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Spent coffee grounds (SCG) hydrochar is a second-generation solid waste obtained by hydrothermal carbonization (HTC). Two washed hydrochars from SCG (175 and 185 °C; 12 MPa of N2) were tested as organic amendments of an agricultural soil (Cambic Calcisol), at doses of 1 and 2.5%, in an in vitro assay using Lactuca sativa as a crop plant. The washed hydrochars differ from the SCG in organic carbon (OC) (56 vs 47%), C/N ratio (29 vs 24), polyphenols (186 vs 77 mg GAE/g), pH (4.1 vs 5.8), assimilable P (186 vs 1274 ppm) and K (32 vs 2475 ppm). The particles of washed hydrochars have a lower size and a more porous structure than SCG particles. Higher HTC temperatures generate greater differences with SCG. The effects on the soil of washed hydrochars are similar to SCG, regarding OC, total N, C/N ratio, available K and P contents. The influence of SCG and washed hydrochars on lettuces is also similar both give rise to plant growth inhibition and increase in the contents of Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe and Mn. Nevertheless, washed hydrochars seem to be more effective in the mobilization of elements in the soil than SCG, which could be attributed to their higher content of polyphenols. For example Ca (139 mg/100 g with SCG and 160 mg/100 g with hydrochar) and Fe (0.742 mg/100 g with SCG and 1.45 mg/100 g with hydrochar). Therefore, it can be concluded that SCG hydrochars could be used as organic amendments with similar limitations and advantages to SCG.This study developed a new method using radiopaque markers under X-ray to measure rat colonic transit by geometric center repeatedly and/or over a time series in the same individually. Additionally, the utility of this method was shown by elucidating the innervation of the autonomic nerve on colonic transit in detail with a pharmacological technique in conscious rats. An in-dwelling silastic cannula was inserted into the cecum and the proximal part was moved through the abdominal wall, where it was fixed to the posterior neck skin. Twenty markers were administered from the cannula to the proximal colon with saline on the fifth day after surgery. The markers were observed with soft X-ray before required repeated short anesthesia. Experimentation 1 Rats were measured colonic transit twice over 2 days with no administration. Experimentation 2 Rats were administered saline on the first day and pharmacology on the second day intraperitoneally before measurement. Experimentation 1 The markers administrated from the cannula and transited from proximal colon to distal colon over a time series. It showed no significant difference in complication rates between 2 days. Experimentation 2 The colonic transit was increasingly accelerated by neostigmine and phentolamine but not propranolol. Significant changes in 1.0 mg/kg atropine were noted although no differences were found between control and 0.05 mg/kg atropine and between each other's. We have presented the method using radiopaque markers under X-ray with short anesthesia for evaluating the colonic transit. The methods could show rat colonic transit changes in detail with a pharmacological technique.Understanding the emotional states of others is important for social functioning. Recent studies show that context plays an essential role in emotion recognition. However, it remains unclear whether emotion inference from visual scene context is as efficient as emotion recognition from faces. Here, we measured the speed of context-based emotion perception, using Inferential Affective Tracking (IAT) with naturalistic and dynamic videos. Using cross-correlation analyses, we found that inferring affect based on visual context alone is just as fast as tracking affect with all available information including face and body. BAY-218 supplier We further demonstrated that this approach has high precision and sensitivity to sub-second lags. Our results suggest that emotion recognition from dynamic contextual information might be automatic and immediate. Seemingly complex context-based emotion perception is far more efficient than previously assumed.This paper studies the impact of day-to-day variation in maternity ward crowding on medical procedure use and the health of infants and mothers. Exploiting data on the universe of Danish admissions to maternity wards in the years 2000-2014, we first document substantial day-to-day variation in admissions. Exploiting residual variation in crowding, we find that maternity wards change the provision of medical procedures and care on crowded days relative to less crowded days, and they do so in ways that alleviate their workload. We find very small and precisely estimated effects of crowding on child and maternal health. Thus our results suggest that, for the majority of uncomplicated births, maternity wards in Denmark can cope with the observed inside-ward variation in daily admissions without detectable health risks.Coastal zones are complex systems where sustainability needs local participative governance, whose absence may result in conflicts between social actors. In its absence, the first step should be a diagnosis of the current situation based on integrative conceptual frameworks such as the DPSIR. However, in conflicting situations, the generated model needs validation from social actors. Chiloé Island is a critical Chilean coastal fishery and aquaculture area, coexisting with subsistence and cultural uses of marine resources. This article analyzes the current ecological state of the Chiloé coastal zone and its main social-ecological impact using a DPSIR model. We validated its results through a household survey and interviews with local experts and social actors. Results show that increased coastal fisheries and aquaculture generate a critical decrease of coastal species, eutrophication, and pollution that, along with harmful algal blooms, generate conflicts. Social validation showed that experts and local social actors have different perceptions of conflicting parties and conflict solutions. Following a post-normal approach, we propose three ideas to start social-ecological governance of Chiloé coastal marine ecosystems.Protozoans play an integral role in the microbial loop, an important process of material and energy transfer in marine ecosystems. The number of microplastics in the marine environment has greatly increased, but the potential impacts of small nanoplastics and microplastics on marine organisms remain unclear. Here, we conducted a series of feeding experiments with various concentrations of microplastic beads (ca. 1 μm) to characterize the response of the planktonic ciliated protozoan Strombidium sulcatum to microplastics and a set of additional exposure experiments with four different particle diameters of microplastics to explore whether the feeding response exhibited size selectivity. As the microplastic concentration increased, the number, body size, and biomass of ciliates decreased sharply during the exposure period. Predator biomass in all microplastic treatments was markedly reduced relative to the microplastic-free control. For example, at 72 h of exposure, the biomass in the highest microplastic concentration treatment was observed to decrease by 96.59% relative to the control. There was no obvious difference in the biomass of ciliates exposed to various diameters of microplastics; however, compared with the free bead control, the biomass still significantly decreased. These findings suggest that microplastics in the ocean negatively affect the growth of protozoan microzooplankton that might have accidentally ingested these tiny particles during the feeding process. Generally, this study provides basic and novel data for understanding the effect of microplastics on the microbial loop in marine ecosystems.

Partial lamellar sclerouvectomy was designed more than 30 years ago by Jerry and Carol Shields, in order to remove melanomas that involved the ciliary body and/or the choroid, while leaving intact the outer portion of the sclera and the overlying sensory retina [1].

We present two cases of iris-ciliary body melanoma with different size. The performed surgery was a partial lamellar sclerouvectomy plus iridectomy, complemented by intraoperative juxtalimbar ruthenium-106 brachytherapy.

Both cases achieved anatomical success without developing chronic ocular hypotony in the postoperative period, an infrequent but possible complication [2]. Even one of them reached a best-corrected visual acuity of 0.7 after silicone oil removal and intravitreal implant of dexamethasone because of secondary macular edema. The other remains stable with counting fingers vision. In this case, the poor functional outcome might be influenced by larger size and longer evolution of the tumor, as well as the uncontrolled arterial hyipheral vitreoretinal tractions and seal the retina preventing a detachment.

As can be observed during the surgical video, a wide range of complications could occur during a partial lamellar sclerouvectomy. Tackle them ahead of time is crucial to achieve anatomical and functional success.

As can be observed during the surgical video, a wide range of complications could occur during a partial lamellar sclerouvectomy. Tackle them ahead of time is crucial to achieve anatomical and functional success.

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and represents more than half of the diagnosed malignant tumors. There are more than one million new cases per year in the United States and about 120.000 new cases in Brazil. Cutaneous melanoma represents 5% of all primary cutaneous neoplasms; however, it has a worse prognosis. Adequate treatment of the primary lesion is the main cure factor, with free surgical margins, thus avoiding recurrences of the lesion.

The present study aims to evaluate and quantify the retraction of the surgical specimen in three moments, in-vivo, ex-vivo and in-vitro, and also evaluating possible factors related to retraction, such as formalin fixation, age, patient's gender, and lesion location.

This is a prospective, single-center cohort that evaluated 145 surgical specimens from patients who underwent oncological surgery of cutaneous melanoma margins enlargement. Lesions were marked with a standard brush, and surgical margins were measured with a sterile ruler, according to theimportance of adequate treatment of the primary lesion, with adequate surgical margins, and that the measure measured by the pathologist, in general, represents 80% of the margins performed in the perioperative time.We examined the effects of different types of cognitive distraction coming from a hands-free phone conversation on the processing of information provided by variable message signs (VMS), on driving performance indicators, and on a physiological index of mental effort (heart rate). Participants drove a route in a driving simulator and had to respond to VMS messages under three conditions no-distraction, visuospatial distraction (attending phone calls with questions inducing visuospatial processing), and conceptual distraction (attending phone calls with questions requiring semantic memory). Results showed more errors responding to VMS messages in the visuospatial distraction condition. In addition, both types of questions increased the intraindividual variability of response distances and the heart rate, as compared to the no-distraction condition. These results provide new evidence that talking on a hands-free phone entails costs in the processing of traffic information (in particular, text messages displayed on VMS) and it increases the driver's cognitive effort.

Autoři článku: Bookertemple2716 (Raymond Silver)