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The associations of AntioxyScore with diuretic treatment and eGFR were mutually independent. In conclusion, eGFR is the major contributor to the imbalance in oxidative stress in this older population. Given the association between oxidative stress, CKD, and CVR, the inclusion of renal function parameters in CVR estimators for older populations, such as the SCORE-OP, might improve their modest performance.Women suffer depression at higher rates than men. In a meta-analysis using data from 1982-2017, Platt et al. (Am J Epidemiol. 2021;190(7)1190-1206) examine trends by age group in the gender depression gap and find no change in the depression gap among adults despite large changes in women's opportunities during the same time period. They do, however, find an increase over time in the gender gap in depression among adolescents. I concur with Platt et al. that likely explanations for their findings involve the social environment. For adult women, the burden of being responsible for the majority of the household labor and the rise in unmarried parenting are likely explanations for why increased paid work opportunities have not resulted in a decrease in the gender gap in depression. For adolescents, the increase might be due to the popularity of social media rising at the same time expectations surrounding beauty and attractiveness heightened for girls and young women. Platt et al. highlight the relationship between the uneven change of the "gender revolution" and depression.The depression gap refers to higher rates of depression among women than men. Change in the depression gap over time might elucidate social causes of this disparity-such as unequal college attendance or employment status. We conducted a meta-regression analysis to estimate variation in the depression gap over time by age, accounting for potential sources of variation between studies. Electronic databases and bibliographies were searched for English-language studies from January 1980 through October 2019; 144 independent estimates from US-representative samples met selection criteria (n = 813,189). The depression gap was summarized as prevalence ratios among studies using diagnostic instruments and as standardized mean differences among symptom-based studies. Primary study measures were baseline study year (range, 1982-2017) and age (age groups ranging, in years, from 10-59 and 60 or older). Compared with respondents aged ≥60 years, depression prevalence was greater among respondents aged 10-19 (prevalence ratio = 1.26, 95% confidence interval 1.02, 1.56). Over time, the depression gap did not change among adults, but it increased among adolescents (age-by-time interaction prevalence ratio = 1.05, 95% confidence interval 1.01, 1.08). Results were similar for symptom-based studies. The present study finds no evidence of a change in the depression gender gap for US adults; however, the gap increased among adolescents. Greater attention to factors driving this widening disparity in adolescent depression is needed.

Globally, mitigation measures during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have focused on protecting older adults. Earlier disaster studies have shown the importance of including older peoples' voices to prevent secondary stressors, yet these voices have received little attention during this pandemic. Here, we explore how Dutch older adults view this crisis and cope with measures to contribute to our understanding of coping of older adults in general and during disaster situations more specifically.

Qualitative study using semistructured telephone interviews with 59 diverse older adults aged 54-95 throughout the Netherlands.

Older adults typify this crisis as ungraspable, disrupting their daily and social lives. Despite filling their lives with activities, they experience loss or lack of purpose. They try to follow measures to decrease infection risk and gain control, and use problem- and emotion-focused coping strategies. Emotion-focused strategies used were interpreting their personal vulnsual approach toward coping that incorporates temporal dimensions such as duration and order. Our findings stress the importance of acknowledging heterogeneity among older adults and adjusting communication about mitigation measures to decrease insecurity and increase resonance. This may make COVID-19 mitigation measures more manageable and age-responsible and allow older adults to start living again.Preconception health care is heralded as an essential method of improving pregnancy health and outcomes. However, access to health care for low-income US women of reproductive age has been limited because of a lack of health insurance. Expansions of Medicaid program eligibility under the Affordable Care Act (as well as prior expansions in some states) have changed this circumstance and expanded health insurance coverage for low-income women. These Medicaid expansions provide an opportunity to assess whether obtaining health insurance coverage improves prepregnancy and pregnancy health and reduces prevalence of adverse pregnancy outcomes. We tested this hypothesis using vital statistics data from 2011-2017 on singleton births to female US residents aged 15-44 years. We examined associations between preconception exposure to Medicaid expansion and measures of prepregnancy health, pregnancy health, and pregnancy outcomes using a difference-in-differences empirical approach. Increased Medicaid eligibility was not associated with improvements in prepregnancy or pregnancy health measures and did not reduce the prevalence of adverse birth outcomes (e.g., prevalence of preterm birth increased by 0.1 percentage point (95% confidence interval -0.2, 0.3)). Increasing Medicaid eligibility alone may be insufficient to improve prepregnancy or pregnancy health and birth outcomes. Preconception programming in combination with attention to other structural determinants of pregnancy health is needed.

Supporting patients to access community-based support may be a key intervention to address the wider determinants of health. There is a lack of evidence synthesis around the most effective methods for linking individuals from health services to organizations within communities, especially those aimed at supporting families with young children.

Papers were identified from seven databases covering peer-reviewed and grey literature. The Effective Public Health Practice Project and the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Qualitative quality appraisal tools were used to assess methodological quality. Thematic narrative data synthesis based on study quality was performed.

Twenty-four unique publications were included in the review with a range of study designs and variable methodological quality. A broad typology of intervention processes for undertaking linking was developed defining three distinct approaches signposting, referral and facilitation. Active processes, such as facilitation, appeared more successful at linking families to community support.

This was the first systematic review to focus on interventions that link families with young children to community-based support organizations. It identified a typology for linking interventions, and whilst there were limitations in the quality of evidence available, it showed a tendency for more active interventions to be more effective in linking families to community support.

This was the first systematic review to focus on interventions that link families with young children to community-based support organizations. It identified a typology for linking interventions, and whilst there were limitations in the quality of evidence available, it showed a tendency for more active interventions to be more effective in linking families to community support.Biological pathways reflect the key cellular mechanisms that dictate disease states, drug response and altered cellular function. The local areas of pathways are defined as subpathways (SPs), whose dysfunction has been reported to be associated with the occurrence and development of cancer. With the development of high-throughput sequencing technology, identifying dysfunctional SPs by using multi-omics data has become possible. Moreover, the SPs are not isolated in the biological system but interact with each other. Here, we propose a network-based calculated method, CNA2Subpathway, to identify dysfunctional SPs is driven by somatic copy number alterations (CNAs) in cancer through integrating pathway topology information, multi-omics data and SP crosstalk. This provides a novel way of SP analysis by using the SP interactions in the system biological level. Using data sets from breast cancer and head and neck cancer, we validate the effectiveness of CNA2Subpathway in identifying cancer-relevant SPs driven by the somatic CNAs, which are also shown to be associated with cancer immune and prognosis of patients. We further compare our results with five pathway or SP analysis methods based on CNA and gene expression data without considering SP crosstalk. With these analyses, we show that CNA2Subpathway could help to uncover dysfunctional SPs underlying cancer via the use of SP crosstalk. CNA2Subpathway is developed as an R-based tool, which is freely available on GitHub (https// Medicaid program covers more than 70 million people and is the largest single health insurance payer for pregnancy and delivery in the United States. In this issue of the Journal, Margerison et al. (Am J Epidemiol. 2021;190(8)1488-1498) investigate the extent to which expansion of Medicaid coverage to nonpregnant low-income adults under the Affordable Care Act may have improved prepregnancy or birth outcomes. They found that Medicaid expansions by states were not associated with changes in prepregnancy health, including smoking and obesity. Similarly, there were no changes in preterm birth or small or large size for gestational age attributable to Medicaid expansion. Results were consistent across a range of model specifications and with allowance for different lag times between Medicaid expansion and pregnancy. The results are consistent with prior research finding that pregnancy-specific Medicaid expansions did not uniformly translate to improved pregnancy and birth outcomes. Results should be interpreted in light of the limited contribution that medical services make to overall health and well-being. To reduce the high rates of adverse pregnancy and child health outcomes in the United States, Medicaid policy must move toward a reproductive autonomy framework that shifts the focus away from pregnancy-specific benefits and toward a comprehensive and patient-empowering reproductive health paradigm.

This study examined relationships between the level of control and support and home health aides (HHAs) job satisfaction and intent to leave the job.

Data derive from a survey of 512 HHAs in Massachusetts. Logistic regression using generalized estimating equations was employed for the analysis. Dependent variables included satisfaction and intent to leave the job as a home care aide generally and satisfaction and intent to leave the job at the aide's current agency.

The findings showed that greater control and support on the job were important predictors of positive work outcomes, controlling for job demands and other covariates. The odds of HHAs being satisfied with their job as a home care aide increased with the degree of control, whereas the odds of HHAs being satisfied with their job at their current agency increased with the extent of support. Control was negatively associated with HHAs' intent to leave the job as an aide; no relationship was found between control or support and HHAs' intent to leave their current agency.

The results from this study illustrate the importance for HHAs of having control and autonomy in their work, as well as the benefit of support from supervisors and the home care agency, on satisfaction and intent to leave. Expanding HHA's ability to maintain control over their day-to-day work, as well as enhancing the supports available to them, is likely to benefit home care workers, clients, and agencies through increased retention.

The results from this study illustrate the importance for HHAs of having control and autonomy in their work, as well as the benefit of support from supervisors and the home care agency, on satisfaction and intent to leave. Expanding HHA's ability to maintain control over their day-to-day work, as well as enhancing the supports available to them, is likely to benefit home care workers, clients, and agencies through increased retention.The construction of microbial cell factories for sustainable production of chemicals and pharmaceuticals requires extensive genome engineering. Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this study proposes synthetic neochromosomes as orthogonal expression platforms for rewiring native cellular processes and implementing new functionalities. Capitalizing the powerful homologous recombination capability of S. cerevisiae, modular neochromosomes of 50 and 100 kb were fully assembled de novo from up to 44 transcriptional-unit-sized fragments in a single transformation. These assemblies were remarkably efficient and faithful to their in silico design. Neochromosomes made of non-coding DNA were stably replicated and segregated irrespective of their size without affecting the physiology of their host. These non-coding neochromosomes were successfully used as landing pad and as exclusive expression platform for the essential glycolytic pathway. This work pushes the limit of DNA assembly in S. cerevisiae and paves the way for de novo designer chromosomes as modular genome engineering platforms in S. cerevisiae.The scientific community relies on postmarketing approaches to define the risk of using medications in pregnancy because information available at the time of drug approval is limited. Most studies carried out in pregnancy focus on a single outcome or selected outcomes. However, women must balance the benefit of treatment against all possible adverse effects. We aimed to apply and evaluate a tree-based scan statistic data-mining method (TreeScan; Martin Kulldorff, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts) as a safety surveillance approach that allows for simultaneous evaluation of a comprehensive range of adverse pregnancy outcomes, while preserving the overall rate of false-positive alerts. We evaluated TreeScan with a cohort design and adjustment via propensity score techniques, using 2 test cases 1) opioids and neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and 2) valproate and congenital malformations, implemented in pregnancy cohorts nested within the Medicaid Analytic eXtract (January 1, 2000-December 31, 2014) and the IBM MarketScan Research Database (IBM, Armonk, New York) (January 1, 2003-September 30, 2015). In both cases, we identified known safety concerns, with only 1 previously unreported alert at the preset statistical alerting threshold. This evaluation shows the promise of TreeScan-based approaches for systematic drug safety monitoring in pregnancy. A targeted screening approach followed by deeper investigation to refine understanding of potential signals will ensure that pregnant women and their physicians have access to the best available evidence to inform treatment decisions.GNA13, encoding one of the G protein alpha subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins that transduce signals of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR), is frequently mutated in germinal center B-cell-like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (GCB-DLBCL) with poor prognostic outcomes. Due to the "undruggable" nature of GNA13, targeted therapy for these patients is not available. In this study, we found that palmitoylation of GNA13 not only regulates its plasma membrane localization, but also regulates GNA13's stability. It is essential for the tumor suppressor function of GNA13 in GCB-DLBCL cells. Interestingly, GNA13 negatively regulates BCL2 expression in GCB-DLBCL cells in a palmitoylation-dependent manner. Consistently, BCL2 inhibitors were found to be effective in killing GNA13-deficient GCB-DLBCL cells in a cell-based chemical screen. Furthermore, we demonstrate that inactivating GNA13 by targeting its palmitoylation enhanced the sensitivity of GCB-DLBCL to the BCL2 inhibitor. These studies indicate that the loss-of-function mutation of GNA13 is a biomarker for BCL2 inhibitor therapy of GCB-DLBCL and that GNA13 palmitoylation is a potential target for combination therapy with BCL2 inhibitors to treat GCB-DLBCL with wild-type GNA13.

To compare visual improvements between initial intravitreal t-PA with gas injection before anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and anti-VEGF injection monotherapy for submacular haemorrhage (SMH) associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

We retrospectively reviewed medical records of naive patients treated with intravitreal t-PA with gas injection before anti-VEGF (Group 1) or only with intravitreal anti-VEGF injection (Group 2) for SMH [disc area (DA) ≥ 2] associated with AMD from two institutions. Both groups received 3 monthly loads of anti-VEGF injections followed by injections as needed for AMD treatment. Changes in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA, logMAR) between the initial visit and after 6 months of treatment were compared between two groups.

A total of 82 patients were enroled. Of these, 32 patients and 50 patients were grouped in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. The mean change in BCVA over 6 months for Group 1 was -0.52 ± 0.88, which was significantly larger (p = 0.044) than the mean change for Group 2 (-0.15 ± 0.58). We compared visual improvements between the two groups based on the following SMH size categories ≤5, >5, and ≤15, and >15 DA. When the SMH size was ≤5, or >5 and ≤15 DA, the mean change in BCVA was larger for Group 1 than for Group 2, but this difference was not significant. When SMH size was >15 DA, Group 1 patients exhibited a mean visual improvement of -0.79 ± 0.80, which was significantly greater (p = 0.029) than that of Group 2 (-0.06 ± 0.67).

Patients that were primarily treated for SMH associated with AMD using t-PA and gas injection (followed by anti-VEGF injection) exhibited better visual improvement than those treated with anti-VEGF monotherapy, especially in patients exhibiting larger SMH sizes (>15 DA) at the initial visit.

15 DA) at the initial visit.Corydalis yanhusuo W.T. Wang is a classic herb that is frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine and is efficacious in promoting blood circulation, enhancing energy, and relieving pain. Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs) are the main bioactive ingredients in Corydalis yanhusuo. However, few studies have investigated the BIA biosynthetic pathway in C. yanhusuo, and the biosynthetic pathway of species-specific chemicals such as tetrahydropalmatine remains unclear. We performed full-length transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses to identify candidate genes that might be involved in BIA biosynthesis and identified a total of 101 full-length transcripts and 19 metabolites involved in the BIA biosynthetic pathway. Moreover, the contents of 19 representative BIAs in C. yanhusuo were quantified by classical targeted metabolomic approaches. Their accumulation in the tuber was consistent with the expression patterns of identified BIA biosynthetic genes in tubers and leaves, which reinforces the validity and reliability of the analyses. Full-length genes with similar expression or enrichment patterns were identified, and a complete BIA biosynthesis pathway in C. yanhusuo was constructed according to these findings. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a total of ten enzymes that may possess columbamine-O-methyltransferase activity, which is the final step for tetrahydropalmatine synthesis. Our results span the whole BIA biosynthetic pathway in C. yanhusuo. Our full-length transcriptomic data will enable further molecular cloning of enzymes and activity validation studies.Mango fruit exposed to sunlight develops red skin and are more resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses. Here we show that harvested red mango fruit that was exposed to sunlight at the orchard is more resistant than green fruit to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. LCMS analysis showed high amounts of antifungal compounds, as glycosylated flavonols, glycosylated anthocyanins, and mangiferin in red vs. green mango skin, correlated with higher antioxidant and lower ROS. However, also the green side of red mango fruit that has low levels of flavonoids was resistant, indicated induced resistance. Transcriptomes of red and green fruit inoculated on their red and green sides with C. gloeosporioides were analyzed. Overall, in red fruit skin, 2,187 genes were upregulated in response to C. gloeosporioides. On the green side of red mango, upregulation of 22 transcription factors and 33 signaling-related transcripts indicated induced resistance. The RNA-Seq analysis suggests that resistance of the whole red fruit involved upregulation of ethylene, brassinosteroid, and phenylpropanoid pathways. To conclude, red fruit resistance to fungal pathogen was related to both flavonoid toxicity and primed resistance of fruit that was exposed to light at the orchard.Cisplatin resistance is frequently occurred in ovarian cancer therapy, understanding its regulatory mechanisms is critical for developing novel treatment methods and drugs. Here, we found ovarian cancer patients with low FAM83B levels had shorter survival time, tissues with cisplatin resistance also had low FAM83B levels, suggesting FAM83B might inhibit cisplatin resistance. FAM83B overexpression inhibits cisplatin resistance showed in increased ovarian cancer cell proliferation and growth rate, and reduced apoptosis rate, while FAM83B knockdown promotes cisplatin resistance. Mechanism analysis showed FAM83B interacted with APC to inhibit Wnt pathway activity, causing ovarian cancer cisplatin resistance. We also found FAM83B levels were negative with Wnt pathway activity in clinic samples, confirming FAM83B inhibited Wnt pathway activity. In summary, we found FAM83B inhibits ovarian cancer cisplatin resistance through inhibiting Wnt pathway, providing a new target for ovarian cancer therapy.Almond [Prunus dulcis Miller (D.A. Webb)] is the main tree nut species worldwide. Here, genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) was applied to 149 almond cultivars from the ex situ collections of the Italian Council for Agricultural Research (CREA) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), leading to the detection of 93,119 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The study of population structure outlined four distinct genetic groups and highlighted diversification between the Mediterranean and Californian gene pools. Data on SNP diversity and runs of homozygosity (ROHs) allowed the definition of kinship, inbreeding, and linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay in almond cultivated germplasm. Four-year phenotypic observations, gathered on 98 cultivars of the CREA collection, were used to perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and, for the first time in a crop species, homozygosity mapping (HM), resulting in the identification of genomic associations with nut, shell, and seed weight. Both GWAS and HM suggested that loci controlling nut and seed weight are mostly independent. Overall, this study provides insights on the almond cultivation history and delivers information of major interest for almond genetics and breeding. In a broader perspective, our results encourage the use of ROHs in crop science to estimate inbreeding, choose parental combinations minimizing the risk of inbreeding depression, and identify genomic footprints of selection for specific traits.BACKGROUND The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits, stress, emotional intelligence, and central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). MATERIAL AND METHODS This prospective case-control study included 57 patients with acute CSCR and 57 age- and sex-matched controls with refractive errors. Inclusion criteria for CSCR group were acute unilateral onset of visual disturbances within 2 weeks until the first visit to the ophthalmologist and ophthalmoscopic finding of a round or oval macular detachment confirmed by optical coherence tomography as a dome-shaped serous neuroretinal elevation. RESULTS Using the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF), patients with CSCR achieved slightly higher scores on primary characteristics such as warmth (P=0.612) and perfectionism (P=0.137) when compared to the control subjects. Mean scores measured with the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) were significantly higher in patients with CSCR (P=0.004), which means that these patients had notably elevated average reactivity to stressful life events. In addition, the number of patients with a high stress level was higher in the CSCR group than in the control group. Considering the level of emotional intelligence measured with the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (TEIQue-SF), patients with CSCR achieved significantly lower scores on well-being (P=0.003) and sociability (P=0.011) factors, as well as on total score (P=0.014). CONCLUSIONS A higher level of perceived stress is the most important psychological risk factor for CSCR. According to our results, a low level of emotional intelligence may be an additional factor that contributes to the occurrence of CSCR.BACKGROUND Pleuropericarditis after pacemaker (IPG) implantation is a rare post-cardiac injury syndrome (PCIS) condition. Pericarditis is one of the complications following insertion of a IPG; it affects 2-5% of patients within 5-21 days after IPG implementation and is associated with screw-in (active fixation) atrial lead positioning. Usually, pericarditis following IPG implantation is benign and has a self-limiting course. The mechanism of this complication remains unclear. It could involve a direct irritation of pericardium by minimally protruding electrodes, low bleeding, and autoimmune and inflammatory responses. The frequency of pleuropericarditis is not well defined. The etiopathogenesis is presumed to be the same as for pericarditis, yet there are no standardized criteria for the diagnosis, and treatment is based on the empirical anti-inflammatory therapy used in pericarditis. CASE REPORT A 71-year-old woman was admitted due to syncope. Sinus arrests with escape atrioventricular rhythm were observed during hospitalization; therefore, a dual-chamber pacemaker (IPG) was implanted with 2 active fixation (screw-in) electrodes. On the first day after implantation, a slight pericardial hemorrhage occurred with resorption in the following days, and an inflammatory reaction with pericardial and left pleural effusion occurred later. The first-line treatment was ineffective. However, prednisolone with colchicines with longer use than suggested by pericarditis recommendations was effective. CONCLUSIONS Patients with even mild pericardial effusion after IPG insertion should be followed closely due to the risk of pleuropericarditis, with consideration of anti-inflammatory treatment for longer than in pericarditis.Patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases refractory to conventional disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)have been treated with biologics for the last two decades. It is also known that patients under biotechnological therapy present a higher risk of developing Tuberculosis (TB).Portugal has now a TB incidence classified as low. National recommendations advise on latent TB screening before the beginning of the biological therapy. This screening consists in the detection of risk factors and/or signs and symptoms of latent TB through clinical history, physical examination, chest X-ray, tuberculin skin test and Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) test. We describe five clinical cases of patients who underwent biotechnological therapy at our Hospital after 2006 and developed TB.

We sought to investigate the effect of obesity and BMI on functional outcome and rate of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) in a large sample of patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) treated with intravenous thrombolysis (IVT).

In a single-center retrospective, but prospectively collected data, study of patients with AIS treated with IVT in a 10-year period, patients were placed into groups based on their BMI defined as underweight (<18.5 kg/m2), normal weight (18.5-24.9 kg/m2), overweight (25-29.9 kg/m2), or obese (<30 kg/m2). The rate of sICH and discharge modified Rankin Scale (mRS) were compared between the groups using logistic regression analysis.

In a total of 834 patients who received IVT for AIS during a 10-year period, 224 (27.0%) were obese. Obese patients did not have a higher rate of sICH after IVT for AIS on the unadjusted or adjusted analysis (adjusted OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.48-1.88). We did not find an association between obesity and poor functional outcome at discharge (adjusted OR 0.76, 95% CI 0.53-1.09).

After adjusting for confounding factors such as age, baseline National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), and comorbidities, obesity was not associated with an unfavorable functional outcome at discharge nor with a higher risk of sICH in patients with AIS treated with IVT.

After adjusting for confounding factors such as age, baseline National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), and comorbidities, obesity was not associated with an unfavorable functional outcome at discharge nor with a higher risk of sICH in patients with AIS treated with IVT.Rhabdomyolysis is a major cause of acute kidney failure. The etiology is diverse, from full-blown crush syndrome to less frequent causes, such as metabolic myopathy. We describe the case of a 35-year-old male with a history of intermittent myalgias who was admitted to hospital with acute renal failure secondary to rhabdomyolysis. Moderate to intense diffuse uptake of technetium-99m was seen in soft tissues at scintigraphy. The diagnosis of metabolic myopathy was confirmed after careful workup and genetic testing.

The diagnosis of epilepsy takes a certain process, depending entirely on the attending physician. However, the human factor may cause erroneous diagnosis in the analysis of the EEG signal. In the past 2 decades, many advanced signal processing and machine learning methods have been developed for the detection of epileptic seizures. However, many of these methods require large data sets and complex operations.

In this study, an end-to-end machine learning model is presented for detection of epileptic seizure using the pretrained deep two-dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN) and the concept of transfer learning. The EEG signal is converted directly into visual data with a spectrogram and used directly as input data.

The authors analyzed the results of the training of the proposed pretrained AlexNet CNN model. Both binary and ternary classifications were performed without any extra procedure such as feature extraction. By performing data set creation from short-term spectrogram graphic images, the authors were able to achieve 100% accuracy for binary classification for epileptic seizure detection and 100% for ternary classification.

The proposed automatic identification and classification model can help in the early diagnosis of epilepsy, thus providing the opportunity for effective early treatment.

The proposed automatic identification and classification model can help in the early diagnosis of epilepsy, thus providing the opportunity for effective early treatment.

We aimed to determine knowledge of stroke risk factors and signs in an urban population of northern Benin.

A door-to-door purposeful sampling survey was conducted in resident population (age ≥15 years) of the district of Titirou in the city of Parakou (N = 255,478) in Benin between March 15 and July 15, 2016. In-person interviews were conducted with data collection on structured questionnaires with close and open questions, according to standard definitions. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess predictors of good knowledge, defined by provision of a correct response in pre-defined set of questions on stroke risk factors and warning signs.

Of 4,671 participants (mean age 27.7 ± 12.9 years; females 50.6%), only 404 (8.6%) knew at least 1 stroke risk factor. Knowledge level of stroke risk factors (odds ratio, 95% confidence interval) was related to age (1.37, 1.27-1.48), level of education (2.54, 1.73-3.72), and family history of stroke (3.01, 2.08-4.26). Only 230 (4.9%) were able to cite at least 1 stroke symptom, and this knowledge was great with increasing age (1.04, 1.02-1.06), family (3.63, 2.41-5.49) and personal history of stroke (3.71, 1.86-7.42), and high level of education (4.35, 2.68-7.07).

Knowledge of stroke risk factors and signs is low in northern Benin. Greater public education and awareness campaigns are required to address the burden of stroke.

Knowledge of stroke risk factors and signs is low in northern Benin. Greater public education and awareness campaigns are required to address the burden of stroke.Estimates of population size are fundamental to setting conservation priorities for threatened primate species. Many taxa in the lemur genus Lepilemur remain understudied, and basic population statistics are often dated, incomplete, or absent. Hubbard's sportive lemur (Lepilemur hubbardorum) is known only from the Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park region in southwestern Madagascar. It is listed as Endangered by the IUCN owing to its fragmented, declining habitat and limited geographic range. However, this classification has not been confirmed through systematic population estimates. To address this issue, we undertook line transect surveys in the Zombitse parcel of the National Park. We applied geospatial analyses and data to quantify forest area as a proxy for L. hubbardorumhabitat. We recorded a total of 234 L. hubbardorum sightings over 18 survey nights, representing 47.2 km of survey effort. Our surveys revealed population densities of 145.6 L. hubbardorum individuals per km2 (95% CI 97.2-218.1), for an extrapolated abundance estimate of ca. 16,500-18,000 L. hubbardorum individuals across the protected forests of the Zombitse parcel. This abundance estimate should be considered provisional, however, because our restricted sampling area did not include the more remote regions of the National Park where habitat disturbance and hunting practices have likely contributed to localized population declines.

Clinical outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) caused by large vessel occlusion (LVO) is not satisfactory if reperfusion treatment fails or is not tried.

We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of urgent superficial temporal-to-middle cerebral artery (STA-MCA) bypass surgery in selected patients.

Patients who were diagnosed with LVO-induced AIS in the anterior circulation but had a failed intra-arterial thrombectomy (IAT) or were not tried due to IAT contraindications were prospectively enrolled. Timely urgent STA-MCA bypass surgery was performed if they showed perfusion-diffusion mismatch or symptom-diffusion mismatch in the acute phase of disease. Clinical and radiological data of these patients were assessed to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of urgent bypass procedures. A pooled analysis of published data on urgent bypass surgery in acute stroke patients was conducted and analyzed.

In 18 patients who underwent timely bypass, the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score improved from 12.11 ± 4.84 to 9.89 ± 6.52, 1 week after surgery. Three-month and long-term (9.72 ± 5.00 months) favorable outcomes (modified Rankin Scale [mRS] scores 0-2) were achieved in 50 and 75% of the patients, respectively. The pooled analysis (117 patients from 10 articles, including ours) identified favorable mRS scores in 71.79% patients at 3 months. A significant NIHSS score improvement from 11.51 ± 4.89 to 7.59 ± 5.50 was observed after surgery with significance. Major complications occurred in 3 patients (2.6%, 3/117) without mortality.

Urgent STA-MCA bypass surgery can be regarded as a safe optional treatment to prevent cerebral infarct expansion and to improve clinical and radiological outcomes in highly selected patients.

Urgent STA-MCA bypass surgery can be regarded as a safe optional treatment to prevent cerebral infarct expansion and to improve clinical and radiological outcomes in highly selected patients.In the past, the heart muscle was thought to originate from a single source of myocardial progenitor cells. More recently, however, an additional source of myocardial progenitors has been revealed to be the second heart field, and chicken embryos were important for establishing this concept. However, there have been few studies in chicken on how this field contributes to heart muscles in vitro. We have developed an ex vivo experimental system from chicken embryos between stages HH17-20 to investigate how mesodermal progenitors in the second branchial arch (BA2) differentiate into cardiac muscles. Using this method, we presented evidence that the progenitor cells within the BA2 arch differentiated into beating cardiomyocytes in vitro. The beating explant cells were positive for cardiac actin, Nkx2.5, and ventricular myosin heavy chain. In addition, we performed a time course for the expression of second heart field markers (Isl1 and Nkx2.5) in the BA2 from stage HH16 to stage HH21 using in situ hybridization. Accordingly, using EGFP-based cell labeling techniques and quail-chicken cell injection, we demonstrated that mesodermal cells from the BA2 contributed to the outflow tract and ventricular myocardium in vivo. Thus, our findings highlight the cardiogenic potential of chicken BA2 mesodermal cells in vitro and in vivo.Összefoglaló. A Niemann-Pick-betegség autoszomális recesszíven öröklődő lizoszomális tárolási betegség, amelynek hátterében a savi szfingomielináz enzim hiánya vagy csökkent aktivitása (A-, A/B- és B-típus), illetve a Niemann-Pick C intracelluláris koleszterintranszporter fehérje deficientiája (C- és D-típus) állhat. A defektus következtében szfingomielin és koleszterin halmozódik fel a sejtek lizoszómáiban. A betegség leggyakoribb prezentációs tünete a hepatosplenomegalia miatt elődomborodó nagy has. A legsúlyosabb tünetek a progresszív neurodegeneráció következményei. A diagnózis megerősítésében elengedhetetlen a genetikai vizsgálat, amely az érintett családokban lehetőséget teremt praenatalis genetikai vizsgálatok végzésére is. A betegség idejekorán történő felismerése rendkívül fontos, hiszen napjainkban a terápiás lehetőségek egyre bővülnek. A szubsztrátredukciós, illetve enzimpótló kezeléseknek köszönhetően a hepatosplenomegalia mérsékelhető, és lassítható vagy visszafordítható a neurológiai tünetek proyme replacement therapies, hepatosplenomegaly can be reduced, and progression of neurological symptoms can be reversed. Through two case reports, the author presents the main types, clinical manifestations, and molecular genetic background of this rare metabolic disorder. The author describes the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to Niemann-Pick disease. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(2) 74-80.Összefoglaló. A nagy mésztartalmú plakkok által okozott szűkületek percutan intervenciója az esetek egy részében a jelenleg széles körben elérhető megoldások alkalmazásával technikailag nem kivitelezhető. A procedurális sikertelenség vezető oka a meszes laesiók kalciumtartalom miatti fokozott ellenállása a ballonos dilatációkkal szemben, mely lehetetlenné teszi a szükséges sztentek levezetését is. Az ilyen laesiók mésztartalmának csökkentését célzó hagyományos plakkmodifikációs eljárások - mint a rotablatio, a vágó- és ultranagy nyomású ballonok - sem jelentenek megoldást minden esetben, különösen az érfal átmérőjének legalább 50%-át elérő, akár körkörösen jelen lévő meszesedés fennállása esetén. A közelmúltban éppen ezen laesiók mésztartalmának feltördelésére, így a sztentek deponálásának elősegítésére kifejlesztett módszert a szakirodalom intravascularis lithoplastica néven említi. A jelen közleményben a Klinikánkon eddig 4 beteg rendkívül meszes laesióinak jó angiológiai eredményű ellátása során az eszközzlesions. In our current work, we summarize the experience gathered with this method during the treatment of extremely calcified lesions of 4 patients with good angiographic result. As a conclusion, intravascular lithoplasty is a promising new interventional method in the treatment of massively calcified coronary lesions. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(2) 69-73.Összefoglaló. Bevezetés A Nemzeti Szívinfarktus Regiszterben 111 788 beteg 122 351 infarktusos eseményéhez kapcsolódó 145 292 kezelés adatai szerepelnek. Módszer A rögzített adatokat az üzemeltetők folyamatosan kontrollálják, bemutatják azokat a minőségbiztosítási módszereket, amelyekkel az adatbázis teljességét és megfelelőségét biztosítják. Az online informatikai rendszerben az adatbevitel során 119 automatikus ellenőrzési algoritmust működtetnek. Az automatikus ellenőrzési algoritmussal nem kezelhető adatok ellenőrzését 5 részállású, egészségügyi képzettségű kontroller és 2 főállású munkatárs végzi. A regiszter működése során folyamatosan fejlesztették az ellenőrzés módszereit, ennek során 2018-tól a kontrollerek által ellenőrzött adatlapok utóellenőrzésére is sor kerül. Az utóellenőrzés során a már ellenőrzött adatlapok 2,4%-ában további javításra volt szükség. Eredmények Az utóellenőrzés eredménye, hogy a kontrolleri munkát hatékonyabbá sikerült tenni, mivel egyre kevesebb az utóellenőrzés során hibásnakring the operation of the patient registry. The integrity of the register database above 90% enables the continuous monitoring of the quality parameters of the system. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(2) 61-68.

The study of the authors concludes that the completeness and adequacy of the data need to be constantly monitored during the operation of the patient registry. The integrity of the register database above 90% enables the continuous monitoring of the quality parameters of the system. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(2) 61-68.Összefoglaló. Bevezetés A cardiovascularis halálokok közül világszerte nagy jelentőségű a hirtelen szívhalál. Annak ellenére, hogy a cardiopulmonalis resuscitatio és a postresuscitatiós intenzív osztályos kezelés is komoly metodikai és technikai fejlődésen ment keresztül az elmúlt időszakban, kevés az olyan validált pontrendszer, amely jól becsülné a beteg intenzív osztályra kerülésekor a mortalitási rizikót. Célkitűzés A sikeres újraélesztést követő intenzív osztályos kezelés kezdetekor felmért, a cardiogen shock rizikóstratifikációjára alkalmazott CardShock Risk Score (CSRS) és az általunk hozzáadott, specifikus súlyozófaktorokkal (iniciális ritmus, inotropigény) módosított CardShock Risk Score (mCSRS) összevetése a mortalitás előrejelzésében post-cardiac arrest szindrómás betegeknél. Módszerek Retrospektív vizsgálatunk során 172, kórházon kívül sikeresen újraélesztett és klinikánkon ellátott consecutiv betegből a CSRS- és mCSRS-pontrendszerek segítségével végül 123 beteg adatait elemeztük. A CSRS- és mCSRS to 3, 4 to 6, and 7+, respectively. Mortality data of the groups were compared by log-rank test.

Mean age of the patients was 63.6 years (69% male), the cause of sudden cardiac death was acut coronary syndrome in 80% of the cases. The early and late mortality was predicted by neurological status, serum lactate level, renal function, initial rhythm, and the need of catecholamines. Using mCSRS, a significant survival difference was proven in between the groups "1-3" vs "4-6" (p≤0.001), "4-6" vs "7+" (p = 0.006).

Compared to the CSRS, the mCSRS expanded with the 2 additional weighting points differentiates more specifically the low-moderate and high survival groups in the PCAS patient population treated in our institute. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(2) 52-60.

Compared to the CSRS, the mCSRS expanded with the 2 additional weighting points differentiates more specifically the low-moderate and high survival groups in the PCAS patient population treated in our institute. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(2) 52-60.Összefoglaló. A szárazszem-panaszok hátterében gyakran áll Meibom-mirigy-diszfunkció, melynek felismerése kiemelten fontos a hatékony kezelés érdekében. A Meibom-mirigyek kóros működése miatt a termelt lipid nem oszlik el megfelelően a szemfelszínen, így a könnyfilm párolgása fokozódik. A könnytermelési zavar következtében szárazszem-panaszok alakulnak ki, melyek a hagyományos könnypótló kezelésre rendszerint csak átmenetileg javulnak. A Meibom-mirigy-diszfunkciót gyakran kíséri a szemhéjszél Demodex-atka-fertőzése - az atka eradikálása szükséges a mirigyek működésének helyreállításához és ezáltal a panaszok megszüntetéséhez. A Meibom-mirigy-diszfunkció a leggyakrabban enyhe formában jelentkezik; a terápia ilyenkor a beteg által is elvégezhető szemhéjtisztításból áll, míg a gyógyszeres kezelés csak az előrehaladottabb, kifejezett gyulladással járó formákban szükséges. Az összefoglaló áttekinti a Meibom-mirigy-diszfunkció klinikai jeleivel és kezelésével kapcsolatos legfontosabb tudnivalókat, különös tekintettcologic treatment. This review summarizes the most important knowledge on the clinical signs and treatment of Meibomian gland dysfunction with particular attention to the diagnosis and treatment of ocular Demodex infection. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(2) 43-51.

Cancer diagnosis can adversely affect mental well-being and overall clinical outcome. We evaluated the efficacy of a group-led creative writing workshop (CWW) on mood in patients with cancer prospectively.

We conducted a single-institution phase II study. Sixty adult patients with cancer (any type or stage) were randomised 21 to CWW (4×CWW sessions, bimonthly over 8 weeks) versus active control (AC) (independent writing at home with the help of a book, four sessions, bimonthly over 8 weeks). The total study duration was 6 months with a follow-up of up to 3 months.

changes in overall mood, depression and anxiety symptoms before and after intervention in both arms. Emotional Thermometer Scale (ETS) was used to assess changes in patients' mood. Additionally, the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 and General Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD)-7 were used to evaluate depression and anxiety symptoms.

Of 50 evaluable patients (CWW 34, AC 17), 26 patients in the CWW arm attended at least one class and 19 attended at least four classes. Patients in CWW had significant immediate improvement in the overall ETS (post vs preclass scores; p<0.0001, 95% CI -4.31 to -2.47). Four of the five subscale ETS scores were significantly lower for the CWW arm distress (p=0.0346, 95% CI -2.6 to -0.1), anxiety (p=0.0366, 95% CI -4.1 to -0.2), depression (p=0.0441, 95% CI -3.9 to -0.1) and anger (p=0.0494, 95% CI -3.3 to 0). No significant differences were seen in the AC arm. No significant differences were observed in the PHQ-9 or the GAD-7 scores.

CWW had a positive effect on mood based on ETS scores, suggesting a potential therapeutic benefit among patients with cancer.

CWW had a positive effect on mood based on ETS scores, suggesting a potential therapeutic benefit among patients with cancer.In this study; Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) parameters of the spherical nucleus have been estimated by using artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms. The ANN training has been carried out with the Levenberg-Marquardt feed-forward algorithm in order to provide fast convergence and stability in ANN training and experimental data, taken from Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL). R values of the system have been found as 0.99636, 0.94649, and 0.98318 for resonance energy, full width half maximum, and resonance cross-section, respectively. Obtained results have been compared with the GDR parameters which are taken from the literature. To validate our findings, newly acquired GDR parameters were then replaced with the existing GDR parameters in the TALYS 1.95 code and 142-146Nd(γ,n)141-145Nd reaction cross-sections have been calculated and compared with the experimental data taken from the literature. As a result of the study, it has been shown that ANN algorithms can be used to calculate the GDR parameters in the absence of the experimental data.While it is often stated that psychiatric co-morbidity in PWE is under-recognized and under-treated, little research has directly examined this assertion. The aims of this study were to understand the rates of confirmed diagnosis and treatment of depression and anxiety in people with epilepsy (PWE). Two samples were recruited a hospital sample of 106 adult outpatients with epilepsy who underwent a structured psychiatric diagnostic interview and a community sample of 273 PWE who completed validated measures of depression and anxiety symptoms online. In the hospital sample, fewer participants who met criteria for an anxiety disorder had received a prior diagnosis compared to those with a depressive disorder (36% vs 67%). In the community sample, the rates of known diagnosis were comparable (65% vs. 69%). Approximately, one-third of PWE with an anxiety disorder (or clinically significant symptoms) were receiving current treatment compared to approximately half of those with depression. These findings confirm the high rates of psychiatric co-morbidity in PWE and indicate that a large proportion of anxiety diagnoses, in particular, are undetected and not receiving either pharmacological or psychological support. Future work is needed to improve the detection and management of psychiatric co-morbidity in PWE, especially for anxiety disorders.

To assess based on a single-center data from a multicenter trial (Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus for the Thalamus for Epilepsy (SANTE)), the role of anatomical connectivity and other factors (e.g., stimulating electrode placement) on efficacy of electro-therapy of the anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN), a node in Papez network, on pharmaco-resistant seizures.

Adults with at least 6 seizures /month were enrolled in this trial. Percent seizure reduction was compared between subjects with seizures emerging inside Papez's network (IPN) to those with seizures outside it (OPN). Statistical analyses were performed on the first year of the trial.

Data from 11 subjects were analyzed. At Year 1, median seizure reduction was 80.5% (-100% to -40.3%) in 8/11 subjects with seizures IPN, vs. 52.8% (-61.4% to -23.7%) for 3/11 subjects with seizures OPN (2-sided Wilcoxon p = 0.08). At year 7, 3/11 subjects with seizures IPN had been seizure free for several years vs. 0/11 subjects with seizures OPN. Addition of 4 subjects from a pilot trial with nearly identical protocol to SANTE's, increased to 12/15 the number of subjects with seizures IPN.

Autoři článku: Blackburngibbs0026 (Cannon Bennett)