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Pencil-beam scanning proton therapy is particularly sensitive to anatomic changes, which may affect the delivered dose distribution. This study examined whether offline adaptation using on-treatment magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan during proton therapy could improve plan quality for pediatric patients.

Pediatric patients with at least 1 MRI scan in the treatment position (MRI

) during proton therapy between January 2017 and July 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients underwent MRI and computed tomography simulation. Cases were planned with scenario-based optimization with 3 mm/3% positional/range uncertainty. Patients demonstrating anatomic change on MRI

were recontoured. The original plans were applied to the anatomy-of-the-day for dose recalculation (delivered plans). Plans were subsequently reoptimized offline, using original beam angles and dose-volume constraints (adapted plans). Delivered plans were compared with adapted plans to detect significant changes in plan quality, defined as s. Further studies should determine the clinical value of MRI-based adaptive therapy for pediatric patients.

On-treatment MRI was useful in detecting anatomic changes during proton therapy. MRI-based offline adaptation improved plan quality for most patients with anatomic changes. Further studies should determine the clinical value of MRI-based adaptive therapy for pediatric patients.

Prior research using psychosocial developmental models have identified emotional detachment from family and susceptibility to peer pressure as predictors of adolescent substance use. Despite mixed support for the gateway hypothesis, less is known about how these psychosocial developmental factors facilitate adolescent substance use. The purpose of this study was to examine how age of first substance use, emotional detachment from parents, and susceptibility to peer pressure influence the progression from alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco use to other illicit substance use (e.g., cocaine, hallucinogens).

Data (N = 5792) were collected from high school students across seven semesters. Latent growth curve modeling was used to examine how age of first use of alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco predicted initial levels and changes in emotional detachment, peer pressure, and other illicit substance use.

Earlier age of first use of alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco predicted detachment, peer pressure, and a greater likelihood of initial use of other illicit substances. More initial emotional detachment was associated with increases in other illicit substance use. Earlier ages of first use of alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco had indirect effects on initial use of other illicit substances through initial emotional detachment.

Emotional detachment from parents and peer pressure impact the likelihood of other illicit substance use across the high school years. Prevention programs may benefit by focusing on delaying the onset of first use of substance use and by preventing emotional detachment from parents and peer pressure.

Emotional detachment from parents and peer pressure impact the likelihood of other illicit substance use across the high school years. Prevention programs may benefit by focusing on delaying the onset of first use of substance use and by preventing emotional detachment from parents and peer pressure.Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) refer to the abuse, neglect, and traumatic experiences in childhood that directly affect long-term adolescent and adult health. Understanding the ACE Pyramid and the physiological stress response has guided research toward a better understanding of the long-term mental and physical health consequences from psychological impacts early in life. Trauma-informed care becomes critical for pediatric clinicians to operationalize in practice. The four R's approach-realize, recognize, respond, and resist re-traumatization-can be used by pediatric providers as guidance. The trauma-informed care approach includes the realization of how ACEs affect health, the recognition of pediatric clinical symptom presentation and screening protocols for ACEs, and the health care provider's ability to respond and not re-traumatize patients when delivering evidence-based care. As recent events have triggered worldwide mental and emotional trauma in youth, clinicians must start operationalizing trauma-informed care into practice, as future presentations of trauma are expected.Each year, the American College of Radiology (ACR) has awarded its highest honor, the ACR Gold Medal, to an individual for distinguished, extraordinary service to the ACR or to the discipline of radiology. While this prestigious award was established almost a century ago, only ten women have received the honor throughout its history. This article seeks to highlight the life and achievements of one of these women, Dr. Kay Vydareny. Despite encountering barriers facing women in the medical field during medical school and residency in the 1960-70s, Dr. Vydareny went on to embark on a remarkable, enduring career. Early in her career, she began to build a professional network of fellow women colleagues through the American Association of Women Radiologists (AAWR), eventually serving as AAWR President in 1984. In addition to the AAWR, she served in leadership roles in many professional radiological organizations including the ACR. She was elected the first female speaker of the ACR Council Steering Committee in 1993, served on the Board of Chancellors from 1995 to 2002, and was President in 2001. At the same time, she maintained a passion for medical education. In honor of her distinguished and extraordinary service to radiology full of many groundbreaking firsts, she was awarded the ACR Gold Medal in 2005. She was only the fifth woman ever to receive this award. Throughout her outstanding career, Dr. Vydareny has continually been a dedicated and thoughtful educator, mentor, and leader who has made a lasting impact on the field of radiology.

Arthrodesis of the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP joint) is a good treatment option for relief of arthritic pain. The angle of the fused PIP joint is considered important for postoperative digital function. It is therefore important to reliably measure the actual angle of fusion. Goniometry performed by hand therapists or hand surgeons can generate measurement errors.

The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate the intraobserver and interobserver reliability of measuring the angle of fusion of the PIP joint on X-rays.

A clinimetric study was conducted investigating the reliability of X-ray goniometry.

Three blinded observers measured the angle of the PIP-joint fusion on a lateral postoperative X-ray. The intraobserver and interobserver reliability was calculated.

Ninety-four patient X-rays were measured. Tasquinimod concentration The intraobserver reliability showed an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.94, and the ICC for the interobserver reliability ranged between 0.92 and 0.95.

Because this is the first reliability study on radiographic goniometry, comparison of our data with other similar studies is difficult.

Autoři článku: Borchrossen0680 (Daly Tolstrup)