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Gerontology must take seriously how stratified life chances can undermine seemingly universal potential benefits of age-friendly environments.

Contrast exists between "invariant" macro/meso issues all older adults face as they age and "multivariant" ways in which age is accomplished based on place, biography, and intersectionality. Age-friendly environments may simultaneously maintain the status quo and exacerbate inequalities. Gerontology must take seriously how stratified life chances can undermine seemingly universal potential benefits of age-friendly environments.The ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford) is an invasive pest that has caused tree decline and death in numerous NY dwarf apple orchards during the past ten years, despite efforts to control them using trunk sprays of chlorpyrifos or pyrethroids, either alone or combined with the repellent verbenone. From 2017 to 2019, we tested trunk applications of different repellents and plant defense compounds for protection against X. germanus in potted apple trees adjacent to infested orchards. Treatments included topical formulations of verbenone and methyl salicylate (MeSa), alone and in combination, at different rates and timings. Additional treatments evaluated included the systemic acquired resistance activators acibenzolar-S-methyl, Reynoutria sachalinensis extract, and salicylic acid. The combination verbenone+MeSa treatments had the lowest incidences of attack sites and galleries containing adults or brood, although results varied among years. In a separate trial, we found no significant difference in numbers of adults caught in ethanol-baited traps placed 5-20 m from an apple bolt treated with the verbenone+MeSa repellent, suggesting that the repellent's effect did not extend to those distances from the treated target. Cross-sectional discs of trunk tissue sampled in August were analyzed for levels of phytohormones. Quantities of ergosterol, abscissic acid, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, methyl salicylate, methyl jasmonate, trans-cinnamic acid, and indole-3-cinnamic acid did not significantly vary across treatments; however, trees with greater beetle damage contained higher levels of jasmonic and salicylic acid, which are key molecules in plant defense pathways.Research is a long process in which the collaboration between stakeholders involved in academia, industry and governments is crucial. Ideally, these stakeholders should work together to better align the innovation process with the values, needs and expectations of the research community. Reflecting on how we perform research and how our discoveries can benefit society is therefore of the utmost importance. The complete system of shared values concerning the research process is embedded in the concept of research culture, which has been gaining more attention in recent years. With the hope of increasing awareness of research culture among established scientists and early-career professionals, in this manuscript we discuss what research culture is, what it consists of and how it can positively influence scientific developments.

Identifying sociocultural correlates of neurocognitive dysfunction among Hispanics/Latinos, and their underlying biological pathways, is crucial for understanding disparities in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. We examined cross-sectional associations between stress and neurocognition, and the role that metabolic syndrome (MetS) and systemic inflammation might play in these associations.

Participants included 3,045 adults aged 45-75 (56% female, education 0-20+ years, 86% Spanish-speaking, 23% US born), enrolled in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) and its Sociocultural Ancillary Study. Global neurocognition was the primary outcome and operationalized as the average of the z-scores of measures of learning and memory, word fluency, and processing speed. Stress measures included self-report assessments of stress appraisal (perceived and acculturative stress) and exposure to chronic and traumatic stressors. MetS was defined via established criteria including waist circ stress appraisal, MetS and systemic inflammation may be targets to reduce neurocognitive dysfunction among Hispanics/Latinos.Accuracy of genomic predictions is an important component of the selection response. The objectives of this research were 1) to investigate trends for prediction accuracies over time in a broiler population of accumulated phenotypes, genotypes, and pedigrees and 2) to test if data from distant generations are useful to maintain prediction accuracies in selection candidates. The data contained 820K phenotypes for a growth trait (GT), 200K for two feed efficiency traits (FE1 and FE2), and 42K for a carcass yield trait (CY). The pedigree included 1,252,619 birds hatched over 7 years, of which 154,318 from the last 4 years were genotyped. Training populations were constructed adding 1 year of data sequentially, persistency of accuracy over time was evaluated using predictions from birds hatched in the three generations following or in the years after the training populations. In the first generation, before genotypes became available for the training populations (first 3 years of data), accuracies remained almosttraining population included only 1 year of data. Training sets including genomic information provided an increase in accuracy and persistence of genomic predictions compared with training sets without genomic data. The two most recent years of pedigree, phenotypic, and genomic data were sufficient to maintain prediction accuracies in selection candidates. Similar conclusions were obtained using validation populations per year.

The purpose of this study was to develop a multidimensional measure of community healthy aging that is more nuanced than existing measures. The social ecological framework guided this analysis of the latent structure of community prevalence rates of chronic diseases and functional impairments.

The sample was 471 communities in Massachusetts (n=319) and New Hampshire (n=152). Data were drawn from publicly available healthy aging data reports for both states. Community prevalence rates for 45 chronic conditions, rates of mortality, and Medicare service utilization were estimated with the 2014-2015 CMS Medicare Beneficiary Summary Files and used in factor analyses to explore the latent structure of community healthy aging.

Results revealed a multidimensional structure composed of four latent population health components serious complex chronic disease, indolent chronic disease, physical disability, and psychological disability. We found that while lower community socioeconomic status is a major determinant or other stakeholders to more accurately tailor interventions to match the conditions of need.Presbyphagia is age-related changes in swallowing function, which imposes a high risk of aspiration in older adults. Considering olfactory stimulation (OS) can influence behavioral activities by modulating neuronal excitability, the present study aims to determine whether OS could improve the swallowing function of aged rats through activating the central neuronal networks and downstream muscular activities participated in the control of swallowing. Aged male Wistar rats received OS by inhaling a mixture of plant-based volatile molecules twice a day for 12 days were subjected to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and c-fos, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunostaining to detect the neuronal activities of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and medullary nuclei engaged in swallowing control, respectively. The functional effects of OS on downstream pharyngeal muscle activity were examined by evaluating the dihydropyridine receptor-ryanodine receptor (DHPR-RyR) mediated intra-muscular Ca2 + expression, and analyzing the amplitude/frequency of muscle contraction, respectively. In untreated rats, only moderate signal of fMRI and mild c-fos/ChAT expression was detected in the OFC and medullary nuclei, respectively. However, following OS, intense signals of fMRI and immunostaining were clearly expressed in the orbitofronto-medullary networks. Functional data corresponded well with above findings in which OS significantly enhanced DHPR-RyR-mediated intra-muscular Ca2 + expression, effectively facilitated a larger amplitude of pharyngeal muscle contraction, and exhibited better performance in consuming larger amounts of daily dietary. As OS successfully activates the neuromuscular activities participated in the control of swallowing, applying OS may serve as an effective, easy, and safe strategy to greatly improve the swallow function of aging populations.Clinically pertinent electrocardiogram (ECG) data from model systems, such as zebrafish, are crucial for illuminating factors contributing to human cardiac electrophysiological abnormalities and disease. Current zebrafish ECG collection strategies have not adequately addressed the consistent acquisition of high-quality traces or sources of phenotypic variation that could obscure data interpretation. Thus, we developed a novel platform to ensure high-quality recording of in vivo subdermal adult zebrafish ECGs and zebrafish ECG reading GUI (zERG), a program to acquire measurements from traces that commercial software cannot examine owing to erroneous peak calling. We evaluate normal ECG trait variation, revealing highly reproducible intervals and wave amplitude variation largely driven by recording artifacts, and identify sex and body size as potential confounders to PR, QRS and QT intervals. With this framework, we characterize the effect of the class I anti-arrhythmic drug flecainide acetate on adults, provide support for the impact of a Long QT syndrome model, and establish power calculations for this and other studies. These results highlight our pipeline as a robust approach to evaluate zebrafish models of human cardiac electrophysiological phenotypes.Mitochondrial diseases are genetic disorders leading to an impaired mitochondrial function and resulting in exercise intolerance and muscle weakness. In patients, muscle fatigue due to defects in mitochondrial oxidative capacities commonly precedes muscle weakness. In mice, the fast-twitch skeletal muscle-specific Tfam deletion (Tfam KO) leads to deficit in the respiratory chain activity, severe muscle weakness and early death. Here, we performed a time-course study of mitochondrial and muscular dysfunctions in 11 and 14 weeks Tfam KO mice, i.e., before and when mice are about to enter the terminal stage, respectively. While force in the unfatigued state was reduced in Tfam KO mice as compared to control littermates (WT) only at 14 weeks, during repeated submaximal contractions fatigue was faster at both ages. During fatiguing stimulation, total phosphocreatine breakdown was larger in Tfam KO muscle than in WT muscle at both ages whereas phosphocreatine consumption was faster only at 14 weeks. find protocol In conclusion, the Tfam KO mouse model represents a reliable model of lethal mitochondrial myopathy where impaired mitochondrial energy production and premature fatigue occur before muscle weakness and early death.The development and cross-cultural adaptation of measurement instruments have received less attention in methodological discussions, even though it is essential for epidemiological research. At the same time, the quality of epidemiological measurements is often below ideal standards for the construction of solid knowledge on the health-disease process. The scarcity of systematizations in the field about what, what for, and how to adequately measure intangible constructs contributes to this scenario. In this review, we propose a procedural model divided into phases and stages aimed at measuring constructs at acceptable levels of validity, reliability, and comparability. Underlying our proposal is the idea that not only some but several connected studies should be conducted to obtain appropriate measurement instruments. Implementing the model may contribute to broadening the interest in measurement instruments and, especially, addressing key epidemiological problems.

Autoři článku: Broussardlassen3946 (Hammer Costello)