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Bone age is considered an indicator for the diagnosis of precocious or delayed puberty and a predictor of adult height. We aimed to evaluate the performance of a deep neural network model in assessing rapidly advancing bone age during puberty using elbow radiographs.

In all, 4437 anteroposterior and lateral pairs of elbow radiographs were obtained from pubertal individuals from two institutions to implement and validate a deep neural network model. The reference standard bone age was established by five trained researchers using the Sauvegrain method, a scoring system based on the shapes of the lateral condyle, trochlea, olecranon apophysis, and proximal radial epiphysis. A test set (n = 141) was obtained from an external institution. The differences between the assessment of the model and that of reviewers were compared.

The mean absolute difference (MAD) in bone age estimation between the model and reviewers was 0.15 years on internal validation. In the test set, the MAD between the model and the fiveormance to human experts on estimating rapidly advancing bone age during puberty.

• Bone age during puberty is particularly important for patients with scoliosis or limb-length discrepancy to determine the phase of the disease, which influences the timing and method of surgery. • The commonly used hand radiographs-based methods have limitations in assessing bone age during puberty due to the less prominent morphological changes of the hand and wrist bones in this period. • A deep neural network model trained with elbow radiographs exhibited similar performance to human experts on estimating rapidly advancing bone age during puberty.This study presents two experiments that explored consolidation of implicit sequence learning based on two dependent variables-reaction time (RT) and correct anticipations to clarify the role of sleep, and whether the manual component is necessary for consolidation processes. Experiment 1 (n = 37) explored the performance of adults using an ocular variant of the serial reaction time task (O-SRT) with manual activation (MA), and Experiment 2 (n = 37) used the ocular activation (OA) version of the task. Each experiment consisted of a Day and a Night group that performed two sessions of the O-SRT with an intervening 12-h offline period (morning/evening in Day group, evening/following morning in Night group). Night offline had an advantage only when manual response was required and when correct anticipations (i.e., accuracy) but not RT (i.e., speed) were measured. We associated this finding with the dual-learning processes required in the MA O-SRT that led to increased sequence specific learning overnight. When using the OA O-SRT, both groups demonstrated similar rates after offline in RT and correct anticipations. We interpreted this finding to reflect stabilization, which confirmed our hypothesis. As expected, all the groups demonstrated reduced performance when another sequence was introduced, thus reflecting sequence-specific learning. This study used a powerful procedure that allows measurement of implicit sequence learning in several ways by evaluating two different measures (RT, correct anticipations) and by isolating different aspects of the task (i.e., with/without the manual learning component, more/less general skill learning), which are known to affect learning and consolidation.In this article, we discuss multiple types of meaningful (semantic) relations underlying abstract (as compared to concrete) concepts. We adopt the viewpoint that words act as cues to meaning (Elman in Ment Lexicon 6(1)1-34, 2011; Lupyan and Lewis in Lang Cogn Neurosci 34(10)1319-1337, 2019), which is dependent on the dynamic contents of a comprehender's mental model of the situation. This view foregrounds the importance of both linguistic and real-world context as individuals make sense of words, flexibly access relevant knowledge, and understand described events and situations. We discuss theories of, and experimental work on, abstract concepts through the lens of the importance of thematic and other semantic relations. We then tie these findings to the sentence processing literature in which such meaningful relations within sentential contexts are often experimentally manipulated. In this literature, some specific classes/types of abstract words have been studied, although not comprehensively, and with limited connection to the literature on knowledge underlying abstract concepts reviewed herein. We conclude by arguing that the ways in which humans understand relatively more abstract concepts, in particular, can be informed by the careful study of words presented not in isolation, but rather in situational and linguistic contexts, and as a function of individual differences in knowledge, goals, and beliefs.Implicit and explicit attitudes influence our behavior. Accordingly, it was the main goal of the paper to investigate if those attitudes are related to body image satisfaction. 134 young women between 18 and 34 years completed an explicit affective rating and an implicit affective priming task with pictures of women with different BMIs. Because it is well known that mindfulness, self-compassion and social media activity influence body image satisfaction, these variables were registered as well. The results confirmed an explicit positive affective bias toward pictures of slim women and a negative bias toward emaciated and obese body pictures. It adds to the literature that the explicit positive bias does not hold true for the strongest form of underweight, suggesting that instead of dividing different body shapes into two groups, different gradings of under- and overweight should be considered. Temozolomide concentration Concerning the affective priming task, no significant differences between the different pictures could be carved out. Implicit and explicit affective attitudes were not related to the body satisfaction of the participating women. In line with former studies, body satisfaction was predicted by the actual-ideal weight discrepancy, the BMI, aspects of mindfulness and self-compassion. This study indicates that implicit and explicit affective attitudes toward underweight and overweight women are unrelated to the participants' body satisfaction.

Based on recent evidence, more than 200 susceptibility genes have been identified to be associated with autism until now. Correspondingly, cytogenetic abnormalities have been reported for almost every chromosome. While the results of multiple genes associated with risk factors for autism are still incomplete, this paper systematically reviews published meta-analyses and systematic reviews of evidence related to autism occurrence.

Literature search was conducted in the PubMed system, and the publication dates were limited between January 2000 and July 2020. We included a meta-analysis and systematic review that assessed the impact of related gene variants on the development of autism. After screening, this comprehensive literature search identified 31 meta-analyses and ten systematic reviews. We arranged the genes related to autism in the published studies according to the order of the chromosomes, and based on the results of a meta-analysis and systematic review, we selected 6 candidate genes related to Astanding of the genetic basis of ASD, but sample size and heterogeneity remain major limiting factors in some genome-wide association studies. We also found that common genetic variants in some genes may be co-risk factors for autism or other neuropsychiatric disorders when we collated these results. It is worth considering screening for these mutations in clinical applications.

This review summarized the well-known ASD candidate genes and listed some new genes that need further study in larger sample sets to improve our understanding of the genetic basis of ASD, but sample size and heterogeneity remain major limiting factors in some genome-wide association studies. We also found that common genetic variants in some genes may be co-risk factors for autism or other neuropsychiatric disorders when we collated these results. It is worth considering screening for these mutations in clinical applications.Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common chronic rheumatic disease of childhood. Enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA) has been one of the most controversial subtypes of JIA with a higher risk of axial involvement. Our aim was to assess the frequency and spectrum of MRI findings of spine involvement in patients with JIA and determine if the axial involvement is always clinically symptomatic in patients with positive MRI findings. In this retrospective cross-sectional observational study we included known or suspected JIA patients who underwent spinal MRI examination between 2015 and 2017 and followed up in the Pediatric Rheumatology outpatient clinic. The demographic and clinical data were reviewed from the medical charts and electronic records. All patients were grouped as clinically symptomatic and asymptomatic for spinal involvement and MRI findings were re-evaluated for presence of inflammatory and erosive lesions. Of the 72 JIA patients, 57 (79.2%) were diagnosed with ERA, and 15 (20.8%) with in patients who were classified as non-ERA depending on current ILAR classification underlines the necessity of using MRI for accurate classification of patients with JIA.

To assess the spectrum of computed tomography angiogram (CTA) abdominal and pelvic findings in critically ill COVID-19 patients and investigate correlation with CT chest scores.

An IRB approved retrospective study of CTA of the chest, abdomen and pelvis between dates March 1st to September 15th, 2020 was performed in the hospitalized COVID-19 positive patients. CTA studies of solely the chest were excluded. Medical record review was performed to note patient demographics, CTA scan details and coagulation profile. CTA findings were reviewed to record vascular and non-vascular findings. CT chest was reviewed to calculate CT chest score. Logistic regression analyses were performed to correlate CT chest scores with odds of vascular and other abdomen-pelvis findings. A p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

A total of 45 consecutive hospitalized COVID-19 positive patients with 61years mean age and MF (21) gender ratio were evaluated, out of which majority 68.9% (n = 31) had CTA chest, abdomen and pelvis. The most common vascular findings were hematoma 46.7% (n = 21), active extravasation 24.4% (n = 11) and vascular occlusion 17.8% (n = 8). Higher CT chest scores were significantly associated with hematoma/extravasation (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.07-1.34, p < 0.01). The most common non-vascular abdomen-pelvis findings were seen in organs gallbladder 20% (n = 9), liver 20% (n = 9) followed by kidney 15.6% (n = 7). Higher CT chest scores were significantly associated with bowel findings (OR 1.28, 95% CI 1.01-1.63, p < 0.05) and cholestasis (OR 13.3, 95% CI 1.28-138.9, p < 0.05).

Patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 pneumonia have significantly higher rate of vascular complications in the abdomen and pelvis.

Patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 pneumonia have significantly higher rate of vascular complications in the abdomen and pelvis.

Autoři článku: Brittdegn0824 (Johannsen Hickman)