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We select gastric cancer as the target disease and use the proposed transfer learning approach to predict its morbidity in the source region and three target regions. The results show that, given only a limited number of labeled samples, our approach achieves an average prediction accuracy of over 80% in the source region and up to 78% in the target regions, which can contribute considerably to improving medical preparedness and response.A least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) offers performance comparable to that of SVMs for classification and regression. The main limitation of LS-SVM is that it lacks sparsity compared with SVMs, making LS-SVM unsuitable for handling large-scale data due to computation and memory costs. To obtain sparse LS-SVM, several pruning methods based on an iterative strategy were recently proposed but did not consider the quantity constraint on the number of reserved support vectors, as widely used in real-life applications. In this article, a noniterative algorithm is proposed based on the selection of globally representative points (global-representation-based sparse least squares support vector machine, GRS-LSSVM) to improve the performance of sparse LS-SVM. this website For the first time, we present a model of sparse LS-SVM with a quantity constraint. In solving the optimal solution of the model, we find that using globally representative points to construct the reserved support vector set produces a better solution than other methods. We design an indicator based on point density and point dispersion to evaluate the global representation of points in feature space. Using the indicator, the top globally representative points are selected in one step from all points to construct the reserved support vector set of sparse LS-SVM. After obtaining the set, the decision hyperplane of sparse LS-SVM is directly computed using an algebraic formula. This algorithm only consumes O(N2) in computational complexity and O(N) in memory cost which makes it suitable for large-scale data sets. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has higher sparsity, greater stability, and lower computational complexity than the traditional iterative algorithms.In machine learning, it is common to interpret each data sample as a multivariate vector disregarding the correlations among covariates. However, the data may actually be functional, i.e., each data point is a function of some variable, such as time, and the function is discretely sampled. The naive treatment of functional data as traditional multivariate data can lead to poor performance due to the correlations. In this article, we focus on subspace clustering for functional data or curves and propose a new method robust to shift and rotation. The idea is to define a function or curve and all its versions generated by shift and rotation as an equivalent class and then to find the subspace structure among all equivalent classes as the surrogate for all curves. Experimental evaluation on synthetic and real data reveals that this method massively outperforms prior clustering methods in both speed and accuracy when clustering functional data.Training neural networks is recently a hot topic in machine learning due to its great success in many applications. link2 Since the neural networks' training usually involves a highly nonconvex optimization problem, it is difficult to design optimization algorithms with perfect convergence guarantees to derive a neural network estimator of high quality. In this article, we borrow the well-known random sketching strategy from kernel methods to transform the training of shallow rectified linear unit (ReLU) nets into a linear least-squares problem. Using the localized approximation property of shallow ReLU nets and a recently developed dimensionality-leveraging scheme, we succeed in equipping shallow ReLU nets with a specific random sketching scheme. The efficiency of the suggested random sketching strategy is guaranteed by theoretical analysis and also verified via a series of numerical experiments. Theoretically, we show that the proposed random sketching is almost optimal in terms of both approximation capability and learning performance. This implies that random sketching does not degenerate the performance of shallow ReLU nets. Numerically, we show that random sketching can significantly reduce the computational burden of numerous backpropagation (BP) algorithms while maintaining their learning performance.Person re-identification (re-ID) favors discriminative representations over unseen shots to recognize identities in disjoint camera views. Effective methods are developed via pair-wise similarity learning to detect a fixed set of region features, which can be mapped to compute the similarity value. However, relevant parts of each image are detected independently without referring to the correlation on the other image. Also, region-based methods spatially position local features for their aligned similarities. In this article, we introduce the deep coattention-based comparator (DCC) to fuse codependent representations of paired images so as to correlate the best relevant parts and produce their relative representations accordingly. The proposed approach mimics the human foveation to detect the distinct regions concurrently across images and alternatively attends to fuse them into the similarity learning. Our comparator is capable of learning representations relative to a test shot and well-suited to reidentifying pedestrians in surveillance. We perform extensive experiments to provide the insights and demonstrate the state of the arts achieved by our method in benchmark data sets 1.2 and 2.5 points gain in mean average precision (mAP) on DukeMTMC-reID and Market-1501, respectively.Heteroscedastic regression considering the varying noises among observations has many applications in the fields, such as machine learning and statistics. Here, we focus on the heteroscedastic Gaussian process (HGP) regression that integrates the latent function and the noise function in a unified nonparametric Bayesian framework. Though showing remarkable performance, HGP suffers from the cubic time complexity, which strictly limits its application to big data. To improve the scalability, we first develop a variational sparse inference algorithm, named VSHGP, to handle large-scale data sets. Furthermore, two variants are developed to improve the scalability and capability of VSHGP. The first is stochastic VSHGP (SVSHGP) that derives a factorized evidence lower bound, thus enhancing efficient stochastic variational inference. The second is distributed VSHGP (DVSHGP) that follows the Bayesian committee machine formalism to distribute computations over multiple local VSHGP experts with many inducing points and adopts hybrid parameters for experts to guard against overfitting and capture local variety. The superiority of DVSHGP and SVSHGP compared to the existing scalable HGP/homoscedastic GP is then extensively verified on various data sets.This article is concerned with a neural adaptive tracking control scheme for a class of multiinput and multioutput (MIMO) nonaffine nonlinear systems with event-triggered mechanisms, which include the fixed thresholds, triggering control inputs, and decreasing functions of tracking errors. link3 Unlike the existing results of nonaffine nonlinear controller decoupling, a novel nonlinear multiple control inputs separated design method is proposed based on the mean-value theorem and the Taylor expansion technique. By this way, a weaker condition of nonlinear decoupling is provided to instead of the previous ones. Then, introducing a prescribed performance barrier Lyapunov function (PPBLF) and using neural networks (NNs), the presented event-triggered controller can maintain better tracking performance and effectively alleviate the computation burden of the communication procedure. Furthermore, it is proved that all the closed-loop signals are bounded and the system output tracking errors are confined within the prescribed bounds. Finally, the simulation results are given to demonstrate the validity of the developed control scheme.One-class classification (OCC) poses as an essential component in many machine learning and computer vision applications, including novelty, anomaly, and outlier detection systems. With a known definition for a target or normal set of data, one-class classifiers can determine if any given new sample spans within the distribution of the target class. Solving for this task in a general setting is particularly very challenging, due to the high diversity of samples from the target class and the absence of any supervising signal over the novelty (nontarget) concept, which makes designing end-to-end models unattainable. In this article, we propose an adversarial training approach to detect out-of-distribution samples in an end-to-end trainable deep model. To this end, we jointly train two deep neural networks, R and D. The latter plays as the discriminator while the former, during training, helps D characterize a probability distribution for the target class by creating adversarial examples and, during testing, collaborates with it to detect novelties. Using our OCC, we first test outlier detection on two image data sets, Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) and Caltech-256. Then, several experiments for video anomaly detection are performed on University of Minnesota (UMN) and University of California, San Diego (UCSD) data sets. Our proposed method can successfully learn the target class underlying distribution and outperforms other approaches.This article aims to tackle the problem of group activity recognition in the multiple-person scene. To model the group activity with multiple persons, most long short-term memory (LSTM)-based methods first learn the person-level action representations by several LSTMs and then integrate all the person-level action representations into the following LSTM to learn the group-level activity representation. This type of solution is a two-stage strategy, which neglects the ``host-parasite relationship between the group-level activity (``host) and person-level actions (``parasite) in spatiotemporal space. To this end, we propose a novel graph LSTM-in-LSTM (GLIL) for group activity recognition by modeling the person-level actions and the group-level activity simultaneously. GLIL is a ``host-parasite architecture, which can be seen as several person LSTMs (P-LSTMs) in the local view or a graph LSTM (G-LSTM) in the global view. Specifically, P-LSTMs model the person-level actions based on the interactions among persons. Meanwhile, G-LSTM models the group-level activity, where the person-level motion information in multiple P-LSTMs is selectively integrated and stored into G-LSTM based on their contributions to the inference of the group activity class. Furthermore, to use the person-level temporal features instead of the person-level static features as the input of GLIL, we introduce a residual LSTM with the residual connection to learn the person-level residual features, consisting of temporal features and static features. Experimental results on two public data sets illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed GLIL compared with state-of-the-art methods.

Autoři článku: Bidstrupkorsholm2450 (Mckenzie McGarry)