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Memories of the images that we have seen are thought to be reflected in the reduction of neural responses in high-level visual areas such as inferotemporal (IT) cortex, a phenomenon known as repetition suppression (RS). We challenged this hypothesis with a task that required rhesus monkeys to report whether images were novel or repeated while ignoring variations in contrast, a stimulus attribute that is also known to modulate the overall IT response. The monkeys' behavior was largely contrast invariant, contrary to the predictions of an RS-inspired decoder, which could not distinguish responses to images that are repeated from those that are of lower contrast. However, the monkeys' behavioral patterns were well predicted by a linearly decodable variant in which the total spike count was corrected for contrast modulation. These results suggest that the IT neural activity pattern that best aligns with single-exposure visual recognition memory behavior is not RS but rather sensory referenced suppression reductions in IT population response magnitude, corrected for sensory modulation.Precise spatiotemporal control of gene expression in the developing brain is critical for neural circuit formation, and comprehensive expression mapping in the developing primate brain is crucial to understand brain function in health and disease. Here, we developed an unbiased, automated, large-scale, cellular-resolution in situ hybridization (ISH)-based gene expression profiling system (GePS) and companion analysis to reveal gene expression patterns in the neonatal New World marmoset cortex, thalamus, and striatum that are distinct from those in mice. Gene-ontology analysis of marmoset-specific genes revealed associations with catalytic activity in the visual cortex and neuropsychiatric disorders in the thalamus. Cortically expressed genes with clear area boundaries were used in a three-dimensional cortical surface mapping algorithm to delineate higher-order cortical areas not evident in two-dimensional ISH data. GePS provides a powerful platform to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying primate neurobiology and developmental psychiatric and neurological disorders.Molecular events that drive the development of precancerous lesions in the bronchial epithelium, which are precursors of lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC), are poorly understood. We demonstrate that disruption of epithelial cellular polarity, via the conditional deletion of the apical determinant Crumbs3 (Crb3), initiates and sustains precancerous airway pathology. The loss of Crb3 in adult luminal airway epithelium promotes the uncontrolled activation of the transcriptional regulators YAP and TAZ, which stimulate intrinsic signals that promote epithelial cell plasticity and paracrine signals that induce basal-like cell growth. We show that aberrant polarity and YAP/TAZ-regulated gene expression associates with human bronchial precancer pathology and disease progression. Analyses of YAP/TAZ-regulated genes further identified the ERBB receptor ligand Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) as a key transcriptional target and therapeutic targeting of ERBB receptors as a means of preventing and treating precancerous cell growth. Our observations offer important molecular insight into the etiology of LUSC and provides directions for potential interception strategies of lung cancer.Since the commercialization of transgenic glyphosate-tolerant (GT) crops in the mid-1990s, glyphosate has become the dominant herbicide to control weeds in corn, soybean, and other crops in the United States and elsewhere. However, recent public concerns over its potential carcinogenicity in humans have generated calls for glyphosate-restricting policies. Should a policy to restrict glyphosate use, such as a glyphosate tax, be implemented? The decision involves two types of tradeoffs human health and environmental (HH-E) impacts versus market economic impacts, and the use of glyphosate versus alternative herbicides, where the alternatives potentially have more serious adverse HH-E effects. Accounting for farmers' weed management choices, we provide empirical evaluation of the HH-E welfare and market economic welfare effects of a glyphosate use restriction policy on US corn production. Under a glyphosate tax, farmers would substitute glyphosate for a combination of other herbicides. Should a 10% glyphosate tax be imposed, then the most conservative welfare estimate is a net HH-E welfare gain with a monetized value of US$6 million per annum but also a net market economic loss of US$98 million per annum in the United States, which translates into a net loss in social welfare. This result of overall welfare loss is robust to a wide range of tax rates considered, from 10 to 50%, and to multiple scenarios of glyphosate's HH-E effects, which are the primary sources of uncertainties about glyphosate's effects.Amyloid fibril formation of α-synuclein (αS) is associated with multiple neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD). Growing evidence suggests that progression of PD is linked to cell-to-cell propagation of αS fibrils, which leads to seeding of endogenous intrinsically disordered monomer via templated elongation and secondary nucleation. A molecular understanding of the seeding mechanism and driving interactions is crucial to inhibit progression of amyloid formation. Here, using relaxation-based solution NMR experiments designed to probe large complexes, we probe weak interactions of intrinsically disordered acetylated-αS (Ac-αS) monomers with seeding-competent Ac-αS fibrils and seeding-incompetent off-pathway oligomers to identify Ac-αS monomer residues at the binding interface. Under conditions that favor fibril elongation, we determine that the first 11 N-terminal residues on the monomer form a common binding site for both fibrils and off-pathway oligomers. Additionally, the presence of off-pathway oligomers within a fibril seeding environment suppresses seeded amyloid formation, as observed through thioflavin-T fluorescence experiments. This highlights that off-pathway αS oligomers can act as an auto-inhibitor against αS fibril elongation. Zegocractin manufacturer Based on these data taken together with previous results, we propose a model in which Ac-αS monomer recruitment to the fibril is driven by interactions between the intrinsically disordered monomer N terminus and the intrinsically disordered flanking regions (IDR) on the fibril surface. We suggest that this monomer recruitment may play a role in the elongation of amyloid fibrils and highlight the potential of the IDRs of the fibril as important therapeutic targets against seeded amyloid formation.

Autoři článku: Bradleybennett5776 (Upchurch Alford)