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Foveal hypoplasia is characterized by the persistance of inner retinal layers at the macular center. We evaluated using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) morphological parameters of the macular center of eyes with foveal hypoplasia and describe the presence of hyporeflective zones in the Henle fiber layer (HFL) of eyes with high-grade foveal hypoplasia.

Eyes with foveal hypoplasia were classified into two groups high-grade foveal hypoplasia with thick inner retinal layers at the macular center (thickness above 100 μm; 16 eyes of 9 subjects) and low-grade foveal hypoplasia with thinner inner retinal layers at the macular center (thickness below 100 μm; 25 eyes of 13 subjects). As comparison, SD-OCT images of normal control eyes (n = 75) were investigated.

Eyes with foveal hypoplasia displayed shorter central photoreceptor outer segments (POS), a thinner central myoid zone, and a thicker central HFL compared to control eyes. Eyes with high-grade foveal hypoplasia also displayed a thinntric rings of different reflectivity around the macular center in the HFL of eyes with high-grade foveal hypoplasia.Studies of training and competition load in sport are usually based on data that represents a sample of a league and or annual training program. These studies sometimes explore important factors that are affected by load, such as training adaptations and injury risk. The generalisability of the conclusions of these studies, can depend on how much load varies between seasons, training phases and teams. The interpretation of previous load studies and the design of future load studies should be influenced by an understanding of how load can vary across seasons, training phases and between teams. The current study compared training loads (session rating of perceived exertion x session duration) between all (8) teams in an elite Netball competition for multiple (2) season phases and (2) seasons. A total of 29,545 records of athlete session training loads were included in the analysis. Linear mixed models identified differences between seasons and training phases (p less then .05). There were also differences between teams and a complex set of interactions between these three factors (season, phase, and team) (p less then .05). While the absolute value of the training loads reported here are only relevant to elite netball, these results illustrate that when data is sampled from a broader context, the range and variation in load may increase. This highlights the importance of cautiously interpreting and generalisation of findings from load studies that use limited data sets.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a highly effective HIV prevention strategy and is recommended for populations at risk of HIV, including adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in HIV endemic settings. However, PrEP continuation and high adherence remain challenges to its impact. Existing PrEP adherence interventions can be time- and cost-intensive. Widescale PrEP delivery will require the identification of layered PrEP support strategies for AGYW with diverse prevention needs. We describe the design of a sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) to evaluate a PrEP adherence support model using scalable, stepped interventions in AGYW in South Africa.

"PrEP SMART" is a randomized trial in Johannesburg, South Africa, enrolling AGYW who are between 18 and 25 years of age, sexually active, newly initiating PrEP, and have regular access to a mobile phone. Participants are randomized 11 to standard-of-care PrEP counseling with either two-way SMS or WhatsApp group adherence support. Adherence is assessed at three months using tenofovir diphosphate (TFV-DP) levels from dried blood spots collected at month 2 to categorize participants as "responders" (TFV-DP ≥500 fmol/punch) or "non-responders" (TFV-DP <500 fmol/punch). AGYW defined as 'non-responders' undergo a secondary 11 randomization to either quarterly drug-level feedback counseling or monthly issue-focused counseling, in addition to their first-level intervention. The primary outcome is PrEP adherence at nine months (TFV-DP ≥700 fmol/punch). We will assess the effect of our two initial interventions on TFV-DP levels among responders, assess the effect of our intensified interventions on TFV-DP levels among non-responders, and identify the optimal sequence of adherence interventions through nine months., NCT04038060. Registered on 30 July 2019., NCT04038060. Registered on 30 July 2019.Recently, workers in most enterprises suffer from excessive occupational stress in the workplace, which negatively affects workers' productivity, safety, and health. To deal with stress in workers, it is vital for the human resource management (HRM) department to manage stress effectively, bridging the gap between management and stressed employees. To manage stress effectively, the first step is to predict workers' stress and detect the factors causing stress among workers. Existing methods often rely on the stress assessment questionnaire, which may not be effective to predict workers' stress, due to 1) the difficulty of collecting the questionnaire data, and 2) the bias brought by workers' subjectivity when completing the questionnaires. In this paper, we aim to address this issue and accurately predict workers' stress status based on Deep Learning (DL) approach. We develop two stress prediction models (i.e., stress classification model and stress regression model) and correspondingly design two neural network architectures. We train these two stress prediction models based on workers' data (e.g., salary, working time, KPI). By conducting experiments over two real-world datasets ESI and HAJP, we validate that our proposed deep learning-based approach can effectively predict workers' stress status with 71.2% accuracy in the classification model and 11.1 prediction loss in the regression model. Fimepinostat By accurately predicting workers' stress status with our method, the HRM of enterprises can be improved.The Hsp70 family of molecular chaperones is well-conserved and expressed in all organisms. In budding yeast, cells express four highly similar cytosolic Hsp70s Ssa1, 2, 3 and 4 which arose from gene duplication. Ssa1 and 2 are constitutively expressed while Ssa3 and 4 are induced upon heat shock. Recent evidence suggests that despite their amino acid similarity, these Ssas have unique roles in the cell. Here we examine the relative importance of Ssa1-4 in the regulation of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase (RNR). We demonstrate that cells expressing either Ssa3 or Ssa4 as their sole Ssa are compromised for their resistance to DNA damaging agents and activation of DNA damage response (DDR)-regulated transcription. In addition, we show that the steady state levels and stability of RNR small subunits Rnr2 and Rnr4 are reduced in Ssa3 or Ssa4-expressing cells, a result of decreased Ssa-RNR interaction. Interaction between the Hsp70 co-chaperone Ydj1 and RNR is correspondingly decreased in cells only expressing Ssa3 and 4. Through studies of Ssa2/4 domain swap chimeras, we determined that the C-terminal domain of Ssas are the source of this functional specificity. Taking together, our work suggests a distinct role for Ssa paralogs in regulating DNA replication mediated by C-terminus sequence variation.Functioning of ecosystems depends on the nutrient dynamics across trophic levels, largely mediated by microbial interactions in the soil food web. The present study investigated the use of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and poultry manure (PM) for maintaining labile P in the soil for an extensive fertility enhancement and as a substitution of chemical fertilizers. Based on the different P solubilizing capabilities of Bacillus and Pseudomonas, a quadruple consortium of Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus thuringiensis and Pseudomonas fluorescens, and their grazer nematodes (soil free living) supplemented with PM were studied. This study was carried out on the trophic levels of soil communities to assess the growth and availability of P to the wheat plants. Experiment was performed for 90 days. Comparing the unamended and amended predator results showed that nematode addition beyond bacterial treatment substantially increased the net available P by ≈2 times, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity by 3.3 times. These results demonstrated the nematodes association with increasing nutrient availability or P mineralization. The interactive effect of PM as substrate and biological drivers was more noticeable on plant dry biomass (1.6 times) and plant P concentration (3.5times) compared to the similar unamended treatment. It is concluded that the biological drivers significantly enhanced the soil ALP and available P while the substrate and biological drivers enhanced dry biomass and plant P concentration. Bacterivore nematodes enhanced the effect of PSB for P mineralization via microbial loop and could be used for the enhancement of wheat production.Laboratory mice are widely studied as models of mammalian biology, including the microbiota. However, much of the taxonomic and functional diversity of the mouse gut microbiome is missed in current metagenomic studies, because genome databases have not achieved a balanced representation of the diverse members of this ecosystem. Towards solving this problem, we used flow cytometry and low-coverage sequencing to capture the genomes of 764 single cells from the stool of three laboratory mice. From these, we generated 298 high-coverage microbial genome assemblies, which we annotated for open reading frames and phylogenetic placement. These genomes increase the gene catalog and phylogenetic breadth of the mouse microbiota, adding 135 novel species with the greatest increase in diversity to the Muribaculaceae and Bacteroidaceae families. This new diversity also improves the read mapping rate, taxonomic classifier performance, and gene detection rate of mouse stool metagenomes. The novel microbial functions revealed through our single-cell genomes highlight previously invisible pathways that may be important for life in the murine gastrointestinal tract.Artificial feeding of young infants is considered a modern phenomenon. However, historical sources note its practice in some past European populations. This research explores factors that contributed to a short to absent period of breastfeeding in pre-modern Netherlands. Stable nitrogen and carbon isotope analysis is undertaken on 277 19th century individuals from Beemster, a, rural, mainly Protestant, dairy farming community. An intra-individual sampling approach for ≤6 year-olds compares newer metaphyseal to older diaphyseal long bone collagen to classify feeding status at death. Archivally identified individuals permit analyses of sex and year-of-death. Few infants have isotopic evidence for breastfeeding and, if present, it was likely of short duration or a minor source of dietary protein. From only a few weeks to months of age infants were fed cow's milk and paps with sugar. There is broad dietary homogeneity with no sex or temporal isotopic differences, but young infants (1-11 months) have the most ẟ15N and ẟ13C variation highlighting the effect of multiple dietary and physiological processes.

Autoři článku: Blevinsglass0223 (McCall Lauridsen)