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Drug delivery to the brain is limited by poor penetration of pharmaceutical agents across the blood-brain barrier (BBB), within the brain parenchyma, and into specific cells of interest. Nanotechnology can overcome these barriers, but its ability to do so is dependent on nanoparticle physicochemical properties including surface chemistry. Surface chemistry can be determined by a number of factors, including by the presence of stabilizing surfactant molecules introduced during the formulation process. Nanoparticles coated with poloxamer 188 (F68), poloxamer 407 (F127), and polysorbate 80 (P80) have demonstrated uptake in BBB endothelial cells and enhanced accumulation within the brain. However, the impact of surfactants on nanoparticle fate, and specifically on brain extracellular diffusion or intracellular targeting, must be better understood to design nanotherapeutics to efficiently overcome drug delivery barriers in the brain. Here, we evaluated the effect of the biocompatible and commonly used surfactants cholic acid (CHA), F68, F127, P80, and poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) on poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid)-poly (ethylene glycol) (PLGA-PEG) nanoparticle transport to and within the brain. The inclusion of these surfactant molecules decreases diffusive ability through brain tissue, reflecting the surfactant's role in encouraging cellular interaction at short length and time scales. After in vivo administration, PLGA-PEG/P80 nanoparticles demonstrated enhanced penetration across the BBB and subsequent internalization within neurons and microglia. Surfactants incorporated into the formulation of PLGA-PEG nanoparticles therefore represent an important design parameter for controlling nanoparticle fate within the brain.

Youngsters who are overweight or obese (YOO) have become an important global health concern. Some micronutrients may be modifiable influential factors. This study aimed to investigate the individual and joint association of whole-blood magnesium (WBMg) and total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in YOO.

This is a propensity score matching-based case-control study. YOO was defined depending on age- and sex-specific body mass index z-score, calculated with SAS macros (%group_standard and %WHO2007) from the World Health Organization website. WBMg, blood lipids, and covariates were carefully measured by trained technicians using a whole-blood, five-element, basic analyzer and atomic absorption spectrometer or automatic biochemical analyzer. Locally weighted scattered plot smoothing and multivariable conditional logistic regression models were applied to estimate the associations of WBMg and blood lipids in YOO.

Went risk factor of YOO, and the associations were stronger among those with unhealthy blood lipids. Our findings can help to guide clinical and public health policies on the relevance of magnesium nutritional status.An innovative localized-mixing concept was tested in an Anaerobic Plug Flow Reactor (AnPFR) treating Food Waste (FW) mixed with municipal Wastewater (WW). The proposed concept consists of placing propellers along the shaft of the AnPFR at key points that represent the mid-region of each of the anaerobic digestion stages hydrolysis, acidogenesis, and methanogenesis. First, the need for and efficiency of localized mixing (the new concept suggested by the authors) were investigated. While the main benefit of localized mixing is the reduction of energy demand associated with (conventional) uniform mixing (i.e., throughout the longitudinal axis), the system can also benefit from synergetic reactions in non-mixed zones. In fact, at a Total Solid (TS) content of 15% (Organic Loading Rate (OLR) of 4.2 g VS.L - 1.d - 1) and a Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) of 28 days, the mixing pattern was sufficient to maintain stable operation, with high removal rates (up to 96% of solids) and high biogas generation (1128 ± 55 ml.greas for enhanced biochemical synergies.The conversion of organic wastes/wastewater into medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) such as caproate has attracted much attention, while the effects of toxic compounds on the process have rarely been studied. The present study investigated the effects of phenol (0-1.5 g/L), which is a toxicant and present in various organic wastes, on the caproate production in the chain elongation (CE) process with ethanol as electron donor via two-stage batch anaerobic fermentation of glucose. The results showed phenol ≤ 1 g/L did not affect short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) production, while 1 g/L phenol increased caproate production by 59.9% in the following CE process. The higher selectivity of caproate and higher consumption of ethanol contributed to the higher caproate production at 1 g/L phenol. It was also shown 1 g/L phenol had more positive effect on CE of butyrate than acetate. 1.5 g/L phenol inhibited both SCFAs production and CE processes. 16S rRNA genes analysis showed phenol had slight effect on the microbial communities for SCFAs production, while it obviously changed the dominant microbes in CE process. For CE process, metagenomic analysis was further conducted and phenol mainly affected fatty acid biosynthesis (FAB) pathway, but not reverse β-oxidization (RBO) pathway. 1 g/L phenol increased the abundances of genes in FAB pathway, which could be related with the higher caproate production. Genome reconstruction identified the dominant microbial species in CE process, which were changed with different concentrations of phenol. Most of the dominant species were new microbial species potentially involved in CE. The syntrophic cooperation between Petrimonas mucosa FDU058 and Methanofollis sp. FDU007 might play important role in increased caproate production at 1 g/L phenol, and their adaption to phenol could be due to the presence of genes relating with active efflux system and refolding of proteins.Extensive use of organoarsenic feed additives such as roxarsone has caused organoarsenicals to occur in livestock wastewater and further within anaerobic wastewater treatment systems. Currently, information on the long-term impacts of roxarsone on anaerobic granular sludge (AGS) activity and the underlying mechanisms is very limited. In this study, the response of AGS to long-term loading of roxarsone was investigated using a laboratory up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor spiked with 5.0 mg L-1 of roxarsone. Under the effect of roxarsone, methane production decreased by ∼40% due to the complete inhibition on acetoclastic methanogenic activity on day 260, before being restored eventually. Over 30% of the influent arsenic was accumulated in the AGS and the capability of AGS to prevent intracellular As(III) accumulation increased with time. The AGS size was reduced by ∼30% to 1.20‒1.26 mm. Based on morphology and confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis, roxarsone exposure stimulated the excretion of extracellular polymeric substances and the surface spalling of AGS. High-throughput sequencing analysis further indicated roxarsone initially altered the acidogenic pathway and severely inhibited the acetoclastic methanogen Methanothrix. Acetogenic bacteria and Methanothrix were finally enriched and became the main contributor for a full restoration of the initial methane production. These findings provide a deeper understanding on the effect of organoarsenicals on AGS, which is highly beneficial for the effective anaerobic treatment of organoarsenic-bearing wastewater.Water quality events such as increases in stormwater or wastewater effluent in drinking water sources pose hazards to drinking water consumers. Stormwater and wastewater effluent enter Lake Mead-an important drinking water source in the southwest USA-via the Las Vegas Wash. Previous studies have applied machine learning and online instruments to detect contamination in water distribution systems. However, alert systems at drinking water intakes would provide more time for corrective action. An array of online instruments measuring pH, conductivity, redox potential, turbidity, temperature, tryptophan-like fluorescence, UV absorbance (UVA254), TOC, and chlorophyll-a was fed raw water directly from Lake Mead. Wastewater effluent, dry weather Las Vegas Wash, and storm-impacted Las Vegas Wash samples were blended into the instrument inlets at known ratios to simulate three types of adverse water quality events. Data preprocessing was conducted to correct for diurnal patterns or instrument drift. Supervised machine learning was conducted using previously published models in R. Ninety-nine models were screened on the raw data. Eight high-performing models were evaluated in-depth and optimized. Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors, Single C5.0 Ruleset, Mixture Discriminant Analysis, and an ensemble of these three models had accuracy over 97% when assigning test set data among three classes (Normal, Event, or Maintenance). The ensemble detected all event types at the earliest timepoint and had one false positive that was not a lag error (i.e., consecutively following a true positive). Omitting Maintenance, the Adaboost model had over 99% test set accuracy and zero false positives that were not lag errors. Data preprocessing was beneficial, but the optimal methods were model-specific. All nine water quality variables were useful for most models, but UVA254 and turbidity were most important.Selenate and sulfide are both contaminants which severely pollute water bodies. Respective bioremediation of selenate- and sulfide-contaminated wastewaters requires abundant electron donors and acceptors. Here, we present a novel concept coupling biological selenate to selenite (shortcut deselenization) and chemical sulfide-driven selenite reduction, to remove multiple pollutants simultaneously. Vial tests showed that shortcut deselenization could save at least two thirds of operation time and one third of carbon source, compared to the complete deselenization to elemental selenium. Subsequent co-removal of sulfide and selenite was optimized at reaction pH of ∼10 and reactant molar ratio of ∼4. Using a newly-designed continuous flow system, >95% removal of both selenate and sulfide was achieved by coupling shortcut deselenization to sulfide oxidation. A series of characterization tools revealed that the final collected precipitates were comprised of high-purity hexagonal selenium (97.4%, wt) and inconsiderable sulfur (2.6%, wt). Superior over selenate-reducing solutions generally producing selenium mixed with reagents or microorganisms, the selenium products generated here were highly purified thus very favorable for further recovery and reuse. Overall, this proof-of-concept study provided a promising technology not only for co-removal of multiple pollutants, but also for substantial costs saving, as well as for valuable products recovery.

The importance of school teachers' knowledge of and attitudes toward epilepsy and its contribution in improving the links between the Education and Health fields, is well recognized and appreciated. In order to clarify the amount of misconceptions about epilepsy among Tunisian teachers, we conducted a web-based survey. The main objectives of our study were, first, to determine the knowledge about and attitudes toward epilepsy, and second, to specify factors associated with a better understanding of this disease.

Data were collected using a web-based survey "Google Forms".

The study showed a positive correlation between the level of teachers' knowledge of epilepsy and their attitudes toward a person with epilepsy. Despite the knowledge gaps revealed in Tunisian teachers, the overall attitude was at large positive. selleck kinase inhibitor Familiarity with epilepsy, whether through family or work environment, made a tremendous contribution in redressing misconceptions about epilepsy in our study.

More educational interventions and programs are needed to increase teachers' familiarity with epilepsy and, consequently, increase their awareness and knowledge.

Autoři článku: Blaabjerglake9834 (Patterson Breen)