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The sexually transmitted bacterial pathogen Mycoplasma genitalium has proved a complex organism to work with in the laboratory setting. Exhibiting an extremely fastidious nature, successful in vitro propagation of M. genitalium has remained elusive for many researchers. Antimicrobial resistance to both first- and second-line recommended therapies (macrolides and fluoroquinolones, respectively) is commonly reported. However, phenotypic susceptibility testing is not routinely performed, due to the difficulties of in vitro growth. Instead, molecular detection of known resistance determinants is used to infer susceptibility/resistance. However, associations between determinant detection and clinical treatment failure are not always clear. Furthermore, molecular assays have limited use for detection of emerging resistance mechanisms. The present review collates and discusses the development of successful culture systems for initial isolation of this organism and current methodologies employed for phenotypic susceptibility testing to aid researchers in this field. As with Neisseria gonorrhoeae, future treatment options are extremely limited for M. genitalium and, if this sexually transmitted infection is to remain treatable, phenotypic susceptibility testing will play an invaluable role in evaluation of potential therapeutics. As such, retainment of these techniques is imperative.Trp is unique among the amino acids since it is involved in many different types of noncovalent interactions such as electrostatic and hydrophobic ones, but also in π-π, π-cation, π-anion and π-ion pair interactions. In membranotropic peptides and proteins, Trp locates preferentially at the water-membrane interface. In antimicrobial or cell-penetrating peptides (AMPs and CPPs respectively), Trp is well-known for its strong role in the capacity of these peptides to interact and affect the membrane organisation of both bacteria and animal cells at the level of the lipid bilayer. This essential amino acid can however be involved in other types of interactions, not only with lipids, but also with other membrane partners, that are crucial to understand the functional roles of membranotropic peptides. This review is focused on this latter less known role of Trp and describes in details, both in qualitative and quantitative ways (i) the physico-chemical properties of Trp; (ii) its effect in CPP internalisation; (iii) its importance in AMP activity; (iv) its role in the interaction of AMPs with glycoconjugates or lipids in bacteria membranes and the consequences on the activity of the peptides; (v) its role in the interaction of CPPs with negatively charged polysaccharides or lipids of animal membranes and the consequences on the activity of the peptides. We intend to bring highlights of the physico-chemical properties of Trp and describe its extensive possibilities of interactions, not only at the well-known level of the lipid bilayer, but with other less considered cell membrane components, such as carbohydrates and the extracellular matrix. The focus on these interactions will allow the reader to reevaluate reported studies. Altogether, our review gathers dedicated studies to show how unique are Trp properties, which should be taken into account to design future membranotropic peptides with expected antimicrobial or cell-penetrating activity.

Adults living with a rare or orphan diseases (ROD) experience common psychosocial difficulties that are often poorly addressed in usual care. This realist literature review aims to inform the development, evaluation and implementation of evidence based group therapy programs adapted to shared needs of patients living with various ROD.

The review is based on an analysis of Context-Mechanism-Outcome configurations. It included 21 primary studies published between 2010 and April 2022 and used a PRISMA process for study selection and inclusion.

Our results show that group psychosocial interventions can help reduce perception of symptoms and psychological impacts of disease, improve social functioning and support and quality of life in patients.

Group therapy programs seem promising for ROD-patients and should be considered within comprehensive treatment and support plans. However, more comprehensive studies of group therapies in context should aim to identify core active components of these interventions Diseases are varied, difficult to diagnose and have a major impact on all aspects of the patients' lives (physical, emotional, psychological, social, professional).Psychosocial support is a key but underdeveloped component to support the recovery trajectory for these patients.In this review of group interventions, we identified a few promising practices adaptable to patients living with Rare or Orphan Diseases (Acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive behavioural therapies, psychoeducational programs).Patients who received psychosocial group interventions are likely to experience improvement in their quality of life.This study evaluates the impact of preferred information sources on Medicare beneficiaries' perception of COVID-19 severity compared with flu and examines factors influencing preventive health behaviors using the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) winter 2021. Medicare beneficiaries who primarily relied on traditional news, guidance from government officials, and healthcare providers, beneficiaries who were female, older than 65 years, metro residence, or living in the West were more likely to believe that the COVID-19 is more severe than flu and take vaccine than their counterparts. this website Compared to White, Black and Hispanic were more likely to agree with COVID-19 severity, but less likely to take vaccine. Factors associated with preventive health behavior utilization included perceived severity of COVID-19, primary information source, gender, race, language, annual income, and chronic health conditions. It is crucial to provide accurate information in lay terms to help people understand the importance of taking preventative actions against COVID-19.  .Issue Phenomenology has proven to be a very useful tool for medicine. Descriptive, first-person accounts of patient experiences can reveal new and unique insights. These insights can inform renewed approaches to medical education and practice. However, comparatively little research has been done on the other side of the clinical encounter. This leaves the lived experiences of doctors diagnosing and treating illness unaddressed and the ontological transformation of medical students through medical education unexplored. Evidence This paper provides a phenomenological description of the clinical encounter and ontological transformation of the medical student into the doctor. I argue doctors have a unique ontology, rooted in the objectification of the patient, for which I use the term being-opposite-illness This is achieved, through phenomenological examination of my experiences as a medical student and through descriptions of three distinct types of face-to-face encounters the basic encounter with the Other, the encounter with illness, and the clinical encounter, which I argue are all metaphysically distinct. Finally, textual analysis of popular first-person accounts from two doctors, Henry Marsh and Paul Kalanithi, provide an illustration of being-opposite-illness in clinical practice and how this ontological transformation occurs through medical education. Implications Together, the phenomenology of the clinical encounter and textual analysis of Marsh and Kalanithi reveal clinical practice and medical education be an ontological transformative process. This paper attempts a new understanding of this experience of doctors by accounting for their unique ontology. In sum, I suggest being-opposite-illness can represent a new lens for analyzing the experience of doctors. Through this, I hope to promote new medical education and practice approaches.Cushing's syndrome (CS) is a rare but detrimental endocrine disorder. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are essential since the duration of hypercortisolism has an adverse impact on the extent of comorbidities and overall survival. The diagnostic approach involves a stepwise process that includes (1) screening and confirming the diagnosis and (2) establishing the aetiology of CS. The tests currently used to confirm the diagnosis of CS include urinary free cortisol measurements, the dexamethasone suppression test and late- night salivary cortisol or midnight serum cortisol measurements. None of these tests are ideal; all have pitfalls and require careful interpretation. Following confirmation of CS, measurement of ACTH discriminates between ACTH-dependent and non-ACTH dependent causes of CS. Adrenal imaging provides clues for the aetiology of non-ACTH dependent forms. Differentiation between the ACTH-dependent forms that involve pituitary corticotroph adenomas and ectopic ACTH sources is more complex and include pituitary MRI imaging, the high dose dexamethasone suppression test, the CRH test, bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling and, when required imaging modalities to detect ectopic ACTH secreting lesions. This review, which is part of a special issue on "Update of Cushing's syndrome 100 years after Minnie G" will provide an update on our current diagnostic workup for the confirmation and differential diagnosis of CS.

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder often report poorer sleep compared to parents of typically developing children. When parents do not obtain enough quality sleep, functioning may be compromised placing the onus of care on already stressed parents. However, improving sleep duration may not improve sleep quality and is not always feasible. This study aimed to measure sleep quality in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, determine if stress and children's sleep are associated with sleep quality and whether resources, appraisals, and coping moderate these relationships.

Multivariable regression was used to determine the effects of stress and children's sleep problems on sleep quality and test modifying effects.

Mean (SD) Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores was 8.81 (3.76), with 77.6% of parents scoring above the clinical cut-off. Mean (SD) Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire scores was 54.03 (8.32), with 96.3% of parents rating their child's sleep above the clinical cut-offmay be an important target to improve parent sleep quality but requires systematic assessment with interventional research. Implications for rehabilitationBoth parents and their 4-10-year-old children with ASD experience high levels of sleep disturbances.Clinicians can start the conversation early with parents about their children's sleep by providing them with information to increase awareness and recognize healthy sleep habits in their children.Clinicians are important in the assessment, management, and evaluation of pediatric sleep problems, which may have significant spillover effects on parents of children with ASD.There is a need for more resources and training to be available to clinicians to assess children and their parents for sleep problems, which could extend beyond the assessment of sleep and consider parent's daytime functioning and mental health.

Autoři článku: Boysenhove1756 (Adamsen McIntosh)