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Two of 4 SCC cases were strong and diffusely positive for p16, and 2 were negative. In 5 further patients, MT was synchronously observed with other benign and malignant ovarian neoplasms in the ipsilateral ovary (3 mucinous cystadenomas and 1 Brenner tumor) and 1 cystadenocarcinoma in the contralateral ovary. MTs with malignant transformation were larger than those without transformation (P less then 0.001), but did not demonstrate any association with age. Indeed, our patients with SCC in MT were much younger [median and mean age, 37 and 38 yr (SD±4.9), respectively] than those described previously. As p16 is considered a surrogate marker for HPV infection, the malignant transformation of MT into SSC in young patients raises the possibility of HPV infection as a risk factor in some of these cases. However, molecular studies are needed to clarify the possible role of HPV in the malignant transformation of MT to SCC.Presenting with severe thrombocytopenia and pancytopenia is rare in children with brucellosis, and at the beginning it can be misdiagnosed as a hematological or a viral hemorrhagic disease. The follow-ups of 52 patients diagnosed with brucellosis from January, 2008, to December, 2013, in our clinic have shown the following results. Eleven out of these 52 patients revealed the fact that they had pancytopenia at the admission phase. Anemia and leukopenia were defined as hemoglobin levels and leukocyte counts below the standard values in terms of ages, thrombocytopenia as thrombocyte counts below 150,000/mm(3), and severe thrombocytopenia as thrombocyte counts below 20,000/mm(3). The most frequent admission symptoms and findings of the patients with pancytopenia were fever (75%), fatigue (50%), splenomegaly (75%), and hepatomegaly (41%). Laboratory results were hemoglobin 9.3±0.96 gram/dL, white blood cell count 2226±735.9/mm(3), and thrombocyte count 70,090±47,961/mm(3). The standard tube agglutination test was positive for all patients, and Brucellosis spp. were isolated in the blood cultures of six (54%) patients. Three of the 11 patients had severe thrombocytopenia, and they were admitted with complaints of epistaxis, gingival bleeding, petechiae, and purpura. At the beginning, two of three cases were misdiagnosed as Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), another zoonotic endemic disease in Turkey. Pancytopenia improved with treatment of brucellosis on all patients. In conclusion, brucellosis can show great similarity with hematologic and zoonotic diseases like CCHF. Brucellosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pancytopenia, treatment-resistant immune thrombocytopenia, and viral hemorrhagic disease, especially in countries where brucellosis is endemic.Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is an acute zoonotic infection caused by the CCHF virus. The viruses' activity peaks during April and May with a mortality rate of 3-30%. Transmission of the virus to human occurs through tick bites or exposure to infected animals' tissues or blood. The major at-risk group includes farmers living in endemic areas. Health-care workers are the second most affected group. Virus has shown up in a diverse geographic area which includes Middle East, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe and is considered one of the most wide-spread tick borne infections. The most recent cases are from Iran and Turkey. This article represents autopsy results of four CCHF infected cases in 2011 and 2012, in Ankara, Turkey.The aim of the present work was to develop a lymph targeted SLN formulation of antiretroviral (ARV) drug and to have an understanding of its underlying mechanism of uptake by the lymphatics. The lymphatics are the inaccessible reservoirs of HIV in human body. Efavirenz (EFV) is a BCS class II, ARV drug that undergoes extensive first pass metabolism. The EFV SLN formulation was prepared using Gelucire 44/14, Compritol 888 ATO, Lipoid S 75 and Poloxamer 188 by hot homogenization technique followed by ultrasonication method, with mean particle size of 168 nm, polydispersity index (PDI) less then 0.220, and mean zeta potential of -35.55 mV. DSC and XRPD studies revealed change in crystallinity index of drug when incorporated into SLN. In vitro drug release was found to be prolonged and biphasic in PBS pH 6.8. There was no significant change in the mean particle size, PDI, zeta potential and entrapment efficiency of EFV SLN after storage at 30 ± 2°C/60 ± 5%RH for two months. The results from lymphatic transport and tissue distribution study indicate that a significant part of the EFV had by-passed portal system and was recovered in the lymph via chylomicron uptake mechanism. EPZ020411 Reduction in the amount (44.70%) of the EFV reaching to liver indicates that major amount of EFV bypasses the liver and thereby, enhances the oral bioavailability of the EFV. A significant amount of EFV was found in spleen, a major lymphatic organ. EFV SLN seems to have potential to target the ARV to lymphatics for the better management of HIV.Melt rheology provides information about material properties that are of great importance for equipment design and simulations, especially for novel pharmaceutical manufacturing operations, including extrusion, injection molding or 3d printing. To that end, homogeneous samples must be prepared, most commonly via compression or injection molding, both of which require costly equipment and might not be applicable for shear- and heat-sensitive pharmaceutical materials. Our study introduces a novel vacuum compression molding (VCM) tool for simple preparation of thermoplastic specimens using standard laboratory equipment a hot plate and a vacuum source. Sticking is eliminated by applying polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coated separation foils. The evacuation of the tool leads to compression of the sample chamber, which is cost-efficient compared to conventional methods, such as compression molding or injection molding that require special equipment. In addition, this compact design reduces the preparation time and the heat load. The VCM tool was used to prepare samples for a rheological study of three pharmaceutical polymers (Soluplus(®), Eudragit(®)E, EVA Rowalit(®) 300-1/28). The prepared samples were without any air inclusions or voids, and the measurements had a high reproducibility. All relative standard deviations were below 3%. The obtained data were fitted to the Carreau-Yasuda model and time-temperature superposition was applied.The optimisation of undulatory underwater swimming is highly important in competitive swimming performance. Nineteen kinematic variables were identified from previous research undertaken to assess undulatory underwater swimming performance. The purpose of the present study was to determine which kinematic variables were key to the production of maximal undulatory underwater swimming velocity. Kinematic data at maximal undulatory underwater swimming velocity were collected from 17 skilled swimmers. A series of separate backward-elimination analysis of covariance models was produced with cycle frequency and cycle length as dependent variables (DVs) and participant as a fixed factor, as including cycle frequency and cycle length would explain 100% of the maximal swimming velocity variance. The covariates identified in the cycle-frequency and cycle-length models were used to form the saturated model for maximal swimming velocity. The final parsimonious model identified three covariates (maximal knee joint angular velocity, maximal ankle angular velocity and knee range of movement) as determinants of the variance in maximal swimming velocity (adjusted-r2 = 0.929). However, when participant was removed as a fixed factor there was a large reduction in explained variance (adjusted r2 = 0.397) and only maximal knee joint angular velocity continued to contribute significantly, highlighting its importance to the production of maximal swimming velocity. The reduction in explained variance suggests an emphasis on inter-individual differences in undulatory underwater swimming technique and/or anthropometry. Future research should examine the efficacy of other anthropometric, kinematic and coordination variables to better understand the production of maximal swimming velocity and consider the importance of individual undulatory underwater swimming techniques when interpreting the data.An LC-MS/MS multi-method was developed to simultaneously quantify ergot alkaloids (EAs) and tropane alkaloids (TAs) in 113 cereal-based food for infants and young children. To assess yearly variation, samples were collected in 2011, 2012 and 2014. EAs were detected in 54% and TAs in 22% of the samples. Mean EA levels in the three sampling years were 10.6, 6.2 and 8.6 µg kg(-1), respectively (maximum 115.4 µg kg(-1)), indicating that exposure to EAs would not have exceeded the health-based guidance values set by EFSA in 2012. Mean TA levels were 3.9, 2.4 and 0.4 µg kg(-1), respectively (maximum 80.8 µg kg(-1)). The acute reference dose for TAs, derived by EFSA in 2013, would have been exceeded by young children when consuming some of the products sampled in 2011-2012. TA levels had decreased drastically in 2014, possibly due to measures taken by producers as response to the EFSA Opinion.The pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease affecting the brain and spinal cord, remains poorly understood. Patients with MS typically present with recurrent episodes of neurological dysfunctions such as blindness, paresis, and sensory disturbances. Studies on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) animal models have led to a number of testable hypotheses including a hypothetical role of altered gut microbiota in the development of MS. To investigate whether gut microbiota in patients with MS is altered, we compared the gut microbiota of 20 Japanese patients with relapsing-remitting (RR) MS (MS20) with that of 40 healthy Japanese subjects (HC40) and an additional 18 healthy subjects (HC18). All the HC18 subjects repeatedly provided fecal samples over the course of months (158 samples in total). Analysis of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene by using a high-throughput culture-independent pyrosequencing method provided evidence of a moderate dysbiosis in the structure of gut microbiota in patients with MS. Furthermore, we found 21 species that showed significant differences in relative abundance between the MS20 and HC40 samples. On comparing MS samples to the 158 longitudinal HC18 samples, the differences were found to be reproducibly significant for most of the species. These taxa comprised primarily of clostridial species belonging to Clostridia clusters XIVa and IV and Bacteroidetes. The phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that none of the clostridial species that were significantly reduced in the gut microbiota of patients with MS overlapped with other spore-forming clostridial species capable of inducing colonic regulatory T cells (Treg), which prevent autoimmunity and allergies; this suggests that many of the clostridial species associated with MS might be distinct from those broadly associated with autoimmune conditions. Correcting the dysbiosis and altered gut microbiota might deserve consideration as a potential strategy for the prevention and treatment of MS.

Autoři článku: Brandstruppoole1313 (Trevino Petersson)