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in an improved user experience. As the accuracy of difficulty changes is correlated with user experience, the results support the development of more effective DDA methods. However, they show that the inclusion of physiological measurements does not guarantee a better user experience even if it yields promising results in offline cross-validation.

Depression is a prevalent and problematic mental disorder that often has an onset in adolescence. Previous studies have illustrated that depression disclosures on social media are common and may be linked to an individual's experiences of depression. However, most studies have examined depression displays on social media at a single time point.

This study aims to investigate displayed depression symptoms on Facebook at 2 developmental time points based on symptom type and gender.

Participants were recruited from an ongoing longitudinal cohort study. The content analysis of text-based Facebook data over 1 year was conducted at 2 time points time 1 (adolescence; age 17-18 years) and time 2 (young adulthood; ages 20-22 years). Diagnostic criteria for depression were applied to each post to identify the displayed depression symptoms. Data were extracted verbatim. The analysis included nonparametric tests for comparisons.

A total of 78 participants' Facebook profiles were examined, of which 40 (51%) were mysis study within an ongoing cohort study illustrates the differences in depression displays on Facebook by developmental stage and symptom. This study contributes to a growing body of literature by showing that using social media to observe and understand depression during the emerging adult developmental period may be a valuable approach.

Barriers to recruiting and retaining people with psychosis and their families in research are well-established, potentially biasing clinical research samples. Digital research tools, such as online platforms, mobile apps, and text messaging, have the potential to address barriers to research by facilitating remote participation. However, there has been limited research on leveraging these technologies to engage people with psychosis and their families in research.

The objective of this study was to assess the uptake of digital tools to engage patients with provisional psychosis and their families in research and their preferences for different research administration methods.

This study used Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap)-a secure web-based platform with built-in tools for data collection and storage-to send web-based consent forms and surveys on service engagement via text message or email to patients and families referred to early psychosis intervention services; potential participants were91/167, 54.5%) and family members (42/79, 53.2%) preferred to receive electronic gift cards from a coffee shop as study compensation. Most surveys were completed on weekdays between 12 PM and 6 PM.

When offered the choice, most participants with psychosis and their families chose remote administration methods, suggesting that digital tools may enhance research recruitment and participation in this population, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

When offered the choice, most participants with psychosis and their families chose remote administration methods, suggesting that digital tools may enhance research recruitment and participation in this population, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death worldwide and result in significant economic costs to health care systems. The prevalence of cardiovascular conditions that require monitoring is expected to increase as the average age of the global population continues to rise. Although an accurate cardiac assessment can be performed at medical centers, frequent visits for assessment are not feasible for most people, especially those with limited mobility. Monitoring of vital signs at home is becoming an increasingly desirable, accessible, and practical alternative. As wearable devices are not the ideal solution for everyone, it is necessary to develop parallel and complementary approaches.

This research aims to develop a zero-effort, unobtrusive, cost-effective, and portable option for home-based ambient heart rate monitoring.

The prototype seat cushion uses load cells to acquire a user's ballistocardiogram (BCG). The analog signal from the load cells is amplified and filtered by a signal-conditionsented in this study is an example of a relatively accessible, affordable, portable, and unobtrusive zero-effort approach to achieve frequent home-based ambient heart rate monitoring.

This study suggests that BCG acquired through a seat cushion is a viable alternative to wearable technologies. The prototype seat cushion presented in this study is an example of a relatively accessible, affordable, portable, and unobtrusive zero-effort approach to achieve frequent home-based ambient heart rate monitoring.

Retinal vascular diseases, including diabetic macular edema (DME), neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD), myopic choroidal neovascularization (mCNV), and branch and central retinal vein occlusion (BRVO/CRVO), are considered vision-threatening eye diseases. However, accurate diagnosis depends on multimodal imaging and the expertise of retinal ophthalmologists.

The aim of this study was to develop a deep learning model to detect treatment-requiring retinal vascular diseases using multimodal imaging.

This retrospective study enrolled participants with multimodal ophthalmic imaging data from 3 hospitals in Taiwan from 2013 to 2019. Eye-related images were used, including those obtained through retinal fundus photography, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and fluorescein angiography with or without indocyanine green angiography (FA/ICGA). A deep learning model was constructed for detecting DME, nAMD, mCNV, BRVO, and CRVO and identifying treatment-requiring diseases. Model performance was evaltinal diseases using multimodal ophthalmic imaging. Furthermore, the model demonstrated good performance in detecting treatment-requiring retinal diseases.

Social media platforms provide new possibilities within health research. With Facebook being the largest social network in the world, it constitutes a potential platform for recruitment and data collection from women of reproductive age. Women in Denmark and in other Western countries postpone motherhood and risk infertility due to their advanced age when they try to conceive. To date, no study has explored Danish women's reflections on the timing of motherhood within a social media setting.

The aim of this study was to explore the challenges and opportunities of using Facebook as a platform for qualitative health research in Danish women of reproductive age.

This study was a qualitative study based on 3 online focus groups on Facebook with 26 Danish women of reproductive age discussing the timing of motherhood in January 2020.

Conducting online focus groups on Facebook was successful in this study as the web-based approach was found suitable for developing qualitative data with women of reproductive age and made recruitment easy and free of charge. All participants found participating in an online focus group to be a positive experience. More than half of the women participating in the online focus groups found it advantageous to meet on Facebook instead of meeting face-to-face.

Conducting online focus groups on Facebook is a suitable method to access qualitative data from women of reproductive age. Participants were positive toward being a part of an online focus group. Online focus groups on social media have the potential to give women of reproductive age a voice in the debate of motherhood.

Conducting online focus groups on Facebook is a suitable method to access qualitative data from women of reproductive age. Participants were positive toward being a part of an online focus group. Online focus groups on social media have the potential to give women of reproductive age a voice in the debate of motherhood.

Barth syndrome is a rare, life-threatening, X-linked recessive genetic disease that predominantly affects young males and is caused by abnormal mitochondrial lipid metabolism. Currently, there is no definitive treatment for Barth syndrome other than interventions to ameliorate acute symptoms, such as heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, neutropenia, and severe muscle fatigue. Previous mechanistic studies have identified the lipid-lowering drug bezafibrate as a promising potential treatment; however, to date, no human trials have been performed in this population.

The aim of this study is to determine whether bezafibrate (and resveratrol in vitro) will increase mitochondrial biogenesis and potentially modify the cellular ratio of monolysocardiolipin (MLCL) to tetralinoleoyl-cardiolipin (L4-CL), ameliorating the disease phenotype in those living with the disease.

The CARDIOMAN (Cardiolipin Manipulation) study is a UK single-center, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover study investigatinp was completed in January 2020. Data analysis is ongoing, with publication expected in 2021.

This trial was approved by the United Kingdom National Research Ethics Service Committee and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. The feasibility of the CARDIOMAN study will help to inform the future conduct of randomized controlled trials in rare disease populations as well as testing the efficacy of bezafibrate as a potential treatment for the disease and advancing the mechanistic understanding of Barth syndrome.

International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) 58006579; https//



Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for bulimia nervosa (BN) is most effective when patients demonstrate adequate skill utilization (ie, the frequency with which a patient practices or uses therapeutic skills) and skill acquisition (ie, the ability to successfully perform a skill learned in treatment). However, rates of utilization and acquisition of key treatment skills (eg, regular eating, urge management skills, and mood management skills) by the end of the treatment are frequently low; as a result, outcomes from CBT for BN are affected. Just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) may improve skill acquisition and utilization by delivering real-time interventions during algorithm-identified opportunities for skill practice.

In this manuscript, we describe a newly developed JITAI system called CBT+ that is designed to facilitate the acquisition and utilization of CBT for BN treatment skills when used as a treatment augmentation. We also present feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes data f a treatment augmentation, was shown to be feasible and acceptable. The results indicate that the CBT+ system should be subjected to more rigorous evaluations with larger samples and should be considered for wider implementation if found effective. Areas for iterative improvement of the CBT+ system ahead of a randomized controlled trial are also discussed.

Specific learning difficulties (SpLD) include several disorders such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia, and the children with these SpLD receive special education. However, the studies and the educational material so far focus mainly on one specific disorder.

This study's primary goal is to develop comprehensive training material for different types of SpLD, with five serious games addressing different aspects of the SpLD. The second focus is measuring the impact of adaptive difficulty level adjustment in the children's and their educators' usability and technology acceptance perception. Receiving feedback from the children and their educators, and refining the games according to their suggestions have also been essential in this two-phase study.

A total of 10 SpLD educators and 23 children with different types of SpLD tested the prototypes of the five serious games (ie, Word game, Memory game, Category game, Space game, and Math game), gave detailed feedback, answered the System Usability Scale and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) questionnaires, and applied think-aloud protocols during game play.

Autoři článku: Bondlist6117 (Nicolajsen Whitley)