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However, second-generation biofuels have, in general, a greater potential to reduce the emissions, provided there is no LUC. Third-generation biofuels do not represent a feasible option at present state of development as their GHG emissions are higher than those from fossil fuels. As also discussed in the paper, several studies show that reductions in GHG emissions from biofuels are achieved at the expense of other impacts, such as acidification, eutrophication, water footprint and biodiversity loss. The paper also investigates the key methodological aspects and sources of uncertainty in the LCA of biofuels and provides recommendations to address these issues.We propose the use of hybrid entanglement in an entanglement swapping protocol, as means of distributing a Bell state with high fidelity to two parties. The hybrid entanglement used in this work is described as a discrete variable (Fock state) and a continuous variable (cat state super- position) entangled state. We model equal and unequal levels of photonic loss between the two propagating continuous variable modes, before detecting these states via a projective vacuum-one-photon measurement, and the other mode via balanced homodyne detection. We investigate homodyne measurement imperfections, and the associated success probability of the measurement schemes chosen in this protocol. We show that our entanglement swapping scheme is resilient to low levels of photonic losses, as well as low levels of averaged unequal losses between the two propagating modes, and show an improvement in this loss resilience over other hybrid entanglement schemes using coherent state superpositions as the propagating modes. Finally, we conclude that our protocol is suitable for potential quantum networking applications which require two nodes to share entanglement separated over a distance of 5 -- 10   km , when used with a suitable entanglement purification scheme.Double-precision floating-point arithmetic (FP64) has been the de facto standard for engineering and scientific simulations for several decades. Problem complexity and the sheer volume of data coming from various instruments and sensors motivate researchers to mix and match various approaches to optimize compute resources, including different levels of floating-point precision. In recent years, machine learning has motivated hardware support for half-precision floating-point arithmetic. A primary challenge in high-performance computing is to leverage reduced-precision and mixed-precision hardware. We show how the FP16/FP32 Tensor Cores on NVIDIA GPUs can be exploited to accelerate the solution of linear systems of equations Ax = b without sacrificing numerical stability. The techniques we employ include multiprecision LU factorization, the preconditioned generalized minimal residual algorithm (GMRES), and scaling and auto-adaptive rounding to avoid overflow. We also show how to efficiently handle systems with multiple right-hand sides. On the NVIDIA Quadro GV100 (Volta) GPU, we achieve a 4 × - 5 × performance increase and 5× better energy efficiency versus the standard FP64 implementation while maintaining an FP64 level of numerical stability.Semantic edge detection has recently gained a lot of attention as an image-processing task, mainly because of its wide range of real-world applications. This is based on the fact that edges in images contain most of the semantic information. Semantic edge detection involves two tasks, namely pure edge detection and edge classification. Those are in fact fundamentally distinct in terms of the level of abstraction that each task requires. This fact is known as the distracted supervision paradox and limits the possible performance of a supervised model in semantic edge detection. Bisindolylmaleimide IX cost In this work, we will present a novel hybrid method that is based on a combination of the model-based concept of shearlets, which provides probably optimally sparse approximations of a model class of images, and the data-driven method of a suitably designed convolutional neural network. We show that it avoids the distracted supervision paradox and achieves high performance in semantic edge detection. In addition, our approach requires significantly fewer parameters than a pure data-driven approach. Finally, we present several applications such as tomographic reconstruction and show that our approach significantly outperforms former methods, thereby also indicating the value of such hybrid methods for biomedical imaging.Quantifying the differences between networks is a challenging and ever-present problem in network science. In recent years, a multitude of diverse, ad hoc solutions to this problem have been introduced. Here, we propose that simple and well-understood ensembles of random networks-such as Erdős-Rényi graphs, random geometric graphs, Watts-Strogatz graphs, the configuration model and preferential attachment networks-are natural benchmarks for network comparison methods. Moreover, we show that the expected distance between two networks independently sampled from a generative model is a useful property that encapsulates many key features of that model. To illustrate our results, we calculate this within-ensemble graph distance and related quantities for classic network models (and several parameterizations thereof) using 20 distance measures commonly used to compare graphs. The within-ensemble graph distance provides a new framework for developers of graph distances to better understand their creations and for practitioners to better choose an appropriate tool for their particular task.W.C.Cheng validly published the name Juniperus pingii W.C.Cheng in 1944 by providing a validating Latin diagnosis in de Ferré (1944), but he failed to cite any specimen. He repeated the publication of the name in 1947 with the same Latin diagnosis; he thus published an isonym "J. pingii" under Art. 6 Note 2. Cheng (1947) lectotypified the name J. pingii when he designated W.C.Cheng 1015 as the "type" of the isonym. Farjon (2005) overlooked this early designation and his lectotypification of the name with the illustration from the 1944 protologue is not effective as the W.C.Cheng 1015 specimen is extant.Two new species of Fargesia, one from Xizang (Tibet) and one from Yunnan, China, are described and illustrated. Fargesia viridis D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye is characterized by its densely white powder, nearly solid internodes, yellow setose sheath scar and culm sheaths, and 4-6 leaves of large size. Fargesia purpurea D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye has thinner culms (0.5-1.4 cm in diameter), a ring of 4-5 mm tall brown setae below nodes, fewer branches, glabrous sheath scar and culm sheaths, differentiated from the related species.In the process of undertaking a comprehensive review of the pteridophytes of the Solomon Islands, multiple unidentified specimens of the fern genus Ptisana Murdock (Marattiaceae) were collected. Morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses as well as field observations were required to identify the Solomon Islands taxa. Four species and one variety are recognized from the Solomon Islands Ptisana ambulans Murdock & C.W. Chen, sp. nov., Ptisana decipiens Murdock & C.W. Chen, sp. nov., Ptisana decipiens var. delicata Murdock & C.W. Chen, var. nov., Ptisana papuana (Alderw.) Murdock & C.W. Chen, comb. nov., and Ptisana smithii (Mett. ex Kuhn) Murdock. The complexities in the identification of Solomon Islands collections show the limits of morphology in the genus and illuminate a path forward for untangling the Ptisana taxonomy on a broader scale.Information gaps about species distribution hamper the evaluation of conservation status and decisions on biodiversity conservation, affecting to a greater extent, areas with high species richness and endemism. In this context, biological inventories are an important tool to fill these gaps by providing data on the composition, richness, and abundance of species in each locality. The Parque Nacional da Serra das Lontras (PNSL) protects various mountain range just up 1000 m. in altitude, and, together with other conservation units, forms an ecological corridor in the southern part of the state of Bahia, within the Atlantic Forest hotspot. We conducted systematic samplings on transects, and opportunistic records in ponds and streams, in order to record amphibian and reptile species in the PNSL. We complement the sampling with the information available in the literature and in scientific collections. A total of 100 species (49 amphibians and 51 reptiles) was recorded, 53 of them endemic to the Atlantic Forest, 13 to the state of Bahia, and two known only from the PNSL. Hylidae was the most diverse family of amphibians (22 spp.) and Colubridae of reptiles (33 spp.). New information on the distribution and natural history of these species is provided, many of which have not yet been assessed by the IUCN while others have already been categorized as at risk of extinction at the regional level. Results confirm the high species richness and rates of endemism in southern Bahia and highlight the importance of protecting high altitude areas for the preservation of evolutionary and ecological processes within the Atlantic Forest.The Atlantic Forest is one of the largest and richest tropical rainforests on the planet, being one of the 25 world priorities for conservation. The Atlantic Forest portion located north of the São Francisco River corresponds to the Pernambuco Endemism Center (PEC). We describe the snake composition of the PEC, providing information about the diversity, natural history and geographical distribution of the species, based on records from five scientific collections and additional information from the literature. A total of 78 species of snakes distributed in eight families was registered in the Pernambuco Endemism Center. The Caatinga is the Brazilian biome that most shares species with the PEC, followed by Cerrado. On the other hand, seven species are considered endemic of this region. Most of the snake species in the PEC have been registered in forest (94.8%), followed by "Brejos Nordestinos" (46.1%), Tabuleiros (43.5%), Restingas (14.1%) and Mangroves (5.1%). The PEC snake fauna includes mainly terrestrial species (60.2%) and cryptozoic and/or fossorial species (21.7%), but also presents a high richness of semi-arboreal and arboreal species (29.5%). Vertebrates are the main food item consumed by the species (78% of species), among the main prey are mammals, lizards, and amphibians. Most species show a strictly nocturnal activity period (50%), followed by strictly diurnal (38%). The PEC is the most degraded and least known region of the Atlantic Forest, yet it has revealed a high richness of snake species, including seven endemic species. It is emphasized that regional conservation efforts need to be intensified, because few forests in the region are formally protected, and the majority consist of small and poorly protected fragments, which means that many species in the region may be in risk of extinction.Material collected between 1994 and 2020 in the Philippines, covering most main islands like Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan, Negros, Cebu, Leyte, and Mindanao and some smaller islands, substantially increased our knowledge of Labiobaetis Novikova & Kluge in this archipelago. Only three species were previously reported L. molawinensis (Müller-Liebenau, 1982) and L. sumigarensis (Müller-Liebenau, 1982) from larvae and L. boettgeri (Ulmer, 1924) from adults. Eighteen new species have been identified using a combination of morphology and genetic distance (COI, Kimura 2-parameter). They are described and illustrated based on their larvae and a key to all species in the Philippines is provided. The total number of Labiobaetis in the Philippines has increased to 21 species. Additional diversity of Labiobaetis based on molecular evidence only is presented as Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs) without description. The interspecific K2P distances in the Philippines are between 15% and 27%, the intraspecific distances are usually between 0% and 3%.

Autoři článku: Bjerglim6890 (Kofoed Albrektsen)