse and other ancillary drugs that led to remission with improvement in the symptoms and reversal of echocardiographic changes of constrictive pericarditis. Oral steroids were successfully tapered off after four months, and only hydroxychloroquine was continued. Constrictive pericarditis is an uncommon feature of lupus and its occurrence as an initial manifestation, without a history of repeated episodes of acute pericarditis, is rarely reported.Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder that affects multiple systems throughout the body. Although there are multiple documented vasculopathies that can be seen in NF1, there are very few documented cases of coronary artery aneurysms with complete thrombosis of the ectatic vessel resulting in myocardial infarction. This case report describes a 28-year-old male with a past medical history of NF1 who presented with an anterolateral ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. He underwent urgent cardiac catheterization, which was significant for severe thrombotic occlusion of the mid-left anterior descending artery (LAD) with thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) flow 0. The LAD was noted to be severely ectatic. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with thrombectomy was attempted and was unsuccessful, with TIMI flow 0 after the intervention attempt. An echocardiogram was performed, which showed left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 30%-35%. This case report is presented to familiarize physicians with the rare vasculopathies that can occur in patients with NF1. Occlusive or aneurysmal disease can occur almost anywhere in the body in patients with NF1 due to the proliferation of fusiform endothelial cells in the blood vessels.The purpose of this review is to summarize the pathophysiology of ejaculation and look into prevalence, aetiology, diagnosis, and treatment of painful ejaculation. We carried out a comprehensive search of PubMed in order to look for literature on male painful ejaculation using keywords post-orgasmic pain, painful ejaculation, dysejaculation, odynorgasmia, post-orgasmic pain, or dysorgasmia. Painful ejaculation has an alarming prevalence throughout the world, between 1 to 25%. It has a detrimental effect on patients' quality of life as it reduces individual self-esteem and is associated with sexual dysfunction. Its aetiology includes simple infection or inflammation of the urinary tract, benign prostate hyperplasia, ejaculatory duct obstruction, post-radical prostatectomy and side effects of certain medications. Once reported, it should be investigations and treatments should be tailored according to the etiology. Both medical and surgical treatment is available depending on the cause of painful ejaculation. Due to the sensitive nature of its presentation, it is a symptom that can be identified best when specifically asked. Our understanding regarding painful ejaculation is very limited and only a few articles have revealed insight into this topic. Further research is required in order to set proper guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of painful ejaculation.Valproic acid is commonly used to treat pediatric epilepsy. This drug is usually well-tolerated; its side effects are typically mild, with hepatotoxicity being the most widely recognized one. Bone marrow suppression is a rarely seen complication in patients with valproic acid levels more than 125 mcg/mL. Reported cases indicate an increased incidence of hematologic toxicity; however, evidence for management is limited. We report a case of bone marrow suppression induced by a high dose of valproic acid in a 10-year-old male.Endocarditis is a well-known disease, yet septic embolization resulting in myocardial infarction is much rarer and very infrequently diagnosed in the emergency department (ED). Point-of-Care-Ultrasound (POCUS) can be used to confirm clinical suspicion within minutes of patient presentation, thereby expediting patient care. We report the case of a 26-year-old female with known intravenous drug use who presented with altered mental status. Her clinical presentation prompted urgent evaluation in the ED with POCUS which showed a hyperdynamic functioning left ventricle, greater than 50% inferior vena cava collapse, and a large tricuspid valve vegetation. In light of the electrocardiogram (ECG) ST changes suggesting an acute myocardial infarction, the patient was emergently taken to the cardiac catheterization laboratory where coronary angiography revealed multiple coronary emboli. Primary diagnoses included endocarditis due to Staphylococcus, septic pulmonary embolism, and ST-elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI) due to embolic occlusion of the distal left anterior descending artery. Myocardial infarction caused by septic embolization from endocarditis is a rare condition; however, POCUS is a quick, non-invasive tool that can aid the emergency medicine (EM) physician in identifying this life-threatening pathology thereby expediting appropriate care for the patient.A five-month-old male presented with an incidentally found low-lying conus medullaris on ultrasound and subsequent MRI demonstrating its position at L4. Pre-operative examination findings included mild, global hypotonia and a coccygeal dimple without bladder or bowel abnormalities or spasticity. The patient underwent spinal cord untethering with a section of filum terminale and was discharged without complication following his procedure. Follow-up at one year revealed continued baseline hypotonia without further neurosurgical needs. This is the first reported case of tethered cord syndrome described in a patient with Pallister-Killian syndrome managed successfully with neurosurgical intervention.The state of pregnancy affects all organ systems including the eyes. Progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a known association. In proliferative DR, there is an increased risk of vitreous hemorrhage (VH) during spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD) due to the Valsalva maneuver. A 30-year-old female with poorly controlled type I diabetes and hypothyroidism on treatment was following up with the antenatal services at our hospital. This was her second pregnancy having had a previous miscarriage. Three months into her pregnancy, our Ophthalmology service was consulted to assess her and give our advice regarding the safest mode of delivery for her. Questioning revealed that she was following regularly elsewhere for proliferate DR with previous interventions and history of multiple and repeated VHs. When she was seen in our Ophthalmology clinic, she was anxious about the mode of delivery that was best suited for her with regard to her ocular condition. On examination, her visual acuity (VA) without correction war to conception being another. If not managed well, proliferative DR can result in VH, with the risk also existing in relation to SVD due to recurrent Valsalva maneuvers during labor. Our patient who initially presented with proliferative DR in both eyes and a VH in the right eye received one session of PRP to both eyes in the first trimester and was closely followed up throughout her pregnancy thereafter. When her due date neared, it was decided that the safest and most suitable mode of delivery was an elective C/S due to her increased risk of VH related to Valsalva maneuvers during SVD, especially since this was to be her first delivery.Objectives Tonsilloliths and adenoid calcifications are usually an incidental finding in radiologic studies. Several studies were done to evaluate the presence of tonsillar calcifications using different radiological techniques that include panoramic radiographs, computed tomography (CT), and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). These percentages varied in different populations and changed with the technique used. A CBCT is used to allow the visualization of the calcifications to make a better diagnosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study conducted in Lebanon to study tonsillar and adenoid calcifications using CBCT. This study aims to assess the epidemiology and the demographic criteria of tonsilloliths and adenoid calcifications in a sample of the Lebanese population using the CBCT. Methods In this retrospective study, CBCT images of 125 patients attending a private clinic in Jbeil, Lebanon from May 2016 to July 2019 were selected. Images were evaluated by a maxillofacial radiologist. Adeh respect to the side, were statistically significant. Conclusion The prevalence of tonsilloliths in our sample was found to be 17.35%. The high prevalence detected was due to the technique used, the CBCT, which ensured a more detailed examination. The distribution was not affected by gender and age. However, multiple patterns of calcification were identified in younger age groups as opposed to other studies. Moreover, adenoid calcifications were present in 1.65% of the sample.

Autoři článku: Bruhnsvensson6656 (Vega McFadden)