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Significant increases in all areas of self-rated learning were found post-training. Three months post-training, gains in confidence and capability were sustained, with no significant variations by participant role or setting. Overall program satisfaction was >90%. Continuing concerns at follow-up focused on pragmatic concerns about inadequacy of referral networks and appropriate intervention pathways. CONCLUSIONS In this evaluation of a state-wide training program for nurses working with early relational trauma, we found excellent uptake and program satisfaction, and results support learning impact and retention. Findings are discussed with regard to translation potential across early childhood settings. BACKGROUND Patient participation is increasingly used in different aspects of healthcare due to its positive outcomes. Still, instruments for involving patients in the evaluation of nursing students during their internship are scarce. OBJECTIVES To develop and validate an instrument that enables patients to evaluate nursing students during their internship. DESIGN AND METHODS A 3-phased validation process was conducted (1) development of an instrument through literature and patient interviews; (2) content and response process validation by use of cognitive interviews and pilot-testing; (3) testing construct validity and reliability of the instrument which was completed by 244 hospitalized patients. SETTINGS AND PARTICIPANTS Patients from a variety of wards in a general hospital were recruited for the different phases. In phase 1, 17 interviews and 47 thought shower sessions with patients were performed. In phase 2, 9 cognitive interviews and pilot testing by 4 patients evaluating actual nursing students were tant learning opportunities are created for nursing students. BACKGROUND Pre-licensure nursing students often experience anxiety, especially during their clinical learning experiences. High levels of anxiety can be disruptive to both clinical learning and safe patient care. Providing students with educational resources via mobile devices to review prior to performing psychomotor skills with real patients may help reduce their anxiety. OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of using mobile devices with a scanning application for quick response codes in the clinical setting on students' anxiety levels in the clinical setting. A secondary aim was to explore the clinical faculty experience with and perceptions of the technology. DESIGN A one-group, repeated measures, quasi-experimental design was used. SETTING The intervention occurred at 6 rehabilitation centers used for first semester clinical learning experiences at a School of Nursing in the southeast United States. PARTICIPANTS Convenience sampling was used and 42 first semester nursing studentt with reducing their anxiety. Strategies to qualitatively and quantitatively enhance the humoral response to immunizations with protein and polysaccharide antigens are of broad interest for development of new and more effective vaccines. A strategy of increasing importance is the formulation of antigens into a particulate format, mimicking the physical form of viruses. The potential benefits of enhanced B cell receptor engagement by nanoparticles have been long been appreciated, but recent studies are defining additional important factors governing how nanoparticle immunogens interact with the immune system in the context of lymphoid organs. This review will discuss findings about how nanoparticles enhance humoral immunity in vivo and factors governing the fate of nanoparticle immunogens in lymph nodes. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), as important regulators of post-transcriptional gene expression, play important roles in the occurrence and function of organs. In this study, morpholino (MO) knockdown of miR-462/miR-731 was used to investigate the potential mechanisms of the miR-462-731 cluster during zebrafish liver development. Selleckchem Catechin hydrate The results showed significant reduction of digestive organs, especially liver and exocrine pancreas after the miR-462/miR-731 knockdown, and those phenotypes could be partially rescued by corresponding miRNA duplex. Acinar cells of the exocrine pancreas were also severely affected with pancreatic insufficiency. In particular, knockdown of miR-462 caused pancreas morphogenesis abnormity with specific bilateral exocrine pancreas. Additionally, it was found that miR-731 played a role in liver and exocrine pancreas development by directly targeting dkk3b, instead of the down-regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. These findings contribute significantly to our understanding of molecular mechanisms of miR-462-731 cluster in development of digestive organs. BACKGROUND Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) drug resistance is a global concern. Moreover, multiple drug resistant (MDR), extensively drug resistant (XDR), and totally drug resistant (TDR) Mtb cases are on the rise in developing countries like India. Most of these cases are identified only 3-6 months after initiation of treatment owing to incomplete/failed clinical response and incomplete information from phenotypic drug resistance assays and/or targeted Mtb mutation analysis. Here, we report the development of an in-house whole genome sequencing (WGS) assay and bioinformatics pipeline that helped resolve the phenotype-genotype discrepancy in a clinical isolate. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS A sample from a suspected drug resistant Mtb case tested by line probe assay (LPA) showed the absence of both the mutant and wild type alleles for an rpoB gene mutation site. An in-house next generation sequencing (NGS) assay was used for WGS of this isolate. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that the isolate harboured a novel insertional mutation in the 81-bp hotspot region of the rpoB gene and a S315T mutation in the katG gene, which could explain resistance to rifampicin and isoniazid, respectively. These results correlated with the clinical diagnosis, LPA, solid culture drug susceptibility testing, and pyrosequencing carried out on the sample. The WGS data also provided information regarding the isolate's lineage and indicated an absence of known mutations conferring resistance to other antitubercular drugs. CONCLUSION WGS is a highly sensitive, specific, and unbiased approach for identification of all possible drug resistance-conferring mutations, which can help clinicians make more informed treatment-related decisions.

Autoři článku: Bojsenvognsen9637 (Brock Mcclure)