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wer cognitive decline in Chinese older adults. Although rural residents were disadvantaged in both CR and cognition, the protective effect of CR against cognitive decline was stronger for them than in those who live in urban area.

Death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been a longstanding public health challenge in the US, whereas death from opioid use is a recent, growing public health crisis. While population-level approaches to reducing CVD risk are known to be effective in preventing CVD deaths, more targeted approaches in high-risk communities are known to work better for reducing risk of opioid overdose. For communities to plan effectively in addressing both public health challenges, they need information on significant community-level (vs individual-level) predictors of death from CVD or opioid use. This study addresses this need by examining the relationship between 1) county-level social determinants of health (SDoH) and CVD deaths and 2) county-level SDoH and opioid-use deaths in the US, over a ten-year period (2009-2018).

A single national county-level ten-year 'SDoH Database' is analyzed, to address study objectives. Fixed-effects panel-data regression analysis, including county, year, and state-by-year fixed effecby 20.05% based on effect size.

The study provides several practice and policy implications for addressing SDoH barriers at the county level, including population-based approaches to reduce CVD mortality risk among people in military service, and policy-based interventions to increase household income (e.g., by raising county minimum wage), to reduce mortality risk from opioid overdoses.

The study provides several practice and policy implications for addressing SDoH barriers at the county level, including population-based approaches to reduce CVD mortality risk among people in military service, and policy-based interventions to increase household income (e.g., by raising county minimum wage), to reduce mortality risk from opioid overdoses.

Understanding heterogeneity seen in patients with COVIDARDS and comparing to non-COVIDARDS may inform tailored treatments.

A multidisciplinary team of frontline clinicians and data scientists worked to create the Northwell COVIDARDS dataset (NorthCARDS) leveraging over 11,542 COVID-19 hospital admissions. The data was then summarized to examine descriptive differences based on clinically meaningful categories of lung compliance, and to examine trends in oxygenation.

Of the 1536 COVIDARDS patients in the NorthCARDS dataset, there were 531 (34.6%) who had very low lung compliance (< 20ml/cmH

O), 970 (63.2%) with low-normal compliance (20-50ml/cmH

O), and 35 (2.2%) with high lung compliance (> 50ml/cmH

O). The very low compliance group had double the median time to intubation compared to the low-normal group (107.3h (IQR 25.8, 239.2) vs. 39.5h (IQR 5.4, 91.6)). Overall, 68.8% (n = 1057) of the patients died during hospitalization. In comparison to non-COVIDARDS reports, there were less patients in the high compliance category (2.2% vs. 12%, compliance ≥ 50mL/cmH20), and more patients with P/F ≤ 150 (59.8% vs. 45.6%). There is a statistically significant correlation between compliance and P/F ratio. The Oxygenation Index is the highest in the very low compliance group (12.51, SD(6.15)), and lowest in high compliance group (8.78, SD(4.93)).

The respiratory system compliance distribution of COVIDARDS is similar to non-COVIDARDS. In some patients, there may be a relation between time to intubation and duration of high levels of supplemental oxygen treatment on trajectory of lung compliance.

The respiratory system compliance distribution of COVIDARDS is similar to non-COVIDARDS. In some patients, there may be a relation between time to intubation and duration of high levels of supplemental oxygen treatment on trajectory of lung compliance.

As the vector-borne diseases tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme borreliosis (LB) are common in Germany and transmitted by tick bites, the aim of this study was to assess differences in the number of tick bites in various professions and regions across southern Germany to evaluate the differences in tick-associated risk.

The analysis is based on three cross-sectional studies that were conducted in 2016 and 2017 in two real-life settings and in one medical setting in Bavaria. All participants filled in a paper-based questionnaire about their history with tick bites. Only adult participants (≥ 18 years) were included in this study.

Overall, 3503 individuals (mean age 50.8 ± 15.2 years, median age 53.0 ± 12.2 years, 54.0% female) were included. Of these, 50% worked in an outdoor profession and 56% lived in environs. Around 70% of participants reported at least one previous tick bite. In comparison to indoor workers, forestry workers (OR = 2.50; 95% CI 1.10-5.68) had the highest risk for a tick bite followed by farmers (OR = 1.22; 95% CI 1.01-1.47). Furthermore, people living in rural areas (OR = 1.97, 95% CI1.49-2.59) and environs (OR = 1.98, 95% CI 1.54-2.55) were twice as likely to have a previous tick bite than people living in urban areas. In general, slightly more tick bites were reported by people living in eastern Bavaria.

Rising numbers of TBE and LB indicate the need for further prevention strategies, which should focus on outdoor professions with a higher risk and people living in environs and rural areas.

Rising numbers of TBE and LB indicate the need for further prevention strategies, which should focus on outdoor professions with a higher risk and people living in environs and rural areas.

The birth of premature newborns and their separation from family due to their hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) cause stress in the parents, especially mothers. We conducted this study aimed to evaluate whether training the fathers to support their wives impacts premature newborn mothers' stress and self-efficacy or not?

A quasi-experimental (before-after study) including one experimental and control group was used. Data were collected from Seventy-five parents with newborns hospitalized in NICU (n= 30) in the intervention and (n= 45) in usual care groups. Settings were the NICUs of the two international, educational, specialty, and subspecialty Nemazee and Hafez hospitals of the Shiraz University of Medical Science. Fathers in the intervention group learned how to support their wives and provide care for their premature newborns. find more The control group received the usual care. Mother's stress and self-efficacy were measured using validated questionnaires.

Data analysis showed that the mean scores of mothers' stress and self-efficacy from pre-intervention to post-intervention were significantly decreased and increased respectively in the intervention group (p <0.001). At the same time, there was no significant difference in the control group.

When fathers are trained to support their wives and do so, it relieves the stress and improves the mothers' self-efficacy, and has a direct effect on providing care to their premature newborns. Therefore, it is recommended that measures should be taken so that the fathers be present, participate in providing care, and support their wives and newborns in NICU.

IRCT20171130037691N1 .

IRCT20171130037691N1 .

Dens invaginatus (DI) is a developmental anomaly, Oehlers Type III DI is the most complex type and early diagnosis and treatment is complicated and challenging. This report presents a rare case of a type IIIb DI associated with a periapical lesion in bilateral immature permanent mandibular central incisors.

An eight-year-old boy referred to our clinic manifesting with pain along with swellingin the mandibular incisors for the past one month. Radiographic examination showed periapical radiolucency exhibiting a scantly defined border, as well as an invagination which had a central invaginated canal extending from the pulp chamber throughout the apical foramen in both mandibular central incisors. We performed two different treatment procedures on the basis of the condition of the main pulp of the mandibular central incisors. in which only the invagination root canal was treated in the right mandibular central incisor, while the invagination and main root canals were treated in the left mandibular central incisor. During the 18-month follow-up period, the teeth were clinically asymptomatic. Imaging examinations indicated complete healing of the periapical lesion and revealed that the wall of the root canal was thickened and the open apex was closed.

For young permanent teeth with type III Dens invaginatus, it is particularly important to keep pulp vitality, which could maintain root development and allow a good long-term prognosis.

For young permanent teeth with type III Dens invaginatus, it is particularly important to keep pulp vitality, which could maintain root development and allow a good long-term prognosis.

The usual neurologic manifestations of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease include aseptic meningitis and headaches. We performed the present study to review all unusual neurologic manifestations reported in VKH disease to summarize them.

A literature search was performed in the English language on Scopus and Medline via PubMed from 1946 to July 31, 2021, by using the following terms "Vogt Koyanagi Harada disease" OR "VKH disease" AND "Brain" OR "Spinal cord" OR "CNS" OR "Central nervous system" OR "Neurologic" OR "Peripheral nervous system" OR "Polyneuropathies. Our inclusion criteria were unusual neurologic manifestations of VKH disease.

Our literature search yielded 417 total articles (PubMed = 334, Scopus = 83) from which 32 studies comprising 43 patients (22 men and 21 women, of which 62.8% were younger than 50 years) were included in this systematic literature review. Regarding the study design, all studies were case reports and published between 1981 and 2021. CNS involvement was the most reported (93%) in VKH disease. Peripheral nervous system involvement represents 7% of cases. The cerebral lesions were parenchymal inflammatory lesions in the white matter or posterior fossa with or no contrast enhancement (16.3%), leptomeningitis (9.3%), pachymeningitis (7%), meningoencephalitis (2.3%), ischemic stroke (4.6%), hemorrhagic stroke (2.3%), transient ischemic attack (2.3%), and hydrocephalus (2.3%). The optic nerve lesions were anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (20.9%) and optic neuritis (9.3%). Concerning spinal cord lesion, it was mainly myelitis (14%).

This systematic literature review provides a summary of the different unusual neurologic manifestations reported in VKH disease.

This systematic literature review provides a summary of the different unusual neurologic manifestations reported in VKH disease.

Periductal mastitis (PM) is a rare disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the terminal mammary ducts. Complete removal of terminal lactiferous ducts with Hadfield procedure is a previously defined technique in treatment but carries various complications risks. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of modified techniques in the treatment of PM.

Twenty women who underwent surgery due to PM between January 2012 and December 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Types of PM were determined. All patients were operated on with three different incisions [Hadfield's operation with periareolar incision (n11), periareolar combined radial incision (n7), and round block incision (n2)].

The mean age was 37.5 ± 6.5years (range 24-49). Sixty percent of patients had type 3 PM. In Hadfield's procedure, NAC retraction (n2), seroma (n1), and hematoma (n1) were seen. In the periareolar incision combined radial incision group only one patient had complications (seroma) and none in the round block method. Follow-up was 12 ± 1.

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