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Resistivity anomaly, a sharp peak of resistivity at finite temperatures, in the transition-metal pentatellurides ZrTe_5 and HfTe_5 was observed four decades ago, and more exotic and anomalous behaviors of electric and thermoelectric transport were revealed in recent years. Here, we present a theory of Dirac polarons, composed by massive Dirac electrons and holes in an encircling cloud of lattice displacements or phonons at finite temperatures. The chemical potential of Dirac polarons sweeps the band gap of the topological band structure by increasing the temperature, leading to the resistivity anomaly. Formation of a nearly neutral state of Dirac polarons accounts for the anomalous behaviors of the electric and thermoelectric resistivity around the peak of resistivity.We consider a noninteracting many-fermion system populating levels of a unitary random matrix ensemble (equivalent to the q=2 complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model)-a generic model of single-particle quantum chaos. We study the corresponding many-particle level statistics by calculating the spectral form factor analytically using algebraic methods of random matrix theory, and match it with an exact numerical simulation. Despite the integrability of the theory, the many-body spectral rigidity is found to have a surprisingly rich landscape. In particular, we find a residual repulsion of distant many-body levels stemming from single-particle chaos, together with islands of level attraction. These results are encoded in an exponential ramp in the spectral form factor, which we show to be a universal feature of nonergodic many-fermion systems embedded in a chaotic medium.We discuss plasmons of biased twisted bilayer graphene when the Fermi level lies inside the gap. The collective excitations are a network of chiral edge plasmons (CEP) entirely composed of excitations in the topological electronic edge states that appear at the AB-BA interfaces. The CEP form a hexagonal network with a unique energy scale ε_p=(e^2)/(ε_0εt_0) with t_0 the moiré lattice constant and ε the dielectric constant. From the dielectric matrix we obtain the plasmon spectra that has two main characteristics (i) a diverging density of states at zero energy, and (ii) the presence of a plasmonic Dirac cone at ℏω∼ε_p/2 with sound velocity v_D=0.0075c, which is formed by zigzag and armchair current oscillations. A network model reveals that the antisymmetry of the plasmon bands implies that CEP scatter at the hexagon vertices maximally in the deflected chiral outgoing directions, with a current ratio of 4/9 into each of the deflected directions and 1/9 into the forward one. We show that scanning near-field microscopy should be able to observe the predicted plasmonic Dirac cone and its broken symmetry phases.Though the celebrated spin echoes have been widely used to reverse quantum dynamics, they are not applicable to systems whose constituents are beyond the control of the su(2) algebra. Here, we design echoes to reverse quantum dynamics of breathers in three-dimensional unitary fermions and two-dimensional bosons and fermions with contact interactions, which are governed by an underlying su(1,1) algebra. Geometrically, SU(1,1) echoes produce closed trajectories on a single or multiple Poincaré disks and thus could recover any initial states without changing the sign of the Hamiltonian. In particular, the initial shape of a breather determines the superposition of trajectories on multiple Poincaré disks and whether the revival time has period multiplication. Our work provides physicists with a recipe to tailor collective excitations of interacting many-body systems.We develop an inverse geometric optimization technique that allows the derivation of optimal and robust exact solutions of low-dimension quantum control problems driven by external fields. We determine in the dynamical variable space optimal trajectories constrained to robust solutions by Euler-Lagrange optimization; the control fields are then derived from the obtained robust geodesics and the inverted dynamical equations. We apply this method, referred to as robust inverse optimization (RIO), to design optimal control fields producing a complete or half population transfer and a not quantum gate robust with respect to the pulse inhomogeneities. The method is versatile and can be applied to numerous quantum control problems, e.g., other gates, other types of imperfections, Raman processes, or dynamical decoupling of undesirable effects.We present a specific near-field configuration where an electrostatic force gradient is found to strongly enhance the optomechanical driving of an atomic force microscope cantilever sensor. It is shown that incident photons generate a photothermal effect that couples with electrostatic fields even at tip-surface separations as large as several wavelengths, dominating the cantilever dynamics. learn more The effect is the result of resonant phenomena where the photothermal-induced parametric driving acts conjointly (or against, depending on electric field direction) with a photovoltage generation in the cantilever. The results are achieved experimentally in an atomic force microscope operating in vacuum and explained theoretically through numerical simulations of the equation of motion of the cantilever. Intrinsic electrostatic effects arising from the electronic work-function difference of tip and surface are also highlighted. The findings are readily relevant for other optomicromechanical systems where electrostatic force gradients can be implemented.Research on breaking time-reversal symmetry to realize one-way wave propagation is a growing area in photonic and phononic crystals and metamaterials. In this Letter, we present physical realization of an acoustic waveguide with spatiotemporally modulated boundary conditions to realize nonreciprocal transport and acoustic topological pumping. The modulated waveguide inspired by a water wheel consists of a helical tube rotating around a slotted tube at a controllable speed. The rotation of the helical tube creates moving boundary conditions for the exposed waveguide sections at a constant speed. We experimentally demonstrate acoustic nonreciprocity and topologically robust bulk-edge correspondences for this system, which is in good agreement with analytical and numerical predictions. The nonreciprocal waveguide is a one-dimensional analog to the two-dimensional quantum Hall effect for acoustic circulators and is characterized by a robust integer-valued Chern number. These findings provide insight into practical implications of topological modes in acoustics and the implementation of higher-dimensional topological acoustics where time serves as a synthetic dimension.

Autoři článku: Blaabjerglowe4632 (Santos Doyle)