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Our previous review of compassion measures in healthcare between 1985 and 2016 concluded that no available measure assessed compassion in healthcare in a comprehensive or methodologically rigorous fashion. The present study provided a comparative review of the design and psychometric properties of recently updated or newly published compassion measures. The search strategy of our previous review was replicated. PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and PsycINFO databases and grey literature were searched to identify studies that reported information on instruments that measure compassion or compassionate care in clinicians, physicians, nurses, healthcare students, and patients. Textual qualitative descriptions of included studies were prepared. Instruments were evaluated using the Evaluating Measures of Patient-Reported Outcomes (EMPRO) tool. Measures that underwent additional testing since our last review included the Compassion Competence Scale (CCS), the Compassionate Care Assessment Tool (CCAT)©, and the Schwartz Centtandard' compassion measure, providing an empirical basis for evaluations of compassion in routine care.

EpidemiologiCal POpulatioN STudy of SARS-CoV-2 in Lake CounTy, Illinois (CONTACT) is an observational, epidemiological study with a 9-month longitudinal follow-up of nonhospitalized persons aged 18years or older currently living or employed in Lake County, IL. We describe the study design and report baseline characteristics of the study participants, including the proportion of participants with acute or previous SARS-CoV-2 infection at enrollment.

At enrollment and subsequent timepoints, participants recruited through digital and paper-based advertising campaigns reported their occupational and school-based exposure, risk factors, and behaviors, and provided nasal and serum specimens. Stratified enrichment was used to enhance enrollment into medium- and higher-risk groups within four occupational risk groups for SARS-CoV-2 infection. RT-PCR and serologic (IgG) testing were conducted to detect acute or previous SARS-CoV-2 infection in participants, respectively.

Between November 2020 and January 2021, 1-2 infection. The study is ongoing and future analyses will assess infection status over time.



The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted Hispanics in the USA with increased rates of SARS-CoV-2 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. The objective of this report was to characterize the demographics and beliefs of unvaccinated Hispanics to help address their concerns that lead to vaccine hesitancy.

Of 1,011 potential participants from a national online panel, 22.3% (N = 225, 51.6% female, age = 40.5) met inclusion criteria of Hispanic adults and not receiving at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The 30-item survey included items about demographics, political affiliations, sources of news (e.g., Fox vs. CNN), reasons for being unvaccinated, and ratings (0 = strongly disagree, 100 = strongly agree) of 10 controversial statements regarding COVID-19.

Over three-fifths (62.6%) identified side effects and safety concerns, while almost one-third (30.5%) cited a lack of efficacy as their top reasons for being unvaccinated. Agreement to "The developers of the COVID-19 vaccine rushed the development and cut corners" was rated the highest (63.22) which was significantly (p < .001) higher than the other nine statements (e.g., "The COVID-19 vaccine does not work"). Many vaccine attitudes differed significantly by political party affiliation and some by gender and news source. Republicans (59.9 ± 4.2) scored higher than Democrats (38.5 ± 4.2, p ≤ .001) to "If I've already had COVID-19, I don't need the vaccine."

This study identified the heterogeneity in COVID-19 vaccine attitudes among Hispanics. Further research is needed to determine if the subgroups identified are differentially receptive to interventions to facilitate reconsideration of prior vaccination decisions.

This study identified the heterogeneity in COVID-19 vaccine attitudes among Hispanics. Further research is needed to determine if the subgroups identified are differentially receptive to interventions to facilitate reconsideration of prior vaccination decisions.

Podcasts have recently been introduced into psychiatry education, despite limited evidence evaluating podcasting in medical education. PsychEd is an educational, publicly available podcast targeting junior learners in psychiatry. This study characterized PsychEd's listeners and the podcast's role in their education.

The study involved a mixed-methods survey, followed by semi-structured phone interviews with respondents. There were 97 survey responders in total, of whom 9 participated in a telephone interview. Survey responses were coded as interval data and analyzed descriptively using statistical software. Interviews were transcribed and coded for emergent themes using a grounded theory model.

PsychEd listeners represented an interprofessional audience, with 46 respondents (48%) being physicians or physicians in training, and 34 (35%) being allied mental health professionals. All respondents (100%) rated the podcast as "helpful" or "very helpful" for general knowledge. Listeners were attracted to Psychact of podcasts on learning and behaviors.

Xerosis is a common skin side effect of current anticancer therapies, including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiotherapy, and hormonotherapy. We evaluated the effectiveness of an emollient PLUS containing an Aquaphilusdolomiae extract (ADE-G1) for the management of xerosis in adult patients treated for cancer.

This real-world, prospective, observational, multicenter study involved 319 xerotic cancer patients, who were prescribed the study product according to the usual practice of their physician. The practitioner assessed xerosis severity and objective clinical signs, and the patients assessed subjective clinical signs and the impact of their skin condition on their quality of life, at inclusion and after around 4weeks of use. Overall effectiveness and tolerance were assessed at the end of the study. Clinical success was defined by the combination of several of these effectiveness outcomes.

Daily application of the emollient PLUS reduced xerosis severity in 62.7% of patients (p < 0.0001). The mef the initial grade of xerosis and the anticancer treatment received.

Swallowing difficulties (i.e., dysphagia) occur in up to 40% of the adult general population, particularly among the elderly prescribed solid oral dosage forms. Pimavanserin is approved for the treatment of hallucinations and delusions in patients with Parkinson's disease psychosis (PDP) as a 34-mg capsule formulation. Patients with PDP may be at-risk for dysphagia that could affect administration of intact pimavanserin capsules. The stability of oral pimavanserin was evaluated in different liquid/soft food vehicles.

The stability of pimavanserin intended for oral administration was assessed by sprinkling the contents of 1 pimavanserin 34-mg capsule into water (40 mL), applesauce (40 g), vanilla Ensure (60 mL), or non-pulp orange juice (60 mL).

The stability study demonstrated >95% recovery within 24 hours after contents of a 34-mg pimavanserin capsule were dispersed in applesauce, vanilla Ensure®, orange juice, or water. Assay values at 24 h for individual capsules were within 5% of time zero, and no significant change in the impurity profile was observed in any vehicle. Pimavanserin degradation products recovered from various food vehicles for individual and total degradation products were < 0.5% at all time points. In addition, the impurity profile of compatibility samples matched that obtained for a control sample.

These results support the ability of pimavanserin to be given orally by emptying the capsule contents into soft foods or liquids in accordance with the product label.

These results support the ability of pimavanserin to be given orally by emptying the capsule contents into soft foods or liquids in accordance with the product label.

It is assumed that loss of heterozygosity and allelic copy loss in HLA gene is associated with poor response rates in immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment. H-owever, the accurate extents or consistency in cancer types have not been explored.

The goal of this study is to investigate quantitative relationship between HLA allelic copy loss and response rates to immune checkpoint inhibitors. Also, tumor microenvironment was computationally assessed in the tumors with HLA copy loss to provide potential mechanisms for the relationships.

A total of 282 whole exome sequencing data from three cohorts of patients who received immune checkpoint blockade immunotherapy were analyzed, including Anti-PDL1 treated in metastatic urothelial cancer (N = 216), anti-PD1 treated metastatic melanoma (N = 26), and anti-CTLA4 treated metastatic melanoma (N = 39). The LOHHLA algorithm was used to calculate allelic copy number loss at each HLA-A, -B, and -C locus, and further determine HLA allelic copy loss status. The HLA copy inhibitory factor in the immune treatment response by causing T cell immune evasion, our analysis demonstrates no explicit relationships.

To evaluate the prognosis of patients with blunt trauma-mediated cyclodialysis cleft and lens subluxation treated by dual capsular tension rings (CTRs) with different preoperative intraocular pressures (IOPs).

Twenty-five patients with cyclodialysis cleft and lens subluxation after blunt trauma were recruited in this study. They were categorized into the low IOP group (IOP < 10mmHg) and normal IOP group (between 10mm and 21mmHg). A modified CTR (MCTR) or CTR was sutured into the ciliary sulcus, and another MCTR or CTR was implanted in the capsular bag. The prognosis outcome measurements, including BCVA (LogMAR), IOP, UBM, and macular character on OCT, were collected during the regular outpatient follow-up after surgery until the recovery of cyclodialysis cleft was found. Measures of cyclodialysis cleft recovery included successful IOP control (defined as an IOP within 10-21mmHg), confirmation of cleft closure on UBM, and confirmation of IOL centration under slit-lamp examination. Follow-up period or re preoperative IOP is associated with worse prognosis and prolonged recovery time, while caution should be taken in IOP spike monitoring in patients with normal preoperative IOP.

Timely and proper intervention for traumatic cyclodialysis cleft associated with lens subluxation is essential. Lower preoperative IOP is associated with worse prognosis and prolonged recovery time, while caution should be taken in IOP spike monitoring in patients with normal preoperative IOP.

There is a lack of evidence about the exact deterioration of visual function associated with the age-related natural changes in the lens, particularly in intermediate (stage-2) dysfunctional lens syndrome (DLS). Standard photopic visual acuity and contrast sensitivity tests may not show the visual worsening in daily life activities, such as oncoming vehicle headlights at night. The purpose of this study was to analyze visual function under different conditions and glare sources in stage-2 DLS.

Forty patients over 49years of age with initial bilateral lens opacification (Lens Opacities Classification System III [LOCS-III] scores up to 3), best-corrected visual acuity of 20/25 or better, and no ocular disease were evaluated. Binocular photopic and mesopic contrast sensitivity (CS) with/without halogen and xenon increasing glare sources were analyzed. Mesopic disability glare (MDG) was calculated as the difference between mesopic CS with/without the glare source.

The median logarithmic CS (logCS) values were lower under mesopic conditions (1.

Autoři článku: Blantoncrowder9873 (Pehrson Kusk)