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Analytical treatment interruptions (ATI) are commonly used clinical endpoints to assess interventions aimed at curing HIV or achieving antiretroviral therapy (ART)-free HIV remission. Understanding the acceptability of ATI amongst people living with HIV (PLHIV) and their HIV healthcare providers (HHP) is limited.

Two online surveys for PLHIV and HHP assessed awareness and acceptability of ATI, and understanding of the prospect for HIV cure in the future. Responses were collected from July 2017-January 2018. A descriptive analysis was performed and similar questions across the two surveys were compared using χ squared test.

442 PLHIV and 144 HHP completed the survey. 105/400 (26%) PLHIV had ever interrupted ART, 8% of which were in a clinical trial. Altruistic motivations were drivers of participation of PLHIV in cure related research. 81/135 (60%) HHP would support their patients wishing to enrol in an HIV cure-focused trial, but fewer would promote and allow such participation (25% and 31% respectivelyre more likely to believe that an HIV cure would be achievable within 10 years (55% vs. 19%, p  less then  0.001), had less awareness of ATI (46% vs. 62%, p  less then  0.001) and were less likely to have had experience of either participation or enrolment in an ATI study (5% vs. 18%, p  less then  0.001) CONCLUSION PLHIV were more optimistic about the potential for HIV cure. HHP had more direct experience with HIV cure-focused studies. Educational strategies are required for both groups to increase understanding around ATIs in HIV cure research but should be tailored specifically to each group.

In younger adults (i.e., those < 40 years of age) a walking cadence of 100 steps/min is a consistently supported threshold indicative of absolutely-defined moderate intensity ambulation (i.e., ≥ 3 metabolic equivalents; METs). Less is known about the cadence-intensity relationship in adults of middle-age.

To establish heuristic (i.e., evidence-based, practical, rounded) cadence thresholds for absolutely-defined moderate (3 METs) and vigorous (6 METs) intensity in adults 41 to 60 years of age.

In this cross-sectional study, 80 healthy adults of middle-age (10 men and 10 women representing each 5-year age-group between 41 to 60 years; body mass index = 26.0 ± 4.0 kg/m

) walked on a treadmill for 5-min bouts beginning at 0.5 mph and increasing in 0.5 mph increments. Performance termination criteria included 1) transitioning to running, 2) reaching 75% of age-predicted maximum heart rate, or 3) reporting a Borg rating of perceived exertion > 13. Cadence was directly observed (i.e., hand tallied). Intds of 100 and 130 steps/min emerged as heuristic values associated with 3 and 6 METs, respectively, in 41 to 60-year-old adults. These values were selected based on their utility for public health messaging and on the trade-offs in classification accuracy parameters from both statistical methods. Findings will need to be confirmed in older adults and in free-living settings.

Consistent with our previous report in 21 to 40-year-old adults, cadence thresholds of 100 and 130 steps/min emerged as heuristic values associated with 3 and 6 METs, respectively, in 41 to 60-year-old adults. These values were selected based on their utility for public health messaging and on the trade-offs in classification accuracy parameters from both statistical methods. Findings will need to be confirmed in older adults and in free-living settings.

Reproductive and child health interventions are essential to improving population health in Africa. In Mozambique, although some progress on reproductive and child health has been made, knowledge of social inequalities in health and health care is lacking.

To investigate socio-economic and demographic inequalities in reproductive and child preventive health care as a way to monitor progress towards universal health coverage.

A cross-sectional study was conducted, using data collected from the 2015 Immunization, AIDS and Malaria Indicators Survey (IMASIDA) in Mozambique. The sample included 6946 women aged 15 to 49 years. Outcomes variables were the use of insecticide treated nets (ITN) for children under 5 years, full child immunization and modern contraception use, while independent variables included age, marital status, place of residence, region, education, occupation, and household wealth index. Prevalence ratios (PR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated by log binomial regressionomic and demographics factors (region, education, occupation, and wealth) were associated with these preventive measures. We recommend an equity-oriented resource allocation across regions, knowledge dissemination on the importance of ITN and contraceptives use, and an expansion of immunization services to reach socio-economically disadvantaged families in order to achieve universal health coverage in Mozambique.

Our study showed a low rate of ITN utilization, immunization coverage of children, and modern contraceptive use among women of reproductive age. Several socio-economic and demographics factors (region, education, occupation, and wealth) were associated with these preventive measures. We recommend an equity-oriented resource allocation across regions, knowledge dissemination on the importance of ITN and contraceptives use, and an expansion of immunization services to reach socio-economically disadvantaged families in order to achieve universal health coverage in Mozambique.

Combination chemotherapy uses drugs that target different cancer hallmarks, resulting in synergistic or additive toxicity. This strategy enhances therapeutic efficacy as well as minimizes drug resistance and side effects. In this study, we investigated whether silver nanoparticles act as a combinatorial partner to cisplatin. In so doing, we compared post-exposure biological endpoints, intracellular drug accumulation, and changes in the proteome profile of tumoral and normal cell lines.

Combinatorial exposure corresponded to cytotoxicity and oxidative stress in both cell lines, yet was substantially more effective against tumoral cells. Proteome analysis revealed that proteins related to energy metabolism pathways were upregulated in both cell lines, suggesting that combinatorial exposure corresponded to energetic modulation. However, proteins and upstream regulators involved in the cell cycle were downregulated, indicating reduced cell proliferation. The response to oxidative stress was markedly different in both cell lines; downregulation of antioxidant proteins in tumoral cells, yet upregulation of the antioxidant defense system in normal cells. These outcomes may have avoided higher cell death rates in normal cells.

Taken together, our results indicate that combining silver nanoparticles with cisplatin increases the biological activity of the latter, and the combination warrants further exploration for future therapies.

Taken together, our results indicate that combining silver nanoparticles with cisplatin increases the biological activity of the latter, and the combination warrants further exploration for future therapies.

There is an urgent need for insecticides with novel modes of action against mosquito vectors. Broflanilide is a meta-diamide, discovered and named Tenebenal™ by Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc., which has been identified as a candidate insecticide for use in public health products.

To evaluate its potential for use in public health, Tenebenal™ was screened using an array of methodologies against Anopheles and Aedes strains. Initially it was assessed for intrinsic efficacy by topical application. Tarsal contact bioassays were then conducted to further investigate its efficacy, as well as its potency and speed of action. The potential of the compound for use in indoor residual spray (IRS) applications was investigated by testing the residual efficacy of a prototype IRS formulation on a range of typical house building substrates, and its potential for use in long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) was tested using dipped net samples. Finally, bioassays using well-characterized insecticide-resistant mosquito strainsin laboratory assessment and warrants further investigation into development for the control of pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes.

Medical doctors with postgraduate training in Global Health and Tropical Medicine (MDGHTM) from the Netherlands, a high-income country with a relatively low caesarean section rate, assist associate clinicians in low-income countries regarding decision-making during labour. Objective of this study was to assess impact of the presence of MDGHTMs in a rural Malawian hospital on caesarean section rate and indications.

This retrospective pre- and post-implementation study was conducted in a rural hospital in Malawi, where MDGHTMs were employed from April 2015. Indications for caesarean section were audited against national protocols and defined as supported or unsupported by these protocols. Caesarean section rates and numbers of unsupported indications for the years 2015 and 2016 per quarter for different staff cadres were assessed by linear regression.

Six hundred forty-five women gave birth by caesarean section in the study period. The caesarean rate dropped from 20.1 to 12.8% (p < 0.05, R

= 0.53, y ate clinicians.

In the present study the blood expression level of inflammatory response and autoimmunity associated long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) were compared in patients with different chronic respiratory diseases and investigated whether they could be used as biomarkers in these diseases.

In the discovery cohort, the gene expression level of 84 lncRNAs were measured in the blood of 24 adult patients including healthy controls and patients with asthma and COPD. In the replication cohort the expression of 6 selected lncRNAs were measured in 163 subjects including healthy controls and adults with allergic rhinitis, asthma, COPD and children with asthma. It was evaluated whether these lncRNAs can be used as diagnostic biomarkers for any studied disease. With systems biology analysis the biological functions of the selected lncRNAs were predicted.

In the discovery cohort, the mean expression of 27 lncRNAs showed nominally significant differences in at least one comparison. OIP5-AS1, HNRNPU, RP11-325K4.3, JPX, RP11-282Oof these differences might be utilized as biomarkers and also suggest a possible role of these lncRNAs in the pathomechanism of these diseases. The lncRNAs and the associated pathways are potential therapeutic targets in these diseases, but naturally additional studies are needed for the confirmation of these results.

Differences were detected in the expression of circulating lncRNAs in chronic respiratory diseases. Some of these differences might be utilized as biomarkers and also suggest a possible role of these lncRNAs in the pathomechanism of these diseases. The lncRNAs and the associated pathways are potential therapeutic targets in these diseases, but naturally additional studies are needed for the confirmation of these results.

In Laos, the malaria burden remains high despite a significant reduction of cases during the last decade. In the context of the disease elimination by 2030, a nationwide entomological survey was conducted to better understand the distribution, abundance and behaviour of major malaria vectors (Anopheles spp.) in the country.

Mosquito collections were implemented in ten villages from ten provinces during the rainy and dry seasons of 2014 and 2015 by using human landing catch (HLC) and cow bait collection (CBC) methods. After morphological identification in the field, molecular identification of the sibling species of Anopheles mosquitoes from the Funestus, Leucosphyrus, and Maculatus groups were determined using PCR specific alleles. A screening of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections in the vectors was carried out by quantitative PCR assays.

A total of 14,146 adult mosquitoes representing 25 different Anopheles species were collected and morphologically identified. Molecular identification revealed the presence of 12 sibling species within the main primary vector groups, including Anopheles maculatus, Anopheles rampae, Anopheles sawadwongporni, Anopheles pseudowillmori, Anopheles dravidicus, Anopheles minimus, Anopheles aconitus, Anopheles pampanai, Anopheles harrisoni, Anopheles dirus, Anopheles baimaii, Anopheles nemophilous.

Autoři článku: Brennansargent5428 (Bering Battle)