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In recent years, Bayesian meta-analysis expressed by a normal-normal hierarchical model (NNHM) has been widely used for combining evidence from multiple studies. Data provided for the NNHM are frequently based on a small number of studies and on uncertain within-study standard deviation values. Despite the widespread use of Bayesian NNHM, it has always been unclear to what extent the posterior inference is impacted by the heterogeneity prior (sensitivity S ) and by the uncertainty in the within-study standard deviation values (identification I ). Thus, to answer this question, we developed a unified method to simultaneously quantify both sensitivity and identification ( S - I ) for all model parameters in a Bayesian NNHM, based on derivatives of the Bhattacharyya coefficient with respect to relative latent model complexity (RLMC) perturbations. Three case studies exemplify the applicability of the method proposed historical data for a conventional therapy, data from which one large study is first included and then excluded, and two subgroup meta-analyses specified by their randomization status. We analyzed six scenarios, crossing three RLMC targets with two heterogeneity priors (half-normal, half-Cauchy). The results show that S - I explicitly reveals which parameters are affected by the heterogeneity prior and by the uncertainty in the within-study standard deviation values. In addition, we compare the impact of both heterogeneity priors and quantify how S - I values are affected by omitting one large study and by the randomization status. Finally, the range of applicability of S - I is extended to Bayesian NtHM. A dedicated R package facilitates automatic S - I quantification in applied Bayesian meta-analyses.

Phytopathogenic microorganisms are the main cause of plant diseases, generating significant economic losses for the agricultural and food supply chain. Cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) are very perishable plants and highly demanding in the use of pesticides; therefore, alternative solutions such as biosurfactants have aroused as a potent substituent. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of sophorolipids against the phytopathogens Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium ultimum.

The biosurfactant inhibited the mycelial growth in vitro with a minimum concentration of 2mg mL

. The application of sophorolipids at 1, 2 and 4mg mL

in detached leaves of tomato before the inoculation of the fungus B. cinerea was the best treatment, reducing leaf necrosis by up to 76.90%. The use of sophorolipids for washing tomato fruits before the inoculation of B. cinerea was able to inhibit the development of gray mold by up to 96.27%.

The results for tomato leaves and fruits revealed that the biosurfactant acts more effectively when used preventively. Sophorolipids are stable molecules that show promising action for the potential replacement of pesticides in the field and the post-harvest process against the main tomato phytopathogens. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.

The results for tomato leaves and fruits revealed that the biosurfactant acts more effectively when used preventively. Sophorolipids are stable molecules that show promising action for the potential replacement of pesticides in the field and the post-harvest process against the main tomato phytopathogens. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.

To explore the possible extension of the illness script theory used in medicine to the nursing context.

A qualitative interview study.

The study was conducted between September 2019 and March 2020. Expert nurses were asked to think aloud about 20 patient problems in nursing. A directed content analysis approach including quantitative data processing was used to analyse the transcribed data.

Through the analysis of 3912statements, scripts were identified and a nursing script model is proposed; the medical illness script, including enabling conditions, fault and consequences, is extended with management, boundary, impact, occurrence and explicative statements. Nurses often used explicative statements when pathophysiological causes are absent or unknown. To explore the applicability of Illness script theory we analysed scripts' richness and maturity with descriptive statistics. Expert nurses, like medical experts, had rich knowledge of consequences, explicative statements and management of familiar patient problems.

The knowledge of expert nurses about patient problems can be described in scripts; the components of medical illness scripts are also relevant in nursing. We propose to extend the original illness script concept with management, explicative statements, boundary, impact and occurrence, to enlarge the applicability of illness scripts in the nursing domain.

Illness scripts guide clinical reasoning in patient care. Insights into illness scripts of nursing experts is a necessary first step to develop goals or guidelines for student nurses' development of clinical reasoning. It might lay the groundwork for future educational strategies.

Illness scripts guide clinical reasoning in patient care. Insights into illness scripts of nursing experts is a necessary first step to develop goals or guidelines for student nurses' development of clinical reasoning. It might lay the groundwork for future educational strategies.Varicocele, phimosis and undescended testes are the most frequent andrological diseases in paediatric age; varicocele and undescended testes are primary causes of male infertility and the interests of research about these conditions have changed in the last years. The aim of the study was to report our experience after 20 years of macro-area school screening between 2000 and 2020. Data about school screening were reviewed and analysed. Subjects aged between 11 and 14 years underwent andrological visit. During the study period, three main andrological screenings were performed into our macro-area. The distribution of cohorts was different among the screenings. Among andrological diseases, varicocele diagnosis increased especially in the last 10 years. Phimosis was diagnosed less respect the first screening (2000-2001), while at present there were no cases of undescended testes. Our experience reported some interesting data, especially for the higher incidence of varicocele detected on two consecutive school screening; our results demonstrate also the importance and the preventive role of andrological check-up also in paediatric age and adolescence, to reduce the incidence of those diseases affecting the fertility potential.This position statement on the restoration of root filled teeth represents the consensus of an expert committee, convened by the European Society of Endodontology (ESE). Current clinical and scientific evidence, as well as the expertise of the committee, have been used to develop this statement. The aim is to provide clinicians with evidence-based principles for decision-making on the choice of restoration following the completion of root canal treatment. By discussing the evidence in relation to key topics regarding post-endodontic restoration, a series of clinical recommendations are made. The scientific basis of the recommendations made in this paper can be found in a recently published review article (Bhuva et al. 2021, International Endodontic Journal, https// It is the intention of the committee to update this statement as further evidence emerges.

Influenza infection poses a severe threat to pregnant mothers, and antiviral treatment is recommended. However, the safety of neuraminidase-inhibitor antiviral medications during pregnancy has not been well described.

A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed to evaluate the adverse neonatal outcomes associated with exposure to neuraminidase inhibitors during pregnancy. The PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library databases were searched to identify potential studies for inclusion.

Nine cohort studies that estimated adverse neonatal outcomes associated with exposure to neuraminidase-inhibitor medication during pregnancy were included. Exposure to a neuraminidase inhibitor during pregnancy was not associated with an increased risk of congenital malformation (odds ratio [OR] 0.9, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.72-1.12, P = .341), low Apgar score (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.77-1.2, P = .733) or preterm birth (OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.89-1.09, P = .771) compared with no exposure. However, exposure to a neuraminidase inhibitor was associated with a reduced risk of low birth weight (OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.68-0.92, P = .002) and giving birth to a small-for-gestational-age infant (OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.69-0.88, P < .001). Further analyses limited to oseltamivir exposure were consistent with the overall results.

Exposure to neuraminidase-inhibitor medication during pregnancy does not appear to be associated with adverse neonatal outcomes. We recommend further studies to investigate this association, which will help clinicians determine whether to prescribe a neuraminidase inhibitor during pregnancy.

Exposure to neuraminidase-inhibitor medication during pregnancy does not appear to be associated with adverse neonatal outcomes. We recommend further studies to investigate this association, which will help clinicians determine whether to prescribe a neuraminidase inhibitor during pregnancy.Ionotropic glutamate receptors are expressed in mouse and human spermatozoa. However, the possible role of these receptors has not been reported in the sperm acrosome reaction. This study was conducted to demonstrate the function of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors in the acrosome reaction of mouse spermatozoa. Epididymal spermatozoa from adult mice were release in a culture medium. The sperm suspension was then divided into six groups (1) spermatozoa at 0 min, (2) spermatozoa at 60 min (control), (3) spermatozoa treated with NMDA glutamate receptor agonist (L-glutamate, LG), (4) spermatozoa treated with α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA)/kainite glutamate receptor agonist (kainic acid), (5) spermatozoa treated with NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist (MK-801)+LG and (6) spermatozoa treated with ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA, as a calcium chelator)+ LG. The sperm samples were examined for the acrosome reaction and intracellular calcium concentration. After 60 min, LG but not kainic acid significantly increased both the acrosome reaction and intracellular calcium levels in the spermatozoa compared with the control group. Co-administration of MK-801 or EGTA+LG could significantly reverse the effect of LG in the acrosome reaction and the level of intracellular calcium as compared to the LG group. The possibility that LG induced the acrosome reaction and elevated inter-cellular calcium concentration in mouse spermatozoa and that MK-801 could reverse the effects of LG, may suggest the involvement of NMDA glutamate receptors, at least in the initiation of the acrosome reaction in vitro.This study aimed to identify the molecular mechanism by which JAK2 mRNA and microRNA-135a-5p (miR-135a-5p) affect asthenozoospermia. The expression levels of JAK2 mRNA in the spermatozoa of 30 asthenozoospermia patients and 30 normal controls were detected by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). MiR-135a-5p that targeted JAK2 mRNA was predicted by bioinformatics. A dual luciferase reporter vector containing miR-135a-5p 3'UTR was constructed. The binding of miR-135a-5p to JAK2 mRNA was verified by luciferase reporter assay. The protein expression levels of JAK2 and STAT3 in spermatozoa were examined by Western bolt. The relative expression levels of JAK2 mRNA and protein in the asthenozoospermia group were significantly lower than those of the normal group. MiR-135a-5p overexpression inhibited JAK2 mRNA and protein expression by targeting JAK2 mRNA 3'UTR. Correlation analysis showed that miR-135a-5p level was significantly negatively correlated with progressive sperm motility, while JAK2 mRNA level was significantly positively correlated with progressive sperm activity.

Autoři článku: Blochbenjamin9154 (Bernstein Hjort)