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Consistently, a PI3K inhibitor, Wortmannin, abolished AKT phosphorylation and enhanced GT-7-mediated apoptosis in T3M4 and MIA-Pa-Ca-2, but not in PANC-1, which showed residual AKT phosphorylation. This is the first report that ERK stimulation alone or in combination with AKT signaling inhibition can effectively induce apoptosis in PDAC and provides a rationale for a novel concurrent targeting of the PI3K/AKT and ERK pathways.Inter-organellar communication is emerging as one of the most crucial regulators of cellular physiology. One of the key regulators of inter-organellar communication is Mitofusin-2 (MFN2). MFN2 is also involved in mediating mitochondrial fusion-fission dynamics. Further, it facilitates mitochondrial crosstalk with the endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes and melanosomes, which are lysosome-related organelles specialized in melanin synthesis within melanocytes. However, the role of MFN2 in regulating melanocyte-specific cellular function, i.e., melanogenesis, remains poorly understood. Here, using a B16 mouse melanoma cell line and primary human melanocytes, we report that MFN2 negatively regulates melanogenesis. Both the transient and stable knockdown of MFN2 leads to enhanced melanogenesis, which is associated with an increase in the number of mature (stage III and IV) melanosomes and the augmented expression of key melanogenic enzymes. Further, the ectopic expression of MFN2 in MFN2-silenced cells leads to the complete rescue of the phenotype at the cellular and molecular levels. Mechanistically, MFN2-silencing elevates mitochondrial reactive-oxygen-species (ROS) levels which in turn increases melanogenesis. ROS quenching with the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) reverses the MFN2-knockdown-mediated increase in melanogenesis. Moreover, MFN2 expression is significantly lower in the darkly pigmented primary human melanocytes in comparison to lightly pigmented melanocytes, highlighting a potential contribution of lower MFN2 levels to higher physiological pigmentation. Taken together, our work establishes MFN2 as a novel negative regulator of melanogenesis.In this paper, we present the role of autologous and allogeneic monocytes from healthy individuals and those of the cancer patients, with a number of distinct cancers, in activating the function of natural killer (NK) cells, in particular, in induction of IFN-γ secretion by the NK cells and the functional capability of secreted IFN-γ in driving differentiation of the tumor cells. In addition, we compared the roles of CD16 signaling as well as sonicated probiotic bacteria AJ2 (sAJ2)-mediated induction and function of IFN-γ-mediated differentiation in tumor cells. We found that monocytes from cancer patients had lower capability to induce functional IFN-γ secretion by the autologous CD16 mAb-treated NK cells in comparison to those from healthy individuals. In addition, when patient monocytes were cultured with NK cells from healthy individuals, they had lower capability to induce functional IFN-γ secretion by the NK cells when compared to those from autologous monocyte/NK cultures from healthy individuals. Activation by sAJ2 or addition of monocytes from healthy individuals to patient NK cells increased the secretion of functional IFN-γ by the NK cells and elevated its functional capability to differentiate tumors. Monocytes from cancer patients were found to express lower CD16 receptors, providing a potential mechanism for their lack of ability to trigger secretion of functional IFN-γ. In addition to in vitro studies, we also conducted in vivo studies in which cancer patients were given oral supplementation of AJ2 and the function of NK cells were studied. Oral ingestion of AJ2 improved the secretion of IFN-γ by patient derived NK cells and resulted in the better functioning of NK cells in cancer patients. Thus, our studies indicate that for successful NK cell immunotherapy, not only the defect in NK cells but also those in monocytes should be corrected. In this regard, AJ2 probiotic bacteria may serve to provide a potential adjunct treatment strategy.Radon treatment is used as an established therapy option in chronic painful inflammatory diseases. While analgesic effects are well described, little is known about the underlying molecular effects. Among the suspected mechanisms are modulations of the anti-oxidative and the immune system. Therefore, we aimed for the first time to examine the beneficial effects of radon exposure on clinical outcome as well as the underlying mechanisms by utilizing a holistic approach in a controlled environment of a radon chamber with an animal model K/BxN serum-induced arthritic mice as well as isolated cells were exposed to sham or radon irradiation. The effects on the anti-oxidative and the immune system were analyzed by flow-cytometry, qPCR or ELISA. We found a significantly improved clinical disease progression score in the mice, alongside significant increase of peripheral blood B cells and IL-5. No significant alterations were visible in the anti-oxidative system or regarding cell death. We conclude that neither cell death nor anti-oxidative systems are responsible for the beneficial effects of radon exposure in our preclinical model. Rather, radon slightly affects the immune system. However, more research is still needed in order to fully understand radon-mediated effects and to carry out reasonable risk-benefit considerations.This review provides a synopsis of transcriptional responses pertaining to interactions between plant viruses and the insect vectors that transmit them in diverse modes. In the process, it attempts to catalog differential gene expression pertinent to virus-vector interactions in vectors such as virus reception, virus cell entry, virus tissue tropism, virus multiplication, and vector immune responses. Whiteflies, leafhoppers, planthoppers, and thrips are the main insect groups reviewed, along with aphids and leaf beetles. Much of the focus on gene expression pertinent to vector-virus interactions has centered around whole-body RNA extraction, whereas data on virus-induced tissue-specific gene expression in vectors is limited. This review compares transcriptional responses in different insect groups following the acquisition of non-persistent, semi-persistent, and persistent (non-propagative and propagative) plant viruses and identifies parallels and divergences in gene expression patterns. Understanding virus-induced changes in vectors at a transcriptional level can aid in the identification of candidate genes for targeting with RNAi and/or CRISPR editing in insect vectors for management approaches.Given the importance of B lymphocytes in inflammation and immune defense against pathogens, mice transgenic for Cre under the control of Cd19 promoter (Cd19Cre/+ mice) have been widely used to specifically investigate the role of loxP-flanked genes in B cell development/function. However, impacts of expression/insertion of the Cre transgene on the phenotype and function of B cells have not been carefully studied. Here, we show that the number of marginal zone B and B1a cells was selectively reduced in Cd19Cre/+ mice, while B cell development in the bone marrow and total numbers of peripheral B cells were comparable between Cd19Cre/+ and wild type C57BL/6 mice. 2,4-Thiazolidinedione Notably, humoral responses to both T cell-dependent and independent antigens were significantly increased in Cd19Cre/+ mice. We speculate that these differences are mainly attributable to reduced surface CD19 levels caused by integration of the Cre-expressing cassette that inactivates one Cd19 allele. Moreover, our literature survey showed that expression of Cd19Cre/+ alone may affect the development/progression of inflammatory and anti-infectious responses. Thus, our results have important implications for the design and interpretation of results on gene functions specifically targeted in B cells in the Cd19Cre/+ mouse strain, for instance, in the context of (auto) inflammatory/infectious diseases.Chronic rejection of lung allografts has two major subtypes, bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) and restrictive allograft syndrome (RAS), which present radiologically either as air trapping with small airways disease or with persistent pleuroparenchymal opacities. Parametric response mapping (PRM), a computed tomography (CT) methodology, has been demonstrated as an objective readout of BOS and RAS and bears prognostic importance, but has yet to be correlated to biological measures. Using a topological technique, we evaluate the distribution and arrangement of PRM-derived classifications of pulmonary abnormalities from lung transplant recipients undergoing redo-transplantation for end-stage BOS (N = 6) or RAS (N = 6). Topological metrics were determined from each PRM classification and compared to structural and biological markers determined from microCT and histopathology of lung core samples. Whole-lung measurements of PRM-defined functional small airways disease (fSAD), which serves as a readout of BOS, were significantly elevated in BOS versus RAS patients (p = 0.01). At the core-level, PRM-defined parenchymal disease, a potential readout of RAS, was found to correlate to neutrophil and collagen I levels (p less then 0.05). We demonstrate the relationship of structural and biological markers to the CT-based distribution and arrangement of PRM-derived readouts of BOS and RAS.Leptospirosis is a zoonotic and waterborne disease worldwide. It is a neglected infectious disease caused by Leptospira spp., as well as a reemerging disease and global public health problem with respect to morbidity and mortality both in humans and animals. Leptospirosis emerges as a leading cause of acute febrile illness along with hepatorenal injury in many countries, including Thailand. While most affected persons are symptomatic in acute disease, which is always difficult to differentiate from other tropical diseases, there is growing evidence of subtle manifestations that cause unrecognized chronic symptoms. The kidney is one of the common organs affected by Leptospires. Although acute kidney injury in the spectrum of interstitial nephritis is a well-described characteristic in severe leptospirosis, chronic kidney disease from leptospirosis is widely discussed. Early recognition of severe leptospirosis leads to reduce morbidity and mortality. Thus, in this review, we highlight the spectrum of characteristics involved in leptospirosis kidney disease and the use of serologic and molecular methods, as well as the treatments of severe leptospirosis.

After liver transplantation, HCV/HIV co-infected patients present, compared to the HCV mono-infected ones, increased HCV viral load, rapid progression to liver fibrosis and higher mortality. Liver biopsies (LB), obtained routinely 6 months after transplantation, represent a unique model to assess the early events related to graft re-infection. Here, we used miRNA sequencing of LB obtained from both HCV-and HCV/HIV-infected recipients, to identify transcriptional profiles able to explain the more severe outcome of these latter.

miRNAs of 3 healthy livers, 3 HCV-LB and 3 HCV/HIV-LB were sequenced by Illumina HiSeq2500 platform. The DIANA-miRPath v3.0 webserver and DIANA-microT-CDS algorithm (v5.0) were used to characterize the functions of differentially expressed (DE-) miRNAs, querying the KEGG and Gene Ontology-Biological Process databases.

LB obtained from infected patients were characterized, with respect to controls, by a miRNA profile related to viral infection, immune system signaling and DNA damage in HCV-induced carcinogenesis.

Autoři článku: Boysenjama9635 (Weber Sigmon)