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 Nonimmune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) is defined as the accumulation of excess fluid in two or more body cavities in the fetus without blood incompatibility between mother and baby. We aimed to present our prenatal and postnatal management of intrauterine pleural effusions associated with NIHF.

 A total of 60 patients diagnosed with NIHF with intrauterine pleural effusion were analyzed retrospectively. Gestational age of delivery or fetal demise, the intrauterine treatment procedure including extrauterine intrapartum treatment (EXIT), chest tube, and medical treatment methods in fetuses with chylothorax analyzed.

 Thirty-nine patients (65%) were born alive between 26 and 38 weeks. A thoracoamniotic shunt was placed in one patient during the intrauterine period. Seven patients were placed bilaterally during the postnatal period, all without the umbilical cord being clamped during delivery. But 25 patients died within the first few days following birth. A total of four patients had chylothorax. Two patients who did not respond to medical treatment (somatostatin) were injected with thoracic local batticon and cured. A total of 14 patients were discharged with healing.

 Cases of progressive prenatal pleural effusions associated with NIHF have a high risk for fetal and neonatal death. We think that extreme prematurity increases postnatal mortality because it negatively affects the development of the lung and heart. A close obstetric follow-up and a multidisciplinary approach are required for the management to be selected.

 Cases of progressive prenatal pleural effusions associated with NIHF have a high risk for fetal and neonatal death. We think that extreme prematurity increases postnatal mortality because it negatively affects the development of the lung and heart. A close obstetric follow-up and a multidisciplinary approach are required for the management to be selected.

 Maternal malnutrition with disturbed lipid metabolism during pregnancy may affect the fetal lipid profile. We aimed to detect the relation between maternal and neonatal serum lipid profile, as well as to detect the serum lipid profile difference between small for gestational age (SGA) infants and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) infants to disclose the impact of maternal malnutrition on birth weight.

 A cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 pregnant women coming to the labor room. Before delivery, maternal serum levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides (TGs), and total cholesterol were assessed, then after delivery, cord blood samples were taken for assessment of the neonatal lipid profile. Birth weights were measured, then the neonates were divided into SGA and AGA groups.

 Serum levels of LDL, TGs, and total cholesterol in the SGA infants were lower than that in the AGA infants. A positive correlation between maternal and neonatal serum TGs levels was found. Besides, there was a positive correlation between birth weight and maternal serum levels of LDL, TGs, and total cholesterol.

 Maternal serum lipid profile could be an indicator of the neonatal serum lipid profile and birth weight.

· SGA neonates have lower levels of serum lipids compared to AGA neonates.. · There is a positive correlation between maternal and neonatal triglycerides.. · There is a positive correlation between birth weight and maternal serum lipids..

· SGA neonates have lower levels of serum lipids compared to AGA neonates.. BIBR 1532 nmr · There is a positive correlation between maternal and neonatal triglycerides.. · There is a positive correlation between birth weight and maternal serum lipids..The aims of this study were to analyse the physical responses of professional soccer players during training considering the contextual factors of match location, season period, and quality of the opposition; and to establish prediction models of physical responses during training sessions. Training data was obtained from 30 professional soccer players from Spanish La Liga using global positioning technology (N=1365 performances). A decreased workload was showed during training weeks prior to home matches, showing large effects in power events, equivalent distance, total distance, walk distance and low-speed running distance. Also, the quality of the opposition also affected the training workload (p24 km·h-1) and 0.34 for equivalent distance. The main finding of this study was the great association of match location, season period and quality of opposition on the workload performed by players in the training week before the match; and the development of workload prediction-models considering these contextual factors, thus proposing a new and innovative approach to quantify the workload in soccer.Exercise can alter the composition of gut microbiota. However, studies examining the effects of exercise on gut microbiota in the elderly are lacking. This study aims to investigate whether an 8-week exercise training affect gut microbiota in physically inactive elderly women. Fourteen women were randomly assigned to either exercise group or control group. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to reveal changes in gut microbiota. Alpha diversity did not change significantly. A tendency to form 2 clusters was observed for operational taxonomic units (OTU) after intervention. At phylum, class, and order levels, a significant difference was observed between two groups for Fusobacteria (F=5.257, P=0.045), Betaproteobacteria (F=5.149, P=0.047), and Bifidobacteriales (F=7.624, P=0.020). A significant interaction was observed between two groups for Actinobacteria (F=8.434, P=0.016). At family and genus levels, a significant main effect of groups was observed in Bifidobacteriaceae (F=7.624, P=0.020), Bifidobacterium (F=7.404, P=0.022), and Gemmiger (F=5.881, P=0.036). link2 These findings indicate that an 8-week exercise training may induce partial changes in relative abundance and OTU clustering of gut microbiota in physically inactive elderly women. Also, exercise may increase the abundance of bacteria associated with anti-inflammation such as Verrucomicrobia, reduce the abundance of bacteria associated with pro-inflammation such as Proteobacteria.Digoxin is a cardiotonic that increases the cardiac output without causing deleterious effects on heart, as well as improves the left ventricular performance during physical exercise. We tested whether the association between chronic digoxin administration and aerobic interval training (AIT) promotes beneficial cardiovascular adaptations by improving the myocardial contractility and calcium (Ca2+) handling. Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to sedentary control (C), interval training (T), sedentary digoxin (DIGO) and T associated to digoxin (TDIGO). AIT was performed on a treadmill (1h/day, 5 days/week) for 60 days, consisting of successive 8-min periods at 80% and 20% of VO2máx for 2 min. Digoxin was administered by orogastric gavage for 60 days. Left ventricle samples were collected to analysis of Ca2+ handling proteins; contractility and Ca2+ handling were performed on isolated cardiomyocytes. TDIGO group had a greater elevation in fractional shortening (44%) than DIGO, suggesting a cardiomyocyte contractile improvement. In addition, T or TDIGO groups showed no change in cardiomyocytes properties after Fura2-acetoxymethyl ester, as well as in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2a), phospholamban and calcineurin expressions. The main findings indicate that association of digoxin and aerobic interval training improved the cardiomyocyte contractile function, but these effects seem to be unrelated to Ca2+ handling.In clinically suspected acute full-thickness proximal hamstring tendon avulsions, MRI is the gold standard for evaluating the extent of the injury. MRI variables such as full-thickness free tendon discontinuity, extent of tendon retraction (>20 mm), and continuity of the sacrotuberous ligament with the conjoint tendon (STL-CT) are used in treatment decision-making. The objective was to assess the intra- and inter-rater reliability of these relevant MRI variables after acute full-thickness proximal hamstring tendon avulsion. link3 Three musculoskeletal radiologists assessed MRIs of 40 patients with an acute full-thickness proximal hamstring tendon avulsion. MRI variables included assessment of free tendon discontinuity and continuity of the STL-CT and extent of tendon retraction. Absolute and relative intra- and inter-rater reliability were calculated. Intra- and inter-rater reliability for the assessment of tendon discontinuity was substantial (Kappa [ĸ]=0.78;0.77). For the retraction measurement of the conjoint and semimembranosus tendons, intra-rater reliability was moderate and poor (Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)=0.74;0.45), inter-rater reliability was moderate (ICC=0.73;0.57). Intra- and inter-rater reliability of the STL-CT continuity assessment was substantial and fair (ĸ=0.74;0.31). In conclusion, MRI assessment for full-thickness free tendon discontinuity is reliable. However, assessment of extent of tendon retraction and STL-CT continuity is not reliable enough to guide the treatment decision-making process.This study aimed to investigate the impact of a 16-week dance-based aerobic exercise program on lymphocyte function in healthy and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) women. We enrolled 23 women 11 with T2DM and 12 non-diabetic controls. Initially, we performed anthropometry and body composition measurements, afterwards, plasma levels of C-reactive protein, lipids, and glucose were determined. We used flow cytometry to measure the CD25 and CD28 expression in circulating lymphocytes, T-regulatory (Treg) cell percentage, lymphocyte proliferation, and cytokines released by cultured lymphocytes. The T2DM group had a lower proportion of CD28+ cells and a higher percentage of Treg lymphocytes and proliferative capacity at the baseline compared with the control group. After 16 weeks of the program, differences in lymphocytes between the T2DM and the control groups disappeared. The dance program promoted IL-10 increase in both groups. We found decreased IL-4, IL-2, and IL-6 secretion in lymphocytes from the control group and increased IL-17 secretion and IL-10/IL-17 ratio in the T2DM group after the program. The program promoted marked changes in lymphocytes in diabetic women, leading to a balance between the different profiles.

 Retraction of white matter overlying a brain lesion can be difficult without causing significant trauma especially when using traditional methods of bladed retractors. These conventional retractors can produce regions of focal pressure resulting in contusions and areas of infarct.

 In this article, we present a retrospective case series of six patients with deep-seated intraventricular and intra-axial tumors that were approached using a ViewSite Brain Access System (tubular retractor). The authors describe a unique method of creating a pathway using a dilated glove. We shall also review the relevant literature that reports this type of surgery. Cases included three cases with third ventricular colloid cysts, one case of a third ventricular arachnoid cyst, one case with a lateral ventricular neurocytoma, and a case with a deeply seated intra-axial metastatic tumor.

 Gross total resection was achieved in five cases with small residual in the central neurocytoma operation, with no documented neurological deficit in any case.

Autoři článku: Bockahmad6733 (Randall Johns)